Feature #1840

Write unit tests for Plankton

Added by Vangelis Koukis over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Assigned Start date:01/13/2012
Priority:High Due date:01/16/2012
Assignee:Giorgos Verigakis % Done:


Category:Cyclades Images Spent time: -
Target version:v0.9.0


The plankton app is missing unit tests completely, please add a test suite.


#1 Updated by Vangelis Koukis over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0

Moving to v0.9, to be re-evaluated as part of an end-to-end functional test suite, potentially based on the snf-burnin tool.

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