Revision 3ab38c43 docs/source/devguide.rst

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Pithos is a storage service implemented by GRNET ( Data is stored as objects, organized in containers, belonging to an account. This hierarchy of storage layers has been inspired by the OpenStack Object Storage (OOS) API and similar CloudFiles API by Rackspace. The Pithos API follows the OOS API as closely as possible. One of the design requirements has been to be able to use Pithos with clients built for the OOS, without changes.
8 8

However, to be able to take full advantage of the Pithos infrastructure, client software should be aware of the extensions that differentiate Pithos from OOS. Pithos objects can be updated, or appended to. Automatic version management, allows taking account and container listings back in time, as well as reading previous instances of objects.
However, to be able to take full advantage of the Pithos infrastructure, client software should be aware of the extensions that differentiate Pithos from OOS. Pithos objects can be updated, or appended to. Pithos will store sharing permissions per object and enforce corresponding authorization policies. Automatic version management, allows taking account and container listings back in time, as well as reading previous instances of objects.
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The storage backend of Pithos is block oriented, permitting efficient, deduplicated data placement. The block structure of objects is exposed at the API layer, in order to encourage external software to implement advanced data management operations.
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25 25
=========================  ================================
26 26
Revision                   Description
27 27
=========================  ================================
0.4 (June 22, 2011)        Support updating/deleting individual metadata with ``POST``.
0.4 (June 30, 2011)        Object permissions and account groups.
\                          Control versioning behavior and container quotas with container policy directives.
\                          Support updating/deleting individual metadata with ``POST``.
29 31
0.3 (June 14, 2011)        Large object support with ``X-Object-Manifest``.
30 32
\                          Allow for publicly available objects via ``https://hostname/public``.
31 33
\                          Support time-variant account/container listings. 
118 120
X-Account-Bytes-Remaining   The total number of bytes remaining (**TBD**)
119 121
X-Account-Last-Login        The last login (**TBD**)
120 122
X-Account-Until-Timestamp   The last account modification date until the timestamp provided
X-Account-Group-*           Optional user defined groups
121 124
X-Account-Meta-*            Optional user defined metadata
122 125
Last-Modified               The last account modification date (regardless of ``until``)
123 126
==========================  =====================
164 167
bytes                        The total size of the objects inside the container
165 168
last_modified                The last container modification date (regardless of ``until``)
166 169
x_container_until_timestamp  The last container modification date until the timestamp provided
x_container_policy_*         Container behavior and limits
167 171
x_container_meta_*           Optional user defined metadata
168 172
===========================  ============================
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187 191
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188 192
Request Parameter Name  Value
189 193
======================  ============================================
update                  Do not replace metadata (no value parameter)
update                  Do not replace metadata/groups (no value parameter)
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====================  ===========================
196 200
Request Header Name   Value
197 201
====================  ===========================
X-Account-Group-*     Optional user defined groups
198 203
X-Account-Meta-*      Optional user defined metadata
199 204
====================  ===========================
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No reply content/headers.
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The operation will overwrite all user defined metadata, except if ``update`` is defined.
To create a group, include an ``X-Account-Group-*`` header with the name in the key and a comma separated list of user names in the value. If no ``X-Account-Group-*`` header is present, no changes will be applied to groups. The ``update`` parameter also applies to groups. To delete a specific group, use ``update`` and an empty header value.
204 210

205 211
================  ===============================
206 212
Return Code       Description
245 251
X-Container-Block-Hash       The hash algorithm used for block identifiers in object hashmaps
246 252
X-Container-Until-Timestamp  The last container modification date until the timestamp provided
247 253
X-Container-Object-Meta      A list with all meta keys used by objects
X-Container-Policy-*         Container behavior and limits
248 255
X-Container-Meta-*           Optional user defined metadata
249 256
Last-Modified                The last container modification date (regardless of ``until``)
250 257
===========================  ===============================
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The keys returned in ``X-Container-Object-Meta`` are all the unique strings after the ``X-Object-Meta-`` prefix.
The keys returned in ``X-Container-Object-Meta`` are all the unique strings after the ``X-Object-Meta-`` prefix. See container ``PUT`` for a reference of policy directives.
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254 261
================  ===============================
255 262
Return Code       Description
305 312
x_object_version_timestamp  The object's version timestamp
306 313
x_object_modified_by        The user that committed the object's version
307 314
x_object_manifest           Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
x_object_public             Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
x_object_sharing            Object permissions (optional)
x_object_shared_by          Object inheriting permissions (optional)
x_object_public             Object's publicly accessible URI (optional)
309 318
x_object_meta_*             Optional user defined metadata
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==========================  ======================================
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334 343
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Request Header Name   Value
336 345
====================  ================================
X-Container-Policy-*  Container behavior and limits
337 347
X-Container-Meta-*    Optional user defined metadata
338 348
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No reply content/headers.

