Revision 8bc34c7b htools/Ganeti/HTools/Luxi.hs

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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 10
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
99 99
queryNodesMsg =
100 100
  L.Query L.QRNode ["name", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree", "dtotal", "dfree",
101 101
                    "ctotal", "offline", "drained", "vm_capable",
                    "group.uuid"] ()
                    "ndp/spindle_count", "group.uuid"] ()
103 103

104 104
-- | The input data for instance query.
105 105
queryInstancesMsg :: L.LuxiOp
175 175
-- | Construct a node from a JSON object.
176 176
parseNode :: NameAssoc -> [(JSValue, JSValue)] -> Result (String, Node.Node)
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parseNode ktg [ name, mtotal, mnode, mfree, dtotal, dfree
              , ctotal, offline, drained, vm_capable, g_uuid ]
              , ctotal, offline, drained, vm_capable, spindles, g_uuid ]
179 179
    = do
180 180
  xname <- annotateResult "Parsing new node" (fromJValWithStatus name)
181 181
  let convert a = genericConvert "Node" xname a
182 182
  xoffline <- convert "offline" offline
183 183
  xdrained <- convert "drained" drained
184 184
  xvm_capable <- convert "vm_capable" vm_capable
  xspindles <- convert "spindles" spindles
185 186
  xgdx   <- convert "group.uuid" g_uuid >>= lookupGroup ktg xname
186 187
  node <- if xoffline || xdrained || not xvm_capable
            then return $ Node.create xname 0 0 0 0 0 0 True xgdx
            then return $ Node.create xname 0 0 0 0 0 0 True xspindles xgdx
188 189
            else do
189 190
              xmtotal  <- convert "mtotal" mtotal
190 191
              xmnode   <- convert "mnode" mnode
193 194
              xdfree   <- convert "dfree" dfree
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              xctotal  <- convert "ctotal" ctotal
195 196
              return $ Node.create xname xmtotal xmnode xmfree
                     xdtotal xdfree xctotal False xgdx
                     xdtotal xdfree xctotal False xspindles xgdx
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  return (xname, node)
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parseNode _ v = fail ("Invalid node query result: " ++ show v)

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