Bug #1079

Possible mixup of authentication tokens?

Added by Vangelis Koukis almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:09/12/2011
Priority:High Due date:
Assignee:Giorgos Gousios % Done:


Category:obsolete_AAI Spent time: -
Target version:v0.6.2


Please investigate the following bug report:

Στέλνω invitation από το λογαριασμό στον .
Χρησιμοποιώντας το invitation ο χρήστης φτιάχνει ένα VM, το οποίο κολλάει σε κατάσταση finalizing (της εγκατάστασης των Win).
Ταυτόχρονα μέσα από το λογαριασμό μου () βλέπω ένα νέο, τέταρτο VM (ομοίως κολλημένο σε κατάσταση finalizing), το οποίο δεν έχω δημιουργήσει εγώ.
Κάνω refresh και το email που εμφανίζεται πάνω δεξιά αλλάζει σε και πλέον βλέπω μόνο το finalizing VM.


#1 Updated by Giorgos Gousios almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Feedback

This bug report is vague. I was able to reproduce the reported "bug" with the following action sequence:

-User A sends invitation to user B
-User B sends back the invitation email (or just the login URL) to user A
-User A opens his own Synnefo page along with user B's Synnefo page in the same browser session
-User B creates a VM and user A sees it being created

This is obviously expected behavior, as user B's X-Auth-Token replaces user A's one. User A sees his old state, along with his login email, until he refreshes the browser window.

#2 Updated by Vangelis Koukis almost 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from v0.6.1 to v0.6.2

#3 Updated by Vangelis Koukis over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

This has been tested on the production deployment, cannot reproduce.

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