[pithos-ms-client] / trunk / packages / Caliburn.Micro.1.4 / lib / net40 / Caliburn.Micro.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>\r
2 <doc>\r
3     <assembly>\r
4         <name>Caliburn.Micro</name>\r
5     </assembly>\r
6     <members>\r
7         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Action">\r
8             <summary>\r
9               A host for action related attached properties.\r
10             </summary>\r
11         </member>\r
12         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Action.TargetProperty">\r
13             <summary>\r
14               A property definition representing the target of an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> . The DataContext of the element will be set to this instance.\r
15             </summary>\r
16         </member>\r
17         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Action.TargetWithoutContextProperty">\r
18             <summary>\r
19               A property definition representing the target of an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> . The DataContext of the element is not set to this instance.\r
20             </summary>\r
21         </member>\r
22         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.SetTarget(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
23             <summary>\r
24               Sets the target of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> .\r
25             </summary>\r
26             <param name="d"> The element to attach the target to. </param>\r
27             <param name="target"> The target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> . </param>\r
28         </member>\r
29         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.GetTarget(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
30             <summary>\r
31               Gets the target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> .\r
32             </summary>\r
33             <param name="d"> The element to which the target is attached. </param>\r
34             <returns> The target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> </returns>\r
35         </member>\r
36         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.SetTargetWithoutContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
37             <summary>\r
38               Sets the target of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> .\r
39             </summary>\r
40             <param name="d"> The element to attach the target to. </param>\r
41             <param name="target"> The target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> . </param>\r
42             <remarks>\r
43               The DataContext will not be set.\r
44             </remarks>\r
45         </member>\r
46         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.GetTargetWithoutContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
47             <summary>\r
48               Gets the target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> .\r
49             </summary>\r
50             <param name="d"> The element to which the target is attached. </param>\r
51             <returns> The target for instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> </returns>\r
52         </member>\r
53         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.HasTargetSet(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
54             <summary>\r
55               Checks if the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> -Target was set.\r
56             </summary>\r
57             <param name="element"> DependencyObject to check </param>\r
58             <returns> True if Target or TargetWithoutContext was set on <paramref name="element"/> </returns>\r
59         </member>\r
60         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Action.Invoke(System.Object,System.String,System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Windows.FrameworkElement,System.Object,System.Object[])">\r
61             <summary>\r
62               Uses the action pipeline to invoke the method.\r
63             </summary>\r
64             <param name="target"> The object instance to invoke the method on. </param>\r
65             <param name="methodName"> The name of the method to invoke. </param>\r
66             <param name="view"> The view. </param>\r
67             <param name="source"> The source of the invocation. </param>\r
68             <param name="eventArgs"> The event args. </param>\r
69             <param name="parameters"> The method parameters. </param>\r
70         </member>\r
71         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext">\r
72             <summary>\r
73             The context used during the execution of an Action or its guard.\r
74             </summary>\r
75         </member>\r
76         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.CanExecute">\r
77             <summary>\r
78             Determines whether the action can execute.\r
79             </summary>\r
80             <remarks>Returns true if the action can execute, false otherwise.</remarks>\r
81         </member>\r
82         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.EventArgs">\r
83             <summary>\r
84             Any event arguments associated with the action's invocation.\r
85             </summary>\r
86         </member>\r
87         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Method">\r
88             <summary>\r
89             The actual method info to be invoked.\r
90             </summary>\r
91         </member>\r
92         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Dispose">\r
93             <summary>\r
94             Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.\r
95             </summary>\r
96         </member>\r
97         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Message">\r
98             <summary>\r
99             The message being executed.\r
100             </summary>\r
101         </member>\r
102         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Source">\r
103             <summary>\r
104             The source from which the message originates.\r
105             </summary>\r
106         </member>\r
107         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Target">\r
108             <summary>\r
109             The instance on which the action is invoked.\r
110             </summary>\r
111         </member>\r
112         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.View">\r
113             <summary>\r
114             The view associated with the target.\r
115             </summary>\r
116         </member>\r
117         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Item(System.String)">\r
118             <summary>\r
119             Gets or sets additional data needed to invoke the action.\r
120             </summary>\r
121             <param name="key">The data key.</param>\r
122             <returns>Custom data associated with the context.</returns>\r
123         </member>\r
124         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext.Disposing">\r
125             <summary>\r
126             Called when the execution context is disposed\r
127             </summary>\r
128         </member>\r
129         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage">\r
130             <summary>\r
131             Used to send a message from the UI to a presentation model class, indicating that a particular Action should be invoked.\r
132             </summary>\r
133         </member>\r
134         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveParameters">\r
135             <summary>\r
136             Indicates that a message is parameterized.\r
137             </summary>\r
138         </member>\r
139         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveParameters.Parameters">\r
140             <summary>\r
141             Represents the parameters of a message.\r
142             </summary>\r
143         </member>\r
144         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.EnforceGuardsDuringInvocation">\r
145             <summary>\r
