Revision e08424a8 htools/Ganeti/HTools/QC.hs

123 123
                      && Node.availMem node > size * Types.unitMem
124 124
                      && Node.availCpu node > size * Types.unitCpu
125 125

canBalance :: Cluster.Table -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
canBalance tbl dm evac = isJust $ Cluster.tryBalance tbl dm evac 0 0
canBalance :: Cluster.Table -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
canBalance tbl dm im evac = isJust $ Cluster.tryBalance tbl dm im evac 0 0
128 128

129 129
-- | Assigns a new fresh instance to a cluster; this is not
130 130
-- allocation, so no resource checks are done
746 746
               (xnl, xi, _, cv):[] ->
747 747
                   let il' = Container.add (Instance.idx xi) xi il
748 748
                       tbl = Cluster.Table xnl il' cv []
                   in not (canBalance tbl True False)
                   in not (canBalance tbl True True False)
750 750
               _ -> False
751 751

752 752
-- | Checks that on a 2-5 node cluster, we can allocate a random
815 815
                   let ynl = Container.add (Node.idx hnode) hnode xnl
816 816
                       cv = Cluster.compCV ynl
817 817
                       tbl = Cluster.Table ynl il' cv []
                   in canBalance tbl True False
                   in canBalance tbl True True False
819 819

820 820
-- | Checks consistency
821 821
prop_ClusterCheckConsistency node inst =

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