Bug #5069

Wrong Pithos quotas when moving objects

Added by Christos Stavrakakis over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:New Start date:02/13/2014
Priority:Medium Due date:
Assignee:Sofia Papagiannaki % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


Quotas are not accounted correctly when moving an object to a path
that another object already exists.

To reproduce:
/images/foo.diskdump (size:100GB)
/pithos/foo.diskdump (size:100GB)

At this point the user is accounted for 200GB.
Moving /images/foo.diskdump to /pithos/foo.diskdump will result
in no change in quotas, which is wrong since the user has now only

The solution is when moving an object (source) to a path that
another object already exists (dest), to release the quotas for


#1 Updated by Sofia Papagiannaki over 10 years ago

I provide an example case that reproduces the problem:
$ kamaki file list -C c1
649.62MiB centos-6.0-11-x86_64-2.diskdump
649.62MiB centos-6.0-11-x86_64.diskdump

$ kamaki container info pithos|grep x-container-bytes-used
x-container-bytes-used: 1362354176

$ kamaki sharer info |grep x-account-bytes-used
x-account-bytes-used: 1362354176

$ kamaki file move centos-6.0-11-x86_64-2.diskdump centos-6.0-11-x86_64.diskdump f
move /pithos/centos-6.0-11-x86_64-2.diskdump
> /pithos/centos-6.0-11-x86_64.diskdump

$ kamaki file list
649.62MiB centos-6.0-11-x86_64.diskdump

$ kamaki container info pithos|grep x-container-bytes-used
x-container-bytes-used: 681177088

$ kamaki sharer info |grep x-account-bytes-used
x-account-bytes-used: 1362354176

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