146              Causes the action invocation to "double check" if the action should be invoked by executing the guard immediately before hand.\r
147             </summary>\r
148              <remarks>This is disabled by default. If multiple actions are attached to the same element, you may want to enable this so that each individaul action checks its guard regardless of how the UI state appears.</remarks>\r
149         </member>\r
150         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.ThrowsExceptions">\r
151             <summary>\r
152              Causes the action to throw if it cannot locate the target or the method at invocation time.\r
153             </summary>\r
154              <remarks>True by default.</remarks>\r
155         </member>\r
156         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.MethodNameProperty">\r
157             <summary>\r
158             Represents the method name of an action message.\r
159             </summary>\r
160         </member>\r
161         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.ParametersProperty">\r
162             <summary>\r
163             Represents the parameters of an action message.\r
164             </summary>\r
165         </member>\r
166         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.#ctor">\r
167             <summary>\r
168             Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/>.\r
169             </summary>\r
170         </member>\r
171         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.OnAttached">\r
172             <summary>\r
173             Called after the action is attached to an AssociatedObject.\r
174             </summary>\r
175         </member>\r
176         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.OnDetaching">\r
177             <summary>\r
178             Called when the action is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.\r
179             </summary>\r
180         </member>\r
181         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.Invoke(System.Object)">\r
182             <summary>\r
183             Invokes the action.\r
184             </summary>\r
185             <param name="eventArgs">The parameter to the action. If the action does not require a parameter, the parameter may be set to a null reference.</param>\r
186         </member>\r
187         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.UpdateAvailability">\r
188             <summary>\r
189             Forces an update of the UI's Enabled/Disabled state based on the the preconditions associated with the method.\r
190             </summary>\r
191         </member>\r
192         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.ToString">\r
193             <summary>\r
194             Returns a <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>.\r
195             </summary>\r
196             <returns>\r
197             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>.\r
198             </returns>\r
199         </member>\r
200         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.InvokeAction">\r
201             <summary>\r
202             Invokes the action using the specified <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext"/>\r
203             </summary>\r
204         </member>\r
205         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.ApplyAvailabilityEffect">\r
206             <summary>\r
207             Applies an availability effect, such as IsEnabled, to an element.\r
208             </summary>\r
209             <remarks>Returns a value indicating whether or not the action is available.</remarks>\r
210         </member>\r
211         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.GetTargetMethod">\r
212             <summary>\r
213             Finds the method on the target matching the specified message.\r
214             </summary>\r
215             <param name="target">The target.</param>\r
216             <param name="message">The message.</param>\r
217             <returns>The matching method, if available.</returns>\r
218         </member>\r
219         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.SetMethodBinding">\r
220             <summary>\r
221             Sets the target, method and view on the context. Uses a bubbling strategy by default.\r
222             </summary>\r
223         </member>\r
224         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.PrepareContext">\r
225             <summary>\r
226             Prepares the action execution context for use.\r
227             </summary>\r
228         </member>\r
229         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.TryFindGuardMethod(Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext)">\r
230             <summary>\r
231             Try to find a candidate for guard function, having:\r
232                 - a name in the form "CanXXX"\r
233                 - no generic parameters\r
234                 - a bool return type\r
235                 - no parameters or a set of parameters corresponding to the action method\r
236             </summary>\r
237             <param name="context">The execution context</param>\r
238             <returns>A MethodInfo, if found; null otherwise</returns>\r
239         </member>\r
240         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.MethodName">\r
241             <summary>\r
242             Gets or sets the name of the method to be invoked on the presentation model class.\r
243             </summary>\r
244             <value>The name of the method.</value>\r
245         </member>\r
246         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.Parameters">\r
247             <summary>\r
248             Gets the parameters to pass as part of the method invocation.\r
249             </summary>\r
250             <value>The parameters.</value>\r
251         </member>\r
252         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage.Detaching">\r
253             <summary>\r
254             Occurs before the message detaches from the associated object.\r
255             </summary>\r
256         </member>\r
257         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.AssemblySource">\r
258             <summary>\r
259             A source of assemblies that are inspectable by the framework.\r
260             </summary>\r
261         </member>\r
262         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.AssemblySource.Instance">\r
263             <summary>\r
264             The singleton instance of the AssemblySource used by the framework.\r
265             </summary>\r
266         </member>\r
267         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bind">\r
268             <summary>\r
269               Hosts dependency properties for binding.\r
270             </summary>\r
271         </member>\r
272         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.ModelProperty">\r
273             <summary>\r
274               Allows binding on an existing view. Use this on root UserControls, Pages and Windows; not in a DataTemplate.\r
275             </summary>\r
276         </member>\r
277         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.ModelWithoutContextProperty">\r
278             <summary>\r
279               Allows binding on an existing view without setting the data context. Use this from within a DataTemplate.\r
280             </summary>\r
281         </member>\r
282         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.GetModelWithoutContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
283             <summary>\r
284               Gets the model to bind to.\r
285             </summary>\r
286             <param name = "dependencyObject">The dependency object to bind to.</param>\r
287             <returns>The model.</returns>\r
288         </member>\r
289         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.SetModelWithoutContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
290             <summary>\r
291               Sets the model to bind to.\r
292             </summary>\r
293             <param name = "dependencyObject">The dependency object to bind to.</param>\r
294             <param name = "value">The model.</param>\r
295         </member>\r
