Revision 3a488770 lib/

1095 1095
    """A class representing the logical and physical status of a node.
1096 1096

1097 1097
    @ivar volumes: a structure as returned from
        L{ganeti.utils.GetVolumeList} (runtime)
        L{ganeti.backend.GetVolumeList} (runtime)
1099 1099
    @ivar instances: a list of running instances (runtime)
1100 1100
    @ivar pinst: list of configured primary instances (config)
1101 1101
    @ivar sinst: list of configured secondary instances (config)
4000 4000
  @type lu: C{LogicalUnit}
4001 4001
  @param lu: a logical unit from which we get configuration data
4002 4002
  @type nodenames: C{list}
  @param node: the list of node names to check
  @param nodenames: the list of node names to check
4004 4004
  @type requested: C{int}
4005 4005
  @param requested: the amount of disk in MiB to check for
4006 4006
  @raise errors.OpPrereqError: if the node doesn't have enough disk, or

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