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root / htools / Ganeti / OpCodes.hs @ 37904802

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1 e9aaa3c6 Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 e9aaa3c6 Iustin Pop
3 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the opcodes.
4 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
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9 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
10 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
11 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
15 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
16 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
19 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
20 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
21 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
24 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
25 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
26 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
27 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
28 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.OpCodes
29 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  ( OpCode(..)
30 367c4241 Dato Simó
  , TagObject(..)
31 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , tagObjectFrom
32 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , encodeTagObject
33 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , decodeTagObject
34 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ReplaceDisksMode(..)
35 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  , DiskIndex
36 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  , mkDiskIndex
37 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  , unDiskIndex
38 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , opID
39 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
  , allOpIDs
40 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  ) where
41 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
42 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
import Text.JSON (readJSON, showJSON, makeObj, JSON, JSValue(..), fromJSString)
43 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
import Text.JSON.Pretty (pp_value)
44 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
45 e9aaa3c6 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
46 12c19659 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.THH
47 e9aaa3c6 Iustin Pop
48 f3baf5ef Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.JSON
49 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
50 367c4241 Dato Simó
-- | Data type representing what items do the tag operations apply to.
51 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
$(declareSADT "TagType"
52 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  [ ("TagTypeInstance", 'C.tagInstance)
53 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , ("TagTypeNode",     'C.tagNode)
54 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , ("TagTypeGroup",    'C.tagNodegroup)
55 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  , ("TagTypeCluster",  'C.tagCluster)
56 367c4241 Dato Simó
57 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
$(makeJSONInstance ''TagType)
58 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
59 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Data type holding a tag object (type and object name).
60 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
data TagObject = TagInstance String
61 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
               | TagNode     String
62 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
               | TagGroup    String
63 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
               | TagCluster
64 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
               deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
65 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
66 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Tag type for a given tag object.
67 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagTypeOf :: TagObject -> TagType
68 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagTypeOf (TagInstance {}) = TagTypeInstance
69 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagTypeOf (TagNode     {}) = TagTypeNode
70 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagTypeOf (TagGroup    {}) = TagTypeGroup
71 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagTypeOf (TagCluster  {}) = TagTypeCluster
72 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
73 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Gets the potential tag object name.
74 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameOf :: TagObject -> Maybe String
75 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameOf (TagInstance s) = Just s
76 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameOf (TagNode     s) = Just s
77 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameOf (TagGroup    s) = Just s
78 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameOf  TagCluster     = Nothing
79 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
80 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Builds a 'TagObject' from a tag type and name.
81 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom :: (Monad m) => TagType -> JSValue -> m TagObject
82 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom TagTypeInstance (JSString s) =
83 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  return . TagInstance $ fromJSString s
84 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom TagTypeNode     (JSString s) = return . TagNode $ fromJSString s
85 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom TagTypeGroup    (JSString s) = return . TagGroup $ fromJSString s
86 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom TagTypeCluster   JSNull      = return TagCluster
87 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagObjectFrom t v =
88 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  fail $ "Invalid tag type/name combination: " ++ show t ++ "/" ++
89 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
         show (pp_value v)
90 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
91 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Name of the tag \"name\" field.
92 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameField :: String
93 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
tagNameField = "name"
94 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
95 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Custom encoder for 'TagObject' as represented in an opcode.
96 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
encodeTagObject :: TagObject -> (JSValue, [(String, JSValue)])
97 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
encodeTagObject t = ( showJSON (tagTypeOf t)
98 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
                    , [(tagNameField, maybe JSNull showJSON (tagNameOf t))] )
99 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
100 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
-- | Custom decoder for 'TagObject' as represented in an opcode.
101 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
decodeTagObject :: (Monad m) => [(String, JSValue)] -> JSValue -> m TagObject
102 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
decodeTagObject obj kind = do
103 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  ttype <- fromJVal kind
104 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  tname <- fromObj obj tagNameField
105 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  tagObjectFrom ttype tname
106 367c4241 Dato Simó
107 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- | Replace disks type.