296         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.GetModel(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
297             <summary>\r
298               Gets the model to bind to.\r
299             </summary>\r
300             <param name = "dependencyObject">The dependency object to bind to.</param>\r
301             <returns>The model.</returns>\r
302         </member>\r
303         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.SetModel(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
304             <summary>\r
305               Sets the model to bind to.\r
306             </summary>\r
307             <param name = "dependencyObject">The dependency object to bind to.</param>\r
308             <param name = "value">The model.</param>\r
309         </member>\r
310         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.AtDesignTimeProperty">\r
311             <summary>\r
312             Allows application of conventions at design-time.\r
313             </summary>\r
314         </member>\r
315         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.GetAtDesignTime(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
316             <summary>\r
317             Gets whether or not conventions are being applied at design-time.\r
318             </summary>\r
319             <param name="dependencyObject">The ui to apply conventions to.</param>\r
320             <returns>Whether or not conventions are applied.</returns>\r
321         </member>\r
322         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bind.SetAtDesignTime(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Boolean)">\r
323             <summary>\r
324             Sets whether or not do bind conventions at design-time.\r
325             </summary>\r
326             <param name="dependencyObject">The ui to apply conventions to.</param>\r
327             <param name="value">Whether or not to apply conventions.</param>\r
328         </member>\r
329         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.BindingScope">\r
330             <summary>\r
331             Provides methods for searching a given scope for named elements.\r
332             </summary>\r
333         </member>\r
334         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindingScope.FindName(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Windows.FrameworkElement},System.String)">\r
335             <summary>\r
336             Searches through the list of named elements looking for a case-insensitive match.\r
337             </summary>\r
338             <param name="elementsToSearch">The named elements to search through.</param>\r
339             <param name="name">The name to search for.</param>\r
340             <returns>The named element or null if not found.</returns>\r
341         </member>\r
342         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.BindingScope.GetNamedElements">\r
343             <summary>\r
344             Gets all the <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> instances with names in the scope.\r
345             </summary>\r
346             <returns>Named <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> instances in the provided scope.</returns>\r
347             <remarks>Pass in a <see cref="T:System.Windows.DependencyObject"/> and receive a list of named <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> instances in the same scope.</remarks>\r
348         </member>\r
349         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase">\r
350             <summary>\r
351             Inherit from this class in order to customize the configuration of the framework.\r
352             </summary>\r
353         </member>\r
354         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
355             <summary>\r
356             Creates an instance of the bootstrapper.\r
357             </summary>\r
358             <param name="useApplication">Set this to false when hosting Caliburn.Micro inside and Office or WinForms application. The default is true.</param>\r
359         </member>\r
360         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.Start">\r
361             <summary>\r
362             Start the framework.\r
363             </summary>\r
364         </member>\r
365         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.StartDesignTime">\r
366             <summary>\r
367             Called by the bootstrapper's constructor at design time to start the framework.\r
368             </summary>\r
369         </member>\r
370         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.StartRuntime">\r
371             <summary>\r
372             Called by the bootstrapper's constructor at runtime to start the framework.\r
373             </summary>\r
374         </member>\r
375         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.PrepareApplication">\r
376             <summary>\r
377             Provides an opportunity to hook into the application object.\r
378             </summary>\r
379         </member>\r
380         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.Configure">\r
381             <summary>\r
382             Override to configure the framework and setup your IoC container.\r
383             </summary>\r
384         </member>\r
385         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.SelectAssemblies">\r
386             <summary>\r
387             Override to tell the framework where to find assemblies to inspect for views, etc.\r
388             </summary>\r
389             <returns>A list of assemblies to inspect.</returns>\r
390         </member>\r
391         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.GetInstance(System.Type,System.String)">\r
392             <summary>\r
393             Override this to provide an IoC specific implementation.\r
394             </summary>\r
395             <param name="service">The service to locate.</param>\r
396             <param name="key">The key to locate.</param>\r
397             <returns>The located service.</returns>\r
398         </member>\r
399         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.GetAllInstances(System.Type)">\r
400             <summary>\r
401             Override this to provide an IoC specific implementation\r
402             </summary>\r
403             <param name="service">The service to locate.</param>\r
404             <returns>The located services.</returns>\r
405         </member>\r
406         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.BuildUp(System.Object)">\r
407             <summary>\r
408             Override this to provide an IoC specific implementation.\r
409             </summary>\r
410             <param name="instance">The instance to perform injection on.</param>\r
411         </member>\r
412         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.OnStartup(System.Object,System.Windows.StartupEventArgs)">\r
413             <summary>\r
414             Override this to add custom behavior to execute after the application starts.\r
415             </summary>\r
416             <param name="sender">The sender.</param>\r
417             <param name="e">The args.</param>\r
418         </member>\r
419         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.OnExit(System.Object,System.EventArgs)">\r
420             <summary>\r
421             Override this to add custom behavior on exit.\r
422             </summary>\r
423             <param name="sender">The sender.</param>\r
424             <param name="e">The event args.</param>\r
425         </member>\r
426         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.OnUnhandledException(System.Object,System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs)">\r
427             <summary>\r
428             Override this to add custom behavior for unhandled exceptions.\r
429             </summary>\r
430             <param name="sender">The sender.</param>\r
431             <param name="e">The event args.</param>\r
432         </member>\r
433         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.DisplayRootViewFor(System.Type)">\r
434             <summary>\r
