Revision c8860319 docs/pithos-api-guide.rst

27 27
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28 28
Revision                   Description
29 29
=========================  ================================
0.14 (Jun 18, 2013)        Forbidden response for public listing by non path owners
30 31
0.13 (Mar 27, 2013)        Restrict public object listing only to the owner.
                           Do not propagate public URL information in shared objects.
\                          Do not propagate public URL information in shared objects.
32 33
0.13 (Jan 21, 2013)        Proxy identity management services
33 34
\                          UUID to displayname translation
34 35
0.9 (Feb 17, 2012)         Change permissions model.
427 428
200 (OK)                     The request succeeded
428 429
204 (No Content)             The account has no containers (only for non-extended replies)
429 430
304 (Not Modified)           The account has not been modified
403 (Forbidden)              Public is requested but the request user is not the path owner
430 432
412 (Precondition Failed)    The condition set can not be satisfied
431 433
===========================  =====================
432 434

545 547
format                  Optional extended reply type (can be ``json`` or ``xml``)
546 548
meta                    Return objects that satisfy the key queries in the specified comma separated list (use ``<key>``, ``!<key>`` for existence queries, ``<key><op><value>`` for value queries, where ``<op>`` can be one of ``=``, ``!=``, ``<=``, ``>=``, ``<``, ``>``)
547 549
shared                  Show only objects (no value parameter)
public                  Show only public objects (no value parameter / avalaible only for owner reqeusts)
public                  Show only public objects (no value parameter / avalaible only for owner requests)
549 551
until                   Optional timestamp
550 552
======================  ===================================
551 553

637 639
200 (OK)                     The request succeeded
638 640
204 (No Content)             The account has no containers (only for non-extended replies)
639 641
304 (Not Modified)           The container has not been modified
403 (Forbidden)              Public is requested but the request user is not the path owner
640 643
412 (Precondition Failed)    The condition set can not be satisfied
641 644
===========================  ===============================
642 645


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