If no policy is defined, the container will be created with the default values.
Available policy directives:

* ``versioning``: Set to ``auto``, ``manual`` or ``none`` (default is ``manual``)
* ``quota``: Size limit in KB (default is ``0`` - unlimited)
341 357
342 358
================  ===============================
343 359
Return Code       Description
353 369
======================  ============================================
354 370
Request Parameter Name  Value
355 371
======================  ============================================
update                  Do not replace metadata (no value parameter)
update                  Do not replace metadata/policy (no value parameter)
357 373
======================  ============================================
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362 378
Request Header Name   Value
363 379
====================  ================================
X-Container-Policy-*  Container behavior and limits
364 381
X-Container-Meta-*    Optional user defined metadata
365 382
====================  ================================
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No reply content/headers.
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The operation will overwrite all user defined metadata, except if ``update`` is defined.
To change policy, include an ``X-Container-Policy-*`` header with the name in the key. If no ``X-Container-Policy-*`` header is present, no changes will be applied to policy. The ``update`` parameter also applies to policy - deleted values will revert to defaults. To delete/revert a specific policy directive, use ``update`` and an empty header value. See container ``PUT`` for a reference of policy directives.
370 388

371 389
================  ===============================
372 390
Return Code       Description
432 450
X-Object-Version-Timestamp  The object's version timestamp
433 451
X-Object-Modified-By        The user that comitted the object's version
434 452
X-Object-Manifest           Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
X-Object-Public             Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
X-Object-Sharing            Object permissions (optional)
X-Object-Shared-By          Object inheriting permissions (optional)
X-Object-Public             Object's publicly accessible URI (optional)
436 456
X-Object-Meta-*             Optional user defined metadata
437 457
==========================  ===============================
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522 542
X-Object-Version-Timestamp  The object's version timestamp
523 543
X-Object-Modified-By        The user that comitted the object's version
524 544
X-Object-Manifest           Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
X-Object-Public             Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
X-Object-Sharing            Object permissions (optional)
X-Object-Shared-By          Object inheriting permissions (optional)
X-Object-Public             Object's publicly accessible URI (optional)
526 548
X-Object-Meta-*             Optional user defined metadata
527 549
==========================  ===============================
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555 577
Content-Encoding      The encoding of the object (optional)
556 578
Content-Disposition   The presentation style of the object (optional)
557 579
X-Object-Manifest     Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
X-Object-Sharing      Object permissions (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional)
559 582
X-Object-Meta-*       Optional user defined metadata
560 583
====================  ================================
561 584

567 590
ETag                        The MD5 hash of the object (on create)
568 591
==========================  ===============================
569 592

The ``X-Object-Sharing`` header may include either a ``read=...`` comma-separated user/group list, or a ``write=...`` comma-separated user/group list, or both separated by a semicolon (``;``). To publish the object, set ``X-Object-Public`` to ``true``. To unpublish, set to ``false``, or use an empty header value.
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===========================  ==============================
573 596
Return Code                  Description
590 613
Content-Disposition   The presentation style of the object (optional)
591 614
X-Source-Version      The source version to copy from
592 615
X-Object-Manifest     Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
X-Object-Sharing      Object permissions (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional)
594 618
X-Object-Meta-*       Optional user defined metadata
595 619
====================  ================================
596 620

Refer to ``POST`` for a description of request headers. Metadata is also copied, updated with any values defined.
Refer to ``PUT``/``POST`` for a description of request headers. Metadata is also copied, updated with any values defined. Sharing/publishing options are not copied.
598 622

599 623
No reply content/headers.
600 624

632 656
Content-Encoding      The encoding of the object (optional)
633 657
Content-Disposition   The presentation style of the object (optional)
634 658
X-Object-Manifest     Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional) (**TBD**)
X-Object-Sharing      Object permissions (optional)
X-Object-Public       Object is publicly accessible (optional)
636 661
X-Object-Meta-*       Optional user defined metadata
637 662
====================  ================================
638 663

The ``Content-Encoding``, ``Content-Disposition``, ``X-Object-Manifest``, ``X-Object-Public`` (**TBD**) and ``X-Object-Meta-*`` headers are considered to be user defined metadata. An operation without the ``update`` parameter will overwrite all previous values and remove any keys not supplied. When using ``update`` any metadata with an empty value will be deleted.
The ``Content-Encoding``, ``Content-Disposition``, ``X-Object-Manifest`` and ``X-Object-Meta-*`` headers are considered to be user defined metadata. An operation without the ``update`` parameter will overwrite all previous values and remove any keys not supplied. When using ``update`` any metadata with an empty value will be deleted.