435             Locates the view model, locates the associate view, binds them and shows it as the root view.\r
436             </summary>\r
437             <param name="viewModelType">The view model type.</param>\r
438         </member>\r
439         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.BootstrapperBase.Application">\r
440             <summary>\r
441             The application.\r
442             </summary>\r
443         </member>\r
444         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper">\r
445             <summary>\r
446             Instantiate this class in order to configure the framework.\r
447             </summary>\r
448         </member>\r
449         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
450             <summary>\r
451             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper"/> class.\r
452             </summary>\r
453             <param name="useApplication">Set this to false when hosting Caliburn.Micro inside and Office or WinForms application. The default is true.</param>\r
454         </member>\r
455         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper`1">\r
456             <summary>\r
457             A strongly-typed version of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper"/> that specifies the type of root model to create for the application.\r
458             </summary>\r
459             <typeparam name="TRootModel">The type of root model for the application.</typeparam>\r
460         </member>\r
461         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper`1.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
462             <summary>\r
463             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper`1"/> class.\r
464             </summary>\r
465             <param name="useApplication">Set this to false when hosting Caliburn.Micro inside and Office or WinForms application. The default is true.</param>\r
466         </member>\r
467         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper`1.OnStartup(System.Object,System.Windows.StartupEventArgs)">\r
468             <summary>\r
469             Override this to add custom behavior to execute after the application starts.\r
470             </summary>\r
471             <param name="sender">The sender.</param>\r
472             <param name="e">The args.</param>\r
473         </member>\r
474         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1">\r
475             <summary>\r
476             An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that holds on to and activates only one item at a time.\r
477             </summary>\r
478         </member>\r
479         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBaseWithActiveItem`1">\r
480             <summary>\r
481             A base class for various implementations of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that maintain an active item.\r
482             </summary>\r
483             <typeparam name="T">The type that is being conducted.</typeparam>\r
484         </member>\r
485         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1">\r
486             <summary>\r
487             A base class for various implementations of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/>.\r
488             </summary>\r
489             <typeparam name="T">The type that is being conducted.</typeparam>\r
490         </member>\r
491         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Screen">\r
492             <summary>\r
493               A base implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IScreen"/>.\r
494             </summary>\r
495         </member>\r
496         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware">\r
497             <summary>\r
498               A base implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware"/> which is capable of caching views by context.\r
499             </summary>\r
500         </member>\r
501         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase">\r
502             <summary>\r
503               A base class that implements the infrastructure for property change notification and automatically performs UI thread marshalling.\r
504             </summary>\r
505         </member>\r
506         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.INotifyPropertyChangedEx">\r
507             <summary>\r
508               Extends <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged"/> such that the change event can be raised by external parties.\r
509             </summary>\r
510         </member>\r
511         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.INotifyPropertyChangedEx.NotifyOfPropertyChange(System.String)">\r
512             <summary>\r
513               Notifies subscribers of the property change.\r
514             </summary>\r
515             <param name = "propertyName">Name of the property.</param>\r
516         </member>\r
517         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.INotifyPropertyChangedEx.Refresh">\r
518             <summary>\r
519               Raises a change notification indicating that all bindings should be refreshed.\r
520             </summary>\r
521         </member>\r
522         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.INotifyPropertyChangedEx.IsNotifying">\r
523             <summary>\r
524               Enables/Disables property change notification.\r
525             </summary>\r
526         </member>\r
527         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.#ctor">\r
528             <summary>\r
529               Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase"/>.\r
530             </summary>\r
531         </member>\r
532         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.Refresh">\r
533             <summary>\r
534               Raises a change notification indicating that all bindings should be refreshed.\r
535             </summary>\r
536         </member>\r
537         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.NotifyOfPropertyChange(System.String)">\r
538             <summary>\r
539               Notifies subscribers of the property change.\r
540             </summary>\r
541             <param name = "propertyName">Name of the property.</param>\r
542         </member>\r
543         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.NotifyOfPropertyChange``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{``0}})">\r
544             <summary>\r
545               Notifies subscribers of the property change.\r
546             </summary>\r
547             <typeparam name = "TProperty">The type of the property.</typeparam>\r
548             <param name = "property">The property expression.</param>\r
549         </member>\r
550         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.RaisePropertyChangedEventImmediately(System.String)">\r
551             <summary>\r
552               Raises the property changed event immediately.\r
553             </summary>\r
554             <param name = "propertyName">Name of the property.</param>\r
555         </member>\r
556         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.OnDeserialized(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">\r
557             <summary>\r
558             Called when the object is deserialized.\r
559             </summary>\r
560             <param name="c">The streaming context.</param>\r
561         </member>\r
562         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.ShouldSerializeIsNotifying">\r
563             <summary>\r
564             Used to indicate whether or not the IsNotifying property is serialized to Xml.\r
565             </summary>\r
566             <returns>Whether or not to serialize the IsNotifying property. The default is false.</returns>\r
567         </member>\r
568         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.PropertyChanged">\r
569             <summary>\r
570               Occurs when a property value changes.\r
571             </summary>\r
572         </member>\r
573         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.PropertyChangedBase.IsNotifying">\r
574             <summary>\r
575               Enables/Disables property change notification.\r
