
From 02/17/2013 to 03/18/2013


04:46 am snf-ganeti Revision d6ffd12f: Support b64 encoded reservations in network object
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 98874282: Workaround for pylint error R0921
Since it cannot be disabled (due to pylint bug) we introduce
a dummy class to extend Network class.
Signed-off-by: D...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 9f73b342: Modify haskell not to break with abstract networks
Make network slot in Network Object optionalField and modify
createValidNetwork, py_compat_networks to pass haskell t...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision ddfd3c3d: Extend qa to test abstract networks
Support abstract networks (--network option becomes non mandatory)
and add a section to check _AllIPs().
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 6a2c20f2: Make --network optional
To this end one can define solely collision domains (Ethernet
networks), IPv4 Address Pools, and IPv6 networks and al...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 1a57888e: Make AddressPool extend GenericNetwork
..and make AddressPool only deal with IPv4 address pool and
implement the corresponding methods for reserving/releasi...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision a8102c68: Move pool creation in CheckPrereq
In LUNetworkAdd create pool inside CheckPrereq and raise OpPrereqError
if it fails.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorg...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 37696594: Update py_compat_networks test
Use renamed methods of network module and fix genValidNetwork.
In network module during _Validate we check whether g...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 79fa745e: Add GenericNetwork class in network module
This class will be the base class for every network. It implements
basic validation methods for subnets and gateways ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 39a56351: Add Network class in network module
Towards to abstract networks we introduce Network class that
currently is only a wrapper of AddressPool. Move Check m...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 85c4ae9b: Refactor network module
Merge InitializePool inside __init__. Introduce new helper
funtion _InitializeReservations which creates the correspo...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision a979fe4e: Rename private methods in network module
Most methods are used internally by the class it self; make those
methods start with a '_'. This will make things eas...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision ddfa03fd: Add Check method in network module
This checks if the given address/network pair is valid.
If not it raises OpPrereqError. This is used in LUNetworkSetP...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision e5e39af4: Add _AllIPs() config method
This returns a list of tuples (ip, network). Use it in ReserveIp,
where a network without AddressPool can be passed, ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision ac0f4fe5: Delegate IsReserved() check in ReserveIp()
..and raise OpPrereqError. Thus remove any if pool.IsReserved()..
and try-except-raise in LUNetworkSetParams().
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 3d736ac9: Make ReserveIp/GenerateIp raise OpPrereqError
Both catch AddressPool errors and raise OpPrereqError with
the corresponding message. Remove any unnecessary try-exce...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 83695d19: Make GetStats() an AddressPool method
..and remove it from cmdlib
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision e79955a6: Use HooksDict() everywhere
To do so network object should be available just after CheckPrereq().
Thus move object creation away from Exec() in L...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 7ee959dc: Support reserve/release external IPs
Modify ReserveIp/ReleaseIp/GenerateIp/UnlockedCommitIp to take
an additional argument; the external flag.
Update invo...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 55de975c: Fix early returns in network module
Replace early returns with proper if-else statements.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision c12401f2: Replace _GetSize() with numhosts in network
Use numhosts property of ipaddr's IPNetwork class of instead of
_GetSize() in network module. Remove non used GetFree...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 89f5beda: Rename some vars for the sake of readability
In network module use nobj wherever we refer to L{objects.Network}
and pool for AddressPool class. Apply that in LUNe...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 9e5003cf: Network QA
This adds a script for the QA of 'gnt-network'. So far it
covers adding/removing and connecting/disconnecting network...
Helga Velroyen
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 5e279e51: qa fix
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:45 am snf-ganeti Revision 16eb7455: Extend network QA
Move GetNonexistentNetwork() in qa_utils.
Add various corner cases for existing test add/remove and
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:42 am snf-ganeti Revision d8016bce: Add cfgupgrade for hotplug
This adds dev_idxs slot to exising instances (initialized according to
current number of devices) and removes depreca...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:42 am snf-ganeti Revision e648cea4: Hotplug: client support
Add --hotplug option. Only used in OpInstanceSetParams.
If this is omitted modifications become effective after
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:40 am snf-ganeti Revision 11714164: Hotplug: cmdlib support
Hotpluging is done by functions invoked by ApplyContainerMods(). In
order hotpluging to take place a --hotplug optio...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:28 am snf-ganeti Revision 31135ddd: Hotplug: rpc support
Introduce new RPCs that eventually invoke hypervisor specific
hotplug functions.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:28 am snf-ganeti Revision d2db2790: Hotplug: KVM support
KVM >= 1.0 is needed.
Introduce new methods: HotAddNic/HotDelNic, HotAddDisk/HotDelDisk. All
of them use QEMU monito...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:25 am snf-ganeti Revision af9cef96: Hotplug: additions
Add pci slot in NIC/Disk objects. This slot will be used only
by hypervisor code. Currently only KVM will use it and ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:24 am snf-ganeti Revision 60a9e48a: Add hotplug design doc
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision ea3243ca: Update manpages wrt new device refering
This patch updates gnt-instance man page to include refering to devices
by their name and UUID. Also removing deprica...
Chris Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision f7d15a04: Add name to INicParams and IDiskParams
This commits adds name to NIC and Disk modification definition. Chris Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 97afd6de: Remove empty line. In Use UUID patch
Chris Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision b061f584: Update unittests for device UUIDs/names
Update unittests to support only the new device refering
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <>
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 40249283: Add Disks and NICs to _AllUUIDObjects
Since disks and NICs have UUIDs, they must be considered
to _AllUUIDObjects.
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <cs...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 52450fa1: Support quering for devices names and UUIDs
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <>
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 160cd941: Display UUIDs and names in gnt-instance info
Modify gnt-instance client to display the UUID and name
fields of instances disks and NICs.
Signed-off-by: Christos ...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 4ee73bb2: Check that device names are unique and valid
Extend the CheckArguments phase of LUInstanceCreate and CheckPrereq
phase of LUInstanceSetParams to also check if the...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 5ca3ac51: Implement renaming Disks and NICs
Implement renaming Disks and NICs in LUInstanceSetParams. Remove code
that checked that changing disk mode was the on...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 845c573d: Support UUIDs and names when refering to a device
Modify _ApplyContainerMods function to lookup NICs/Disks not only by their
index inside the container, but also by th...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 616d6d0e: Support UUIDs and names when handling NICs/Disks
Handle UUID and name fields when creating/managing NICs and Disks. Also,
export NICs and Disks names to instance hook...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision f027fb24: Remove deprecated device referencing
Remove deprecated device referencing from OpInstanceSetParams
opcode. Allow only the new style format:
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision b6028438: Add IDISK_NAME and INIC_NAME constants
Declare IDISK_NAME and INIC_NAME constants and add them to the
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 70141765: Add uuid and name slots to Disk/NIC ConfigObjects
This patch adds "uuid" and "name" slots to Disk and NIC ConfigObjects.
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <cstavr@g...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:42 am snf-ganeti Revision 5ed29562: Add design doc for device UUIDs and names
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <>
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Christos Stavrakakis
03:20 am snf-image-creator Revision baa62724: Display gathered info in wizard's confirmation box
Nikos Skalkotos
12:13 am snf-image-creator Revision 37d581b8: Support private images
Support images that can only be deployed by the user that registers
the image to cyclades
Nikos Skalkotos


02:53 pm snf-image-creator Revision fd9af948: Fix minor typos
Nikos Skalkotos


07:49 pm Revision 9d20fe23: Authentication providers improvements
Major authentication provider refactoring to support
- Modular and easily configurable messages with common context
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision f09da76e: Common synnefo testing utils lib
New synnefo.util.testing lib added. Currently including helper decorator and
context processor to override django set...
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision 97246b51: Auth providers improvements
- Improved logging
- Messages changes
- Fixes in local module login/add policies handling
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision 478ece6c: Auth providers tests additions/updates
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision 5d5ce247: Astakos logging improvements
use the common user_log display method accross logging calls Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision bc8bede2: Auth providers fix
properly iterate through overridden provider module policies Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision 89d959c9: Handle activation of unmoderated users
do not allow users that have not been moderated to activate themselves
using activation url
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:49 pm Revision 5d91dccb: Auth providers fix
properly remove groups in add_groups_policy Kostas Papadimitriou
06:55 pm ./kamaki Bug #3458 (Closed): estimated time when downloading
Time estimation does not seem to work when downloading files Nikos Skalkotos
06:50 pm ./kamaki Bug #3457 (Closed): User interupt in recursive download takes too long
Stavros Sachtouris
06:40 pm ./kamaki Revision da657652: Unittest PithosRest.account_post
Stavros Sachtouris
06:21 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision 97c9a632: Improve UUID translation in nodes
Show nodes immediately with translated UUIDs. Fix bug where browser of first created account didn't translate UUIDs. Miltiadis Vasilakis
06:19 pm Revision 1f0030e6: Do not replace stdout when running tests
in order to have usable pdb repl Kostas Papadimitriou
06:18 pm ./kamaki Feature #3456 (Closed): Uniformity to runtime arguments
In specific:
- the --config option is the only top-level runtime argument that doesn't have a short
- Recursive d...
Stavros Sachtouris
06:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 1b4629c6: Unittest PithosRest.account_get
Stavros Sachtouris
05:39 pm ./kamaki Revision bdbca529: Unittest PithosRest.account_head
Stavros Sachtouris
05:37 pm Revision d55bed9d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-0.13' into feature-docs
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
05:08 pm Revision 3f4b9c63: Modify content to match release-0.13
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
04:58 pm ./kamaki Revision 55faa0bc: Prepare PithorRest testcase for implementation
Stavros Sachtouris
04:26 pm ./kamaki Revision cd5c8cc9: Unittest ComputeRestApi.networks_put 4theWIN
Stavros Sachtouris
04:25 pm ./kamaki Revision 50edcde7: Unittest CycladesRestApi.netowrks_post
Stavros Sachtouris
04:21 pm ./kamaki Revision fc835c42: Unittest CycladesRestApi.networks_get
Stavros Sachtouris
03:47 pm ./kamaki Revision 68fd1bda: Unittest CycladesRestApi.servers_get
Stavros Sachtouris
03:41 pm snf-ganeti Revision 6d2e1c12: Add design document for the "reason trail"
This commit adds the design document for introducing "reason trails",
tracing the reason why opcodes are executed, st...
Michele Tartara
03:41 pm ganeti-local Revision 6d2e1c12: Add design document for the "reason trail"
This commit adds the design document for introducing "reason trails",
tracing the reason why opcodes are executed, st...
Michele Tartara
03:26 pm ./kamaki Revision a8fe029d: Unittest ComputeRestApi.images_put
Stavros Sachtouris
03:20 pm ./kamaki Revision f3cb8dad: Unittest ComputeRestApi.images_delete and improve
improve: group common ComputeRestApi testing code in clients.compute.test Stavros Sachtouris
03:09 pm ./kamaki Revision 6af47576: Unittest Compute.flavors_get
Stavros Sachtouris
03:07 pm ./kamaki Revision 6695edc9: Unittest Compute.servers_put
Stavros Sachtouris
02:48 pm ./kamaki Revision 6a00d7a7: Unittest ComputeRestApi.servers_post
Stavros Sachtouris
02:46 pm Revision 66643114: Remove pithos logger from pithos settings
Loggers for all synnefo components should be configured in
snf-webproject setting file '10-snf-webproject-logging.conf'.
Sofia Papagiannaki
02:30 pm Revision 0252fb8b: snf-manage: Accept Ganeti server/network names
Make management commands relevant with servers and networks to accept
as arguments their Ganeti names, besides their ...
Christos Stavrakakis
02:13 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision bc768c45: Improve handling of node requests
Fix bug where autoreleased node requests where set nil and then released. Miltiadis Vasilakis
01:55 pm ./kamaki Revision 882c7e33: Unittest ComputeRestApi.servers_delete
Stavros Sachtouris
01:53 pm Revision f5a1e653: Clear pithos InternalServerError response
Do not include in the InternalServerError response
the actual error.
Sofia Papagiannaki
01:30 pm ./kamaki Revision 2bfb3db3: Move compute_rest_api to compute.rest_api
kamaki.clients.compute_rest_api --> kamaki.clients.compute.rest_api Stavros Sachtouris
01:29 pm ./kamaki Revision 630dea9b: Unittest ComputeRestApi.servers_get
Stavros Sachtouris
12:23 pm ./kamaki Revision b283ee49: Complete Image.* fine testing
Stavros Sachtouris
12:16 pm ./kamaki Revision 10e6c39a: Finetest Image.remove_member
Stavros Sachtouris
12:14 pm ./kamaki Revision d8c7cccc: Finetest Image.add_member
Stavros Sachtouris
12:11 pm ./kamaki Revision 5a745d8a: Finetest Image.list_members
Stavros Sachtouris
12:09 pm ./kamaki Revision 80643233: Finetest Image.set_members
Stavros Sachtouris
12:04 pm ./kamaki Bug #3446 (Closed): Astakos client cache should not be shared between instances
Stavros Sachtouris
12:03 pm ./kamaki Revision f875dd02: Finetest Image.register
Stavros Sachtouris
11:26 am ./kamaki Revision d55c06f0: Finetest Image.get_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
11:21 am ./kamaki Revision 4ba03838: Finetest Image.list_public
Stavros Sachtouris
11:02 am Pithos MS Client Feature #2251 (Closed): Show a progress bar in the status window
Panagiotis Kanavos
10:45 am ./kamaki Revision ae4585f5: Rephrase astakos client and wip clients code
Stavros Sachtouris


06:54 pm ./kamaki Revision 98a7195e: Rephrase pithos mocking expressions
Stavros Sachtouris
06:17 pm ./kamaki Revision 6d92ebc3: Rephrase mocking expressions in
Stavros Sachtouris
06:00 pm ./kamaki Revision 1df5305d: Rephrase mocking expressions
Stavros Sachtouris
05:46 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision 32d958dc: Improve browser window layout and resize behavior
Miltiadis Vasilakis
05:43 pm ./kamaki Revision b6403d2d: Finetest Cyclades.get_image_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
05:34 pm Feature #3454 (Assigned): Helpdesk logging
Integrate logging functionality in helpdesk app.

More specifically the following actions should be logged:
- E...
Kostas Papadimitriou
05:20 pm Feature #3453 (Assigned): Search by vm id
Include helpdesk search by vm-id functionality Kostas Papadimitriou
05:18 pm Feature #3452 (Assigned): Display additional vm fields
Such as cluster name, pnode and other fields are missing from helpdesk vm view and get displayed in server-inspect co... Kostas Papadimitriou
05:08 pm ./kamaki Revision f15a4776: Finetest Cyclades.delete_network
Stavros Sachtouris
05:06 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision 258db46f: Improve code and fix bugs
Miltiadis Vasilakis
05:03 pm ./kamaki Revision fb392083: Finetest Cyclades.update_network_name
Stavros Sachtouris
04:50 pm ./kamaki Revision 5f4fcc1b: Finetest Cyclades.get_network_details
Stavros Sachtouris
04:49 pm ./kamaki Revision be7599cf: Finetest Cyclades.disconnect_network_nics
Stavros Sachtouris
04:39 pm ./kamaki Revision 99d462c6: Finetest Cyclades.list_network_nics
Stavros Sachtouris
04:38 pm ./kamaki Revision dce00f54: Finetest Cyclades.list_networks
Stavros Sachtouris
04:31 pm ./kamaki Revision a5c8ec5d: Finetest Cyclades.list_server_nics
Stavros Sachtouris
04:24 pm ./kamaki Revision b87ed277: Finetest Cyclades.disconnet_server
Stavros Sachtouris
04:18 pm Revision 86bda7aa: Merge branch 'feature-list-command' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
04:15 pm ./kamaki Revision 850d58c7: Finetest Cyclades.connect_server
Stavros Sachtouris
04:10 pm ./kamaki Revision 18a27c41: Finetest Cyclades.create_network
Stavros Sachtouris
04:02 pm ./kamaki Revision f6c1319e: Finetest Cyclades.get_server_stats
Stavros Sachtouris
04:00 pm ./kamaki Revision 153910c8: Finetest Cyclades.set_firewall_profile
Stavros Sachtouris
03:58 pm Revision 225cea18: Move common code for mngmt commands to webproject
Move cyclades functions that are useful for all managament commands, like
pprint_table or parse_filters, to snf-webpr...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:58 pm Revision 92f20714: Use --deleted=True|False in flavor-modify
Christos Stavrakakis
03:58 pm Revision b0e7f310: Add ListCommand to be used for all *-list commands
Create a generic ListCommand to be user for all *-list management
commands. ListCommand handles must tasks that are c...
Christos Stavrakakis
03:58 pm Revision d09a166e: Add --dry-run option to snf-manage network-create
Christos Stavrakakis
03:56 pm ./kamaki Revision 852d2713: Finetest Cyclades.get_firewall_profile
Stavros Sachtouris
03:47 pm snf-image-creator Revision 31160dc8: Use only the token to authenticate to synnefo
You don't need the account name. You can fetch it from astakos using
the authentication token.
Nikos Skalkotos
03:44 pm ./kamaki Revision c390cb98: Finetest Cyclades.get_server_console
Stavros Sachtouris
03:31 pm ./kamaki Revision cecad288: Finetest Cyclades.start_server
Stavros Sachtouris
03:29 pm ./kamaki Revision d841b964: Finetest Cyclades.shutdown_server
Stavros Sachtouris
03:19 pm ./kamaki Revision 545be6b7: Finetest Cyclades.list_servers
Stavros Sachtouris
02:55 pm ./kamaki Revision 0482817c: Finetest and move Compute.delete_image_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
02:44 pm ./kamaki Revision 428aa852: Finetest and move Compute.update_image_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
02:42 pm ./kamaki Revision 71017d87: Finetest and move Compute.create_image_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
02:38 pm ./kamaki Revision f711008c: Finetest and move Compute.delete_image
Stavros Sachtouris
02:37 pm ./kamaki Revision 0651cda3: Finetest amd move Compute.delete_server
Stavros Sachtouris
02:01 pm Revision d69ca541: Adjust astakos to new holding design
Simplifications due to removal of quantity and merging capacity into holding.
Also make sure that holders and resourc...
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:01 pm Revision 12d5927d: Merge Policy model into Holding
Since the removal of quantity, Policy was left with only one value:
capacity. To simplify things, we directly include...
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:01 pm Revision 66d4fb3d: Import resource from no source
Since quantity (initial supply) has been removed from Policy,
there is no direct way to set the initial available res...
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:01 pm Revision c8f4eef6: Redesign quota holding
A Holding now tracks the current usage (amount imported)
and the amount available to export (stock).
Counters come i...
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:00 pm Revision acd69157: wip New, simplified syncing to quotaholder
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:00 pm Revision ffde3c18: Default quotaholder input to empty list
Keyword arguments in quotaholder calls defaulted to empty pair,
although they were actually expecting a list.
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:00 pm Revision dbe07af0: wip Update to simplified quotaholder policy
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:57 pm Revision 45407503: wip Remove import_limit and export_limit from policy
If needed, they can be simulated by importing from special resources. Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision 0970d746: Update stress test to use the new transaction decorator
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision 6eb6b1c8: wip Remove check whether membership is pending sync
It is not needed any more, syncing to quotaholder will happen
in a single transaction along with the call initiating ...
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision 7a5028a8: wip Update to use local quotaholder
Import directly quotaholder.callpoint in endpoint/
instead of an HTTP client.
Remove code related to entities, s...
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision b9e4449d: Remove unused code
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision 8af5702f: Execute astakos-init and user-update in a transaction
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision dc600eb8: Update quotaholder unit tests
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:56 pm Revision 61695a90: wip Remove check is_active on projects and memberships
Remove second phase of (de)activation, not needed any more,
since syncing to quotaholder will happen in the same tran...
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:55 pm Revision 4b82f48a: wip Remove CallSerial model and related calls
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:54 pm Revision 0934a7ec: Register quotaholder in synnefo settings
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:54 pm Revision 848cfba6: Return a holding as a tuple rather than list
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:54 pm Revision 48ea03c6: wip Rename entity into holder
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:53 pm Revision 2e114998: wip Remove Entity model
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:51 pm Revision fb8d622d: wip Remove dependency from commissioning
Define exceptions locally Giorgos Korfiatis
01:51 pm Revision 0d262fad: Delete obsolete code
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:50 pm Revision b5031abe: Delete obsolete testing files
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:50 pm Revision 423f9849: wip Restructure astakos views
Replace custom transaction context with:
- decorator `commit_on_success_strict', which uses
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:50 pm Revision 6d35b639: wip Merge quotaholder into astakos
quotaholder_django/quotaholder_app becomes astakos/quotaholder
quotaholder_django/test becomes astakos/quotaholder/test
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:50 pm Revision 758456a5: Remove PROJECT_DEACTIVATED state from ProjectMembership
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:49 pm ./kamaki Revision 5656f78c: Finetest and move Compute.get_image_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
01:46 pm ./kamaki Revision 937ef4dd: Finetest and move Compute.get_image_details
Stavros Sachtouris
01:41 pm ./kamaki Revision b2347a17: Finetest and move Compute.list_images
Stavros Sachtouris
01:33 pm ./kamaki Revision ae9c3b5f: Finetest and move Compute.get_flavor_details
Stavros Sachtouris
01:30 pm ./kamaki Revision 8c40c4a6: Finetest and move Compute.list_flavors
Stavros Sachtouris
01:22 pm ./kamaki Revision dbd50059: Finetest and move Compute.delete_server_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
01:20 pm ./kamaki Revision e750a969: Finetest and move Compute.update_server_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
01:12 pm ./kamaki Revision d224bb37: Finetest and move Compute.get_server_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
01:07 pm ./kamaki Revision d560c67b: Finetest and move Compute.create_server_metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
12:55 pm ./kamaki Revision 876aae74: Finetest and move Compute.reboot_server
Stavros Sachtouris
12:51 pm ./kamaki Revision 2ace03e5: Finetest and move Compute.update_server_name
Stavros Sachtouris
12:45 pm ./kamaki Revision 26ccd6fb: Finetest and move Compute.get_server_details
Stavros Sachtouris
11:54 am Feature #3443: Make the function of "Empty Container" more explicit in the Pithos UI
I need dev84 to test functionality. Currently I get 500 Internal Server Errors for many calls. A misconfiguration pro... Christos KK Loverdos


