Revision 82482e2c docs/source/devguide.rst

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Revision                   Description
29 29
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0.9 (Feb 15, 2012)         Change permissions model.
0.9 (Feb 17, 2012)         Change permissions model.
\                          Do not include user-defined metadata in account/container/object listings.
31 32
0.8 (Jan 24, 2012)         Update allowed versioning values.
32 33
\                          Change policy/meta formatting in JSON/XML replies.
33 34
\                          Document that all non-ASCII characters in headers should be URL-encoded.
277 278
Cross-user requests are not allowed to use ``until`` and only include the account/container modification dates in the reply.
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If a ``format=xml`` or ``format=json`` argument is given, extended information on the containers will be returned, serialized in the chosen format.
For each container, the information will include all container metadata (names will be in lower case and with hyphens replaced with underscores):
For each container, the information will include all container metadata, except user-defined (names will be in lower case and with hyphens replaced with underscores):
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===========================  ============================
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Name                         Description
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bytes                        The total size of the objects inside the container
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last_modified                The last container modification date (regardless of ``until``)
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x_container_until_timestamp  The last container modification date until the timestamp provided
x_container_policy_*         Container behavior and limits
x_container_meta_*           Optional user defined metadata
x_container_policy           Container behavior and limits
292 292
===========================  ============================
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Example ``format=json`` reply:
299 299
    "bytes": 62452,
300 300
    "count": 8374,
301 301
    "last_modified": "2011-12-02T08:10:41.565891+00:00",
    "x_container_policy": {"quota": "53687091200", "versioning": "auto"},
    "x_container_meta": {"a": "b", "1": "2"}}, ...]
    "x_container_policy": {"quota": "53687091200", "versioning": "auto"}}, ...]
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Example ``format=xml`` reply:
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For more examples of container details returned in JSON/XML formats refer to the OOS API documentation. In addition to the OOS API, Pithos returns all fields. Policy and metadata values are grouped and returned as key-value pairs.
For more examples of container details returned in JSON/XML formats refer to the OOS API documentation. In addition to the OOS API, Pithos returns policy fields, grouped as key-value pairs.
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===========================  =====================
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Return Code                  Description
471 466
===========================  ===============================
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If a ``format=xml`` or ``format=json`` argument is given, extended information on the objects will be returned, serialized in the chosen format.
For each object, the information will include all object metadata (names will be in lower case and with hyphens replaced with underscores):
For each object, the information will include all object metadata, except user-defined (names will be in lower case and with hyphens replaced with underscores). User-defined metadata includes ``X-Object-Meta-*``, ``X-Object-Manifest``, ``Content-Disposition`` and ``Content-Encoding`` keys. Also, sharing directives will only be included with the actual shared objects (inherited permissions are not calculated):
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==========================  ======================================
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Name                        Description
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hash                        The ETag of the object
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bytes                       The size of the object
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content_type                The MIME content type of the object
content_encoding            The encoding of the object (optional)
content-disposition         The presentation style of the object (optional)
485 478
last_modified               The last object modification date (regardless of version)
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x_object_hash               The Merkle hash
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x_object_uuid               The object's UUID
488 481
x_object_version            The object's version identifier
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x_object_version_timestamp  The object's version timestamp
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x_object_modified_by        The user that committed the object's version
x_object_manifest           Object parts prefix in ``<container>/<object>`` form (optional)
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x_object_sharing            Object permissions (optional)
x_object_shared_by          Object inheriting permissions (optional)
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x_object_allowed_to         Allowed actions on object (optional)
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x_object_public             Object's publicly accessible URI (optional)
x_object_meta_*             Optional user defined metadata
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==========================  ======================================
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Sharing metadata will only be returned if there is no ``until`` parameter defined.
Sharing metadata and last modification timestamp will only be returned if there is no ``until`` parameter defined.
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Extended replies may also include virtual directory markers in separate sections of the ``json`` or ``xml`` results.
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Virtual directory markers are only included when ``delimiter`` is explicitly set. They correspond to the substrings up to and including the first occurrence of the delimiter.
512 502
    "hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
513 503
    "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
514 504
    "last_modified": "2011-12-02T08:10:41.565891+00:00",
    "x_object_meta": {"asdf": "qwerty"},
516 505
    "x_object_hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
517 506
    "x_object_uuid": "8ed9af1b-c948-4bb6-82b0-48344f5c822c",
518 507
    "x_object_version": 98,
531 520
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For more examples of container details returned in JSON/XML formats refer to the OOS API documentation. In addition to the OOS API, Pithos returns all fields. Metadata values are grouped and returned as key-value pairs.
For more examples of container details returned in JSON/XML formats refer to the OOS API documentation. In addition to the OOS API, Pithos returns more fields that should help with synchronization.
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Return Code                  Description
1076 1062
* Headers ``X-Container-Block-*`` at the container level, exposing the underlying storage characteristics.
1077 1063
* All metadata replies, at all levels, include latest modification information.
1078 1064
* At all levels, a ``HEAD`` or ``GET`` request may use ``If-Modified-Since`` and ``If-Unmodified-Since`` headers.
* Container/object lists include all associated metadata if the reply is of type JSON/XML. Some names are kept to their OOS API equivalents for compatibility.
* Container/object lists include more fields if the reply is of type JSON/XML. Some names are kept to their OOS API equivalents for compatibility.
1080 1066
* Option to include only shared containers/objects in listings.
1081 1067
* Object metadata allowed, in addition to ``X-Object-Meta-*``: ``Content-Encoding``, ``Content-Disposition``, ``X-Object-Manifest``. These are all replaced with every update operation, except if using the ``update`` parameter (in which case individual keys can also be deleted). Deleting meta by providing empty values also works when copying/moving an object.
1082 1068
* Multi-range object ``GET`` support as outlined in RFC2616.

Also available in: Unified diff