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1 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
2 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
# Unit Tests for aai
3 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
4 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
# Provides automated tests for aai module. The tests
5 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
6 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
# Copyright 2011 Greek Research and Technology Network
7 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
8 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
9 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
from django.test import TestCase
10 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
from django.test.client import Client
11 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
from django.conf import settings
12 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
13 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
from synnefo.aai.shibboleth import Tokens, NoUniqueToken
14 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
from synnefo.db.models import SynnefoUser
15 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
16 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
17 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
18 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
class AuthTestCase(TestCase):
19 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
    fixtures = ['api_test_data', 'auth_test_data']
20 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
    apibase = '/api/v1.1'
21 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
22 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
    def setUp(self):
23 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.client = Client()
24 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
25 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_correct_request(self):
26 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
        """test request that should succeed and register a user
27 420f2c20 Georgios Gousios
28 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
29 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
                                   **{Tokens.SIB_GIVEN_NAME: 'Jimmy',
30 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
                                      Tokens.SIB_EDU_PERSON_PRINCIPAL_NAME: '',
31 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      Tokens.SIB_DISPLAY_NAME: 'Jimmy Hendrix',
32 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
33 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        user = None
34 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
35 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
            user = SynnefoUser.objects.get(uniq = "")
36 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        except SynnefoUser.DoesNotExist:
37 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
            self.assertNotEqual(user, None)
38 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        self.assertNotEqual(user, None)
39 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302)
40 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['Location'], "http://testserver/")
41 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertTrue('X-Auth-Token' in response)
42 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['X-Auth-Token'], user.auth_token)
43 420f2c20 Georgios Gousios
44 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_no_uniq_request(self):
45 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
        """test a request with no unique field
46 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
47 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
48 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
                                    **{Tokens.SIB_GIVEN_NAME: 'Jimmy',
49 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                    Tokens.SIB_DISPLAY_NAME: 'Jimmy Hendrix',
50 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                    'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
51 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
52 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
53 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_wrong_from_request(self):
54 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
        """ test request from wrong host
55 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
56 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
57 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
                                   **{Tokens.SIB_GIVEN_NAME: 'Jimmy',
58 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
                                      Tokens.SIB_EDU_PERSON_PRINCIPAL_NAME: '',
59 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
                                      Tokens.SIB_DISPLAY_NAME: 'Jimmy Hendrix',
60 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
                                      'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
61 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'SERVER_NAME': 'nohost.nodomain',
62 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
63 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
64 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
65 71a2be7d Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_expired_token(self):
66 71a2be7d Georgios Gousios
        """ test request from expired token
67 71a2be7d Georgios Gousios
68 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        user = SynnefoUser.objects.get(uniq = "")
69 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertNotEqual(user.auth_token_created, None)
70 25380811 Georgios Gousios
71 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
72 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                   **{'X-Auth-Token': user.auth_token,
73 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
74 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
75 71a2be7d Georgios Gousios
76 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_redirect(self):
77 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        """ test redirect to Sibboleth page
78 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
79 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {}, **{'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
80 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
81 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
82 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
    def test_shibboleth_auth(self):
83 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        """ test authentication with X-Auth-Token
84 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
85 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        user = SynnefoUser.objects.get(uniq = "")
86 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
87 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                   **{'X-Auth-Token': user.auth_token,
88 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
89 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertTrue(response.status_code, 200)
90 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertTrue('Vary' in response)
91 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertTrue('X-Auth-Token' in response['Vary'])
92 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
93 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
    def test_fail_oapi_auth(self):
94 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
        """ test authentication from not registered user using OpenAPI
95 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
96 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/servers', {},
97 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
                                   **{'X-Auth-User': 'notme',
98 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'X-Auth-Key': '0xdeadbabe',
99 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
100 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 401)
101 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
102 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
    def test_oapi_auth(self):
103 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
        """authentication with user registration
104 1896d262 Georgios Gousios
105 dd53338a Georgios Gousios
        response = self.client.get(self.apibase + '/', {},
106 25380811 Georgios Gousios
                                   **{'X-Auth-User': 'testdbuser',
107 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'X-Auth-Key': '',
108 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios
                                      'TEST-AAI' : 'true'})
109 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 204)
110 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertNotEqual(response['X-Auth-Token'], None)
111 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['X-Server-Management-Url'], '')
112 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['X-Storage-Url'], '')
113 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['X-CDN-Management-Url'], '')
114 5fb55fba Georgios Gousios
115 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
    def _test_redirect(self, response):
116 faa26af8 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302)
117 57e59589 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertTrue('Location' in response)
118 25380811 Georgios Gousios
        self.assertEquals(response['Location'], settings.SHIBBOLETH_HOST)
119 25380811 Georgios Gousios
120 25380811 Georgios Gousios
    def _update_user_ts(self, user):
121 25380811 Georgios Gousios
        user.auth_token_created = ( -
122 25380811 Georgios Gousios
                                   timedelta(hours = settings.AUTH_TOKEN_DURATION))
123 25380811 Georgios Gousios
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125 8f377cd6 Georgios Gousios