06:46 pm ./kamaki Revision 0067c031: Finetest Compute.list_servers
Stavros Sachtouris
05:33 pm ./kamaki Revision edf8ad52: Finetest and move Compute.create_server
Stavros Sachtouris
05:29 pm Revision e3685916: Fix some (innocuous) object sharing as kwarg default
Giorgos Korfiatis
05:23 pm Feature #3449 (Closed): Use a single Astakos client throughout Synnefo
Use a Single Astakos client component throughout Synnefo,
both for authentication, and quota calls.
Do pure hand-...
Vangelis Koukis
05:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 0908db91: Bump ubuntu version to 0.7.6-0ubuntu1
Nikos Skalkotos
05:00 pm Feature #3448: Ensure proper cache control headers across Synnefo
Also add no_store cache control:... Stratos Psomadakis
04:58 pm ./kamaki Revision 304a92dc: Create package kamaki.clients.compute with tests
Stavros Sachtouris
04:56 pm Feature #3448 (Closed): Ensure proper cache control headers across Synnefo
Ensure proper Vary:, Cache-Control headers *across* Synnefo, inside a single API request handler, see #3358.
Vangelis Koukis
04:50 pm Revision 22848599: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
04:48 pm Revision a6590012: Bump version to 0.13~rc12-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
04:48 pm Revision 5fce79d8: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
04:46 pm ./kamaki Revision faedebb2: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.6'
Stavros Sachtouris
04:43 pm Revision b9818693: Fix inadvertent use of shared objects
Fix inadvertent use of shared objects in synnefo/lib/ and
pithos/api/, since current use is racy...
Christos Stavrakakis
04:17 pm ./kamaki Revision e8647b62: Bump version to 0.7.6-1
Signed-off-by: Stavros Sachtouris <> Stavros Sachtouris
04:17 pm ./kamaki Revision e747ae49: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.6' into debian-hotfix-0.7.6
Stavros Sachtouris
04:02 pm ./kamaki Revision 5ce5f1f6: Transform static AstakosClient._cache to member
Stavros Sachtouris
03:57 pm ./kamaki Revision 7d2ff7e1: Make hotfix ready for release
Stavros Sachtouris
03:56 pm Pithos Web Client Revision 01337c33: Enhance logging
Christos KK Loverdos
03:51 pm ./kamaki Bug #3446 (Closed): Astakos client cache should not be shared between instances
Stavros Sachtouris
03:49 pm ./kamaki Revision 06d51c96: Transform static AstakosClient._cache to member
Stavros Sachtouris
03:47 pm ./kamaki Revision 9d74de5d: Transform static AstakosClient._cache to member
Stavros Sachtouris
03:14 pm ./kamaki Revision e3b8f796: Finetest and move Storage.list_objects_in_path
Stavros Sachtouris
03:12 pm ./kamaki Revision 7d15ffe9: Finetest and move Storage.list_objects
Stavros Sachtouris
03:10 pm ./kamaki Revision b23d2558: Finetest and move Storage.delete_object
Stavros Sachtouris
03:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 73fcb6a2: Finetest Storage.move_object
Stavros Sachtouris
02:48 pm ./kamaki Revision 324fee8f: Finetest Storage.copy_object
Stavros Sachtouris
02:46 pm snf-image-creator Revision bc9d122f: Fix small typo
Nikos Skalkotos
02:23 pm ganeti-local Revision f511082f: Add Mond to the list of possible daemons
Also, add its logfiles and extra log files.
Signed-off-by: Michele Tartara <>
Reviewed-by: Iustin...
Michele Tartara
02:23 pm snf-ganeti Revision f511082f: Add Mond to the list of possible daemons
Also, add its logfiles and extra log files.
Signed-off-by: Michele Tartara <>
Reviewed-by: Iustin...
Michele Tartara
02:23 pm ganeti-local Revision a8828704: Add infrastructure for allowing additional logfiles
Some daemons will need more than the single logfile that is currently
allowed. This patch introduces the infrastructu...
Michele Tartara
02:23 pm snf-ganeti Revision a8828704: Add infrastructure for allowing additional logfiles
Some daemons will need more than the single logfile that is currently
allowed. This patch introduces the infrastructu...
Michele Tartara
02:07 pm ./kamaki Revision 3941857a: Finetest and Storage.replace_object_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
01:57 pm ./kamaki Bug #3444 (Closed): Intro help \exit should be /exit
Stavros Sachtouris
01:36 pm ./kamaki Revision 2b752353: Finetest Storage.del_object_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
01:19 pm ./kamaki Revision 5ea1e2ac: Finetest Storage/Pithos.get_object_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
12:58 pm ./kamaki Revision aa9c7402: Finetest Storage.create_directory
Stavros Sachtouris
12:53 pm ./kamaki Revision f13ae956: Finetest and move Storage.create_directory
Stavros Sachtouris
12:49 pm snf-ganeti Revision 14013e5d: Add user and group for the monitoring agent
This commit adds the user and group variables for the monitoring agent in all
the configuration files where they are ...
Michele Tartara
12:49 pm ganeti-local Revision 14013e5d: Add user and group for the monitoring agent
This commit adds the user and group variables for the monitoring agent in all
the configuration files where they are ...
Michele Tartara
12:37 pm ./kamaki Revision 52228b49: Finetest and move Storage.create_object
Stavros Sachtouris
12:34 pm ./kamaki Revision c2bf1c19: Finetest Storage.upload_object
Stavros Sachtouris
12:06 pm ./kamaki Revision 7601a4d5: Finetest Storage.list_containers
Stavros Sachtouris
11:43 am ./kamaki Revision d15e5249: Finetest and move Storage.delete_container
Stavros Sachtouris
11:42 am ./kamaki Revision f3671186: Finetest Storage.get_container_info
Stavros Sachtouris


09:17 pm Feature #3443 (Closed): Make the function of "Empty Container" more explicit in the Pithos UI
"Empty container" does not give you an empty container, it actually purges all the contents of the container
you rig...
Vangelis Koukis
07:51 pm ./kamaki Revision 8938a79b: Bump ubuntu version to 0.7.5-0ubuntu1
Nikos Skalkotos
07:38 pm Bug #3442 (New): DELETE on a pithos container returns
A DELETE request on an empty pithos container responds with a 413 quota error (request entity too large):
Stavros Sachtouris
07:28 pm snf-image
Nikos Skalkotos
07:28 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.1-1_amd64.changes
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.1-1_all.deb
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.1-1_all.deb
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.1-1.dsc
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.1-1.dsc
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.1-1.debian.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.1-1_amd64.changes
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.1.orig.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.1.orig.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:27 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.1-1.debian.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:24 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8-1_amd64.changes
Nikos Skalkotos
07:24 pm snf-image
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8-1_amd64.changes
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8.orig.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8-1.debian.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8-1.dsc
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image-helper_0.8-1_all.deb
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8.orig.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8-1.dsc
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8-1.debian.tar.gz
Nikos Skalkotos
07:23 pm snf-image snf-image_0.8-1_all.deb
Nikos Skalkotos
07:19 pm ganeti-local Revision dc700f75: rapi client: add target_node to migrate instance
This allows migrating to any node, as it is already possible for
failover, when instances are externally mirrored.
Daniel Krambrock
07:19 pm snf-ganeti Revision dc700f75: rapi client: add target_node to migrate instance
This allows migrating to any node, as it is already possible for
failover, when instances are externally mirrored.
Daniel Krambrock
07:15 pm ./kamaki Revision 96befbfd: Finetest and move Stoage.create_container
Stavros Sachtouris
07:10 pm ./kamaki Revision 3e6f33ca: Finetest Storage.del_account_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
07:00 pm snf-image Revision ff300fd3: Merge branch 'stable-0.8' into debian-0.8
Nikos Skalkotos
06:59 pm snf-image Revision 303314de: Bump debian version to 0.8.1-1
Nikos Skalkotos
06:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision d8f0b7c1: Make diskless instances externally mirrored
This addresses Issue 237.
Mirroring no disk is a no-op. As such we can treat them like mirrored
instances, since the...
Guido Trotter
06:52 pm ganeti-local Revision d8f0b7c1: Make diskless instances externally mirrored
This addresses Issue 237.
Mirroring no disk is a no-op. As such we can treat them like mirrored
instances, since the...
Guido Trotter
06:51 pm ./kamaki Revision ceb84616: Finetest and move Storage.replace_account_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
06:40 pm ./kamaki Revision b1738762: Finetest PithosClient.get_account_info
Stavros Sachtouris
06:38 pm snf-image Revision ed49b246: Update ChangeLogs and for ver 0.8.1
Nikos Skalkotos
06:35 pm ./kamaki Revision c608d6e9: Finetest Storage.get_acount_info
Stavros Sachtouris
06:30 pm snf-image Revision 289f2f55: Update contact email address
Use as email for feedback and bug reports Nikos Skalkotos
06:29 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7b3d70d4: Fix migrate/failover -n for ext mirror storage
This fixes issue 396.
- Fix a wrong comment that mentions drbd8 when actually the code acts
only on externally mir...
Guido Trotter
06:29 pm ganeti-local Revision 7b3d70d4: Fix migrate/failover -n for ext mirror storage
This fixes issue 396.
- Fix a wrong comment that mentions drbd8 when actually the code acts
only on externally mir...
Guido Trotter
06:17 pm snf-image Revision ced9273c: Install a patched version of ntfs-3g in the helper
The official debian squeeze version does not accept the "--no-mtab" option
used when mounting filesystems in the helper
Nikos Skalkotos
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision ab9e48d1: Enable split queries for the network
Now that all fields are implemented, and (I think) behave equivalent
to the Python implementation, we can switch on t...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 63fb3de0: Add a simple tool for checking split-query equivalence
This is not run automatically (although it could/should), but is very
useful during development.
Signed-off-by: Iust...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision ab9e48d1: Enable split queries for the network
Now that all fields are implemented, and (I think) behave equivalent
to the Python implementation, we can switch on t...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 63fb3de0: Add a simple tool for checking split-query equivalence
This is not run automatically (although it could/should), but is very
useful during development.
Signed-off-by: Iust...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 40b118d3: Introduce better item getter helper in
And also use it for simple network fields. Currently the Python
library returns jsnull, which is formatted as 'None' ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision bac48afe: Add missing external_reservations query field in confd
Based on the implemented Ip4Network/Address types, we can now compute
the (external) reservations.
Signed-off-by: Iu...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 3a991f2d: Add simple Ip4Address/Ip4Network types
This patch adds some very simple IPv4 address/network types, and uses
them in the 'Network' config object.
We need t...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 82953e9a: Change node disk/hv_state query in confd
Currently, the Python code returns either FS_UNAVAIL (if these
attributes are None) or the proper dicts. As we don't ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision ce906289: Sort instance list in gnt-group list -opinst_list
The Python code currently sorts this, but the Haskell code not.
This should maybe have a test, but I'm not sure how ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision c81b97f2: Make gnt-node list -o(p|s)inst_list output stable
Currently, both the Python and Haskell code return the internal
instance list unsorted, which means the output can va...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7c17db26: Fix gnt-backup list -o node via confd
Currently, the 'node' field is declared as a simple config field, so
when only selecting this fields, the runtime gat...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 147fd319: Expand TestHelper to allow non-underscore prefixes
HLint 1.8.28 requires us to always add "ignore CamelCase", which can
be problematic sometimes (e.g. when using Overlo...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 60a67263: Fix network query field types/names in the Haskell code
The headers/type/descriptions had some differences from the Python
code, when checked for exact equivalence.
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision bac48afe: Add missing external_reservations query field in confd
Based on the implemented Ip4Network/Address types, we can now compute
the (external) reservations.
Signed-off-by: Iu...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision b1b4a26b: Change to CamelCase format in Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
This is in preparation for using OverloadedString extensions in this
file, which conflicts with hlint 1.8.28's handli...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision b1b4a26b: Change to CamelCase format in Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
This is in preparation for using OverloadedString extensions in this
file, which conflicts with hlint 1.8.28's handli...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 147fd319: Expand TestHelper to allow non-underscore prefixes
HLint 1.8.28 requires us to always add "ignore CamelCase", which can
be problematic sometimes (e.g. when using Overlo...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 87f1a454: A few style fixes in Ganeti.Network
Side-effects of working on some other network-related stuff…
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 82953e9a: Change node disk/hv_state query in confd
Currently, the Python code returns either FS_UNAVAIL (if these
attributes are None) or the proper dicts. As we don't ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision ce906289: Sort instance list in gnt-group list -opinst_list
The Python code currently sorts this, but the Haskell code not.
This should maybe have a test, but I'm not sure how ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision c81b97f2: Make gnt-node list -o(p|s)inst_list output stable
Currently, both the Python and Haskell code return the internal
instance list unsorted, which means the output can va...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 7c17db26: Fix gnt-backup list -o node via confd
Currently, the 'node' field is declared as a simple config field, so
when only selecting this fields, the runtime gat...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 40b118d3: Introduce better item getter helper in
And also use it for simple network fields. Currently the Python
library returns jsnull, which is formatted as 'None' ...
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 60a67263: Fix network query field types/names in the Haskell code
The headers/type/descriptions had some differences from the Python
code, when checked for exact equivalence.
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision 87f1a454: A few style fixes in Ganeti.Network
Side-effects of working on some other network-related stuff…
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Iustin Pop
06:16 pm ganeti-local Revision 3a991f2d: Add simple Ip4Address/Ip4Network types
This patch adds some very simple IPv4 address/network types, and uses
them in the 'Network' config object.
We need t...
Iustin Pop
05:59 pm ./kamaki Revision 85898ca4: Rearange client packages 4 uniformity in testing
Stavros Sachtouris
05:40 pm Revision 3f06280d: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
05:39 pm Revision 90dd3af4: Bump version to 0.13~rc11-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
05:38 pm Revision f72a6f19: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
05:21 pm ganeti-local Revision 74df4a99: Update design doc about free space reporting
This patch updates the design doc "Design correct reporting of storage
free space". The modifications were chosen to ...
Helga Velroyen
05:21 pm snf-ganeti Revision 74df4a99: Update design doc about free space reporting
This patch updates the design doc "Design correct reporting of storage
free space". The modifications were chosen to ...
Helga Velroyen
04:49 pm Revision 5a2c8ee9: Update the Quick Install Admin Guide for 0.13
- Updated for direct 0.13 installation
- Minor pep8 fixes.
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
04:36 pm Revision 3b463c5a: UI create machine improvements
- Display remaining resources
- Predefined flavors display fix
Kostas Papadimitriou
04:22 pm Pithos Web Client Revision 0aa7f3c9: Add dev scripts to deploy to dev environment
Christos KK Loverdos
03:55 pm Revision d99e4e80: Merge branch 'feature-astakos-client' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
03:54 pm Revision be284f6a: Turn multiple if statements to if-elif statement
Christos Stavrakakis
03:54 pm Revision 8fe6475a: Create more Exception Classes for AstakosClient
* AstakosClientEInvalid:
Invalid X-Auth-Token, 401
* AstakosClientEMethod:
Method not allowed, 400
* AstakosC...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 6f64b6d0: More log messages in AstakosClient
Log retries.
Log hashed tokens.
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 1c26b500: Query Astakos `/service/api/user_catalogs'
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 3f8d6b11: Add getServices method
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision aaf0a42c: Implement getUUIDs/getUUID methods
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 7eb32034: Better format for logging messages
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 8f2d7ede: Better handling of default parameter values
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 1c322fee: Add snf-astakos-client to ci's config file
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 98752f06: Move token argument
Remove token argument from class initialization
method and make it a mandatory argument to all
the other class methods.
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision bc5032a4: Implement getTokenFromCookie function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision d4789cd4: Implement unit tests for getDisplayNmaes
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 864eb390: TestAuthenticate now works with AstakosClient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 949baf4d: Add retry option to AstakosClient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 66208bc7: Correct unit tests to run with AstakosClient class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 4490d7b5: Create AstakosClient Class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision d7e1e346: Better handling of log messages
Never, ever log tokens Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 996061fa: Add options to AstakosClient for objpool pool_size
Refs: #3419 Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision f93cc364: Create utils and errors modules for astakosclient
* Move retry decorator to utils module.
* Rename exceptions to be more intuitive.
* Add 403 Forbidden exception.
* Mo...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision e169a337: Rename conn variable to conn_class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 83325b42: Run through flake8
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision cbc0b438: Implement low-level _callAstakos function
This function will handle all requests to Astakos.
On top of this we should build high level wrapper
functions to han...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision f8388a90: Separate actual _doRequest from _callAstakos
Creating a new function `_doRequest' to handle
the actual requests to astakos service makes
it easy to mock it later ...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 57ba2dfc: Implement the mocked _doRequest for unit testing
When unit testing our astakos-client module we have to
replace it's _doRequest function with some dummy ones.
In this...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision bc56a641: First test for _callAstakos, raise socket error
The first unit test for _callAstakos function, checks
the answer when there is no internet connection
(should raise a...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision b2a2fe7a: Add more unit tests for _callAstakos function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 52c4fcef: Implement a simple `retry' decorator
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision f54cf5e4: Implement `authenticate' function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 454a1ad4: Add unit tests for `authenticate' function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision d071e6f1: Unit test user_catalogs without POST method
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 344d5c90: In unit tests change user info from string to dict
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:54 pm Revision 354517d8: Implement getDisplayNames function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:53 pm ./kamaki Revision fb674626: Livetest account_post to set userlist as group
Stavros Sachtouris
03:52 pm ganeti-local Revision ad658827: Fix QA: skip reinstall for diskless instances
Diskless instances cannot really be reinstalled, not even through RAPI.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <bdalseno@g...
Bernardo Dal Seno
03:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision ad658827: Fix QA: skip reinstall for diskless instances
Diskless instances cannot really be reinstalled, not even through RAPI.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <bdalseno@g...
Bernardo Dal Seno
03:43 pm ganeti-local Revision 0e8d8384: Fix typo in the monitoring agent design doc
Signed-off-by: Michele Tartara <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <>
Michele Tartara
03:43 pm snf-ganeti Revision 0e8d8384: Fix typo in the monitoring agent design doc
Signed-off-by: Michele Tartara <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <>
Michele Tartara
03:37 pm ./kamaki Revision 023230b5: Fix old livetest pithos error, new _encode method
Old livetest pithos has an error in test_account_post since pithos
server started checking if usernames to be set in ...
Stavros Sachtouris
03:31 pm Revision 7ac49c2e: Disable flavor options that exceed user quota
respect current user quota in flavor options display Kostas Papadimitriou
03:28 pm ./kamaki Support #3441 (Closed): Parametrise logging in kamaki.clients.Client
Stavros Sachtouris
03:28 pm Feature #3440 (Closed): Add quotas functionality to astakosclient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:27 pm Feature #3439 (Closed): Write docs for astakosclient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:04 pm ./kamaki Revision b35e8daf: Add utf-8 params/headers checks in perform_request
Stavros Sachtouris
01:55 pm snf-image Revision c730d77c: Fix a bug in
Some self. prefixes were missing when calling some variables from the
HelperMonitor class.
Nikos Skalkotos
01:39 pm Revision f7e51fc5: New ui quota helper class
also updated ui views to use the new class Kostas Papadimitriou
01:36 pm Revision 367f2916: Improve ui userquota response
include all available information as retrieved from astakos response Kostas Papadimitriou
01:32 pm ganeti-local Revision 46d21495: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7
Add QA for instance creation with policy violation
Add QA for policy-instance interactions
Add QA f...
Bernardo Dal Seno
01:32 pm snf-ganeti Revision 46d21495: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7
Add QA for instance creation with policy violation
Add QA for policy-instance interactions
Add QA f...
Bernardo Dal Seno
01:13 pm ./kamaki Revision bcd6c6e6: Finetest _retrieve_connection_info
@ clients.connection.kamakicon.KamakiHTTPConnection Stavros Sachtouris
12:44 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2eef8750: Fix style error in hconfd
The first line of a function should be blank, unless it is able to contain the
whole function.
Signed-off-by: Michel...
Michele Tartara
12:44 pm ganeti-local Revision 2eef8750: Fix style error in hconfd
The first line of a function should be blank, unless it is able to contain the
whole function.
Signed-off-by: Michel...
Michele Tartara
12:18 pm snf-cloudcms Revision a313be91: Style fixes
Better styling for nested lists.
Style improvement for videosection page item presentation.
Olga Brani
11:57 am snf-image-creator Revision 495a0d12: Fix some typos in configuration_tasks help file
Credits go to Konstantinos Tompoulidis <> Nikos Skalkotos
11:28 am ./kamaki Revision bf7e705c: Merge branch 'feature-tests' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
11:09 am Feature #3435 (New): Quota and usage: option for user-friendly display in management commands
Large numbers are not easily parse-able.
Abbreviations such as MB, GB, etc. help.
For both machine and human parse-...
Georgios Tsoukalas
11:05 am Revision fb7e2d64: Cyclades UI machine create view improvement
- widen up view
- prettier (no scroll) compact flavor list style, when flavor options
are too many to display in a ...
Kostas Papadimitriou
11:05 am Revision 0d4ffc7f: Avoid logout of unauthenticated users
Kostas Papadimitriou