576             </summary>\r
577         </member>\r
578         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware">\r
579             <summary>\r
580             Denotes a class which is aware of its view(s).\r
581             </summary>\r
582         </member>\r
583         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware.AttachView(System.Object,System.Object)">\r
584             <summary>\r
585             Attaches a view to this instance.\r
586             </summary>\r
587             <param name="view">The view.</param>\r
588             <param name="context">The context in which the view appears.</param>\r
589         </member>\r
590         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware.GetView(System.Object)">\r
591             <summary>\r
592             Gets a view previously attached to this instance.\r
593             </summary>\r
594             <param name="context">The context denoting which view to retrieve.</param>\r
595             <returns>The view.</returns>\r
596         </member>\r
597         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware.ViewAttached">\r
598             <summary>\r
599             Raised when a view is attached.\r
600             </summary>\r
601         </member>\r
602         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.CacheViewsByDefault">\r
603             <summary>\r
604             Indicates whether or not implementors of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware"/> should cache their views by default.\r
605             </summary>\r
606         </member>\r
607         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.Views">\r
608             <summary>\r
609               The view chache for this instance.\r
610             </summary>\r
611         </member>\r
612         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.#ctor">\r
613             <summary>\r
614              Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware"/>.\r
615             </summary>\r
616         </member>\r
617         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
618             <summary>\r
619              Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware"/>.\r
620             </summary>\r
621             <param name="cacheViews">Indicates whether or not this instance maintains a view cache.</param>\r
622         </member>\r
623         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.OnViewAttached(System.Object,System.Object)">\r
624             <summary>\r
625             Called when a view is attached.\r
626             </summary>\r
627             <param name="view">The view.</param>\r
628             <param name="context">The context in which the view appears.</param>\r
629         </member>\r
630         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.OnViewLoaded(System.Object)">\r
631             <summary>\r
632               Called when an attached view's Loaded event fires.\r
633             </summary>\r
634             <param name = "view"></param>\r
635         </member>\r
636         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.GetView(System.Object)">\r
637             <summary>\r
638               Gets a view previously attached to this instance.\r
639             </summary>\r
640             <param name = "context">The context denoting which view to retrieve.</param>\r
641             <returns>The view.</returns>\r
642         </member>\r
643         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.ViewAttached">\r
644             <summary>\r
645               Raised when a view is attached.\r
646             </summary>\r
647         </member>\r
648         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAware.CacheViews">\r
649             <summary>\r
650               Indicates whether or not this instance maintains a view cache.\r
651             </summary>\r
652         </member>\r
653         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IScreen">\r
654             <summary>\r
655             Denotes an instance which implements <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveDisplayName"/>, <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate"/>, <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate"/>, <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IGuardClose"/> and <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.INotifyPropertyChangedEx"/>\r
656             </summary>\r
657         </member>\r
658         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveDisplayName">\r
659             <summary>\r
660             Denotes an instance which has a display name.\r
661             </summary>\r
662         </member>\r
663         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveDisplayName.DisplayName">\r
664             <summary>\r
665             Gets or Sets the Display Name\r
666             </summary>\r
667         </member>\r
668         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate">\r
669             <summary>\r
670             Denotes an instance which requires activation.\r
671             </summary>\r
672         </member>\r
673         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate.Activate">\r
674             <summary>\r
675             Activates this instance.\r
676             </summary>\r
677         </member>\r
678         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate.IsActive">\r
679             <summary>\r
680              Indicates whether or not this instance is active.\r
681             </summary>\r
682         </member>\r
683         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate.Activated">\r
684             <summary>\r
685             Raised after activation occurs.\r
686             </summary>\r
687         </member>\r
688         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate">\r
689             <summary>\r
690             Denotes an instance which requires deactivation.\r
691             </summary>\r
692         </member>\r
693         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate.Deactivate(System.Boolean)">\r
694             <summary>\r
695             Deactivates this instance.\r
696             </summary>\r
697             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not this instance is being closed.</param>\r
698         </member>\r
699         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate.AttemptingDeactivation">\r
700             <summary>\r
701             Raised before deactivation.\r
702             </summary>\r
703         </member>\r
704         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate.Deactivated">\r
705             <summary>\r
706             Raised after deactivation.\r
707             </summary>\r
708         </member>\r
709         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IGuardClose">\r
710             <summary>\r
711             Denotes an instance which may prevent closing.\r
712             </summary>\r
713         </member>\r
714         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IClose">\r
715             <summary>\r
716             Denotes an object that can be closed.\r
717             </summary>\r
718         </member>\r
719         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IClose.TryClose">\r
720             <summary>\r
721             Tries to close this instance.\r
722             </summary>\r
723         </member>\r
724         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IGuardClose.CanClose(System.Action{System.Boolean})">\r
725             <summary>\r
726             Called to check whether or not this instance can close.\r
727             </summary>\r
728             <param name="callback">The implementer calls this action with the result of the close check.</param>\r
729         </member>\r
730         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IChild">\r
731             <summary>\r
732             Denotes a node within a parent/child hierarchy.\r
733             </summary>\r
734         </member>\r
735         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IChild.Parent">\r
736             <summary>\r
737             Gets or Sets the Parent\r
738             </summary>\r