To change permissions, include an ``X-Object-Sharing`` header (as defined in ``PUT``). To publish, include an ``X-Object-Public`` header, with a value of ``true``. If no such headers are defined, no changes will be applied to sharing/public. Use empty values to remove permissions/unpublish (unpublishing also works with ``false`` as a header value). Sharing options are applied to the object - not its versions.
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To update an object's data:
642 669

683 710
204 (No Content)             The request succeeded
684 711
===========================  ==============================
685 712

Public Objects
Sharing and Public Objects

Read and write control in Pithos is managed by setting appropriate permissions with the ``X-Object-Sharing`` header. The permissions are applied using prefix-based inheritance. Thus, each set of authorization directives is applied to all objects sharing the same prefix with the object where the corresponding ``X-Object-Sharing`` header is defined. For simplicity, nested/overlapping permissions are not allowed. Setting ``X-Object-Sharing`` will fail, if the object is already "covered", or another object with a longer common-prefix name already has permissions. When retrieving an object, the ``X-Object-Shared-By`` header reports where it gets its permissions from. If not present, the object is the actual source of authorization directives.
688 717

Objects that are marked as public, via the ``X-Object-Public`` meta (**TBD**), are also available at the corresponding URI ``https://hostname/public/<account>/<container>/<object>`` for ``HEAD`` or ``GET``. Requests for public objects do not need to include an ``X-Auth-Token``. Pithos will ignore request parameters and only include the following headers in the reply (all ``X-Object-*`` meta is hidden).
Objects that are marked as public, via the ``X-Object-Public`` meta, are also available at the corresponding URI returned for ``HEAD`` or ``GET``. Requests for public objects do not need to include an ``X-Auth-Token``. Pithos will ignore request parameters and only include the following headers in the reply (all ``X-Object-*`` meta is hidden).
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Reply Header Name           Value
706 735
List of differences from the OOS API:
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708 737
* Support for ``X-Account-Meta-*`` style headers at the account level. Use ``POST`` to update.
* Support for ``X-Container-Meta-*`` style headers at the account level. Can be set when creating via ``PUT``. Use ``POST`` to update.
* Support for ``X-Container-Meta-*`` style headers at the container level. Can be set when creating via ``PUT``. Use ``POST`` to update.
710 739
* Header ``X-Container-Object-Meta`` at the container level and parameter ``meta`` in container listings.
* Container policies to manage behavior and limits.
711 741
* Headers ``X-Container-Block-*`` at the container level, exposing the underlying storage characteristics.
712 742
* All metadata replies, at all levels, include latest modification information.
713 743
* At all levels, a ``GET`` request may use ``If-Modified-Since`` and ``If-Unmodified-Since`` headers.
714 744
* Container/object lists include all associated metadata if the reply is of type json/xml. Some names are kept to their OOS API equivalents for compatibility. 
* Object metadata allowed, in addition to ``X-Object-Meta-*``: ``Content-Encoding``, ``Content-Disposition``, ``X-Object-Manifest``, ``X-Object-Public`` (**TBD**). These are all replaced with every update operation, except if using the ``update`` parameter (in which case individual keys can also be deleted). Deleting meta by providing empty values also works when copying/moving an object.
* Object metadata allowed, in addition to ``X-Object-Meta-*``: ``Content-Encoding``, ``Content-Disposition``, ``X-Object-Manifest``. These are all replaced with every update operation, except if using the ``update`` parameter (in which case individual keys can also be deleted). Deleting meta by providing empty values also works when copying/moving an object.
716 746
* Multi-range object GET support as outlined in RFC2616.
717 747
* Object hashmap retrieval through GET and the ``format`` parameter.
718 748
* Partial object updates through POST, using the ``Content-Length``, ``Content-Type``, ``Content-Range`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers.
719 749
* Object ``MOVE`` support.
720 750
* Time-variant account/container listings via the ``until`` parameter.
721 751
* Object versions - parameter ``version`` in HEAD/GET (list versions with GET), ``X-Object-Version-*`` meta in replies, ``X-Source-Version`` in PUT/COPY.
* Publicly accessible objects via ``https://hostname/public``. Control with ``X-Object-Public`` (**TBD**).
* Sharing/publishing with ``X-Object-Sharing``, ``X-Object-Public`` at the object level. Permissions may include groups defined with ``X-Account-Group-*`` at the account level. These apply to the object - not its versions.
* Support for prefix-based inheritance when enforcing permissions. Parent object carrying the authorization directives is reported in ``X-Object-Shared-By``.
723 754
* Large object support with ``X-Object-Manifest``.
724 755
* Trace the user that created/modified an object with ``X-Object-Modified-By``.
725 756


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