{% extends "im/account_base.html" %} {% load filters %} {% block headjs %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block page.body %}
{% csrf_token %}
1. CREATE PROJECT more info To create a new Project, first enter the following required fields.
The information you enter will be visible to all ~okeanos users.
{% include "im/form_render.html" %}
2. ADD RESOURCES more info Here you add resources to your Project. Each resource you specify here, will be granted to *EACH* user of this Project. So the total resources will be: <Total number of members> * <amount_of_resource> for each resource.
{% for gname, resources in resource_catalog.get_groups_resources %}
X remove resource {% for rname, rdata in resources.items %}
{% if rdata.is_abbreviation %} {{ rdata.verbose_name|upper }} {% else %} {{ rdata.verbose_name|capfirst }} {% endif %} more info {{ rdata.help_text }}

  more info{{ rdata.help_text_input_each }}

Invalid format

{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}