08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision fa84c8a4: Add QA for instance creation with policy violation
When instance policy is violated, creation fails.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision fa84c8a4: Add QA for instance creation with policy violation
When instance policy is violated, creation fails.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision ab4832d1: Add QA for policy-instance interactions
Violations on policy changes are checked.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Reviewed-by: Guido ...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision ab4832d1: Add QA for policy-instance interactions
Violations on policy changes are checked.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Reviewed-by: Guido ...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision b3f3aa3d: Add QA for cluster policies
qa_cluster.TestClusterSetISpecs() is exported as it will be used in future
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision b3f3aa3d: Add QA for cluster policies
qa_cluster.TestClusterSetISpecs() is exported as it will be used in future
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision ba5c6c6b: Unit tests for objects.InstancePolicy + a fix
Tests for:
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision ba5c6c6b: Unit tests for objects.InstancePolicy + a fix
Tests for:
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision e38bc4eb: Unit tests for objects.FillIPolicy() + small fix
IPOLICY_DEFAULTS is now a legal policy (the disk-templates entry was a set
instead of a list, before).
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision e38bc4eb: Unit tests for objects.FillIPolicy() + small fix
IPOLICY_DEFAULTS is now a legal policy (the disk-templates entry was a set
instead of a list, before).
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm ganeti-local Revision 4f7e5a1d: Fix upgrade of policy in objects.Cluster
Unknown elements were silently removed on startup. This means that a
software upgrade could result in lost configurat...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision 4f7e5a1d: Fix upgrade of policy in objects.Cluster
Unknown elements were silently removed on startup. This means that a
software upgrade could result in lost configurat...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm ganeti-local Revision 2477c1c5: Fix instance policy checks for default back-end parameters
Policy violations of back-end parameters that used the cluster default
value were not reported in cluster-verify.
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2477c1c5: Fix instance policy checks for default back-end parameters
Policy violations of back-end parameters that used the cluster default
value were not reported in cluster-verify.
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision 6ea2bb8c: Fix restoring default instance specs in group policies
"default" was not accepted as a valid input value for instance specs in
group policies, due to a bug introduced in 2c...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm ganeti-local Revision 6ea2bb8c: Fix restoring default instance specs in group policies
"default" was not accepted as a valid input value for instance specs in
group policies, due to a bug introduced in 2c...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5dd7d15b: Unit tests for cmdlib._GetUpdatedIPolicy()
Not 100% coverage, though.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <ultrot...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm ganeti-local Revision 5dd7d15b: Unit tests for cmdlib._GetUpdatedIPolicy()
Not 100% coverage, though.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <ultrot...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm ganeti-local Revision cc4b2676: Fix policy check for disk templates
Instance disk template is checked against the policy, and diskless
instances aren't checked for the number of disks.
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision cc4b2676: Fix policy check for disk templates
Instance disk template is checked against the policy, and diskless
instances aren't checked for the number of disks.
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm ganeti-local Revision 6a327093: Fix merge 8e09e801 that resulted in duplicated code
A fragment in LUInstanceCreate.CheckPrereq() removed in commit ba147ff8 was
reintroduced in merge 8e09e801 due to a c...
Bernardo Dal Seno
08:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision 6a327093: Fix merge 8e09e801 that resulted in duplicated code
A fragment in LUInstanceCreate.CheckPrereq() removed in commit ba147ff8 was
reintroduced in merge 8e09e801 due to a c...
Bernardo Dal Seno
07:39 pm ./kamaki Bug #3403 (Closed): ETA estimation is completely off for Pithos uploads
Stavros Sachtouris
06:45 pm Revision 426e4bda: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
06:41 pm Revision d8db7692: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
06:40 pm Revision f2c856c4: Bump version to 0.13~rc10-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
06:39 pm Revision 1823b663: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
06:31 pm Revision 6653db48: Improve memory choices display in vm create view
Apply human readable (MB, GB) conversion Kostas Papadimitriou
06:31 pm Revision 7edb6d06: Add --dry-run option to flavor-create
Add --dry-run option to flavor-create management command. Also, do not
crash if flavor already exists.
Refs #3366
Christos Stavrakakis
06:31 pm Revision f3463a00: Fix shibboleth logging
Kostas Papadimitriou
06:18 pm Revision b336e6fa: Fix+move HTTP quotaholder client in synnefo.lib
Allow per-service configuration of the (http) quotaholder client.
Kamaki is no longer needed in service (or ganeti) n...
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
06:16 pm ./kamaki Revision 975270f2: Apply uniform coding styl in unittests
Stavros Sachtouris
05:30 pm ./kamaki Revision 402b6f48: Fix pep8 warnings
Stavros Sachtouris
05:22 pm snf-image Revision 9f98f2af: Bump debian version to 0.8-1
Nikos Skalkotos
05:17 pm Revision cf1984d8: Add --dry-run option to flavor-create
Add --dry-run option to flavor-create management command. Also, do not
crash if flavor already exists.
Refs #3366
Christos Stavrakakis
05:16 pm ./kamaki Feature #3422 (Resolved): Let caller program explicitly set connection pool size for all methods
Stavros Sachtouris
05:15 pm ./kamaki Feature #3228 (Resolved): Mock testing for kamaki clients
Stavros Sachtouris
05:12 pm ./kamaki Revision 607f60ab: Unittest clients.pithos get object versionlist
... aaaand complete clients.pithos test mocking Stavros Sachtouris
05:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 23be9656: Unittest clients.pithos get sharing accounts
Stavros Sachtouris
05:04 pm snf-image Revision ff13d1f8: Merge branch 'master' into debian-0.8
Nikos Skalkotos
05:03 pm snf-image Revision aea26aab: Update ChangeLogs and for version 0.8
Nikos Skalkotos
04:59 pm snf-image Revision 490709cd: Add python-support in multistrap.conf
This is needed when updating the helper image using:
snf-image-update-helper -c <package_name>
Nikos Skalkotos
04:48 pm ./kamaki Revision fe7278ee: Unittest clients.pithos overwrite object
Stavros Sachtouris
04:34 pm snf-image Revision 852b1579: Remove defaults file in "make clean"
Nikos Skalkotos
04:02 pm ./kamaki Revision 5597767e: Unittest clients.pithos truncate object
Stavros Sachtouris
03:56 pm ./kamaki Revision 16b0afe6: Rename POOL_SIZE option to MAX_THREADS
Stavros Sachtouris
03:49 pm snf-image Revision 56fda8c4: Make {xen,kvm} dist_os_DATA
They used to be os_DATA and os_DATA get deleted in make clean Nikos Skalkotos
03:42 pm ./kamaki Revision 20387cd4: Unittest clients.pithos append object
Stavros Sachtouris
03:17 pm snf-image Revision d1e36c27: Remove iptables package from multistrap
snf-image-helper does not make any use of it Nikos Skalkotos
03:06 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7db266bb: GanetiRapiClient: fix the no_remember option
There was a typo which prevented the correct option from being passed to
Signed-off-by: Daniel Krambrock <danie...
Daniel Krambrock
03:06 pm ganeti-local Revision 7db266bb: GanetiRapiClient: fix the no_remember option
There was a typo which prevented the correct option from being passed to
Signed-off-by: Daniel Krambrock <danie...
Daniel Krambrock
02:02 pm snf-image Revision f4ded3c0: Fix a bug introduced in 7f008dd4ddae1ab883b9833234
The check for supported hypervisors should only executed by scripts
that comply to the ganeti api.
Nikos Skalkotos
01:53 pm ./kamaki Revision e73b65dd: Unittest clients.pithos del object sharing
Stavros Sachtouris
01:47 pm ./kamaki Revision 221820b8: Unittest clients.pithos set object sharing
Stavros Sachtouris
01:18 pm snf-image Revision 24543571: Make & os_data
They used to be scripts in Nikos Skalkotos
01:11 pm ./kamaki Revision 8d4b8387: Unittest clients.pithos get object sharing
Stavros Sachtouris
12:39 pm snf-image Revision 7f008dd4: Check for unsupported hypervisors
Nikos Skalkotos
12:34 pm ./kamaki Revision 278c9018: Unittest poolsize option at clients.connection
Stavros Sachtouris
12:23 pm ./kamaki Revision 8629edf9: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
12:19 pm ./kamaki Revision b04a1abf: Explicetely set http connection poolsize
Stavros Sachtouris
12:19 pm ./kamaki Revision 245b94c5: Correct version after applying hotfix
Stavros Sachtouris
12:17 pm ./kamaki Revision c8b178ee: Explicetely set http connection poolsize
Stavros Sachtouris


08:41 pm ./kamaki Feature #3422 (Closed): Let caller program explicitly set connection pool size for all methods
Stavros Sachtouris
08:33 pm ./kamaki Revision aa67b8e5: Unittest clients.pithos unpublish object
Stavros Sachtouris
08:31 pm ./kamaki Revision f847a0cc: Unittest clients.pithos publish object
Stavros Sachtouris
08:31 pm snf-image Revision 35ab9f4c: Rename snf-image-host to snf-image
Nikos Skalkotos
08:25 pm Bug #3421 (Feedback): Pool size settings
The default DB pool size settings don't work and lead to a dead lock under load (concurrent reqs). Since for each con... Stratos Psomadakis
08:22 pm Bug #3420 (New): kamaki pool initialization
Kamaki does not offer http connection pool size initialization options to its clients,
nor itself initializes the po...
Georgios Tsoukalas
08:20 pm Bug #3419 (Closed): kamaki objpool pool_size
Atm, kamaki doesn't specify the objpool pool size, when issueing a "get_http_connection", thus the http pool size can... Stratos Psomadakis
08:14 pm Bug #3418 (New): kamaki + objpool logging
It's not clear how kamaki and objpool log messages.
Shouldn't we see kamaki (and objpool) log messages in /var/gun...
Stratos Psomadakis
08:02 pm Bug #3417 (New): apache proxy module pooling
1) apache mod_proxy module pools connections to the backend/application servers.
2) gunicorn has a keepalive timeout...
Stratos Psomadakis
08:01 pm ./kamaki Revision d85e02c5: Unittest clients.pithos set object meta
Stavros Sachtouris
07:41 pm ./kamaki Revision 5c72ad76: Unittest clients.pithos del object
Stavros Sachtouris
07:28 pm ./kamaki Revision ec1d0bbe: Unittest clients.pithos set container q/v
q: quota
v: versioning
Stavros Sachtouris
07:15 pm ./kamaki Revision e9a2925f: Unittest clients.pithos del container meta
Stavros Sachtouris
07:12 pm ./kamaki Revision c1b21988: Unittest clients.pithos set containet meta
Stavros Sachtouris
07:09 pm snf-image-creator Feature #3416 (Closed): private images
Allow users to register private images in ~okeanos Nikos Skalkotos
07:04 pm ./kamaki Revision a8f0a8e2: Unittest clients.pithos get container object meta
Stavros Sachtouris
07:00 pm Revision 576e059b: Update the Quick Install Admin Guide
Update the following sections in the guide:
* Ganeti: Don't build package; use GRNET's until 2.7 is out
* gevent: ...
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
06:59 pm snf-image Revision 444a0cb9: Add copyright notices to {kvm,xen}
Nikos Skalkotos
06:55 pm ./kamaki Revision c6da1ccc: Replace mock.Mock with patch decorator in pithos
Stavros Sachtouris
06:41 pm snf-image Revision 2b8338c2: Minor cleanup in xen code
* Remove unused variables
* Remove commented code
* Change helper VM name to "snf-image-helper-$instance-$RANDOM"
Nikos Skalkotos
06:31 pm snf-image Revision 27fd131a: Call the helper image as readonly in kvm
Nikos Skalkotos
05:48 pm ./kamaki Revision c297102c: Unittest clients.pithos get container meta
Stavros Sachtouris
05:46 pm ganeti-local Revision 4f73cfc9: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
Change hbal behaviour in case of early exit
Fix build/ with tuple defaults for op param...
Iustin Pop
05:46 pm snf-ganeti Revision 4f73cfc9: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
Change hbal behaviour in case of early exit
Fix build/ with tuple defaults for op param...
Iustin Pop
05:26 pm ./kamaki Revision 1879e310: Unittest clients.pithos get container quota
Stavros Sachtouris
04:46 pm ./kamaki Revision bae347d3: Unittest clients.pithos get container versioning
Stavros Sachtouris
04:34 pm ./kamaki Revision 843afe1f: Unittest clients.pithos del container
Stavros Sachtouris
04:27 pm Revision 379dccfe: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
04:26 pm Revision b4aede5c: Bump version to 0.13~rc9-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
04:26 pm Revision da4e212e: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
04:22 pm Revision e18c1749: Bypass commissioning for orphan networks
Cyclades public networks do not have an owner, and since can not use
the commissioning system. Also, make snf-dispatc...
Christos Stavrakakis
04:19 pm Bug #3414 (Closed): AssertionError in Astakos gunicorn
As seen in production:... Vangelis Koukis
03:55 pm ./kamaki Revision a6439733: Unittest clients.pithos set account versioning
Stavros Sachtouris
03:53 pm ./kamaki Revision edd209d3: Unittest clients.pithos set account quota
Stavros Sachtouris
03:50 pm ./kamaki Revision 84817ae5: Unittest clients.pithos set account meta
Stavros Sachtouris
03:27 pm ./kamaki Revision e78922d9: Unittest clients.pithos get account group
Stavros Sachtouris
03:15 pm ./kamaki Revision de27950a: Unittest clients.pithos get account meta
Stavros Sachtouris
02:50 pm ganeti-local Revision 2d6bdcc5: Change hbal behaviour in case of early exit
Currently, hbal exits with status 1 if early exit is requested, even
when all jobs are successful. This is counter-in...
Iustin Pop
02:50 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2d6bdcc5: Change hbal behaviour in case of early exit
Currently, hbal exits with status 1 if early exit is requested, even
when all jobs are successful. This is counter-in...
Iustin Pop
02:44 pm Bug #3391 (Closed): Some plankton images listed in cyclades fail to be accessed in VM creation
Commit pushed in release0.13, and the issue seems to be fixed on Stratos Psomadakis
02:41 pm Feature #3411 (New): Rename user-set-initial-quota to user-set-base-quota
'initial-quota' can be confusing for the user / admin (as an one-time init operation to set user quotas). Rename it t... Stratos Psomadakis
02:30 pm ./kamaki Revision 16b77981: Unittest clients.pithos get account versioning
Stavros Sachtouris
02:29 pm Revision d25cd9dd: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
02:28 pm Revision 695d94d0: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
02:27 pm ./kamaki Revision 34f48ce0: Unittest clients.pithos get account quota
Stavros Sachtouris
02:26 pm Revision c2a4d52d: Bump version to 0.13~rc8-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
02:26 pm Revision bf014be9: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
02:23 pm ./kamaki Revision 419fa6c4: Unittest clients.pithos del account group
Stavros Sachtouris
02:17 pm ./kamaki Revision 8b71426c: Unittest clients.pithos set account group
Stavros Sachtouris
02:09 pm ./kamaki Revision cb65588d: Unittest clients.pithos get object hashmap
Stavros Sachtouris
01:43 pm Bug #3410 (Closed): "This event is already used by another greenlet:" Error
Spotted in production when changing from the Cyclades UI to the Dashboard, the red courtine pops up with the followin... Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
12:51 pm Revision e0a81f2e: Inform user we are working in the background
Print a message about astakos-quota calculating all user quotas,
which on a big system takes some time.
Giorgos Korfiatis


08:36 pm ./kamaki Revision b4e29772: Unittest clients.pithos download object
Stavros Sachtouris
07:11 pm ./kamaki Bug #3403 (Closed): ETA estimation is completely off for Pithos uploads
Uploading a large (~10GB) file to Pithos+:... Vangelis Koukis
07:01 pm Revision a99a9151: Classic login form fix
hide prompt for additional login methods if no such methods exist Kostas Papadimitriou
07:01 pm Revision 5df4c364: Astakos logging fixes
Removed with_logging wrapper which inconsistently extracted user/request
arguments. Logging statements placed explici...
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:01 pm Revision 92a8abc9: Astakos activation fix
Additional check to avoid verified inactive users reactivation Kostas Papadimitriou
07:01 pm Revision a53ee093: Include auth providers basic logging support
Add logging statements on some important auth providers operations.
Complete auth providers logging support will be ...
Kostas Papadimitriou
06:57 pm ./kamaki Revision e82edbb0: Unittest cl/.pithos create object by manifestation
Stavros Sachtouris
06:36 pm ./kamaki Revision 2a7292f1: Unittest clients.pithos upload object unchunked
Stavros Sachtouris
06:21 pm Revision d443e1dd: Fix bugs in UserCache
Fix an infinite loop bug in UserCache.fetch_names(), and correct the
*-list commands to only call fetch_names(), when...
Stratos Psomadakis
05:43 pm ./kamaki Revision 5ffdab56: Complete testing storage-compatible clients.pithos
Last method: list objects in path Stavros Sachtouris
05:34 pm ./kamaki Revision 39c737d4: Unittest clients.pithos list objects
Stavros Sachtouris
05:14 pm ./kamaki Revision 898e6fb7: Unittest clients.pithos move object
Stavros Sachtouris
05:10 pm Revision e6c4bd78: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
05:03 pm Revision 9e595d7f: Bump version
Christos Stavrakakis
05:02 pm Revision 432fe0ab: Bump version to 0.13~rc7-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
05:01 pm Revision d7d939a5: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
04:52 pm Revision cb0c401a: astakos-quota: allow syncing with --user
Giorgos Korfiatis
04:40 pm Revision 22a8a5e1: snf-deploy doc update
Change the commands. The latest version is:
snf-deploy vcluster image network dhcp create
snf-deploy prepare ns hos...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:26 pm ./kamaki Revision 33487500: Unittest clients.pithos copy object
Stavros Sachtouris
04:02 pm ./kamaki Revision bd3a524f: Unittest clients.pithos replace object meta
Stavros Sachtouris
03:52 pm ./kamaki Revision da1597b9: Unittest clients.pithos del object meta
Stavros Sachtouris
03:44 pm ./kamaki Revision 3e2e07be: Unittest clients.pithos get object meta
Stavros Sachtouris
03:39 pm ./kamaki Revision 723e9d47: Unittest clients.pithos get object info
Stavros Sachtouris
03:30 pm Bug #3357 (Closed): Make plankton instantiate pithos backend pool correctly
Stratos Psomadakis
03:29 pm Feature #3363 (Closed): Make /etc/synnefo/templates part of TEMPLATEDIR
Stratos Psomadakis
03:28 pm Bug #3369 (Resolved): Conditionally expand classic signup form
Commit 997413f204bef212fae1491ca61f5a52a9c2760c should resolve this. Not tested yet (on or production). Stratos Psomadakis
03:27 pm Bug #3368 (Closed): Redirect to overview page after login
Fix working on Closing.
See commit 398c10a26ed3775ade2a815be9405dd7020a198b.
Stratos Psomadakis
03:25 pm Bug #3377: Pithos+ deleted objects / images
Revision 2bbf1544acf5b83a2fb8ed3ccba06bcc6e122b32 resolved both this and bug #3391 Stratos Psomadakis
03:25 pm ./kamaki Revision 4227e4be: Unittest clients.pithos create directory
Stavros Sachtouris
03:23 pm Feature #3375 (Closed): server-list usability
Stratos Psomadakis
03:19 pm Bug #3377 (Closed): Pithos+ deleted objects / images
Stratos Psomadakis
03:19 pm ./kamaki Revision b4780663: Unittest clients.pithos create object
Stavros Sachtouris
03:14 pm Revision 88f4d3b3: Add 'default' capacity to user-set-initial-quota
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
02:52 pm ./kamaki Revision cf687343: Unittest clients.pithos upload_object
Stavros Sachtouris
02:07 pm Revision 60c67b41: Fix log string format
Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision 5a5a1f65: Fix print alignment for snf-mange cmds
pprint_table misbehaved when handling unicode 'strings', breaking the
alignment of the output of several snf-manage c...
Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision 7856a37a: pep8 fixes
Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision f4366b6c: Correctly instantiate pithos backend pool
Plankton should explicitly pass quotaholder related args to the pithos
backend pool constructor (after the feature of...
Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision 8283d6c1: Improve perf for snf-manage cyclades commands
When the snf-manage {server, network}-list commands are invoked with the
--displayname option, batch the UUID-to-disp...
Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision 4500650c: Improve server-list usability
Refs #3375 Stratos Psomadakis
02:03 pm Revision 2b1e7b83: Add negative caching in ImageCache
Refs #3375 Stratos Psomadakis
01:25 pm snf-image Revision a205f1e3: Fix bug introduced in b2592d3809
The bug affected snf-image when working with kvm Nikos Skalkotos
01:24 pm Bug #3397 (Assigned): Misleading initialization messages in the Cyclades UI
The UI shows "Loading flavors..." and gets stuck there, although in reality it's waiting for "Loading Images..."
to ...
Vangelis Koukis
01:22 pm Bug #3396 (Assigned): Cyclades UI, excessive delays on initialization
The UI shows excessive delays upon initialization.
It performs multiple queries of the type:...
Vangelis Koukis
12:59 pm Bug #3395 (Assigned): Astakos does not use CONTACT_EMAIL consistently, MISLEADING documentation
Notifications of account creation go to @ADMINS@.
Notifications of account activations go to @DEFAULT_CONTACT_EMAIL@...
Vangelis Koukis
11:42 am snf-image Revision 21063d2d: Make helper_ip and monitor_port configurable
Let the host system provide those values to the helper through the
kernel command line.
Nikos Skalkotos


