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1 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
from django.conf import settings
2 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
3 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
from synnefo.db.models import SynnefoUser
4 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
from synnefo.aai.shibboleth import Tokens, register_shibboleth_user
5 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
import time
6 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
import datetime
7 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
8 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
class ApiAuthMiddleware(object):
9 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
10 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
    auth_token = "X-Auth-Token"
11 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
    auth_user  = "X-Auth-User"
12 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
    auth_key   = "X-Auth-Key"
13 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
14 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
    def process_request(self, request):
15 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        if not request.path.startswith('/api/') :
16 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
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18 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        token = None
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        #Try to find token in a cookie
21 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
22 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            token = request.COOKIES['X-Auth-Token']
23 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        except Exception:
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25 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
26 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        #Try to find token in request header
27 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        if not token:
28 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            token = request.META.get('HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN', None)
29 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
30 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        if token:
31 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            user = None
32 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            #Retrieve user from DB or other caching mechanism
33 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
34 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                user = SynnefoUser.objects.get(auth_token=token)
35 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            except SynnefoUser.DoesNotExist:
36 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                user = None
37 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
38 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            #Check user's auth token
39 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            if (time.time() -
40 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                time.mktime(user.auth_token_created.timetuple()) -
41 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                settings.AUTH_TOKEN_DURATION * 3600) > 0:
42 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                #The user's token has expired, re-login
43 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                user = None
44 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
45 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            request.user = user
46 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
47 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
48 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        #A Rackspace API authentication request
49 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        if self.auth_user in request.META and self.auth_key in request.META and 'GET' == request.method:
50 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            # This is here merely for compatibility with the Openstack API.
51 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            # All normal users should authenticate through Sibbolleth. Admin
52 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            # users or other selected users could use this as a bypass
53 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            # mechanism
54 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            user = SynnefoUser.objects\
55 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                    .filter(name = request.META[self.auth_user]) \
56 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                    .filter(uniq = request.META[self.auth_key])
57 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
58 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            response = HttpResponse()
59 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            if user.count() <= 0:
60 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response.status_code = 401
61 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
62 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response.status_code = 204
63 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response['X-Auth-Token'] = user[0].auth_token
64 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                #TODO: set the following fields when we do have this info
65 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response['X-Server-Management-Url'] = ""
66 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response['X-Storage-Url'] = ""
67 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
                response['X-CDN-Management-Url'] = ""
68 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
            return response
69 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
70 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        request.user = None
71 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
72 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
    def process_response(self, request, response):
73 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        #Tell proxies and other interested parties that the
74 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        #request varies based on the auth token, to avoid
75 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        #caching of results
76 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        response['Vary'] = self.auth_token
77 22aee0fb Georgios Gousios
        return response