Revision 9f9c4543 test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Locking/Allocation.hs

94 94

95 95
data UpdateRequest b a = UpdateRequest b [LockRequest a]
96 96
                       | IntersectRequest b [a]
                       | OpportunisticUnion b [(a, OwnerState)]
97 98
                       | FreeLockRequest b
98 99
                       deriving Show
99 100

102 103
    frequency [ (4, UpdateRequest <$> arbitrary <*> (choose (1, 4) >>= vector))
103 104
              , (2, IntersectRequest <$> arbitrary
104 105
                                     <*> (choose (1, 4) >>= vector))
              , (2, OpportunisticUnion <$> arbitrary
                                       <*> (choose (1, 4) >>= vector))
105 108
              , (1, FreeLockRequest <$> arbitrary)
106 109
107 110

112 115
  fst $ updateLocks owner updates state
113 116
asAllocTrans state (IntersectRequest owner locks) =
114 117
  intersectLocks owner locks state
asAllocTrans state (OpportunisticUnion owner locks) =
  fst $ opportunisticLockUnion owner locks state
115 120
asAllocTrans state (FreeLockRequest owner) = freeLocks state owner
116 121

117 122
-- | Fold a sequence of requests to transform a lock allocation onto the empty

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