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root / htools / Ganeti / Ssconf.hs @ 37904802

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1 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
3 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti Ssconf interface.
4 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
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7 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
8 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
9 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
10 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
11 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
15 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
16 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
19 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
20 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
21 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
24 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
25 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
26 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
27 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
28 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Ssconf
29 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  ( SSKey(..)
30 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , sSKeyToRaw
31 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , sSKeyFromRaw
32 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , getPrimaryIPFamily
33 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
  , keyToFilename
34 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
  , sSFilePrefix
35 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  ) where
36 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
37 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.THH
38 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
39 79ac58fa Iustin Pop
import Control.Exception
40 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad (liftM)
41 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import Data.Char (isSpace)
42 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
43 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
44 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import System.FilePath ((</>))
45 79ac58fa Iustin Pop
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
46 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
47 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
48 9eeb0aa5 Michael Hanselmann
import qualified Ganeti.Path as Path
49 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
50 26d62e4c Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Utils
51 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
52 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Maximum ssconf file size we support.
53 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
maxFileSize :: Int
54 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
maxFileSize = 131072
55 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
56 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
-- | ssconf file prefix, re-exported from Constants.
57 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
sSFilePrefix :: FilePath
58 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
sSFilePrefix = C.ssconfFileprefix
59 c5b4a186 Iustin Pop
60 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
$(declareSADT "SSKey"
61 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  [ ("SSClusterName",          'C.ssClusterName)
62 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSClusterTags",          'C.ssClusterTags)
63 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSFileStorageDir",       'C.ssFileStorageDir)
64 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSSharedFileStorageDir", 'C.ssSharedFileStorageDir)
65 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterCandidates",     'C.ssMasterCandidates)
66 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterCandidatesIps",  'C.ssMasterCandidatesIps)
67 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterIp",             'C.ssMasterIp)
68 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterNetdev",         'C.ssMasterNetdev)
69 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterNetmask",        'C.ssMasterNetmask)
70 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMasterNode",           'C.ssMasterNode)
71 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSNodeList",             'C.ssNodeList)
72 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSNodePrimaryIps",       'C.ssNodePrimaryIps)
73 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSNodeSecondaryIps",     'C.ssNodeSecondaryIps)
74 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSOfflineNodes",         'C.ssOfflineNodes)
75 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSOnlineNodes",          'C.ssOnlineNodes)
76 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSPrimaryIpFamily",      'C.ssPrimaryIpFamily)
77 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSInstanceList",         'C.ssInstanceList)
78 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSReleaseVersion",       'C.ssReleaseVersion)
79 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSHypervisorList",       'C.ssHypervisorList)
80 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSMaintainNodeHealth",   'C.ssMaintainNodeHealth)
81 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSUidPool",              'C.ssUidPool)
82 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  , ("SSNodegroups",           'C.ssNodegroups)
83 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
84 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
85 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Convert a ssconf key into a (full) file path.
86 37904802 Iustin Pop
keyToFilename :: FilePath     -- ^ Config path root
87 37904802 Iustin Pop
              -> SSKey        -- ^ Ssconf key
88 37904802 Iustin Pop
              -> FilePath     -- ^ Full file name
89 37904802 Iustin Pop
keyToFilename cfgpath key = do
90 37904802 Iustin Pop
  cfgpath </> sSFilePrefix ++ sSKeyToRaw key
91 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
92 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Runs an IO action while transforming any error into 'Bad'
93 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- values. It also accepts an optional value to use in case the error
94 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- is just does not exist.
95 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
catchIOErrors :: Maybe a         -- ^ Optional default
96 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
              -> IO a            -- ^ Action to run
97 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
              -> IO (Result a)
98 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
catchIOErrors def action =
99 1251817b Iustin Pop
100 1251817b Iustin Pop
101 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
          result <- action
102 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
          return (Ok result)
103 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
        ) (\err -> let bad_result = Bad (show err)
104 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
                   in return $ if isDoesNotExistError err
105 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
                                 then maybe bad_result Ok def
106 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
                                 else bad_result)
107 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
108 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Read an ssconf file.
109 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
readSSConfFile :: Maybe FilePath            -- ^ Optional config path override
110 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
               -> Maybe String              -- ^ Optional default value
111 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
               -> SSKey                     -- ^ Desired ssconf key
112 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
               -> IO (Result String)
113 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
readSSConfFile optpath def key = do
114 37904802 Iustin Pop
  result <- catchIOErrors def . readFile .
115 37904802 Iustin Pop
            keyToFilename (fromMaybe Path.dataDir optpath) $ key
116 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  return (liftM (take maxFileSize) result)
117 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
118 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Strip space characthers (including newline). As this is
119 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- expensive, should only be run on small strings.
120 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
rstripSpace :: String -> String
121 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
rstripSpace = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
122 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
123 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Parses a string containing an IP family
124 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
parseIPFamily :: Int -> Result Socket.Family
125 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
parseIPFamily fam | fam == C.ip4Family = Ok Socket.AF_INET
126 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
                  | fam == C.ip6Family = Ok Socket.AF_INET6
127 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
                  | otherwise = Bad $ "Unknown af_family value: " ++ show fam
128 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
129 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
-- | Read the primary IP family.
130 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
getPrimaryIPFamily :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Result Socket.Family)
131 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
getPrimaryIPFamily optpath = do
132 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
  result <- readSSConfFile optpath (Just (show C.ip4Family)) SSPrimaryIpFamily
133 2cdaf225 Iustin Pop
  return (liftM rstripSpace result >>=
134 aa3adf35 Iustin Pop
          tryRead "Parsing af_family" >>= parseIPFamily)