08:43 pm snf-image Revision eb5554b1: Add some missing "exit 1" statements
The script should always exit with an error status after a log_error
Nikos Skalkotos
08:42 pm snf-image Revision 49aec91a: Fix a bug in the rc check
Nikos Skalkotos
08:28 pm snf-image Revision b2592d38: Monitor helper through UDP packages in xen
Nikos Skalkotos
08:20 pm Pithos MS Client PithosPlus_Setupv0.8.30306.154.exe
Giorgos Pantazis
08:04 pm Revision 0c29b5ba: Add apt command in snf-deploy
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
08:04 pm Revision 9bd540f5: Some renaming in snf-deploy commands
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:27 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 7964bdc9: Fixed Auth URL (we let pithos redirect us to astakos)
Invalidate cookies by expiring the cookie on each Auth (set date to Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;)
George Pantazis
06:27 pm ./kamaki Revision bcbf3cf0: Attempt to unittest clients.pithos upload_object
The trick is to check if methods
get_container_info, container_post, object_put
are called with the correct parameters
Stavros Sachtouris
06:22 pm Feature #3389 (Resolved): List quotas for a specified user
Giorgos Korfiatis
06:03 pm Bug #3391 (Resolved): Some plankton images listed in cyclades fail to be accessed in VM creation
Georgios Tsoukalas
05:44 pm Revision 2bbf1544: Fix UUID bug breaking image list and VM creation
latest_uuid(uuid) returned the latest version with the given uuid.
This is called from pithos backend method get_uuid...
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
05:39 pm ./kamaki Revision efaa8675: Unittest clients.pithos list containers
Stavros Sachtouris
05:31 pm ./kamaki Revision 5549c0ab: Unittest clients.pithos delete container
Stavros Sachtouris
05:31 pm snf-ganeti Revision 777e8b6f: Fix "reason" opcode parameter description
The "reason" opcode parameter can now apply to multiple opcodes, not just the
one for rebooting instances.
Michele Tartara
05:31 pm ganeti-local Revision 777e8b6f: Fix "reason" opcode parameter description
The "reason" opcode parameter can now apply to multiple opcodes, not just the
one for rebooting instances.
Michele Tartara
05:29 pm Bug #3391 (Closed): Some plankton images listed in cyclades fail to be accessed in VM creation
E.g. the Archlinux public image in
We investigated with cstavr and narrowed it down to pithos call @late...
Georgios Tsoukalas
05:26 pm Pithos MS Client Revision eb7b463e: Merge branch 'Polling' of into Polling
Panagiotis Kanavos
05:16 pm ./kamaki Revision d12e8569: Unittest clients.pithos get container info
Stavros Sachtouris
05:09 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 2f5fcd2f: Extracted a method that calculates the login url to PithosAccount
Panagiotis Kanavos
05:06 pm ./kamaki Revision 756e9de9: Unittest clients.pithos create container
Stavros Sachtouris
04:58 pm Pithos MS Client Revision a06d7037: Changes to Login URI
Signed-off-by: George Pantazis <> George Pantazis
04:56 pm ./kamaki Revision 8c599ca2: Unittest clients.pithos del account meta
Stavros Sachtouris
04:43 pm ./kamaki Revision 514f9b88: Unittest clients.pithos replace account meta
Stavros Sachtouris
04:37 pm snf-ganeti Revision c83c0410: Fix build/ with tuple defaults for op params
When an OpCode's parameter has a tuple as default value, this code
will break:
buf.write("defaults to ``%s``" % de...
Iustin Pop
04:37 pm ganeti-local Revision c83c0410: Fix build/ with tuple defaults for op params
When an OpCode's parameter has a tuple as default value, this code
will break:
buf.write("defaults to ``%s``" % de...
Iustin Pop
04:37 pm ganeti-local Revision 67c15d8b: Fix bug in man build rule
Currently the man page build rule is run without ‘-e’, so the actual
checks in there are just warnings (check-man-war...
Iustin Pop
04:37 pm snf-ganeti Revision 67c15d8b: Fix bug in man build rule
Currently the man page build rule is run without ‘-e’, so the actual
checks in there are just warnings (check-man-war...
Iustin Pop
04:20 pm Revision db8cfc97: List quotas for a specified user
Refs #3389 Giorgos Korfiatis
04:12 pm Feature #3389 (Closed): List quotas for a specified user
Add option in @snf-manage astakos-quota@ to list quotas only for a specified user Giorgos Korfiatis
03:53 pm ./kamaki Revision 24851aa5: Unittest clients.pithos get account info
Stavros Sachtouris
03:26 pm Revision 9efc25a1: Fix calculation of initial quotas
Also add all_quotas method in AstakosUser
Refs #3388
Giorgos Korfiatis
03:17 pm Bug #2464 (Closed): Button order on CMS pages?
Kostas Papadimitriou
03:16 pm Bug #2463 (Closed): No console under Safari on Mac OS X
Kostas Papadimitriou
03:16 pm ./kamaki Revision 0775d2bd: Adjust kamaki.clients.livetest constants
Stavros Sachtouris
02:55 pm Feature #3388 (Resolved): Improve performance of quota operations
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:27 pm Revision 09a8fb8e: Merge branch 'tmp-quota-opt2' into release-0.13
Refs #3388
Improve performance of quota operations
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:26 pm Revision ad977592: Rename option --force to --no-confirm for clarity
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:26 pm Feature #3388 (Closed): Improve performance of quota operations
Improve @snf-manage astakos-quota@
This requires changes in calculation of user initial quotas in astakos
and chang...
Giorgos Korfiatis
02:13 pm snf-image-creator Revision 4812e85d: Bump ubuntu version to 0.2.4-0ubuntu1
Nikos Skalkotos
02:09 pm snf-image-creator Revision 23e34f46: Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu
Nikos Skalkotos
01:44 pm snf-image-creator Revision 56884b64: Bump version to 0.2.4
Nikos Skalkotos
01:38 pm snf-image-creator Revision 6f9e1534: Use user id to authenticate with synnefo
Latest versions of synnefo require user id instead of e-mail to
Nikos Skalkotos
01:19 pm ./kamaki Revision 21d7e374: Add missing cyclades tests to livetest
Stavros Sachtouris
01:03 pm snf-image-creator Revision 8ec4da46: Enforce raw img format in libguestfs
Don't let libguestfs guess the format of the provided image. Enforce
it to treat the image as raw.
Nikos Skalkotos
11:47 am Revision bb535968: Major update of the snf-deploy.rst
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
11:39 am ./kamaki Revision 9794e66a: Add missing test disconnect network nics
Stavros Sachtouris
11:36 am snf-ganeti Revision e61db4b2: Fix hscolour style sheet building
Currently we only symlink this into two hard-coded directories, which
breaks the source code viewing for all the othe...
Iustin Pop
11:36 am ganeti-local Revision e61db4b2: Fix hscolour style sheet building
Currently we only symlink this into two hard-coded directories, which
breaks the source code viewing for all the othe...
Iustin Pop
11:16 am ganeti-local Revision 69c88fb1: Make "reason" a common opcode attribute
The "reason" attribute will be common to many opcodes.
This patch factors it out so that it will be possible for the ...
Michele Tartara
11:16 am snf-ganeti Revision 69c88fb1: Make "reason" a common opcode attribute
The "reason" attribute will be common to many opcodes.
This patch factors it out so that it will be possible for the ...
Michele Tartara
11:12 am ./kamaki Revision c6f8aeb4: Unittest add missing test list network nics
Stavros Sachtouris


11:44 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 38eb0f9e: Replace menu name with displayname
Panagiotis Kanavos
11:21 pm Pithos MS Client Revision b8946a24: Now stopping the old monitor, starting a new monitor for the uuid
Panagiotis Kanavos
11:15 pm Pithos MS Client Revision c3a4add4: Added Displayname change
Panagiotis Kanavos
11:08 pm Pithos MS Client Revision c87a1e4f: Change to detect non guid names
Panagiotis Kanavos
10:29 pm Pithos MS Client Revision c010b69c: Added in the list of servers. The user_catalog url is now de...
Panagiotis Kanavos
10:22 pm Revision 9b1e6145: FIx bug in snf-burnin
"create_network" function of kamaki client, has default dchp=False.
However, "test_002_connect_to_network", expects t...
Christos Stavrakakis
10:11 pm Feature #3386 (Assigned): Configuration file for snf-burnin
Create configuration file for snf-burnin. It is not user friendly to provide such many
mandatory options to command ...
Christos Stavrakakis
10:04 pm Feature #3385 (Closed): Duplicate code in snf-burnin
test_003a_setup_interface_A and test_003b_setup_interface_B are exactly the same, with
the only difference that they...
Christos Stavrakakis
07:45 pm Revision b9f8f48a: Astakos feedback form fixes
- Include uuid in email
- Response redirect after on successful form submission
Kostas Papadimitriou
07:45 pm Revision f76c5e52: Cyclades feedback email fixes
- Include user uuid and email as user info Kostas Papadimitriou
07:38 pm ./kamaki Revision d8abe9e6: Complete unittests for clients.cyclades
Stavros Sachtouris
07:36 pm ./kamaki Revision 6cba6053: Unittest clients.cyclades update image metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
07:32 pm ./kamaki Revision 1f978111: Unittest clients.cyclades create image metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
07:29 pm ./kamaki Revision c23f1dec: Unittest clients.cyclades delete *
where * stands for server/image/network Stavros Sachtouris
07:20 pm ./kamaki Revision 06030a1b: Unittest clients.cyclades update network name
Stavros Sachtouris
07:13 pm ./kamaki Revision 65cc246b: Unittest clients.cyclades get network details
Stavros Sachtouris
07:10 pm ./kamaki Revision 0da4f84b: Unittest clients.cyclades list networks
Stavros Sachtouris
07:01 pm Revision 95b36b00: Fix typo
Christos Stavrakakis
06:54 pm Revision 0bfeb27e: Fix bug in snf-burnin about flavor names
Since version 0.13 flavors have been renamed in order to include the
disk_template. This commit fixes the correspondi...
Christos Stavrakakis
06:22 pm Bug #3373 (Resolved): user-set-initial-quota usability
Giorgos Korfiatis
06:15 pm ganeti-local Revision 9b154e2b: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
Update required pylint version improve Haddock markup in the template
Iustin Pop
06:15 pm snf-ganeti Revision 9b154e2b: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
Update required pylint version improve Haddock markup in the template
Iustin Pop
06:14 pm ./kamaki Revision 5fa8c9f1: Unittest clients.cyclades list server nics
Stavros Sachtouris
06:09 pm Revision 6c45fa84: Helpdesk app fixes
- Do not use autocomplete feature (usernames are now stored in astakos
- Translate provided username to retriev...
Kostas Papadimitriou
06:09 pm Revision 210f4d0e: Revert astakos authenticated api
Include groups, auth_token information in authenticated api response.
These attributes are required by cyclades helpd...
Kostas Papadimitriou
06:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 9ced0bd8: Unittest clients.cyclades disconnect server
Stavros Sachtouris
06:06 pm Revision 8d1636b5: Set initial user quota from the command line
Refs #3373
Add option --set-capacity in user-set-initial-quota that sets
initial quota for a specified user/resource...
Giorgos Korfiatis
05:53 pm ganeti-local Revision 099e9213: Update required pylint version
This should help a lot of users, since pylint 0.21.1 was quite an old
The tree is "clean" w.r.t. the new py...
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm snf-ganeti Revision 099e9213: Update required pylint version
This should help a lot of users, since pylint 0.21.1 was quite an old
The tree is "clean" w.r.t. the new py...
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1498270e: improve Haddock markup in the template
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm ganeti-local Revision 1498270e: improve Haddock markup in the template
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm snf-ganeti Revision 25d7b289: convert-constants: generate better Haddock markup
Currently the Python source constants are used as-is, which is not
nice on the eyes (especially for unqualified names...
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm ganeti-local Revision 25d7b289: convert-constants: generate better Haddock markup
Currently the Python source constants are used as-is, which is not
nice on the eyes (especially for unqualified names...
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7ddd8e4c: Expand Haddock to run over test files as well
This patch does multiple enhancements to the way we build the Haddock
docs, motivated by the fact that if we don't ru...
Iustin Pop
05:53 pm ganeti-local Revision 7ddd8e4c: Expand Haddock to run over test files as well
This patch does multiple enhancements to the way we build the Haddock
docs, motivated by the fact that if we don't ru...
Iustin Pop
05:40 pm ./kamaki Revision 0e8a5f03: Unittest clients.cyclades connect server
Stavros Sachtouris
05:36 pm snf-cloudcms Revision 594d83ef: Fixed cms faq/userguide side menu.
Deletion of extra menu below faq/userguide answer.
Side menu is visible provided that the page is wide and tall enough.
Olga Brani
05:34 pm ./kamaki Revision e6ec9ea6: Unittest clients.cyclades create_network
Stavros Sachtouris
05:11 pm snf-cloudcms Revision 6b8514cd: Custom top message for cms
New fields in Application Model for custom message and type ( error,
info, warning, success ). The message appears in...
Olga Brani
05:10 pm Bug #3365 (Feedback): snf-manage server-list barfs with --filterby
Although I can't reproduce this bug, I believe that the associated commits will solve the TypeError. Christos Stavrakakis
05:09 pm Revision 7d36f85e: Add type assertions in pprint_table args
Add assertions about the types of "table" and "headers" arguments.
Refs #3365
Christos Stavrakakis
05:02 pm Revision da0b2fcf: Fix default example urls in deb config files
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
05:02 pm Revision 97341ccb: Fix serious inefficiency in pithos 0.13 migration
As was run on production during migration.
The migration looped over all rows (node, muser) from versions,
and updat...
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
04:57 pm ./kamaki Revision 27f04e4f: Unittest clients.cyclades get server stats
Stavros Sachtouris
04:56 pm Revision db4873f8: Fix TypeError in pprint_table
Convert all fields of table and headers to strings before counting their
length or right-aligning them.
Refs #3365
Christos Stavrakakis
04:44 pm ./kamaki Revision 278f2eb3: Unittest clients.cyclades set firewall profile
Stavros Sachtouris
04:39 pm ./kamaki Revision 7d768bc6: Unittes clients.cyclades get firewall profile
Stavros Sachtouris
04:31 pm ./kamaki Revision 33ebcd22: Unittest clients.cyclades get server console
Stavros Sachtouris
04:25 pm ./kamaki Revision 2c987e80: Unittest clients.cyclades start server
Stavros Sachtouris
04:24 pm ./kamaki Revision 386d82a1: Unittest clients.cyclades shutdown server
Stavros Sachtouris
04:21 pm Revision c219e23a: Remove snf-pithos-tools from $PROJECTS
Stratos Psomadakis
04:00 pm ./kamaki Revision b3efa972: Unittest clients.cyclades get image metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
03:55 pm Feature #3374 (Resolved): user-list usability
Also added --active option, which uses the same filtering function as --filter-by. Giorgos Korfiatis
03:41 pm Revision 56b9989a: Add display options in user-list
Refs #3374
Add options --uuid, --displayname, --active, and --filter-by.
filter_results() is copied locally to avoid...
Giorgos Korfiatis
03:41 pm ./kamaki Revision ff5334e4: Unittest clients.cyclades get image details
Stavros Sachtouris
03:31 pm ./kamaki Revision c701321b: Unittest clients.cyclades list images
Stavros Sachtouris
03:12 pm ./kamaki Revision a8685edf: Implement livetest to check connection pool lock
Stavros Sachtouris
02:40 pm Feature #3375: server-list usability
- Implement negative caching (for non-existent images) in the ImageCache (see also #3377) Stratos Psomadakis
02:39 pm Bug #3377 (Closed): Pithos+ deleted objects / images
Atm, the synnefo.plankton.backend.get_image() method (and subsequently the synnefo.api.util.get_image(), and ImageCac... Stratos Psomadakis
01:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision 491d02ca: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7: (23 commits)
Add export lists for files which didn't have them
Fix Haskell compatibility tests with ...
Iustin Pop
01:56 pm ganeti-local Revision 491d02ca: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7: (23 commits)
Add export lists for files which didn't have them
Fix Haskell compatibility tests with ...
Iustin Pop
01:47 pm Revision 2a6fc999: Improve performance of user-list
Refs #3374
Prefetch auth providers for all users and store them
in a per-user dictionary.
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:21 pm ./kamaki Revision 20c94832: Unittest http response pool lock handling
Stavros Sachtouris
01:11 pm Feature #3375 (Closed): server-list usability
- Replace @--uuids@ with
@--uuid@ display only uuid (default)
@--displayname@ display both uuid and displ...
Georgios Tsoukalas
12:57 pm Feature #3374 (Closed): user-list usability
Propose to add:
@--uuid@ only display user uuid (default)
@--displayname@ display both uuid and displayname
Georgios Tsoukalas
12:41 pm Bug #3373 (Closed): user-set-initial-quota usability
user-set-initial-quota needs a convenient way to set quotas for a single user.
--from-file @<exporte...
Georgios Tsoukalas
11:03 am ganeti-local Revision c56dd17b: Switch LispConfig double comparison to relative error
This further improves the comparison for "non-trivial"
numbers. Without this patch, there are still cases where the a...
Iustin Pop
11:03 am snf-ganeti Revision c56dd17b: Switch LispConfig double comparison to relative error
This further improves the comparison for "non-trivial"
numbers. Without this patch, there are still cases where the a...
Iustin Pop
09:46 am Revision 997413f2: Classic signup form fix
Expand form content by default when classic module is the only one set. Kostas Papadimitriou
09:35 am Revision 55870b72: Fix astakos stale session messages
Consume session messages in get_services api response. When get_services is
loaded from an astakos page, messages sho...
Kostas Papadimitriou
09:13 am Revision 398c10a2: New setting to redirect after successful login
redirect to ASTAKOS_LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL after successful login when no
next parameter is set. Defaults to /im/landing
Kostas Papadimitriou


