Revision e809b989 docs/source/devguide.rst

27 27
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28 28
Revision                   Description
29 29
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0.8 (Jan 24, 2012)         Update allowed versioning values.
0.8 (Feb 9, 2012)          Update allowed versioning values.
31 31
\                          Change policy/meta formatting in JSON/XML replies.
32 32
\                          Document that all non-ASCII characters in headers should be URL-encoded.
33 33
\                          Support metadata-based queries when listing objects at the container level.
37 37
\                          Note that ``/login`` will only work if an external authentication system is defined.
38 38
\                          Include option to ignore Content-Type on ``COPY``/``MOVE``.
39 39
\                          Use format parameter for conflict (409) and uploaded hash list (container level) replies.
\                          Change permissions model.
40 41
0.7 (Nov 21, 2011)         Suggest upload/download methods using hashmaps.
41 42
\                          Propose syncing algorithm.
42 43
\                          Support cross-account object copy and move.
863 864
Return Code                     Description
864 865
==============================  ==============================
865 866
201 (Created)                   The object has been created
409 (Conflict)                  The object can not be created from the provided hashmap, or there are conflicting permissions (a list of missing hashes, or a list of conflicting sharing paths will be included in the reply)
409 (Conflict)                  The object can not be created from the provided hashmap (a list of missing hashes will be included in the reply)
867 868
411 (Length Required)           Missing ``Content-Length`` or ``Content-Type`` in the request
868 869
413 (Request Entity Too Large)  Insufficient quota to complete the request
869 870
422 (Unprocessable Entity)      The MD5 checksum of the data written to the storage system does not match the (optionally) supplied ETag value
913 914
Return Code                     Description
914 915
==============================  ==============================
915 916
201 (Created)                   The object has been created
409 (Conflict)                  There are conflicting permissions (a list of conflicting sharing paths will be included in the reply)
917 917
413 (Request Entity Too Large)  Insufficient quota to complete the request
918 918
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919 919

991 991
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992 992
202 (Accepted)                  The request has been accepted (not a data update)
993 993
204 (No Content)                The request succeeded (data updated)
409 (Conflict)                  There are conflicting permissions (a list of conflicting sharing paths will be included in the reply)
995 994
411 (Length Required)           Missing ``Content-Length`` in the request
996 995
413 (Request Entity Too Large)  Insufficient quota to complete the request
997 996
416 (Range Not Satisfiable)     The supplied range is invalid
1045 1044
Sharing and Public Objects
1046 1045
1047 1046

Read and write control in Pithos is managed by setting appropriate permissions with the ``X-Object-Sharing`` header. The permissions are applied using prefix-based inheritance. Thus, each set of authorization directives is applied to all objects sharing the same prefix with the object where the corresponding ``X-Object-Sharing`` header is defined. For simplicity, nested/overlapping permissions are not allowed. Setting ``X-Object-Sharing`` will fail, if the object is already "covered", or another object with a longer common-prefix name already has permissions. When retrieving an object, the ``X-Object-Shared-By`` header reports where it gets its permissions from. If not present, the object is the actual source of authorization directives.
Read and write control in Pithos is managed by setting appropriate permissions with the ``X-Object-Sharing`` header. The permissions are applied using directory-based inheritance. A directory is an object with the corresponding content type. The default delimiter is ``/``. Thus, each set of authorization directives is applied to all objects in the directory object where the corresponding ``X-Object-Sharing`` header is defined. If there are nested/overlapping permissions, the closest to the object is applied. When retrieving an object, the ``X-Object-Shared-By`` header reports where it gets its permissions from. If not present, the object is the actual source of authorization directives.
1049 1048

1050 1049
A user may ``GET`` another account or container. The result will include a limited reply, containing only the allowed containers or objects respectively. A top-level request with an authentication token, will return a list of allowed accounts, so the user can easily find out which other users share objects. The ``X-Object-Allowed-To`` header lists the actions allowed on an object, if it does not belong to the requesting user.
1051 1050


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