Revision 04774a3d okeanos_site/templates/okeanos/pages/what.html

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<h2>{% trans "So, what is this ~okeanos thing?" %}</h2>
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<em>~okeanos</em> is a brand new IaaS Service. "IaaS" stands for "Infrastracture as a Service", but what does it really mean?
<em>~okeanos</em> is a brand new IaaS Service. <br />"IaaS" stands for "Infrastracture as a Service", but what does it really mean?
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With ~okeanos you are one click away from your own Virtual Machines and Virtual Networks: You can manage them, destroy them, connect to them and take a handful of other actions, all from inside your favorite web browser. 
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<h4>Think about it:</h4>
<h3>Think about it:</h3>
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You wake up one morning and you need a new computer with a specific operating system and hardware requirements (or 10 new computers :-) ).
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<h3>Until today you would probably:</h3>
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Until today you would probably:
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Go out shopping, buy/order a new PC, wait shipping to your place, unpack, connect cables, connect to the network, setup your installation, pray all went well and start after a few hours (hopefully).
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<h3>Can I have something click and go, please?</h3>
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Can I have something click and go, please?
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Start preparing breakfast (required). Open your browser, login to ~okeanos, order as many machines as you like, select their 'hardware', pick up your favorite operating system, wait only a few minutes, then connect remotely to your own new working PC. And don't forget, breakfast is still there waiting for you.
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<h3>What's with the name?</h3>
Okeanos is the Greek word for ocean. Oceans stand for abundancy. Oceans have transformed our world: they capture, store and
deliver energy, oxygen and life around the planet. Oceans are the unfailing well of earth's resources, the big difference from
other planets in universe.</p>

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