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root / src / Ganeti / Logging.hs @ 13d26b66

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1 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
3 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti logging functionality.
4 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
5 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
This currently lacks the following (FIXME):
6 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
7 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
- log file reopening
8 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
9 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
Note that this requires the hslogger library version 1.1 and above.
10 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
11 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
12 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
13 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
14 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
15 ce817701 Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Google Inc.
16 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
17 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
21 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
22 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
25 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
26 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
27 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
30 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
31 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
32 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
33 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
34 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Logging
35 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  ( setupLogging
36 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
  , MonadLog(..)
37 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
  , Priority(..)
38 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logDebug
39 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logInfo
40 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logNotice
41 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logWarning
42 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logError
43 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logCritical
44 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logAlert
45 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  , logEmergency
46 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  , SyslogUsage(..)
47 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  , syslogUsageToRaw
48 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  , syslogUsageFromRaw
49 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
  , withErrorLogAt
50 3062d395 Santi Raffa
  , isDebugMode
51 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  ) where
52 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
53 3062d395 Santi Raffa
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
54 43c329e7 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad
55 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..), MonadError(..), catchError)
56 43c329e7 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Reader
57 12121213 Petr Pudlak
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as RWSS
58 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as SS
59 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
60 12121213 Petr Pudlak
import Data.Monoid
61 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
import System.Log.Logger
62 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
import System.Log.Handler.Simple
63 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
import System.Log.Handler.Syslog
64 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
import System.Log.Handler (setFormatter, LogHandler)
65 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
import System.Log.Formatter
66 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
import System.IO
67 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
68 d2029364 Petr Pudlak
import Ganeti.BasicTypes (ResultT(..))
69 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.THH
70 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
import qualified Ganeti.ConstantUtils as ConstantUtils
71 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
72 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
-- | Syslog usage type.
73 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
$(declareLADT ''String "SyslogUsage"
74 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
  [ ("SyslogNo",   "no")
75 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
  , ("SyslogYes",  "yes")
76 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
  , ("SyslogOnly", "only")
77 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
78 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
79 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Builds the log formatter.
80 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
logFormatter :: String  -- ^ Program
81 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> Bool    -- ^ Multithreaded
82 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> Bool    -- ^ Syslog
83 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> LogFormatter a
84 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
logFormatter prog mt syslog =
85 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  let parts = [ if syslog
86 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
                  then "[$pid]:"
87 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
                  else "$time: " ++ prog ++ " pid=$pid"
88 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
              , if mt then if syslog then " ($tid)" else "/$tid"
89 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
                  else ""
90 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
              , " $prio $msg"
91 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
92 ce817701 Iustin Pop
  in tfLogFormatter "%F %X,%q %Z" $ concat parts
93 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
94 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
-- | Helper to open and set the formatter on a log if enabled by a
95 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
-- given condition, otherwise returning an empty list.
96 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
openFormattedHandler :: (LogHandler a) => Bool
97 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
                     -> LogFormatter a -> IO a -> IO [a]
98 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
openFormattedHandler False _ _ = return []
99 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
openFormattedHandler True fmt opener = do
100 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  handler <- opener
101 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  return [setFormatter handler fmt]
102 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
103 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Sets up the logging configuration.