08:45 pm ./kamaki Revision 3b830125: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
08:21 pm ./kamaki Revision 0bc116b5: Bump version to 0.7.5-1
Signed-off-by: Stavros Sachtouris <> Stavros Sachtouris
08:20 pm ./kamaki Revision 46f9ff0c: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.5' into debian-hotfix-0.7.5
Stavros Sachtouris
08:18 pm Revision 01e056b7: Change default TEMPLATE_DIRS setting
Refs #3363
/var/lib/* is commonly used to store application generated data and not
as a place to configure installed...
Kostas Papadimitriou
08:15 pm Revision aacb777e: Reverse view typo does not exist Kostas Papadimitriou
08:15 pm ./kamaki Revision 4233564c: Apply hotfixes 0.7.4 and 0.7.5
Stavros Sachtouris
08:15 pm ./kamaki Revision c7f1d9e9: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.5'
Stavros Sachtouris
08:12 pm ./kamaki Revision a1822585: Declare recvlog before using it
Stavros Sachtouris
08:10 pm ./kamaki Revision 58ddc630: Release http conn. if error while getting response
Fixes Bug #3370
Stavros Sachtouris
08:06 pm ./kamaki Bug #3370 (Resolved): http connection leak when exception raises while getting connection results
Stavros Sachtouris
08:03 pm ./kamaki Revision 7e8b0436: Declare recvlog before using it
Stavros Sachtouris
08:03 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 854c715a: Now working with new authentication
Panagiotis Kanavos
07:56 pm ./kamaki Revision 226df276: Release http conn. if error while getting response
Fixes Bug #3370 Stavros Sachtouris
07:50 pm ./kamaki Bug #3370 (Closed): http connection leak when exception raises while getting connection results
Stavros Sachtouris
07:35 pm snf-image Revision 6edac4de: Disable some vif options in the helper's interface
When working in xen mode, make sure that arp, allmulticast, dynamic
and multicast are disabled in the helpers virtual...
Nikos Skalkotos
07:17 pm Bug #3369 (Feedback): Conditionally expand classic signup form
Astakos should expand classic signup form when it is the only option available Kostas Papadimitriou
07:14 pm ./kamaki Revision 52a00a6c: Update version tag
Stavros Sachtouris
07:08 pm Bug #3368 (Closed): Redirect to overview page after login
Astakos should redirect to overview page after a successful login Kostas Papadimitriou
07:05 pm ./kamaki Revision 0d735aaf: Suggest ansicolors, progress when missing (#3367)
Stavros Sachtouris
07:01 pm ./kamaki Support #3367 (Closed): Suggest user to install missing suggested features
Stavros Sachtouris
06:57 pm ./kamaki Revision 23cd71ae: Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
06:57 pm ./kamaki Revision b716a16f: Merge branch 'feature-output' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
06:55 pm ./kamaki Revision 6fb4af77: Suggest ansicolors, progress when missing (#3367)
Stavros Sachtouris
06:39 pm snf-ganeti Revision d58d44f3: Switch Attoparsec parser from double to rational
According to the documentation, “This function is almost ten times
faster than rational, but is slightly less accurat...
Iustin Pop
06:39 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1fe0e999: Make the XmParser config test runtime more consistent
Currently, the test uses a frequency of 5 string/5 double/1 list for
generating Arbitrary instances of ListConfig. Ho...
Iustin Pop
06:39 pm ganeti-local Revision 1fe0e999: Make the XmParser config test runtime more consistent
Currently, the test uses a frequency of 5 string/5 double/1 list for
generating Arbitrary instances of ListConfig. Ho...
Iustin Pop
06:39 pm ganeti-local Revision d58d44f3: Switch Attoparsec parser from double to rational
According to the documentation, “This function is almost ten times
faster than rational, but is slightly less accurat...
Iustin Pop
06:39 pm snf-ganeti Revision a7e76dc3: Improve output of the XmParser config test
Currently, this tests and its helper function 'isAlmostEqual' uses
plain booleans to signify failures, which means yo...
Iustin Pop
06:39 pm ganeti-local Revision a7e76dc3: Improve output of the XmParser config test
Currently, this tests and its helper function 'isAlmostEqual' uses
plain booleans to signify failures, which means yo...
Iustin Pop
06:10 pm ganeti-local Revision 91c1a265: Fix node partial name matching in Haskell code
This implements QffHostname and fixes the node listing (as well as
export listing when filtering on node name).
Iustin Pop
06:10 pm snf-ganeti Revision 91c1a265: Fix node partial name matching in Haskell code
This implements QffHostname and fixes the node listing (as well as
export listing when filtering on node name).
Iustin Pop
06:09 pm snf-ganeti Revision e7124835: Fix bug in group queries related to node/instance fields
Since we use the primitive string type for group UUIDs, the group
fields have a bug where we pass the group name as f...
Iustin Pop
06:09 pm ganeti-local Revision e7124835: Fix bug in group queries related to node/instance fields
Since we use the primitive string type for group UUIDs, the group
fields have a bug where we pass the group name as f...
Iustin Pop
06:09 pm snf-ganeti Revision d5b2753a: Abstract the individual query functions
After implementing a few of the query executor functions, it turns out
that we have the same general pattern:
- comp...
Iustin Pop
06:09 pm ganeti-local Revision d5b2753a: Abstract the individual query functions
After implementing a few of the query executor functions, it turns out
that we have the same general pattern:
- comp...
Iustin Pop
06:08 pm ganeti-local Revision dce08ad3: Allow confd to serve network list-fields queries
The fields are not yet complete, but at least we can enable the
list-field query to see what is there already.
Iustin Pop
06:08 pm snf-ganeti Revision dce08ad3: Allow confd to serve network list-fields queries
The fields are not yet complete, but at least we can enable the
list-field query to see what is there already.
Iustin Pop
06:08 pm ganeti-local Revision 36162faf: Rename/make uniform the other query entities
Following the new naming style introduced in Exports.hs, this patch
renames the other resources to export non-qualifi...
Iustin Pop
06:08 pm snf-ganeti Revision 36162faf: Rename/make uniform the other query entities
Following the new naming style introduced in Exports.hs, this patch
renames the other resources to export non-qualifi...
Iustin Pop
05:59 pm ganeti-local Revision dde85e1e: Add export lists for files which didn't have them
Two test helper files didn't have export lists (lost during the split
of tests). This patch finally reintroduces them...
Iustin Pop
05:59 pm snf-ganeti Revision dde85e1e: Add export lists for files which didn't have them
Two test helper files didn't have export lists (lost during the split
of tests). This patch finally reintroduces them...
Iustin Pop
05:51 pm ./kamaki Revision fc84235d: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-output
Stavros Sachtouris
05:18 pm ganeti-local Revision 3cbd5808: Fix Haskell compatibility tests with disabled file storage
When file storage is disabled at ./configure time, we shouldn't pass
opcodes containing DTFile/DTSharedFile/StorageFi...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm snf-ganeti Revision 3cbd5808: Fix Haskell compatibility tests with disabled file storage
When file storage is disabled at ./configure time, we shouldn't pass
opcodes containing DTFile/DTSharedFile/StorageFi...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm ganeti-local Revision 3c87d614: Fix QA with disabled file storage
Currently QA tries to use “gnt-node list-storage” with all storage
types, but when file storage is disabled this will...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm snf-ganeti Revision 3c87d614: Fix QA with disabled file storage
Currently QA tries to use “gnt-node list-storage” with all storage
types, but when file storage is disabled this will...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7b3cbe02: Fix convert-constants handling of booleans
It turns out that, in Python, booleans are also integers. So they fall
under the “isinstance(value, int)” case, resul...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm ganeti-local Revision 7b3cbe02: Fix convert-constants handling of booleans
It turns out that, in Python, booleans are also integers. So they fall
under the “isinstance(value, int)” case, resul...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm ganeti-local Revision 1fbb19fa: Fix handling of disabled (shared) file storage
The vcluster changes broke the disabling of file storage; we can
workaround by (manually) skipping the virtualisation...
Iustin Pop
05:18 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1fbb19fa: Fix handling of disabled (shared) file storage
The vcluster changes broke the disabling of file storage; we can
workaround by (manually) skipping the virtualisation...
Iustin Pop
04:35 pm ./kamaki Support #3367 (Closed): Suggest user to install missing suggested features
Suggested but not required features are ansi-color and progress. Stavros Sachtouris
03:18 pm Revision a5cb2e20: Make snf-pithos-tools obsolete
Move the directory under contrib and remove the corresponding
entry from `devflow.conf'.
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
02:34 pm Revision a5928cd4: control: remove obsolete snf-pithos-tools package
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
01:54 pm Feature #3366 (New): add --dryrun argument to all DB-changing management commands
All management commands modifying the DB should have a @--dryrun@ argument.
Start with snf-manage flavor-create.
Vangelis Koukis
01:50 pm Bug #3365 (Closed): snf-manage server-list barfs with --filterby
To reproduce:... Vangelis Koukis
01:49 pm Feature #3364 (New): Add progress report for console output of server-list
Since they have to talk to Astakos for UUID<->displayname conversions,
commands like @snf-manage server-list@ may ta...
Vangelis Koukis
01:12 pm Feature #3363 (Closed): Make /etc/synnefo/templates part of TEMPLATEDIR
Make /etc/synnefo/templates part of the template directories searched by Django.
Do it at the snf-webproject level.
Vangelis Koukis
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision b6322b3e: Fix LUTestAllocator with instance alloc
This is similar to commit 8775e62a; the addition of node_whitelist
broke this LU as well.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop ...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision 36a566e8: Allow iallocator to work without LVM storage
Currently, the iallocator interface requires LVM storage, due to the
way it computes the node storage information.
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision 0e42ef67: Fix improperly formatted docstring
Change the docstring of chompPrefix to prevent the error
"doc comment parse failed" that was raised by some version o...
Michele Tartara
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision bfa99f7a: Fix low verbosity levels in htools
In a few cases, we tested the verbosity level for (== 0), instead of
higher/lower than a certain value. If the user p...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision bfa99f7a: Fix low verbosity levels in htools
In a few cases, we tested the verbosity level for (== 0), instead of
higher/lower than a certain value. If the user p...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision 0e42ef67: Fix improperly formatted docstring
Change the docstring of chompPrefix to prevent the error
"doc comment parse failed" that was raised by some version o...
Michele Tartara
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision 36a566e8: Allow iallocator to work without LVM storage
Currently, the iallocator interface requires LVM storage, due to the
way it computes the node storage information.
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision 91c17910: Allow rpc.MakeLegacyNodeInfo to parse non-LVM results
'MakeLegacyNodeInfo' is not the best place for this, but we'd have to
duplicate it if we wanted a LVM-less version, s...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision 91c17910: Allow rpc.MakeLegacyNodeInfo to parse non-LVM results
'MakeLegacyNodeInfo' is not the best place for this, but we'd have to
duplicate it if we wanted a LVM-less version, s...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision b6322b3e: Fix LUTestAllocator with instance alloc
This is similar to commit 8775e62a; the addition of node_whitelist
broke this LU as well.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop ...
Iustin Pop
12:35 pm ganeti-local Revision 64b0309a: Fix confd issue regarding --no-lvm-storage
If cluster is initialized with --no-lvm-storage then volume_group_name
does not exist in Thus we must de...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision 64b0309a: Fix confd issue regarding --no-lvm-storage
If cluster is initialized with --no-lvm-storage then volume_group_name
does not exist in Thus we must de...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:07 pm Bug #3357: Make plankton instantiate pithos backend pool correctly
Hotfix currently on Stratos Psomadakis


08:10 pm Feature #3361 (Assigned): ~okeanos-neutral branding for Synnefo
Refactor all settings, Synnefo strings, and icons to be ~okeanos-neutral.
Synnefo is distinct from the ~okeanos serv...
Vangelis Koukis
06:54 pm Bug #3360 (Closed): Deleting an image from Plankton multiple times does not fail (?)
... Vangelis Koukis
06:44 pm Feature #3359 (Closed): Report cloud faults properly across Synnefo
Both Plankton and Pithos should report proper cloud faults, parsable in JSON and XML by the UI, as Cyclades does.
Vangelis Koukis
06:43 pm Bug #3356: Make Plankton handle bad reqs correctly
This will be solved by implementing the long-needed #3358 properly.
Plankton should report proper cloud faults, like...
Vangelis Koukis
06:42 pm Bug #3356 (Assigned): Make Plankton handle bad reqs correctly
Vangelis Koukis
06:41 pm Bug #3357 (Assigned): Make plankton instantiate pithos backend pool correctly
Vangelis Koukis
06:40 pm Feature #3358 (Closed): Single decorator for handling API calls, with proper logging of HTTP 500 ...
Create a single decorator, *across* Synnefo, for handling API calls,
with proper logging of HTTP 500 errors.
Vangelis Koukis


08:10 pm Revision f6d5af41: Fix a small typo in snf-deploy.rst
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
07:56 pm Revision 21d3d487: Update the intro section of the snf-deploy doc
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
07:20 pm Bug #3357 (Closed): Make plankton instantiate pithos backend pool correctly
... Stratos Psomadakis
07:10 pm Bug #3356 (Assigned): Make Plankton handle bad reqs correctly
# kamaki image delete foo
(503) SERVICE UNAVAILABLE serviceUnavailable (Unexpected error.)
plankton should retur...
Stratos Psomadakis
07:09 pm ./kamaki Revision 89ecfa57: Fix typo in list images help output
Stratos Psomadakis
07:01 pm Pithos Android Client android-pithosplus_010313_v.
fixes custom provider login Giannis Koutsoubos
06:58 pm Bug #3355 (Closed): Unregister images
There is no way to unregister an image from Plankton without removing it from Pithos.
Christos Stavrakakis
06:54 pm snf-ganeti Revision ac84befd: Fix networks in _PrepareNicModifications()
Passing --net 0:add,ip= failed due to a reference
of a non initialized variable (new_net_obj). Reorder the che...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:54 pm ganeti-local Revision ac84befd: Fix networks in _PrepareNicModifications()
Passing --net 0:add,ip= failed due to a reference
of a non initialized variable (new_net_obj). Reorder the che...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:22 pm Revision d3f88aa3: Query Astakos `/service/api/user_catalogs'
Ilias Tsitsimpis
06:19 pm ./kamaki Revision c24d4b5f: Unittest clients.cyclades get flavor details
Stavros Sachtouris
06:02 pm Revision 1677cd19: Add getServices method
Ilias Tsitsimpis
06:01 pm ./kamaki Revision 8f5d38df: Unittest clients.cyclades list flavors
Stavros Sachtouris
05:53 pm ./kamaki Revision 5ad6a119: Unittest clients.cyclades delete server metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
05:49 pm Bug #2291 (Closed): Fix cookie handling
Both cookies are set as secure.
Closing ticket.
Vangelis Koukis
05:47 pm ./kamaki Revision 7bbaf88b: Unittest clients.cyclades update server metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
05:38 pm Revision 96d063b9: Implement getUUIDs/getUUID methods
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:26 pm Revision 3bae403a: Better format for logging messages
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:25 pm Revision a1eb233f: Better handling of default parameter values
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:20 pm ./kamaki Revision 774cc124: Unittest clients.cyclades get server metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
05:01 pm ./kamaki Revision f1cab3a1: Unittest clients.cyclades create server metadata
Stavros Sachtouris
05:00 pm Feature #3353 (Assigned): Support flavor attributes
Support per-flavor attributes:
* attributes are per flavor, of specific type (boolean, int, string)
* implement Fla...
Vangelis Koukis
04:52 pm snf-image Revision 70d434ff: Remove dublicated code in {kvm,xen}
Add check_helper_rc and check_helper_result functions called by and
Nikos Skalkotos
04:51 pm ./kamaki Revision e711efe2: Unittest clients.cyclades reboot server
Stavros Sachtouris
04:49 pm Feature #3352 (Assigned): Implement OAuth support inside Astakos
Make Astakos an OAuth provider:
* Remove the Astakos cookie and associated token
* Implement OAuth endpoints to mak...
Vangelis Koukis
04:47 pm Feature #3351 (Assigned): Remove all independent settings for Astakos URLs
Remove all independent settings for URLS under the @/astakos@ URL space, e.g., @/astakos/feedback@
from the configur...
Vangelis Koukis
04:44 pm Feature #3350 (Resolved): Integrate the quotaholder into Astakos
Integrate the quotaholder into Astakos:
* remove all references to snf-quotaholder-app
* make qholder a Django app ...
Vangelis Koukis
04:43 pm ./kamaki Revision 5e194c99: Unittest clients.cyclades update_server_name
Stavros Sachtouris
04:33 pm ./kamaki Revision e5613073: Unittest clients.cyclades get_server_details
Stavros Sachtouris
04:30 pm Feature #3349 (Resolved): Make maximum number of outstanding Project applications a quotable entity
Per #3348, make the cap on the maximum number of outstanding Project applications a quotable entity.
Vangelis Koukis
04:28 pm Feature #3348 (New): Document the process for adding new resources into Astakos
Produce exact documentation for how to:
* define new resources at the service level,
* implement support for thes...
Vangelis Koukis
04:26 pm Feature #3347 (Assigned): Implement Quota management commands inside Astakos
Implement @snf-manage quota-{list, export}@ commands in Astakos.
Extend @snf-manage user-show@ command to show all u...
Vangelis Koukis
04:25 pm Pithos Android Client android-pithosplus_010313_v.1.3.6.apk
Giannis Koutsoubos
04:24 pm Feature #3346 (Resolved): Service management commands for Astakos
Review and update all service management commands in Astakos for uniformity,
e.g., @snf-manage service-{add, list, u...
Vangelis Koukis
04:23 pm Feature #3345 (Assigned): Review and rename all Synnefo settings for uniformity
Review and rename *all* Synnefo settings for uniformity.
Rules: [please update]
* All service names are hierarchi...
Vangelis Koukis
04:20 pm Feature #3344 (Resolved): Define and manage resources as part of Astakos
Manage all resources as part of Astakos.
This includes [please comment]:
* Implement a Resource model
** include *...
Vangelis Koukis
04:19 pm Feature #3343 (New): CRUD management of resources at the Astakos command line
Support Create-Read-Update-Delete management of Astakos resources with @snf-manage@ commands
Vangelis Koukis
04:18 pm Pithos Android Client Revision 7193acee: update version for export, fixed imports
Giannis Koutsoubos
04:18 pm Revision 8554587f: Rename conn variable to conn_class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
04:16 pm Revision d5cca45c: Move token argument
Remove token argument from class initialization
method and make it a mandatory argument to all
the other class methods.
Ilias Tsitsimpis
04:14 pm Feature #3342 (Resolved): Resources API at /astakos/resources
Support a standard JSON/XML reply for the resources known by Astakos, at @/astakos/resources@.
ALL user-visible data...
Vangelis Koukis
04:07 pm Feature #3341 (Assigned): Quotas API at /astakos/quotas
Create a standard user-accessible Quotas API endpoint at @/astakos/quotas@.
Use it across Synnefo clients.
Vangelis Koukis
04:03 pm Feature #3340 (Assigned): Move all Astakos API calls under /astakos
Isolate all Astakos API calls under the @/astakos@ prefix.
Make the existing top-level API endpoints obsolete, keep ...
Vangelis Koukis
04:01 pm ./kamaki Revision 257b931a: Unittest clients.cyclades list servers
Stavros Sachtouris
04:01 pm Bug #2461 (Closed): UI offers download of private key as "public_key.pem"
Fixed, closing ticket.
Vangelis Koukis
03:24 pm ./kamaki Bug #3329 (Closed): In Ímage register, plankton request url misses trailing /
Stavros Sachtouris
03:23 pm Revision 0855b83b: Implement getTokenFromCookie function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
03:22 pm ./kamaki Revision 03493855: Unittest clients.image create_server
Stavros Sachtouris
03:21 pm Revision e83ed494: Small fix in ci script
Christos Stavrakakis
03:21 pm Revision c0182d48: Small fixes to ci scripts
Christos Stavrakakis
01:23 pm Pithos MS Client Revision ecb81749: Merge branch 'Polling' of into Polling
George Pantazis
01:22 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 7d43a552: Merge branch 'Polling' of into Polling
George Pantazis
01:04 pm Revision b61f369d: Implement unit tests for getDisplayNmaes
Ilias Tsitsimpis
12:58 pm Revision 442c098e: quotaholder design WIP
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
12:49 pm Feature #3338 (Assigned): Global Synnefo logfile
Create a global logfile, across Synnefo, logging both gunicorn and @snf-manage@-initiated events.
Vangelis Koukis
12:18 pm Revision 532edd80: TestAuthenticate now works with AstakosClient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
12:12 pm Revision a0e25e28: Add retry option to AstakosClient
Ilias Tsitsimpis
11:47 am Revision 2fb5ffee: Correct unit tests to run with AstakosClient class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
11:47 am Revision b28dbc5c: Create AstakosClient Class
Ilias Tsitsimpis
10:15 am Pithos MS Client Revision 2fdad0b8: Removed dead code
Panagiotis Kanavos


07:59 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 4c6898fb: Some buffers replaced with buffermanager
Panagiotis Kanavos
07:57 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 88e2300a: UUID Changes
Signed-off-by: George Pantazis <> George Pantazis
07:45 pm Revision f843cce6: Bump version to 0.13rc7
Christos Stavrakakis
07:42 pm Revision bfb4ba05: Bump version to 0.13~rc6-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
07:42 pm Revision 1e013c43: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
07:36 pm Revision 3d463f90: Bump version to 0.13rc6
Christos Stavrakakis
07:29 pm ./kamaki Revision db113224: Initialize clients SilentEvent testing
Stavros Sachtouris
07:01 pm Revision 4dcfe1c4: fix and better document quota export/import
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
07:01 pm Revision 7a882417: add QUOTAHOLDER_URL to config and upgrade guide
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
06:40 pm ganeti-local Revision cd385f07: Fix sphinx label namespace
Thanks Michael for pointing out the error!
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Hansel...
Iustin Pop
06:40 pm snf-ganeti Revision cd385f07: Fix sphinx label namespace
Thanks Michael for pointing out the error!
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Hansel...
Iustin Pop
06:10 pm ./kamaki Revision ef1b7898: Merge branch 'feature-tests' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
06:10 pm ./kamaki Revision 785b478b: Complete unittests for clients.image
Stavros Sachtouris
05:59 pm ./kamaki Revision e09db3c4: unittest clients.image remove member
Stavros Sachtouris
05:54 pm ./kamaki Revision 04f0c625: unittest clients.image add member
Stavros Sachtouris
05:48 pm snf-ganeti Revision a09b0f16: Clarify use of move-instance with self-signed certificates
The document doesn't mention which certificates need to be passed as
ca-file, so let's try to clarify that.
Iustin Pop
05:48 pm ganeti-local Revision a09b0f16: Clarify use of move-instance with self-signed certificates
The document doesn't mention which certificates need to be passed as
ca-file, so let's try to clarify that.
Iustin Pop
05:43 pm Revision fe659de1: Better handling of log messages
Never, ever log tokens Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:38 pm Revision b6c9bcf3: Unit test user_catalogs without POST method
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:37 pm ./kamaki Revision d01f7d92: unittest clients.image list_members
Stavros Sachtouris
05:30 pm ./kamaki Revision 03314970: unittest clients.image set members
Stavros Sachtouris
05:11 pm Revision df1b599d: In unit tests change user info from string to dict
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:07 pm ./kamaki Revision fe5173b9: unittest clients.image register, remove reregister
method reregister is obsolete and was removed from all kamaki hierarchy Stavros Sachtouris
04:59 pm Revision d024e5a5: Implement getDisplayNames function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision 59c75517: QA: Support diskless instances
This is an initial implementation of diskless instances.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision 59c75517: QA: Support diskless instances
This is an initial implementation of diskless instances.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision 00650761: QA: Compare ipolicy directly with None
If a value was set to numeric 0, the parameter wouldn't be passed to the
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision 00650761: QA: Compare ipolicy directly with None
If a value was set to numeric 0, the parameter wouldn't be passed to the
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision 89d11332: QA: List all ipolicy options in example configuration
This makes it easier to know what options are available.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision 89d11332: QA: List all ipolicy options in example configuration
This makes it easier to know what options are available.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision b296c810: QA: Update assertion for diskless instances
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision b296c810: QA: Update assertion for diskless instances
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision a90636b2: QA: Disable reinstall test for diskless instances
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision a90636b2: QA: Disable reinstall test for diskless instances
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1a6db3df: QA: Fix dictionary formatting
Make it match the style guide.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision 1a6db3df: QA: Fix dictionary formatting
Make it match the style guide.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision 04b5f222: QA: Disable drbd-offline test if no DRBD instance is used
If “instance-add-drbd-disk” is not enabled it usually also means to not
use DRBD at all.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hans...
Michael Hanselmann
04:52 pm ganeti-local Revision 04b5f222: QA: Disable drbd-offline test if no DRBD instance is used
If “instance-add-drbd-disk” is not enabled it usually also means to not
use DRBD at all.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hans...
Michael Hanselmann
04:16 pm ganeti-local Revision ce35bdeb: Remove early returns in network LUs
Remove any early returns in LUNetworkDisconnect/LUNetworkConnect
and replace them with if-else statements.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
04:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision ce35bdeb: Remove early returns in network LUs
Remove any early returns in LUNetworkDisconnect/LUNetworkConnect
and replace them with if-else statements.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:20 pm Revision c2d0e69e: Update Copyright for synnefo docs
Stratos Psomadakis
02:39 pm ./kamaki Revision e2c53122: unittests for clients.image get_meta
Stavros Sachtouris
02:02 pm Revision 48c23ec4: Bump version to 0.13~rc5-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
02:02 pm Revision 9e8ae49e: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
01:53 pm ./kamaki Revision d86c3c7d: Initialize unittests for clients.image
Stavros Sachtouris
01:48 pm Revision e29ca3b0: Add unit tests for `authenticate' function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
01:47 pm Revision 6f5cfb5e: Implement `authenticate' function
Ilias Tsitsimpis


11:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5c1ae836: Test AsyncStreamServer with abstract unix sockets
This was meant to be since "the beginning" but was never submitted as
somehow it failed with python 2.4. Now that the...
Guido Trotter
11:47 pm ganeti-local Revision 5c1ae836: Test AsyncStreamServer with abstract unix sockets
This was meant to be since "the beginning" but was never submitted as
somehow it failed with python 2.4. Now that the...
Guido Trotter
06:52 pm ./kamaki Revision 274bcf7a: Complete Astakos client unittests
Stavros Sachtouris
06:51 pm Revision c0c6bd18: Implement a simple `retry' decorator
Ilias Tsitsimpis
06:06 pm ./kamaki Revision c1004a00: Start creating a kamaki.clients unittest set
Tests are packaged as kamaki.clients.test
As an example, the astakos authenticate method test has been implemented
Stavros Sachtouris
06:02 pm Revision 0b6a377a: Add more unit tests for _callAstakos function
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:10 pm Revision 4391de3d: Speed up project-list
Giorgos Korfiatis
05:10 pm Revision 2a3f6a3e: Speed up set_quota and add_quota
Giorgos Korfiatis
05:10 pm Revision a989b48e: Optimize computation of astakos user quotas
Giorgos Korfiatis
05:08 pm Revision 8acd9708: Optimize get_entity and get_quota calls
Giorgos Korfiatis
04:56 pm Revision 41c6a2ca: Fix devflow version
Stratos Psomadakis
04:54 pm Revision c9a6e558: Verbal updates wrt help texts of astakos forms
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
04:40 pm Revision 1d5442e7: First test for _callAstakos, raise socket error
The first unit test for _callAstakos function, checks
the answer when there is no internet connection
(should raise a...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
04:37 pm Revision a0976c09: Merge branch 'feature-stats' into release-0.13
Stratos Psomadakis
04:04 pm ./kamaki Revision bc702743: Merge branch 'feature-docs' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
04:04 pm ./kamaki Revision 95a11486: Remove deprecated debian repo
Stavros Sachtouris
04:03 pm Revision 8dcc96a6: Implement the mocked _doRequest for unit testing
When unit testing our astakos-client module we have to
replace it's _doRequest function with some dummy ones.
In this...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision 301adaae: QA: Disable RAPI tests for virtual clusters
The QA script connects to the RAPI daemon. In virtual cluster setups the
daemon is usually listening on a local inter...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision 301adaae: QA: Disable RAPI tests for virtual clusters
The QA script connects to the RAPI daemon. In virtual cluster setups the
daemon is usually listening on a local inter...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2df92990: QA: Add virtual cluster support to queue drain test
The path to the queue drain file must use the virtual node path.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision 2df92990: QA: Add virtual cluster support to queue drain test
The path to the queue drain file must use the virtual node path.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision db41409c: QA: Disable copyfile test for virtual clusters
This test will need some more work for virtual clusters. Disable it in
the meantime.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselma...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision db41409c: QA: Disable copyfile test for virtual clusters
This test will need some more work for virtual clusters. Disable it in
the meantime.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselma...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision c0464536: QA: Disable OOB tests for virtual clusters
They do not work properly at the moment.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision c0464536: QA: Disable OOB tests for virtual clusters
They do not work properly at the moment.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo...
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision 734fd6b4: QA: Update virtual node's RAPI users file
The file is located below the virtual node directory.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision 734fd6b4: QA: Update virtual node's RAPI users file
The file is located below the virtual node directory.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm ganeti-local Revision dcd85eef: QA: Read virtual node's RAPI certificate
The virtual node prefix must be added to the path.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
04:00 pm snf-ganeti Revision dcd85eef: QA: Read virtual node's RAPI certificate
The virtual node prefix must be added to the path.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:59 pm snf-ganeti Revision c9cf3f1a: qa_os: Disable checks for virtual clusters
The OS definitions are not virtualized. Tests configuring different OS
definitions on different nodes don't work prop...
Michael Hanselmann
03:59 pm ganeti-local Revision c9cf3f1a: qa_os: Disable checks for virtual clusters
The OS definitions are not virtualized. Tests configuring different OS
definitions on different nodes don't work prop...
Michael Hanselmann
03:59 pm ganeti-local Revision e35c341e: qa_instance: Virtual cluster support for instance list
Use path of virtual node when retrieving ssconf's instance list.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
03:59 pm snf-ganeti Revision e35c341e: qa_instance: Virtual cluster support for instance list
Use path of virtual node when retrieving ssconf's instance list.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm ganeti-local Revision ea0d8b70: qa_daemon: Virtual cluster support
Use virtual node path when removing the watcher status file.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm snf-ganeti Revision ea0d8b70: qa_daemon: Virtual cluster support
Use virtual node path when removing the watcher status file.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm ganeti-local Revision 7160f14a: qa_utils: Support virtual cluster for backup files
“qa_utils.BackupFile” is always called with the path for a normal node.
In virtual clusters the node prefix path must...
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7160f14a: qa_utils: Support virtual cluster for backup files
“qa_utils.BackupFile” is always called with the path for a normal node.
In virtual clusters the node prefix path must...
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm snf-ganeti Revision 50eaa5da: qa_utils: Virtual cluster support for SSH commands
In virtual clusters, all “gnt-*” and “ganeti-*” commands require
environment variables to be set for the virtual clus...
Michael Hanselmann
03:58 pm ganeti-local Revision 50eaa5da: qa_utils: Virtual cluster support for SSH commands
In virtual clusters, all “gnt-*” and “ganeti-*” commands require
environment variables to be set for the virtual clus...
Michael Hanselmann
03:45 pm ./kamaki Revision 33daf181: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
03:45 pm Revision 84a1d7dd: Fix some messages
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
03:45 pm Revision 7fa06e70: upgrade-0.13: add CYCLADES_PROXY_USER_SERVICES
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
03:45 pm Revision c7c0ec58: Add per-user limit on pending applications
Add UserSettings model for storing integer-valued settings.
If an entry is missing, a default synnefo setting is cons...
Giorgos Korfiatis
03:43 pm ./kamaki Revision 69663c69: Merge branch 'feature-store' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
03:43 pm ./kamaki Revision 1d389648: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
03:23 pm Revision e6ad6878: Update Copyrights
Stratos Psomadakis
03:20 pm Revision 98a1512b: Remove logger from the app settings
Loggers for all synnefo components should be configured in
snf-webproject setting file '10-snf-webproject-logging.con...
Stratos Psomadakis
03:16 pm ./kamaki Revision 4c587cf9: Add / at the end of images path (plankton)
This bug was produced after changes in path4url, where a trailing / is now
always removed
Stavros Sachtouris
03:13 pm ./kamaki Revision dd7461ac: Add / at the end of images path (plankton)
This bug was produced after changes in path4url, where a trailing / is now
always removed
Stavros Sachtouris
03:11 pm ganeti-local Revision c072e788: qa_config: Support callable test checks
Until now all tests depended on simple AND/OR conditions. With the
introduction of virtual cluster support, some test...
Michael Hanselmann
03:11 pm snf-ganeti Revision c072e788: qa_config: Support callable test checks
Until now all tests depended on simple AND/OR conditions. With the
introduction of virtual cluster support, some test...
Michael Hanselmann
03:11 pm snf-ganeti Revision 76fda900: QA: Add config entries for virtual cluster
If these new options are set, a virtual cluster is created and used.
Virtual clusters consist of 1..N virtual nodes o...
Michael Hanselmann
03:11 pm ganeti-local Revision 76fda900: QA: Add config entries for virtual cluster
If these new options are set, a virtual cluster is created and used.
Virtual clusters consist of 1..N virtual nodes o...
Michael Hanselmann
03:10 pm ./kamaki Bug #3329 (Closed): In Ímage register, plankton request url misses trailing /
Stavros Sachtouris
03:07 pm ./kamaki Revision 58a7ac27: Add / at the end of images path (plankton)
This bug was produced after changes in path4url, where a trailing / is now
always removed
Stavros Sachtouris
03:03 pm Revision f3c69e9a: Remove snf-common from the Python deps
Stratos Psomadakis
02:52 pm Revision 6c794020: Correct syntax in Quick Install - Admin Guide
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
02:47 pm Revision 2d797341: Fix devflow version
Stratos Psomadakis
02:44 pm Revision 82f23278: Add /stats prefix in the app's urlpatterns.
Stratos Psomadakis
02:29 pm Revision 147713f7: Bump version to 0.13rc5
Christos Stavrakakis
02:25 pm Revision 59f2e0be: Merge branch 'feature-docs-devflow' into release-0.13
Stratos Psomadakis
01:46 pm ./kamaki Feature #3230 (Resolved): Pithos+ operations between different accounts
Stavros Sachtouris
01:22 pm ./kamaki Revision 4f266635: Support interaccount store operations (ftr. #3230)
Operations affected: copy and move Stavros Sachtouris
01:12 pm ./kamaki Revision 300da0fb: Seperate source client from destination client
Concerns store_copy operation and aims to clean up the code that
implements the account-to-account copy
Stavros Sachtouris
11:57 am ganeti-local Revision b3ab9a8a: Fix typo in docstring
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Christos Stavrakakis
11:57 am snf-ganeti Revision b3ab9a8a: Fix typo in docstring
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Christos Stavrakakis


07:47 pm Pithos MS Client Revision f3b6a335: Added progress bar update
Panagiotis Kanavos
07:08 pm ./kamaki Revision 3a066af4: Allow Custom From-Account to pithos copy
Stavros Sachtouris
06:33 pm ./kamaki Bug #3325 (Closed): Fail to manage non-ascii characters in store move/copy
Stavros Sachtouris
06:32 pm ./kamaki Revision 9a8892d8: Encode non-ascii http headers
Use urllib quote + str.encode('utf-8') Stavros Sachtouris
06:20 pm Revision 520f0472: Fix typo
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:20 pm Revision b53634e2: Separate actual _doRequest from _callAstakos
Creating a new function `_doRequest' to handle
the actual requests to astakos service makes
it easy to mock it later ...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
06:20 pm Revision 4e340ade: Implement low-level _callAstakos function
This function will handle all requests to Astakos.
On top of this we should build high level wrapper
functions to han...
Ilias Tsitsimpis
06:20 pm Revision fafaa781: Run through flake8
Ilias Tsitsimpis
05:42 pm ./kamaki Revision 46a2e46d: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-store
Stavros Sachtouris
05:41 pm ./kamaki Feature #3310 (Closed): Simplify store copy/move semantics
Stavros Sachtouris
05:41 pm ./kamaki Bug #3325 (Closed): Fail to manage non-ascii characters in store move/copy
Stavros Sachtouris
05:39 pm ./kamaki Revision ae25fa80: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.2' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
05:23 pm Revision 816de286: New style format for modifying a NIC
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
05:18 pm ./kamaki Revision 07c800e3: Remove trailing / for url paths
Stavros Sachtouris
05:18 pm ./kamaki Revision 279dabb9: Fix double // in urls
Stavros Sachtouris
05:12 pm ./kamaki Revision 272fe3ea: New hotfix version with complete fixes on utf8 bug
Stavros Sachtouris
04:50 pm ./kamaki Revision a9e3df67: Remove trailing / for url paths
Stavros Sachtouris
04:47 pm ./kamaki Revision 3f931d41: Fix double // in urls
Stavros Sachtouris
04:41 pm ./kamaki Revision cf215a96: Fix url quoting with non-ascii (closes bug #3256)
Stavros Sachtouris
04:28 pm Revision 6e4e100b: Fix an issue_commission calculation
The check for available capacity in the target entity
wouldn't account property for the initial quantity.
Make also ...
Giorgos Korfiatis
04:18 pm Revision ae015492: USE https for Pithos - ganeti nodes drained False
Under "Configuration of Pithos+" the options section uses http instead
of https. This causes various issues when usin...
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
03:26 pm ./kamaki Revision 142730a2: Fix url quoting with non-ascii (closes bug #3256)
Stavros Sachtouris
03:22 pm ./kamaki Revision 4de960c7: Fix url quoting with non-ascii (closes bug #3256)
Stavros Sachtouris
02:55 pm Pithos MacOS Client
1.2.1 (20130226.1) with ARC Miltiadis Vasilakis
02:11 pm Revision 693bebea: Make docs (devflow) version-'aware'
Stratos Psomadakis
02:05 pm Revision e936138c: Update instructions for ganeti installation
Konstantinos Tompoulidis
02:04 pm snf-ganeti Revision 27d75ee0: rapi.rst: Replace manual method lists with directive
Many resources, but not all, list their supported methods. With a new
reST directive, this list is now automatically ...
Michael Hanselmann
02:04 pm ganeti-local Revision 27d75ee0: rapi.rst: Replace manual method lists with directive
Many resources, but not all, list their supported methods. With a new
reST directive, this list is now automatically ...
Michael Hanselmann
01:29 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision cc4260cc: Fix bugs
Fix bugs. Improve UI and ARC handling. Update version. Miltiadis Vasilakis
01:17 pm ./kamaki Revision 3fadf99d: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.1' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
01:15 pm ./kamaki Revision 6ee7c3b0: Adjust all methods to handle non-ascii
Stavros Sachtouris
01:12 pm Revision 98b84806: Prevent changes of readonly user profile fields
some user profile properties require special actions to be performed by
the user in order to be altered. Additional w...
Kostas Papadimitriou
01:12 pm Revision 02f0cf8a: Update cyclades api settings and conf files
Kostas Papadimitriou
12:56 pm ./kamaki Revision 97bda6cc: Return to correct version tag 0.7 instead of 0.7.1
Stavros Sachtouris
12:50 pm ./kamaki Revision 0ee353ce: Merge branch 'hotfix-0.7.1'
Stavros Sachtouris
12:43 pm ./kamaki Revision c2013f76: Fix bug #3256
Bug description: Pithos client interfave fails to create unicode containers
Actual Problem: kamaki.clients.utils path...
Stavros Sachtouris
12:42 pm ./kamaki Revision d160ada1: Allow non-ascii paramters on path2url
Replace calls of the form unicode(v) to the equivalent" '%s' % v Stavros Sachtouris
12:40 pm ./kamaki Revision 4ff9d6e2: Fix typo in
Was _main, changed to main Stavros Sachtouris
12:30 pm ./kamaki Bug #3256 (Closed): Pithos client interfave fails to create unicode containers
Stavros Sachtouris
12:24 pm ./kamaki Revision 622a12fe: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
12:20 pm ./kamaki Revision feadbf28: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-store
Stavros Sachtouris
12:19 pm ./kamaki Revision a517ff50: Allow non-ascii paramters on path2url
Replace calls of the form unicode(v) to the equivalent" '%s' % v Stavros Sachtouris
12:12 pm Revision 4de04565: Fix a bad rebase..
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:10 pm Revision b8ee53b1: Ganeti hook should search for NETWORK_NAME
This has changed in ganeti. Hook variable *NETWORK has
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <dim...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
09:58 am Revision 19ad433c: Pass network type info in tags during create
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
09:58 am Revision 1e92ebb3: Remove hotplug from InstanceCreate
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
09:58 am Revision 2e041107: Fix compatibility issues with ganeti-2.7
* SimpleConfigReader has been removed. Use SimpleStore
* QUEUE_DIR has been moven from ganeti.constants to ganeti.pat...
Christos Stavrakakis
09:58 am Revision e833a721: Use opportunistic locking
Use opportunistic locking, introduced in Ganeti 2.7, to allow parallel creation
of VMs in the Ganeti backend. When th...
Christos Stavrakakis
09:58 am Revision cdd2c82e: Remove deprecated network type in ganeti
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
09:53 am Revision cd8d886d: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
03:53 am snf-ganeti Revision 5a76adf7: Fix HooksDict() in case of no tags
In this method self.tags might be None and cannot be used
in join(). Use GetTags instead.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Ar...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:53 am ganeti-local Revision 5a76adf7: Fix HooksDict() in case of no tags
In this method self.tags might be None and cannot be used
in join(). Use GetTags instead.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Ar...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:53 am snf-ganeti Revision e0519c34: Add networks to _AllIDs()
networks config objects have UUIDs and thus should be included
in _AllUUIDObjects().
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragior...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:53 am ganeti-local Revision e0519c34: Add networks to _AllIDs()
networks config objects have UUIDs and thus should be included
in _AllUUIDObjects().
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragior...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:53 am snf-ganeti Revision 6d96f116: Fix locking in LUNetworkConnect()
Locks for group instances are aquired only if conflicts are checked.
To this end we must _CheckNodeGroupInstances() o...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:53 am ganeti-local Revision 6d96f116: Fix locking in LUNetworkConnect()
Locks for group instances are aquired only if conflicts are checked.
To this end we must _CheckNodeGroupInstances() o...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:49 am ganeti-local Revision 076a2938: Fix networks in LUInstanceSetParams()
Params passed in _CreateNewNic() are not yet evaluated and include
the value passed by user for the network. A lookup...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
03:49 am snf-ganeti Revision 076a2938: Fix networks in LUInstanceSetParams()
Params passed in _CreateNewNic() are not yet evaluated and include
the value passed by user for the network. A lookup...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
01:36 am Pithos MacOS Client
1.2 (20130226.0) with ARC Miltiadis Vasilakis
01:17 am Pithos MacOS Client Revision f09ca418: Use user catalog in sync
Create sync directories using the account displayname. Store user catalog per sync, and resolve displayname conflicts... Miltiadis Vasilakis


08:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 777ea2c6: Officially require Python 2.6+
We have no way to test Python 2.4 compatibility anymore, and that
version is long deprecated. From version 2.8+ requi...
Guido Trotter
08:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 544029d3: HRoller: print only online nodes
To make the graphs work even when instances live on offline nodes (eg.
because we're offlining them just to exclude t...
Guido Trotter
08:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2fce67b6: HRoller: allow filtering by node group
Accept the -G option, and if it's passed require that it matches a
nodegroup, then only output nodes belonging to tha...
Guido Trotter
08:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 544029d3: HRoller: print only online nodes
To make the graphs work even when instances live on offline nodes (eg.
because we're offlining them just to exclude t...
Guido Trotter
08:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 2fce67b6: HRoller: allow filtering by node group
Accept the -G option, and if it's passed require that it matches a
nodegroup, then only output nodes belonging to tha...
Guido Trotter
08:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 777ea2c6: Officially require Python 2.6+
We have no way to test Python 2.4 compatibility anymore, and that
version is long deprecated. From version 2.8+ requi...
Guido Trotter
06:47 pm ./kamaki Feature #3310 (Resolved): Simplify store copy/move semantics
Stavros Sachtouris
06:45 pm ./kamaki Revision 45b70023: Uniform var names in store_copy/move
Stavros Sachtouris
06:44 pm ./kamaki Revision 761e0cbf: Adjust move to function like copy
Stavros Sachtouris
06:34 pm Revision 6919b221: Bypass call to quotaholder on an empty input
Giorgos Korfiatis
06:05 pm ./kamaki Revision 6736f171: Re-implement store-copy semantics (feature #3310)
Stavros Sachtouris
05:54 pm snf-ganeti Revision a5da38fa: bootstrap: Wait for SSH daemon to become reachable
In some situations after restarting the SSH daemon by
“prepare-node-join” it's not immediately reachable. Like with t...
Michael Hanselmann
05:54 pm ganeti-local Revision a5da38fa: bootstrap: Wait for SSH daemon to become reachable
In some situations after restarting the SSH daemon by
“prepare-node-join” it's not immediately reachable. Like with t...
Michael Hanselmann
05:53 pm snf-ganeti Revision 25ba209e: TcpPing: Better error handling, logging
Log every attempt to reach a port on another node. Don't silently return
False if a target not recognized as an IP ad...
Michael Hanselmann
05:53 pm ganeti-local Revision 25ba209e: TcpPing: Better error handling, logging
Log every attempt to reach a port on another node. Don't silently return
False if a target not recognized as an IP ad...
Michael Hanselmann
05:39 pm snf-ganeti Revision 965e0e6a: Wipe disks added through "gnt-instance modify"
In issue 353 Sascha Lucas reported that disks are not wiped when added
through “gnt-instance modify”. This patch adds...
Michael Hanselmann
05:39 pm ganeti-local Revision 965e0e6a: Wipe disks added through "gnt-instance modify"
In issue 353 Sascha Lucas reported that disks are not wiped when added
through “gnt-instance modify”. This patch adds...
Michael Hanselmann
05:03 pm ganeti-local Revision 6bf7dad4: vcluster-setup: Create $vnode/etc/ganeti directory
This directory is required by “cfgupgrade” and some other tools.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
05:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision 6bf7dad4: vcluster-setup: Create $vnode/etc/ganeti directory
This directory is required by “cfgupgrade” and some other tools.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <
Michael Hanselmann
05:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision d1ab11f2: constants: Use SSH constant for daemon ports
Moving the SSH/SCP constants around was necessary for this.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
05:03 pm ganeti-local Revision d1ab11f2: constants: Use SSH constant for daemon ports
Moving the SSH/SCP constants around was necessary for this.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:42 pm Revision 99165736: Initialize snf-astakos-client
Christos Stavrakakis
02:52 pm snf-ganeti Revision a82d9394: Fix style violations in commit 4a90bd4, small changes
- Commit 4a90bd4 contained a rather large number of style violations:
- Indentation/sequence formatting
- Wrappin...
Michael Hanselmann
02:52 pm ganeti-local Revision a82d9394: Fix style violations in commit 4a90bd4, small changes
- Commit 4a90bd4 contained a rather large number of style violations:
- Indentation/sequence formatting
- Wrappin...
Michael Hanselmann
02:24 pm Revision 4e4e49bb: Remove astakos logger from astakos settings
Loggers for all synnefo components should be configured in
snf-webproject setting file '10-snf-webproject-logging.conf'.
Christos Stavrakakis
02:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision d59633a6: sphinx_ext: New directive for supported methods
Until now many resources, but not all and not consistently list their
supported methods (e.g. “Supports the following...
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm ganeti-local Revision d59633a6: sphinx_ext: New directive for supported methods
Until now many resources, but not all and not consistently list their
supported methods (e.g. “Supports the following...
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision aa82eb62: sphinx_ext: Factorize getting RAPI handlers
The list of resources and handlers will also be used for generating
a per-resource table.
Signed-off-by: Michael Han...
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm ganeti-local Revision aa82eb62: sphinx_ext: Factorize getting RAPI handlers
The list of resources and handlers will also be used for generating
a per-resource table.
Signed-off-by: Michael Han...
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision 60b47261: sphinx_ext: Factorize handler methods/access
The factorized parts will be used to show a small table with methods and
required permissions for each resource.
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm ganeti-local Revision 60b47261: sphinx_ext: Factorize handler methods/access
The factorized parts will be used to show a small table with methods and
required permissions for each resource.
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision 61c13f94: Use "none" instead of "everyone" in RAPI documentation
The list of required access permissions uses the word “everyone” to mean
“no special permissions are needed”. The wor...
Michael Hanselmann
02:13 pm ganeti-local Revision 61c13f94: Use "none" instead of "everyone" in RAPI documentation
The list of required access permissions uses the word “everyone” to mean
“no special permissions are needed”. The wor...
Michael Hanselmann
02:11 pm ganeti-local Revision 0fd1fd29: .gitignore: Add test/hs/harep
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Dato Simó <>
Michael Hanselmann
02:11 pm snf-ganeti Revision 0fd1fd29: .gitignore: Add test/hs/harep
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Dato Simó <>
Michael Hanselmann
02:11 pm Revision 20c0dfdc: Make snf-deploy appear only as tool (not a guide)
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
02:01 pm Revision 92e4d1c6: Network and ganeti related fixes in quick-admin
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
02:01 pm Revision 84809111: Update scale up docs i-*
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
02:00 pm Revision 77180645: Add snf-deploy tool doc
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:33 pm Revision cc80447e: Update pydist-overrides
avoid renaming alembic package to python-alembic Kostas Papadimitriou
12:09 pm ./kamaki Revision ff7754bd: Adjust version names to synnefo versionning stds
Stavros Sachtouris
11:37 am ganeti-local Revision 0c9d7319: Rewrap a comment in
As it was 80 chars, and you know that bothers me :)
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Miche...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am snf-ganeti Revision 0c9d7319: Rewrap a comment in
As it was 80 chars, and you know that bothers me :)
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Miche...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am ganeti-local Revision 5ba392f9: Enable split queries for export in CLI
Rapi doesn't seem to export backup lists, so we enable the split query
only in gnt-backup.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am snf-ganeti Revision 5ba392f9: Enable split queries for export in CLI
Rapi doesn't seem to export backup lists, so we enable the split query
only in gnt-backup.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am snf-ganeti Revision b9b4f1bf: Improve the rpc-test program
This is an ugly patch, sorry. It adds the following features to
rpc-test, to help with (stress) testing the Haskell R...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am ganeti-local Revision b9b4f1bf: Improve the rpc-test program
This is an ugly patch, sorry. It adds the following features to
rpc-test, to help with (stress) testing the Haskell R...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am ganeti-local Revision c4bf507b: Implement Export queries in Haskell
This is a simple query as it has only two fields, however it's the
first query that doesn't have a clear 'base' objec...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am snf-ganeti Revision c4bf507b: Implement Export queries in Haskell
This is a simple query as it has only two fields, however it's the
first query that doesn't have a clear 'base' objec...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am snf-ganeti Revision 0b1c7a55: Fix exports query with failed RPCs
When the RPC to a node has failed (for whatever reason), we currently
return _FS_UNAVAIL, which means "this node does...
Iustin Pop
11:37 am ganeti-local Revision 0b1c7a55: Fix exports query with failed RPCs
When the RPC to a node has failed (for whatever reason), we currently
return _FS_UNAVAIL, which means "this node does...
Iustin Pop
11:36 am snf-ganeti Revision 842515dd: Add export_list RPC call definitions
This is straightforward, as the call has no parameters and a very simple return type.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <ius...
Iustin Pop
11:36 am ganeti-local Revision 842515dd: Add export_list RPC call definitions
This is straightforward, as the call has no parameters and a very simple return type.
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <ius...
Iustin Pop
11:36 am ganeti-local Revision 08f7d24d: Improve TemplateHaskell code to support empty objects
Currently, an empty objects will generate warnings as the arguments of
various functions are unused. By adding condit...
Iustin Pop
11:36 am snf-ganeti Revision 08f7d24d: Improve TemplateHaskell code to support empty objects
Currently, an empty objects will generate warnings as the arguments of
various functions are unused. By adding condit...
Iustin Pop


05:20 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision ea506e4b: Reset sync daemon local state if the client version has changed
The change from "shared to me" to "shared with me" breaks stored local states. Reset local state to fix this. Miltiadis Vasilakis
05:13 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision 2c3bf107: Fix bug in sync daemon when deleting locally objects from different containers...
Miltiadis Vasilakis


11:09 am Revision c3132b4c: Fix reference of management command in template
Giorgos Korfiatis


10:24 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision ec392f75: Use user catalog in sharing presentation and editing
Provide separate input for sharing user and group. Fix bugs. Miltiadis Vasilakis
10:22 pm Pithos MacOS & iOS Common Lib Revision ca7626d7: Improve object sharing
Provide convenience methods that transform object sharing string to array of sharing user objects. Fix memory leak. Miltiadis Vasilakis
06:28 pm ./kamaki Revision ece4ae4b: Started some changes in pithos_cli copy
Not ready yet, just for buck up Stavros Sachtouris
04:38 pm Revision 9521d937: Rename synnefo.local ->
As determined by a spontaneous committee, based on
- .local is used
- 'example' strongly hints to configuration act...
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
04:38 pm Revision 9ae613af: Validate all network-create parameters
Christos Stavrakakis
04:13 pm Revision 6599338e: Recommend python-ceph with snf-pithos-backend
Pithos backend includes optional support for RADOS storage.
While not enabled it does not attempt to load python-ceph...
Filippos Giannakos
04:11 pm Feature #3309: pithos-usage management command
We should consider use the term "account" instead of "user" to conform with OOS terminology. Sofia Papagiannaki
03:24 pm Revision 91ac2adc: quotaholder: log all exceptions, fix token crash
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
03:24 pm Revision eeb3f40b: upgrade-0.13: fixes after deploying to staing
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
02:25 pm ./kamaki Feature #3310 (Closed): Simplify store copy/move semantics
In principle, without parameters do the intuitive-obvious functionality:
copy/move src-cnt:src-path dst-cnt:dst-pa...
Stavros Sachtouris
02:15 pm Feature #3309 (Closed): pithos-usage management command
Integrate Pithos usage listing and reseting, globally and per-user.
Proposed structure:
--list (default) ...
Georgios Tsoukalas
02:12 pm ./kamaki Revision 37840119: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-store
Stavros Sachtouris
02:09 pm ./kamaki Revision d78a9983: Add async tests to test_request
Stavros Sachtouris
02:09 pm snf-ganeti Revision 466b7a39: Fix Curl/Internal.hs not being in gitignore
This is an autogenerated file, so it has to go into gitignore, thanks
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <iustin@goo...
Iustin Pop
02:09 pm ganeti-local Revision 466b7a39: Fix Curl/Internal.hs not being in gitignore
This is an autogenerated file, so it has to go into gitignore, thanks
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <iustin@goo...
Iustin Pop
02:09 pm ganeti-local Revision 055d6ac0: Add option to redirect luxi socket for debugging
Currently, the choice between masterd and conf/queryd is made
statically, based on whether a query is converted or no...
Iustin Pop
02:09 pm snf-ganeti Revision 055d6ac0: Add option to redirect luxi socket for debugging
Currently, the choice between masterd and conf/queryd is made
statically, based on whether a query is converted or no...
Iustin Pop
02:07 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2412bdea: Fix another docstring typo
… no comment :)
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen <>
Iustin Pop
02:07 pm ganeti-local Revision 2412bdea: Fix another docstring typo
… no comment :)
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen <>
Iustin Pop
02:00 pm ./kamaki Revision a037fd61: Implement a basic test_request for clients.Client
Stavros Sachtouris
12:51 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1302ce18: Improve RAPI documentation on users and options
- Document fields in “rapi/users” file in the order they appear
(username, password, options)
- Mention new “--requ...
Michael Hanselmann
12:51 pm ganeti-local Revision 1302ce18: Improve RAPI documentation on users and options
- Document fields in “rapi/users” file in the order they appear
(username, password, options)
- Mention new “--requ...
Michael Hanselmann
12:51 pm ganeti-local Revision 27a8a190: RAPI: Add flag to require authentication
Most RAPI resources do not require authentication for the “GET” method.
In some setups it can be desirable to always ...
Michael Hanselmann
12:51 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5d0b2888: sphinx_ext: Drop text map for RAPI permissions
Other parts of the documentation directly refer to the constants through
“pyeval”. There's no need for this map as it...
Michael Hanselmann
12:51 pm ganeti-local Revision 5d0b2888: sphinx_ext: Drop text map for RAPI permissions
Other parts of the documentation directly refer to the constants through
“pyeval”. There's no need for this map as it...
Michael Hanselmann
12:51 pm snf-ganeti Revision 27a8a190: RAPI: Add flag to require authentication
Most RAPI resources do not require authentication for the “GET” method.
In some setups it can be desirable to always ...
Michael Hanselmann


07:47 pm Revision e30537f1: Bug fixing
Sofia Papagiannaki
07:07 pm snf-image Revision c15aef04: Make sure the xen helper VM always terminates
Nikos Skalkotos
06:03 pm ./kamaki Revision 09a1a6e4: Initialize a unittest suite for kamaki.clients
Stavros Sachtouris
05:53 pm ./kamaki Revision 660c0eff: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
05:51 pm ./kamaki Revision f9f6364f: Set new develop version 0.8
Stavros Sachtouris
05:47 pm ./kamaki Bug #3279 (Closed): kamaki recursive download does not behave nice if download folder does not ex...
Stavros Sachtouris
05:33 pm ./kamaki Revision 2c1b3f9b: Merge branch 'develop' into debian-develop
Stavros Sachtouris
05:33 pm Revision 88fb6c6f: Create user uuid for inactive accounts
Sofia Papagiannaki
05:26 pm ./kamaki Revision 67f64925: Fix version name
Stavros Sachtouris
05:20 pm ./kamaki Revision 57330fbf: Set rc version 4
Stavros Sachtouris
05:19 pm ./kamaki Revision 4098d3fe: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
04:58 pm ./kamaki Revision a9ed092f: Bump version to 0.7-1
Signed-off-by: Stavros Sachtouris <> Stavros Sachtouris
04:55 pm ./kamaki Revision 40656e77: Add docs
Stavros Sachtouris
04:54 pm ./kamaki Revision 046b21a9: Add the right docs
Stavros Sachtouris
04:48 pm ./kamaki Revision db1f9b0c: Merge branch 'master' into debian
Stavros Sachtouris
04:48 pm ./kamaki Revision 072ec67c: Merge branch 'develop'
Stavros Sachtouris
04:48 pm ./kamaki Revision 5b879b16: update tests
Stavros Sachtouris
04:33 pm Pithos MS Client Revision 1b3ee255: Fixes to View Model to support pitho+ server 0.12.5 and 0.13 at the same time
Fixes to the Sharing procedure for the change from email to uuid for account names
Fixed About View issues
Updated th...
George Pantazis
04:25 pm ./kamaki Revision 3b4284ac: Merge branch 'master' into debian
Stavros Sachtouris
04:15 pm ./kamaki Revision 3c83d5d8: pep8 fix
Stavros Sachtouris
03:48 pm ./kamaki Revision 0891b0c0: Resolve forgoten conflict from previour merge
Stavros Sachtouris
03:41 pm ./kamaki Revision 4e59b158: Merge branch 'develop'
Stavros Sachtouris
03:00 pm ./kamaki Revision 928c2be3: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
02:28 pm Revision a3f1ea12: Merge branch 'feature-burnin' into release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
02:27 pm Revision be5c1475: Change network's cidr to a valid one
Ilias Tsitsimpis
02:27 pm Revision 965b25af: When authenticating check for uuid or uniq
This way we are compatible with synnefo-0.12
as well with synnefo-0.13.
Ilias Tsitsimpis
02:27 pm Revision 8bf886d0: Strengthen NetworkTestCase assertion checks
Ilias Tsitsimpis
02:26 pm ./kamaki Revision 79b4f177: Documentation updates
Stavros Sachtouris
01:50 pm Bug #3304 (Assigned): Sort out the Django app space
Django app @pithos.api@ clashes with @cyclades.api@.
This breaks a few things, including running unit tests.
Vangelis Koukis
01:40 pm Revision 3ff60788: Small fix in ci script
Christos Stavrakakis
01:31 pm Revision 8b71fc91: reconciliation: handle missing network from db
Continue reconciliation even if an orphan network is missing from DB. Christos Stavrakakis
12:50 pm ./kamaki Revision f5f2dc53: Rename tests to livetest in kamaki.clients
Update documentation to reflect these changes Stavros Sachtouris
12:34 pm snf-image Revision b546cd6c: Replace obsolete HELPER_IMG variable
Replace HELPER_IMG with HELPER_DIR/image Nikos Skalkotos
11:56 am Revision ca0a879c: Small fixes to ci scripts
Christos Stavrakakis
11:05 am snf-ganeti Revision ea322c27: Describe format of the monitoring agent HTTP queries
The previous patch was incomplete when erroneously pushed.
This patch, originally intended as part of the previous o...
Michele Tartara
11:05 am ganeti-local Revision ea322c27: Describe format of the monitoring agent HTTP queries
The previous patch was incomplete when erroneously pushed.
This patch, originally intended as part of the previous o...
Michele Tartara
10:39 am ganeti-local Revision b166dcfc: Describe format of the monitoring agent HTTP queries
Update the monitoring agent design document adding the format of the HTTP
queries that will have to be used to query ...
Michele Tartara
10:39 am snf-ganeti Revision b166dcfc: Describe format of the monitoring agent HTTP queries
Update the monitoring agent design document adding the format of the HTTP
queries that will have to be used to query ...
Michele Tartara
10:37 am ./kamaki Revision 75f0c368: Change version from 0.8 to 0.7.2
Stavros Sachtouris


08:57 pm Revision b6de3da1: Pass network type info in tags during create
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
08:56 pm Revision b75de252: Remove deprecated network type in ganeti
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <> Dimitris Aragiorgis
08:14 pm ./kamaki Bug #3302 (Closed): network_create dhcp should be a flag, not a value setter
Stavros Sachtouris
08:11 pm ./kamaki Revision c501d3df: Test create_network params
Stavros Sachtouris
07:54 pm snf-image Revision 13c8b7bb: Add Dimitris Aragiorgis in the AUTHORS list
Nikos Skalkotos
07:49 pm snf-image Revision d509231b: Make monitoring work with xen
* Add custom vif script for the helper VM
* Cleanup helper code
Nikos Skalkotos
07:12 pm snf-ganeti Revision 0b08c8bf: Remove test of obsolete getNetworkUuid method
This will remove the tests for the getNetworkUuid method.
The method will be obsolete after the changes regarding
Helga Velroyen
07:12 pm ganeti-local Revision 0b08c8bf: Remove test of obsolete getNetworkUuid method
This will remove the tests for the getNetworkUuid method.
The method will be obsolete after the changes regarding
Helga Velroyen
07:00 pm ./kamaki Revision ef3d785d: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
06:58 pm ./kamaki Revision 9d1db11e: Make network-create --with-dhcp option a flag
Stavros Sachtouris
06:54 pm ./kamaki Bug #3302 (Closed): network_create dhcp should be a flag, not a value setter
Stavros Sachtouris
06:54 pm Revision d368ec0c: Fix bug: Detect malformed network subnet
Fix bug in Cyclades network API. API should raise BadRequest if
specified network subnet is invalid. Also, do not all...
Christos Stavrakakis
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision 8920fa09: Switch the RPC module over to the multi interface
This replaces the very-basic parMap of IO actions (fully serialised,
as parMap won't work here), to the multi interfa...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision cc40185c: Add a Ganeti-specific implementation of Curl Multi
As we want to be able to run queries against multiple nodes in
parallel, and furthermore in parallel with other work,...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision da9e2aff: Add two utility functions for handling Either lists
These two functions permit operating in bulk on only the Left or Right
values in the original list, then reassembling...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision 9c0a27d0: Simplify RPC error cases
This patch removes the node from the RPC error constructurs
CurlLayerError and OfflineNodeError. The rationale is tha...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision 85f6a869: Reduce duplication of curl options computation
Some curl option are request-specific, but not node specific: e.g. rpc
timeout, etc. The patch changes the HttpClient...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1ca709c1: Switch the curl bindings from optional to required
Currently, we support curl being optional via some sporting exercises:
ifdefs in the code, data types that represent ...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision 1ca709c1: Switch the curl bindings from optional to required
Currently, we support curl being optional via some sporting exercises:
ifdefs in the code, data types that represent ...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision 85f6a869: Reduce duplication of curl options computation
Some curl option are request-specific, but not node specific: e.g. rpc
timeout, etc. The patch changes the HttpClient...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision 9c0a27d0: Simplify RPC error cases
This patch removes the node from the RPC error constructurs
CurlLayerError and OfflineNodeError. The rationale is tha...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision da9e2aff: Add two utility functions for handling Either lists
These two functions permit operating in bulk on only the Left or Right
values in the original list, then reassembling...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm ganeti-local Revision 8920fa09: Switch the RPC module over to the multi interface
This replaces the very-basic parMap of IO actions (fully serialised,
as parMap won't work here), to the multi interfa...
Iustin Pop
06:47 pm snf-ganeti Revision cc40185c: Add a Ganeti-specific implementation of Curl Multi
As we want to be able to run queries against multiple nodes in
parallel, and furthermore in parallel with other work,...
Iustin Pop
06:45 pm snf-ganeti Revision 41be279f: qa_config.AcquireNode: Use sort key function
Use a sort key function instead of using a comparing function (“cmp=…”).
The latter is not supported in Python 3 and ...
Michael Hanselmann
06:45 pm ganeti-local Revision 41be279f: qa_config.AcquireNode: Use sort key function
Use a sort key function instead of using a comparing function (“cmp=…”).
The latter is not supported in Python 3 and ...
Michael Hanselmann
06:45 pm ganeti-local Revision e80edd3b: qa_config: Add __repr__ for instance/node classes
Having a readable representation makes debugging easier.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
06:45 pm snf-ganeti Revision e80edd3b: qa_config: Add __repr__ for instance/node classes
Having a readable representation makes debugging easier.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
06:32 pm ./kamaki Revision 8419a4c9: Complete KamakiHTTPResponse testing
Stavros Sachtouris
06:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision 76eeabc7: Locking fixes regarding Issue 324
LUNetworkConnect/LUNetworkDisconnect, in case locking is used, might
lock instances that exist in the requested node ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:13 pm ganeti-local Revision 76eeabc7: Locking fixes regarding Issue 324
LUNetworkConnect/LUNetworkDisconnect, in case locking is used, might
lock instances that exist in the requested node ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:13 pm snf-ganeti Revision 6ece11be: Fix --no-lvm-support
Return -1 and not None for vg_size and vg_free and make
volume_group_name optional in cluster config object in Haskel...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
05:40 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1b9e1f42: Test "GetNodeInfo" for Xen hypervisor
This patch adds unit tests for success and failure of the “GetNodeInfo”
method for the Xen hypervisor abstractions.
Michael Hanselmann
05:40 pm ganeti-local Revision 1b9e1f42: Test "GetNodeInfo" for Xen hypervisor
This patch adds unit tests for success and failure of the “GetNodeInfo”
method for the Xen hypervisor abstractions.
Michael Hanselmann
05:26 pm ganeti-local Revision 5454737c: Fix small typo in a docstring
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Iustin Pop
05:26 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5454737c: Fix small typo in a docstring
Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
Iustin Pop
04:09 pm Pithos Android Client Revision 378fe36a: center progress dialog, use displayname/uuid logic in login/permissions/others...
Giannis Koutsoubos
03:38 pm ganeti-local Revision 47aa6ec9: QA: Add validation for cluster name
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:38 pm snf-ganeti Revision 47aa6ec9: QA: Add validation for cluster name
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
Michael Hanselmann
03:38 pm snf-ganeti Revision 2176724e: QA: Acquire instance via method
Also make “used” a property.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <b...
Michael Hanselmann
03:38 pm ganeti-local Revision 2176724e: QA: Acquire instance via method
Also make “used” a property.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <b...
Michael Hanselmann
03:24 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1657353c: check-news: Ensure release date is within three days
Commit b6ad806f contained a date a month in the future. With this patch
all release dates in NEWS may at most be thre...
Michael Hanselmann
03:24 pm ganeti-local Revision 1657353c: check-news: Ensure release date is within three days
Commit b6ad806f contained a date a month in the future. With this patch
all release dates in NEWS may at most be thre...
Michael Hanselmann
03:20 pm snf-ganeti Revision 3234695b: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
NEWS: Fix the fix in commit 82b6f9a
NEWS: Fix release date for 2.7.0 beta1
Minor fixes regarding n...
Michael Hanselmann
03:20 pm ganeti-local Revision 3234695b: Merge branch 'devel-2.7'
* devel-2.7:
NEWS: Fix the fix in commit 82b6f9a
NEWS: Fix release date for 2.7.0 beta1
Minor fixes regarding n...
Michael Hanselmann
02:44 pm ganeti-local Revision b5a21c81: NEWS: Fix the fix in commit 82b6f9a
February 2, 2013 was a Wednesday, not a Thursday.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
02:44 pm snf-ganeti Revision b5a21c81: NEWS: Fix the fix in commit 82b6f9a
February 2, 2013 was a Wednesday, not a Thursday.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
01:51 pm ganeti-local Revision 82b6f9ac: NEWS: Fix release date for 2.7.0 beta1
Commit b6ad806f used a wrong date.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen...
Michael Hanselmann
01:51 pm snf-ganeti Revision 82b6f9ac: NEWS: Fix release date for 2.7.0 beta1
Commit b6ad806f used a wrong date.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen...
Michael Hanselmann
01:28 pm snf-ganeti Revision daff2f81: Build table with access permissions for RAPI resources
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the access permissions needed
for a certain RAPI resource without looking ...
Michael Hanselmann
01:28 pm ganeti-local Revision daff2f81: Build table with access permissions for RAPI resources
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the access permissions needed
for a certain RAPI resource without looking ...
Michael Hanselmann
01:14 pm ganeti-local Revision 798f1ac9: Allow generating different RAPI resource lookup tables
Until now the RAPI resource table returned by
“rapi.connector.GetHandlers” always uses fixed strings or compiled
Michael Hanselmann
01:14 pm snf-ganeti Revision 798f1ac9: Allow generating different RAPI resource lookup tables
Until now the RAPI resource table returned by
“rapi.connector.GetHandlers” always uses fixed strings or compiled
Michael Hanselmann