739         </member>\r
740         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.#ctor">\r
741             <summary>\r
742               Creates an instance of the screen.\r
743             </summary>\r
744         </member>\r
745         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.OnInitialize">\r
746             <summary>\r
747               Called when initializing.\r
748             </summary>\r
749         </member>\r
750         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.OnActivate">\r
751             <summary>\r
752               Called when activating.\r
753             </summary>\r
754         </member>\r
755         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.OnDeactivate(System.Boolean)">\r
756             <summary>\r
757               Called when deactivating.\r
758             </summary>\r
759             <param name = "close">Inidicates whether this instance will be closed.</param>\r
760         </member>\r
761         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.CanClose(System.Action{System.Boolean})">\r
762             <summary>\r
763               Called to check whether or not this instance can close.\r
764             </summary>\r
765             <param name = "callback">The implementor calls this action with the result of the close check.</param>\r
766         </member>\r
767         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.TryClose">\r
768             <summary>\r
769               Tries to close this instance by asking its Parent to initiate shutdown or by asking its corresponding view to close.\r
770             </summary>\r
771         </member>\r
772         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.TryClose(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">\r
773             <summary>\r
774             Closes this instance by asking its Parent to initiate shutdown or by asking it's corresponding view to close.\r
775             This overload also provides an opportunity to pass a dialog result to it's corresponding view.\r
776             </summary>\r
777             <param name="dialogResult">The dialog result.</param>\r
778         </member>\r
779         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.Parent">\r
780             <summary>\r
781               Gets or Sets the Parent <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/>\r
782             </summary>\r
783         </member>\r
784         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.DisplayName">\r
785             <summary>\r
786               Gets or Sets the Display Name\r
787             </summary>\r
788         </member>\r
789         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.IsActive">\r
790             <summary>\r
791               Indicates whether or not this instance is currently active.\r
792             </summary>\r
793         </member>\r
794         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.IsInitialized">\r
795             <summary>\r
796               Indicates whether or not this instance is currently initialized.\r
797             </summary>\r
798         </member>\r
799         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.Activated">\r
800             <summary>\r
801               Raised after activation occurs.\r
802             </summary>\r
803         </member>\r
804         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.AttemptingDeactivation">\r
805             <summary>\r
806               Raised before deactivation.\r
807             </summary>\r
808         </member>\r
809         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.Screen.Deactivated">\r
810             <summary>\r
811               Raised after deactivation.\r
812             </summary>\r
813         </member>\r
814         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor">\r
815             <summary>\r
816             Denotes an instance which conducts other objects by managing an ActiveItem and maintaining a strict lifecycle.\r
817             </summary>\r
818             <remarks>Conducted instances can optin to the lifecycle by impelenting any of the follosing <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate"/>, <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate"/>, <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IGuardClose"/>.</remarks>\r
819         </member>\r
820         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IParent">\r
821             <summary>\r
822               Interface used to define an object associated to a collection of children.\r
823             </summary>\r
824         </member>\r
825         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IParent.GetChildren">\r
826             <summary>\r
827               Gets the children.\r
828             </summary>\r
829             <returns>\r
830               The collection of children.\r
831             </returns>\r
832         </member>\r
833         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor.ActivateItem(System.Object)">\r
834             <summary>\r
835             Activates the specified item.\r
836             </summary>\r
837             <param name="item">The item to activate.</param>\r
838         </member>\r
839         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor.DeactivateItem(System.Object,System.Boolean)">\r
840             <summary>\r
841             Deactivates the specified item.\r
842             </summary>\r
843             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
844             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
845         </member>\r
846         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor.ActivationProcessed">\r
847             <summary>\r
848             Occurs when an activation request is processed.\r
849             </summary>\r
850         </member>\r
851         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IParent`1">\r
852             <summary>\r
853             Interface used to define a specialized parent.\r
854             </summary>\r
855             <typeparam name="T">The type of children.</typeparam>\r
856         </member>\r
857         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IParent`1.GetChildren">\r
858             <summary>\r
859               Gets the children.\r
860             </summary>\r
861             <returns>\r
862               The collection of children.\r
863             </returns>\r
864         </member>\r
865         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.GetChildren">\r
866             <summary>\r
867             Gets the children.\r
868             </summary>\r
869             <returns>The collection of children.</returns>\r
870         </member>\r
871         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.ActivateItem(`0)">\r
872             <summary>\r
873             Activates the specified item.\r
874             </summary>\r
875             <param name="item">The item to activate.</param>\r
876         </member>\r
877         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.DeactivateItem(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
878             <summary>\r
879             Deactivates the specified item.\r
880             </summary>\r
881             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
882             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
883         </member>\r
884         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.OnActivationProcessed(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
885             <summary>\r
886             Called by a subclass when an activation needs processing.\r
887             </summary>\r
888             <param name="item">The item on which activation was attempted.</param>\r
889             <param name="success">if set to <c>true</c> activation was successful.</param>\r
890         </member>\r
891         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.EnsureItem(`0)">\r
892             <summary>\r
893             Ensures that an item is ready to be activated.\r
894             </summary>\r
895             <param name="newItem"></param>\r
896             <returns>The item to be activated.</returns>\r