104 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
setupLogging :: Maybe String    -- ^ Log file
105 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> String    -- ^ Program name
106 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> Bool      -- ^ Debug level
107 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> Bool      -- ^ Log to stderr
108 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> Bool      -- ^ Log to console
109 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
             -> SyslogUsage -- ^ Syslog usage
110 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
             -> IO ()
111 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
setupLogging logf program debug stderr_logging console syslog = do
112 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  let level = if debug then DEBUG else INFO
113 df726590 Jose A. Lopes
      destf = if console then Just ConstantUtils.devConsole else logf
114 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
      fmt = logFormatter program False False
115 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
      file_logging = syslog /= SyslogOnly
116 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
117 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel level)
118 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
119 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  stderr_handlers <- openFormattedHandler stderr_logging fmt $
120 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
                     streamHandler stderr level
121 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
122 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
  file_handlers <- case destf of
123 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
                     Nothing -> return []
124 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
                     Just path -> openFormattedHandler file_logging fmt $
125 0c28bee1 Iustin Pop
                                  fileHandler path level
126 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
127 2cdaf225 Iustin Pop
  let handlers = file_handlers ++ stderr_handlers
128 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
  updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName $ setHandlers handlers
129 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  -- syslog handler is special (another type, still instance of the
130 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  -- typeclass, and has a built-in formatter), so we can't pass it in
131 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  -- the above list
132 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
  when (syslog /= SyslogNo) $ do
133 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
    syslog_handler <- openlog program [PID] DAEMON INFO
134 a6e2a138 Iustin Pop
    updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName $ addHandler syslog_handler
135 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
136 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- * Logging function aliases
137 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
138 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
-- | A monad that allows logging.
139 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
class Monad m => MonadLog m where
140 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
  -- | Log at a given level.
141 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
  logAt :: Priority -> String -> m ()
142 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
143 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
instance MonadLog IO where
144 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
  logAt = logM rootLoggerName
145 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
146 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (IdentityT m) where
147 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
  logAt p = lift . logAt p
148 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
149 43c329e7 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (ReaderT r m) where
150 861ddf80 Petr Pudlak
  logAt p = lift . logAt p
151 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
152 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (SS.StateT s m) where
153 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
  logAt p = lift . logAt p
154 78e0f701 Petr Pudlak
155 12121213 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadLog m, Monoid w) => MonadLog (RWSS.RWST r w s m) where
156 12121213 Petr Pudlak
  logAt p = lift . logAt p
157 12121213 Petr Pudlak
158 d2029364 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadLog m, Error e) => MonadLog (ResultT e m) where
159 d2029364 Petr Pudlak
  logAt p = lift . logAt p
160 d2029364 Petr Pudlak
161 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at debug level.
162 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logDebug :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
163 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logDebug = logAt DEBUG
164 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
165 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at info level.
166 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logInfo :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
167 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logInfo = logAt INFO
168 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
169 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at notice level.
170 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logNotice :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
171 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logNotice = logAt NOTICE
172 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
173 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at warning level.
174 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logWarning :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
175 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logWarning = logAt WARNING
176 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
177 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at error level.
178 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logError :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
179 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logError = logAt ERROR
180 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
181 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at critical level.
182 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logCritical :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
183 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logCritical = logAt CRITICAL
184 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
185 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at alert level.
186 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logAlert :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
187 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logAlert = logAt ALERT
188 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
189 ba4e38e8 Iustin Pop
-- | Log at emergency level.
190 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logEmergency :: (MonadLog m) => String -> m ()
191 27f904f7 Petr Pudlak
logEmergency = logAt EMERGENCY
192 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
193 3062d395 Santi Raffa
-- | Check if the logging is at DEBUG level.
194 3062d395 Santi Raffa
-- DEBUG logging is unacceptable for production.
195 3062d395 Santi Raffa
isDebugMode :: IO Bool
196 3062d395 Santi Raffa
isDebugMode = (Just DEBUG ==) . getLevel <$> getRootLogger
197 3062d395 Santi Raffa
198 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
-- * Logging in an error monad with rethrowing errors
199 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
200 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
-- | If an error occurs within a given computation, it annotated
201 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
-- with a given message and logged and the error is re-thrown.
202 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
withErrorLogAt :: (MonadLog m, MonadError e m, Show e)
203 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
               => Priority -> String -> m a -> m a
204 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
withErrorLogAt prio msg = flip catchError $ \e -> do
205 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
  logAt prio (msg ++ ": " ++ show e)
206 426f0900 Petr Pudlak
  throwError e