09:36 pm ganeti-local Revision fb4b885a: HRoller design updates
- Specify that there will be options for selecting nodes by at least
nodegroups and tags, rather than just individu...
Guido Trotter
09:36 pm snf-ganeti Revision fb4b885a: HRoller design updates
- Specify that there will be options for selecting nodes by at least
nodegroups and tags, rather than just individu...
Guido Trotter
07:21 pm snf-ganeti Revision 9394f4d1: Minor fixes regarding change
Make LookupNetwork() return None in case target is None. This fixes
Issue 380. Rapi passes network=None and the looku...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
07:21 pm ganeti-local Revision 9394f4d1: Minor fixes regarding change
Make LookupNetwork() return None in case target is None. This fixes
Issue 380. Rapi passes network=None and the looku...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:57 pm ganeti-local Revision c3a5176f: baserlib: Make "_OPCODE_ATTRS" public
"_OPCODE_ATTRS" will also be used in the Sphinx extension.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
06:57 pm snf-ganeti Revision c3a5176f: baserlib: Make "_OPCODE_ATTRS" public
"_OPCODE_ATTRS" will also be used in the Sphinx extension.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Michael Hanselmann
06:56 pm ganeti-local Revision d6ee0e41: Makefile: Add dependencies
The RAPI documentation now depends on “” (handler
registration) and “” (access permissions).
Michael Hanselmann
06:56 pm snf-ganeti Revision d6ee0e41: Makefile: Add dependencies
The RAPI documentation now depends on “” (handler
registration) and “” (access permissions).
Michael Hanselmann
06:55 pm ganeti-local Revision 180fdc32: RAPI documentation: Add link targets
A newly added table of RAPI access permissions will link to all
resources and their supported methods. For this reaso...
Michael Hanselmann
06:55 pm snf-ganeti Revision 180fdc32: RAPI documentation: Add link targets
A newly added table of RAPI access permissions will link to all
resources and their supported methods. For this reaso...
Michael Hanselmann
06:22 pm Revision 80ec0af8: Fix usage animation bug
Olga Brani
06:21 pm ./kamaki Revision e5a9a9f2: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-tests
Stavros Sachtouris
06:19 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision e88945f2: Use user catalog displayname when displaying modified by
Miltiadis Vasilakis
06:17 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision eebb5f02: Use user catalog displayname when displaying an account node
Miltiadis Vasilakis
06:10 pm ./kamaki Revision dc268eaa: Change version target to 0.8
Stavros Sachtouris
06:07 pm ganeti-local Revision c8f4e425: Fix issue 378
In case a NIC is not inside a network then netinfo None. Thus
netinfo["name"] fails.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragior...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
06:07 pm snf-ganeti Revision c8f4e425: Fix issue 378
In case a NIC is not inside a network then netinfo None. Thus
netinfo["name"] fails.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragior...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
05:30 pm ./kamaki Revision df5321b4: Bump version to 0.7~rc3-1
Signed-off-by: Stavros Sachtouris <> Stavros Sachtouris
05:29 pm ./kamaki Revision 2e705460: Merge branch 'release-0.7' into debian-release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
05:28 pm ./kamaki Revision 68a9ef62: Merge branch 'ubuntu-develop' into ubuntu
Stavros Sachtouris
05:24 pm ./kamaki Revision ebb36115: Merge branch 'debian-develop' into ubuntu-develop
Stavros Sachtouris
05:20 pm ./kamaki Revision b5b7c158: Merge branch 'develop' into ubuntu
Stavros Sachtouris
05:16 pm devflow Revision 693a31b7: Add
Christos Stavrakakis
04:29 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5224c9bf: Helper to retrieve access permissions for RAPI resource
Merge similar code into a helper function.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Guido ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:29 pm snf-ganeti Revision c6793656: Sphinx extension: Module-level constant for tab width
Use a module-level constant for the tab width.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Mi...
Michael Hanselmann
04:29 pm snf-ganeti Revision 46ab58d4: RAPI documentation: Assertion for console fields
Assert that the documented fields are equal to those in the actual
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <hansmi...
Michael Hanselmann
04:29 pm ganeti-local Revision 5224c9bf: Helper to retrieve access permissions for RAPI resource
Merge similar code into a helper function.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Guido ...
Michael Hanselmann
04:29 pm ganeti-local Revision c6793656: Sphinx extension: Module-level constant for tab width
Use a module-level constant for the tab width.
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Mi...
Michael Hanselmann
04:29 pm ganeti-local Revision 46ab58d4: RAPI documentation: Assertion for console fields
Assert that the documented fields are equal to those in the actual
Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <hansmi...
Michael Hanselmann
04:27 pm snf-ganeti Revision 4a90bd4f: Status change reason support for Reboot
Add support to the Reboot command for specifying the reason for the last
status change.
Some features are implemente...
Michele Tartara
04:27 pm ganeti-local Revision 4a90bd4f: Status change reason support for Reboot
Add support to the Reboot command for specifying the reason for the last
status change.
Some features are implemente...
Michele Tartara
04:27 pm snf-ganeti Revision a59d5fa1: Infrastructure for specifying instance status change reason
This patch introduces some infrastructural modifications that will be used by
the following commits to implement the ...
Michele Tartara
04:27 pm ganeti-local Revision a59d5fa1: Infrastructure for specifying instance status change reason
This patch introduces some infrastructural modifications that will be used by
the following commits to implement the ...
Michele Tartara
04:18 pm ./kamaki Revision d38fb2ab: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
04:17 pm ./kamaki Revision db36a6a7: Fix pep8 error
Stavros Sachtouris
04:16 pm ./kamaki Revision 9bc8317f: Fix bug in error reporting if service anavailable
Stavros Sachtouris
04:14 pm ./kamaki Revision 81e72ab5: Fix bug in error reporting if service anavailable
Stavros Sachtouris
04:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 03be57a9: NEWS: Mention multi-alloc and fix typo
As far as I could see, the ability to allocate multiple instances via
RAPI was not mentioned at all. A superfluous wo...
Michael Hanselmann
04:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 03be57a9: NEWS: Mention multi-alloc and fix typo
As far as I could see, the ability to allocate multiple instances via
RAPI was not mentioned at all. A superfluous wo...
Michael Hanselmann
04:03 pm ./kamaki Revision c81fecfc: Update version tag to 0.7rc3
Stavros Sachtouris
03:55 pm Revision d886c63d: Add missing import
Sofia Papagiannaki
03:49 pm ./kamaki Revision c09b4575: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
03:47 pm ./kamaki Revision e9e6be37: Merge branch 'feature-store' into develop
Stavros Sachtouris
03:46 pm ./kamaki Revision d00fd070: Recover default value of non-None default args
Stavros Sachtouris
03:46 pm ./kamaki Bug #3292 (Closed): Lost default value of arguments with non-None default value
Stavros Sachtouris
02:21 pm ./kamaki Bug #3279 (Resolved): kamaki recursive download does not behave nice if download folder does not ...
Stavros Sachtouris
02:20 pm ./kamaki Revision a3ba3bce: Make store download more intuitive + debug
Use cases:
- download <container>
- download <container> --resume
Download contests to .
- download <co...
Stavros Sachtouris
02:17 pm Revision adfb107d: Bump version to 0.13rc4
Christos Stavrakakis
02:16 pm Revision e98e2886: Bump version to 0.13~rc3-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
02:16 pm Revision 3ae2781b: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
02:10 pm Revision f8983299: astakos settings fixes
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
01:55 pm Revision 882ade00: Display name of terminated projects
Giorgos Korfiatis
01:50 pm Revision ae0d04b5: Speed up project-list
Giorgos Korfiatis
12:55 pm Pithos MacOS Client Revision b83af782: Use user catalog in account groups presentation and editing
Miltiadis Vasilakis
12:04 pm Revision 6c931e8b: upgrade-0.13: cleanup astakos and pithos settings
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
12:04 pm Revision 77a345fc: cleanup astakos settings
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
12:01 pm Revision c08b1f79: cleanup pithos settings
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
12:01 pm Revision e95431e5: set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE for pithos-migrate
Georgios D. Tsoukalas
12:00 pm Revision 1f3f907f: Explicitly enabled/disable pithos quotaholder component
Use PITHOS_USE_QUOTAHOLDER setting Sofia Papagiannaki
11:52 am Revision ddebc914: Fix pithos RADOS setting to reflect defaults
Filippos Giannakos
10:47 am ./kamaki Revision 833ebde0: Merge branch 'develop' into feature-store
Stavros Sachtouris
01:13 am Pithos MacOS Client Revision 8aa8e10c: Add initial support for user catalog
Keep user catalog for each account. Show displayname in preferences after authentication. Minor improvements. Miltiadis Vasilakis
01:09 am Pithos MacOS & iOS Common Lib Revision 0be02d23: Improve account groups
Miltiadis Vasilakis


10:23 pm Revision e4d84803: Update pithos migration
Display progress Sofia Papagiannaki
10:23 pm Revision 61ae9b74: Add missing pithos setting documentation
Sofia Papagiannaki
10:23 pm Revision 5a3921a1: Fix astakos settings documentation
Sofia Papagiannaki
10:23 pm Revision 53777f42: Change astakos init
Do not override service url if it is not set. Sofia Papagiannaki
07:06 pm Revision be1dca04: Fix typo
Christos Stavrakakis
07:00 pm Revision 3910c691: Upgrade guide 0.13 fixes
* Document Ganeti node new packages
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
06:13 pm ./kamaki Bug #3279 (Closed): kamaki recursive download does not behave nice if download folder does not ex...
Stavros Sachtouris
06:09 pm Revision 12fca521: More pithos documentation
Sofia Papagiannaki
06:08 pm ganeti-local Revision 834bea99: Unit tests for Query/Network.hs
This patch adds a couple of unit tests for Query/Network.hs.
Note that they'll need to be adapted, once issue 362 is ...
Helga Velroyen
06:08 pm snf-ganeti Revision 834bea99: Unit tests for Query/Network.hs
This patch adds a couple of unit tests for Query/Network.hs.
Note that they'll need to be adapted, once issue 362 is ...
Helga Velroyen
06:07 pm Revision faf96548: Import pithos settings documentation
Sofia Papagiannaki
06:03 pm Revision fe3d6077: Fix pithos configuration
Sofia Papagiannaki
06:03 pm Revision 0e1fce89: Improve pithos migrate
Cache also non existing accounts. Sofia Papagiannaki
05:54 pm ./kamaki Revision feae5557: Fix pep8 error
Stavros Sachtouris
05:36 pm Revision 5c088197: Minor fixes and updates in 0.13 upgrade guide
Constantinos Venetsanopoulos
05:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision 7dc27988: Make Confd client usable for testing
Allow the Confd client to be able to connect to an arbitrary server
instead of just the real one running on a cluster...
Michele Tartara
05:35 pm ganeti-local Revision 7dc27988: Make Confd client usable for testing
Allow the Confd client to be able to connect to an arbitrary server
instead of just the real one running on a cluster...
Michele Tartara
05:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision c5a957c3: Add Haskell parser for "xm uptime"
In order to fetch precise information about the uptime of the VMs
running in Xen, we need to analyze the output of th...
Michele Tartara
05:35 pm ganeti-local Revision c5a957c3: Add Haskell parser for "xm uptime"
In order to fetch precise information about the uptime of the VMs
running in Xen, we need to analyze the output of th...
Michele Tartara
05:35 pm snf-ganeti Revision b8585908: Add Haskell parser for "xm list --long"
In order to fetch precise information about the status of the VMs running in
Xen, we need to analyze the output of th...
Michele Tartara
05:35 pm ganeti-local Revision b8585908: Add Haskell parser for "xm list --long"
In order to fetch precise information about the status of the VMs running in
Xen, we need to analyze the output of th...
Michele Tartara
05:34 pm snf-ganeti Revision 332a83ca: Add request type to Confd server for getting instance list
Add to Confd server a new request type (and its implementation) to ask for
the list of instances in a node.
Michele Tartara
05:34 pm ganeti-local Revision 332a83ca: Add request type to Confd server for getting instance list
Add to Confd server a new request type (and its implementation) to ask for
the list of instances in a node.
Michele Tartara
04:38 pm devflow Revision eca0c5dc: Add coverage to tests
Christos Stavrakakis
04:34 pm ./kamaki Revision 52858143: Bump version to 0.7~rc2-1
Signed-off-by: Stavros Sachtouris <> Stavros Sachtouris
04:32 pm ./kamaki Revision a45cfedf: Merge branch 'release-0.7' into debian-release-0.7
Stavros Sachtouris
04:21 pm ./kamaki Revision 5d16ef46: Implement KamakiHTTPConnection unittests
Stavros Sachtouris
03:46 pm Revision 42adaf01: Speed up set_quota and add_quota
Giorgos Korfiatis
03:46 pm devflow Revision c642d7cb: Disable pylint message about version file
Christos Stavrakakis
03:14 pm Revision c20c28d6: Bump version to 0.13rc3
Christos Stavrakakis
02:58 pm Revision a38446a0: Rearrange pithos configuration
Sofia Papagiannaki
02:52 pm Revision 384dee7e: Update pithos-reset-usage command
Enable reset pithos usage for specific accounts Sofia Papagiannaki
02:52 pm Revision fa8b2092: Change default pithos url settings
Point to astakos host. Sofia Papagiannaki
02:52 pm Revision eb56e157: Update docs
Include bulk COPY/MOVE/DELETE object actions in differences with OOS API Sofia Papagiannaki
02:25 pm Revision c4e45b57: pep8 convension
Christos Stavrakakis
01:48 pm Revision 9621c777: pep8 convension to cyclades management commands
Christos Stavrakakis
01:27 pm Revision 7dedd279: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into develop
Christos Stavrakakis
01:13 pm ./kamaki Revision e0214780: Automatic test discovery for clients.connection
Stavros Sachtouris
12:32 pm snf-ganeti Revision 3301805f: Update monitoring agent report format
This commit expands the monitoring agent design document improving the
description of the general report file format....
Michele Tartara
12:32 pm ganeti-local Revision 3301805f: Update monitoring agent report format
This commit expands the monitoring agent design document improving the
description of the general report file format....
Michele Tartara
12:16 pm ganeti-local Revision f032d55c: Add cfgupgrade for changing to uuid
This gets all network info from config_data and parses
all instances and their NICs and makes the substitution.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:16 pm snf-ganeti Revision f032d55c: Add cfgupgrade for changing to uuid
This gets all network info from config_data and parses
all instances and their NICs and makes the substitution.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:06 pm ganeti-local Revision aee9a8a0: Remove useless code in backend for network hooks
In backend NICs arrive with netinfo filled. If is not None
nic.netinfo is not too. Thus all the info is d...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:06 pm snf-ganeti Revision aee9a8a0: Remove useless code in backend for network hooks
In backend NICs arrive with netinfo filled. If is not None
nic.netinfo is not too. Thus all the info is d...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 68c13560: Show network name and not uuid in instance info
This was before the case too. Now is bit trickier because
is uuid. Info must derive from nic.netinfo.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 68c13560: Show network name and not uuid in instance info
This was before the case too. Now is bit trickier because
is uuid. Info must derive from nic.netinfo.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:05 pm ganeti-local Revision 1635eec0: Add IQ_NETWORKS in query tests
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen <>
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:05 pm snf-ganeti Revision 1635eec0: Add IQ_NETWORKS in query tests
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Aragiorgis <>
Reviewed-by: Helga Velroyen <>
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm ganeti-local Revision 271fee18: Implement network locking in Instance queries
This is needed in case more info than each nic's network uuid is to
be returned. We need to lock networks to get vali...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision 271fee18: Implement network locking in Instance queries
This is needed in case more info than each nic's network uuid is to
be returned. We need to lock networks to get vali...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm ganeti-local Revision f98e1175: Changes in query to support as uuid
Queries now return the network uuid as well as it's name. Here we
only use info provided be LUInstanceQueryData conte...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision f98e1175: Changes in query to support as uuid
Queries now return the network uuid as well as it's name. Here we
only use info provided be LUInstanceQueryData conte...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm ganeti-local Revision 434b96a2: Modify query LUs to supoprt as uuid
Make _InstanceQuery gather all network info related to instance's
NICs and in case of NETQ_INST in _NetworkQuery get ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision 434b96a2: Modify query LUs to supoprt as uuid
Make _InstanceQuery gather all network info related to instance's
NICs and in case of NETQ_INST in _NetworkQuery get ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm ganeti-local Revision 922610c9: Add GetInstanceNetworks() config method
This will be needed for Instance Queries. It walks through the
instance's NICs and returns a list network uuids that ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision 922610c9: Add GetInstanceNetworks() config method
This will be needed for Instance Queries. It walks through the
instance's NICs and returns a list network uuids that ...
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm ganeti-local Revision 5a292b36: cmdlib changes to support as uuid
Refactor Instance related LUs to support as
a uuid. This removes all the unnecessary invocations to
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:03 pm snf-ganeti Revision 5a292b36: cmdlib changes to support as uuid
Refactor Instance related LUs to support as
a uuid. This removes all the unnecessary invocations to
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:02 pm ganeti-local Revision 9ccacbc8: Make network config methods take uuid as argument
This will be needed in the following patches where
will refer to network's uuid and not name.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:02 pm snf-ganeti Revision 9ccacbc8: Make network config methods take uuid as argument
This will be needed in the following patches where
will refer to network's uuid and not name.
Dimitris Aragiorgis
12:00 pm Revision ead6cb81: Bump version to 0.13~rc2-1
Signed-off-by: Christos Stavrakakis <> Christos Stavrakakis
12:00 pm Revision a9de9f58: Merge branch 'release-0.13' into debian-release-0.13
Christos Stavrakakis
11:49 am ./kamaki Revision b2c5b650: Rename HTTPConnection/Response classes
kamaki.clients.connection.HTTPConnection/Response abstract class are renamed
to kamaki.clients.connection.KamakiConne...
Stavros Sachtouris
11:42 am Revision 2291ead5: Revert vmapi upgrade notes
Christos Stavrakakis


02:30 pm Pithos MacOS & iOS Common Lib Revision 3ebe9884: Add user catalog request
Miltiadis Vasilakis
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