897         </member>\r
898         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.CloseStrategy">\r
899             <summary>\r
900             Gets or sets the close strategy.\r
901             </summary>\r
902             <value>The close strategy.</value>\r
903         </member>\r
904         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase`1.ActivationProcessed">\r
905             <summary>\r
906             Occurs when an activation request is processed.\r
907             </summary>\r
908         </member>\r
909         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductActiveItem">\r
910             <summary>\r
911             An <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that also implements <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveActiveItem"/>.\r
912             </summary>\r
913         </member>\r
914         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveActiveItem">\r
915             <summary>\r
916             Denotes an instance which maintains an active item.\r
917             </summary>\r
918         </member>\r
919         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveActiveItem.ActiveItem">\r
920             <summary>\r
921             The currently active item.\r
922             </summary>\r
923         </member>\r
924         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBaseWithActiveItem`1.ChangeActiveItem(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
925             <summary>\r
926             Changes the active item.\r
927             </summary>\r
928             <param name="newItem">The new item to activate.</param>\r
929             <param name="closePrevious">Indicates whether or not to close the previous active item.</param>\r
930         </member>\r
931         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBaseWithActiveItem`1.ActiveItem">\r
932             <summary>\r
933             The currently active item.\r
934             </summary>\r
935         </member>\r
936         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBaseWithActiveItem`1.Caliburn#Micro#IHaveActiveItem#ActiveItem">\r
937             <summary>\r
938             The currently active item.\r
939             </summary>\r
940             <value></value>\r
941         </member>\r
942         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.ActivateItem(`0)">\r
943             <summary>\r
944             Activates the specified item.\r
945             </summary>\r
946             <param name="item">The item to activate.</param>\r
947         </member>\r
948         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.DeactivateItem(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
949             <summary>\r
950             Deactivates the specified item.\r
951             </summary>\r
952             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
953             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
954         </member>\r
955         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.CanClose(System.Action{System.Boolean})">\r
956             <summary>\r
957             Called to check whether or not this instance can close.\r
958             </summary>\r
959             <param name="callback">The implementor calls this action with the result of the close check.</param>\r
960         </member>\r
961         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.OnActivate">\r
962             <summary>\r
963             Called when activating.\r
964             </summary>\r
965         </member>\r
966         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.OnDeactivate(System.Boolean)">\r
967             <summary>\r
968             Called when deactivating.\r
969             </summary>\r
970             <param name="close">Inidicates whether this instance will be closed.</param>\r
971         </member>\r
972         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.GetChildren">\r
973             <summary>\r
974             Gets the children.\r
975             </summary>\r
976             <returns>The collection of children.</returns>\r
977         </member>\r
978         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection">\r
979             <summary>\r
980             An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that holds on many items.\r
981             </summary>\r
982             <summary>\r
983             An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that holds on many items.\r
984             </summary>\r
985         </member>\r
986         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive">\r
987             <summary>\r
988             An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that holds on to many items wich are all activated.\r
989             </summary>\r
990         </member>\r
991         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
992             <summary>\r
993             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive"/> class.\r
994             </summary>\r
995             <param name="openPublicItems">if set to <c>true</c> opens public items that are properties of this class.</param>\r
996         </member>\r
997         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.#ctor">\r
998             <summary>\r
999             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive"/> class.\r
1000             </summary>\r
1001         </member>\r
1002         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.OnActivate">\r
1003             <summary>\r
1004             Called when activating.\r
1005             </summary>\r
1006         </member>\r
1007         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.OnDeactivate(System.Boolean)">\r
1008             <summary>\r
1009             Called when deactivating.\r
1010             </summary>\r
1011             <param name="close">Inidicates whether this instance will be closed.</param>\r
1012         </member>\r
1013         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.CanClose(System.Action{System.Boolean})">\r
1014             <summary>\r
1015             Called to check whether or not this instance can close.\r
1016             </summary>\r
1017             <param name="callback">The implementor calls this action with the result of the close check.</param>\r
1018         </member>\r
1019         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.OnInitialize">\r
1020             <summary>\r
1021             Called when initializing.\r
1022             </summary>\r
1023         </member>\r
1024         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.ActivateItem(`0)">\r
1025             <summary>\r
1026             Activates the specified item.\r
1027             </summary>\r
1028             <param name="item">The item to activate.</param>\r
1029         </member>\r
1030         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.DeactivateItem(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
1031             <summary>\r
1032             Deactivates the specified item.\r
1033             </summary>\r
1034             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
1035             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
1036         </member>\r
1037         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.GetChildren">\r
1038             <summary>\r
1039             Gets the children.\r
1040             </summary>\r
1041             <returns>The collection of children.</returns>\r
1042         </member>\r
1043         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.EnsureItem(`0)">\r
1044             <summary>\r
1045             Ensures that an item is ready to be activated.\r
1046             </summary>\r
1047             <param name="newItem"></param>\r
1048             <returns>The item to be activated.</returns>\r
1049         </member>\r
1050         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.AllActive.Items">\r
1051             <summary>\r
1052             Gets the items that are currently being conducted.\r
1053             </summary>\r
1054         </member>\r
1055         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive">\r