108 12c19659 Iustin Pop
$(declareSADT "ReplaceDisksMode"
109 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  [ ("ReplaceOnPrimary",    'C.replaceDiskPri)
110 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("ReplaceOnSecondary",  'C.replaceDiskSec)
111 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("ReplaceNewSecondary", 'C.replaceDiskChg)
112 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("ReplaceAuto",         'C.replaceDiskAuto)
113 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
114 12c19659 Iustin Pop
$(makeJSONInstance ''ReplaceDisksMode)
115 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
116 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
-- | Disk index type (embedding constraints on the index value via a
117 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
-- smart constructor).
118 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
newtype DiskIndex = DiskIndex { unDiskIndex :: Int }
119 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
120 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
121 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
-- | Smart constructor for 'DiskIndex'.
122 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
mkDiskIndex :: (Monad m) => Int -> m DiskIndex
123 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
mkDiskIndex i | i >= 0 && i < C.maxDisks = return (DiskIndex i)
124 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
              | otherwise = fail $ "Invalid value for disk index '" ++
125 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
                            show i ++ "', required between 0 and " ++
126 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
                            show C.maxDisks
127 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
128 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
instance JSON DiskIndex where
129 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  readJSON v = readJSON v >>= mkDiskIndex
130 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
  showJSON = showJSON . unDiskIndex
131 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
132 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- | OpCode representation.
133 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
134 3bebda52 Dato Simó
-- We only implement a subset of Ganeti opcodes: those which are actually used
135 3bebda52 Dato Simó
-- in the htools codebase.
136 12c19659 Iustin Pop
$(genOpCode "OpCode"
137 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  [ ("OpTestDelay",
138 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     [ simpleField "duration"  [t| Double   |]
139 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "on_master" [t| Bool     |]
140 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "on_nodes"  [t| [String] |]
141 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
142 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("OpInstanceReplaceDisks",
143 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     [ simpleField "instance_name" [t| String |]
144 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , optionalField $ simpleField "remote_node" [t| String |]
145 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "mode"  [t| ReplaceDisksMode |]
146 4a1dc2bf Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "disks" [t| [DiskIndex] |]
147 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , optionalField $ simpleField "iallocator" [t| String |]
148 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
149 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("OpInstanceFailover",
150 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     [ simpleField "instance_name"      [t| String |]
151 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "ignore_consistency" [t| Bool   |]
152 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , optionalField $ simpleField "target_node" [t| String |]
153 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
154 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  , ("OpInstanceMigrate",
155 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     [ simpleField "instance_name"  [t| String |]
156 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "live"           [t| Bool   |]
157 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , simpleField "cleanup"        [t| Bool   |]
158 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , defaultField [| False |] $ simpleField "allow_failover" [t| Bool |]
159 a1505857 Iustin Pop
     , optionalField $ simpleField "target_node" [t| String |]
160 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
161 3bebda52 Dato Simó
  , ("OpTagsSet",
162 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
     [ customField 'decodeTagObject 'encodeTagObject $
163 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
       simpleField "kind" [t| TagObject |]
164 3bebda52 Dato Simó
     , simpleField "tags" [t| [String]  |]
165 3bebda52 Dato Simó
166 3bebda52 Dato Simó
  , ("OpTagsDel",
167 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
     [ customField 'decodeTagObject 'encodeTagObject $
168 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
       simpleField "kind" [t| TagObject |]
169 3bebda52 Dato Simó
     , simpleField "tags" [t| [String]  |]
170 3bebda52 Dato Simó
171 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
172 12c19659 Iustin Pop
173 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
-- | Returns the OP_ID for a given opcode value.
174 12c19659 Iustin Pop
$(genOpID ''OpCode "opID")
175 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
176 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
-- | A list of all defined/supported opcode IDs.
177 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
$(genAllOpIDs ''OpCode "allOpIDs")
178 a583ec5d Iustin Pop
179 702a4ee0 Iustin Pop
instance JSON OpCode where
180 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  readJSON = loadOpCode
181 ebf38064 Iustin Pop
  showJSON = saveOpCode