{% extends "im/account_base.html" %} {% load filters %} {% block headjs %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block page.body %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% block page.body.title %}

API details

{% endblock %}

To use {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} via its REST API you will need the following Authentication URL and Token:

{% block page.body.token %}
Authentication URL  
Token   expires in {{ user.auth_token_expires|timeuntil }} ({{ user.auth_token_expires|date }})
renew token confirm x

Every time you renew it, make sure to update the clients you use with the new token.

{% endblock %}
{% block page.body.description %}
{% block page.body.api_advanced %}

API advanced usage

Apart from using the kamaki command line client, you can also import the kamaki library inside your code and use it directly. More details on how to do that on the corresponding kamaki page.

You can also implement the REST API calls by yourself, without using the official kamaki library if you feel confident with your programming skills. To do so, you first need to get a good grasp of the API itself; for more information take a look at the corresponding page inside the Synnefo documentation.

{% endblock %}


{{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} provides a complete REST API that allows you to access and control your virtual resources programmatically. This means you can execute all the actions you do from the {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} Web UI by using a command line client or importing the corresponding library inside your own code.

If you want to learn more about the specification of the REST API itself, please take a look at the Synnefo documentation.

{% endblock %}

Other clients

If you are using a client different from kamaki that supports the OpenStack APIs and needs a username/password combination to operate, please use the following:

username: {{ user.uuid }} password: {{ user.auth_token }}

The username is your {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} user ID (UUID) and the password is your Token. As you can see, its the same shown in the previous section.

{% block page.body.clients %}


Kamaki is the official {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} command line client. You can use it to control your virtual resources from the command line or use it inside your scripts.

Kamaki allows you to execute all the operations you do from the Web UI. You can use kamaki to

- register images,
- spawn clusters of customized VMs,
- connect them to Private Virtual Networks,
- have them executing computations dynamically

and many other neat things.

Kamaki is available for most Linux distributions, Windows and Mac OS X. To use it you will need to set it up using your Token and the Authentication URL, found above. To learn more about kamaki and how to install, configure and use, take a look at its corresponding page.

You can download kamaki from the project homepage.

If you are using kamaki, you can download a pre-configured .kamakirc file that contains your Authentication URL and Token. Store this file under your home directory (~/.kamakirc) and kamaki will be able to access {{ BRANDING_SERVICE_NAME }} automatically without the need of extra manual configuration.

Download your .kamakirc
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}