1056             <summary>\r
1057             An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/> that holds on many items but only activates on at a time.\r
1058             </summary>\r
1059         </member>\r
1060         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.#ctor">\r
1061             <summary>\r
1062             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive"/> class.\r
1063             </summary>\r
1064         </member>\r
1065         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.GetChildren">\r
1066             <summary>\r
1067             Gets the children.\r
1068             </summary>\r
1069             <returns>The collection of children.</returns>\r
1070         </member>\r
1071         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.ActivateItem(`0)">\r
1072             <summary>\r
1073             Activates the specified item.\r
1074             </summary>\r
1075             <param name="item">The item to activate.</param>\r
1076         </member>\r
1077         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.DeactivateItem(`0,System.Boolean)">\r
1078             <summary>\r
1079             Deactivates the specified item.\r
1080             </summary>\r
1081             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
1082             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
1083         </member>\r
1084         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.DetermineNextItemToActivate(System.Collections.Generic.IList{`0},System.Int32)">\r
1085             <summary>\r
1086             Determines the next item to activate based on the last active index.\r
1087             </summary>\r
1088             <param name="list">The list of possible active items.</param>\r
1089             <param name="lastIndex">The index of the last active item.</param>\r
1090             <returns>The next item to activate.</returns>\r
1091             <remarks>Called after an active item is closed.</remarks>\r
1092         </member>\r
1093         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.CanClose(System.Action{System.Boolean})">\r
1094             <summary>\r
1095             Called to check whether or not this instance can close.\r
1096             </summary>\r
1097             <param name="callback">The implementor calls this action with the result of the close check.</param>\r
1098         </member>\r
1099         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.OnActivate">\r
1100             <summary>\r
1101             Called when activating.\r
1102             </summary>\r
1103         </member>\r
1104         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.OnDeactivate(System.Boolean)">\r
1105             <summary>\r
1106             Called when deactivating.\r
1107             </summary>\r
1108             <param name="close">Inidicates whether this instance will be closed.</param>\r
1109         </member>\r
1110         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.EnsureItem(`0)">\r
1111             <summary>\r
1112             Ensures that an item is ready to be activated.\r
1113             </summary>\r
1114             <param name="newItem"></param>\r
1115             <returns>The item to be activated.</returns>\r
1116         </member>\r
1117         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Conductor`1.Collection.OneActive.Items">\r
1118             <summary>\r
1119             Gets the items that are currently being conducted.\r
1120             </summary>\r
1121         </member>\r
1122         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager">\r
1123             <summary>\r
1124             Used to configure the conventions used by the framework to apply bindings and create actions.\r
1125             </summary>\r
1126         </member>\r
1127         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.BooleanToVisibilityConverter">\r
1128             <summary>\r
1129             Converters <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> to/from <see cref="T:System.Windows.Visibility"/>.\r
1130             </summary>\r
1131         </member>\r
1132         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.IncludeStaticProperties">\r
1133             <summary>\r
1134             Indicates whether or not static properties should be included during convention name matching.\r
1135             </summary>\r
1136             <remarks>False by default.</remarks>\r
1137         </member>\r
1138         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.OverwriteContent">\r
1139             <summary>\r
1140             Indicates whether or not the Content of ContentControls should be overwritten by conventional bindings.\r
1141             </summary>\r
1142             <remarks>False by default.</remarks>\r
1143         </member>\r
1144         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.DefaultItemTemplate">\r
1145             <summary>\r
1146             The default DataTemplate used for ItemsControls when required.\r
1147             </summary>\r
1148         </member>\r
1149         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.DefaultHeaderTemplate">\r
1150             <summary>\r
1151             The default DataTemplate used for Headered controls when required.\r
1152             </summary>\r
1153         </member>\r
1154         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.Singularize">\r
1155             <summary>\r
1156             Changes the provided word from a plural form to a singular form.\r
1157             </summary>\r
1158         </member>\r
1159         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.DerivePotentialSelectionNames">\r
1160             <summary>\r
1161             Derives the SelectedItem property name.\r
1162             </summary>\r
1163         </member>\r
1164         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.SetBinding">\r
1165             <summary>\r
1166             Creates a binding and sets it on the element, applying the appropriate conventions.\r
1167             </summary>\r
1168             <param name="viewModelType"></param>\r
1169             <param name="path"></param>\r
1170             <param name="property"></param>\r
1171             <param name="element"></param>\r
1172             <param name="convention"></param>\r
1173             <param name="bindableProperty"></param>\r
1174         </member>\r
1175         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyBindingMode">\r
1176             <summary>\r
1177             Applies the appropriate binding mode to the binding.\r
1178             </summary>\r
1179         </member>\r
1180         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyValidation">\r
1181             <summary>\r
1182             Determines whether or not and what type of validation to enable on the binding.\r
1183             </summary>\r
1184         </member>\r
1185         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyValueConverter">\r
1186             <summary>\r
1187             Determines whether a value converter is is needed and applies one to the binding.\r
1188             </summary>\r
1189         </member>\r
1190         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyStringFormat">\r
1191             <summary>\r
1192             Determines whether a custom string format is needed and applies it to the binding.\r
1193             </summary>\r
1194         </member>\r
1195         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyUpdateSourceTrigger">\r
1196             <summary>\r
1197             Determines whether a custom update source trigger should be applied to the binding.\r
1198             </summary>\r
1199         </member>\r
1200         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.AddElementConvention``1(System.Windows.DependencyProperty,System.String,System.String)">\r
1201             <summary>\r
1202             Adds an element convention.\r
1203             </summary>\r
1204             <typeparam name="T">The type of element.</typeparam>\r
1205             <param name="bindableProperty">The default property for binding conventions.</param>\r
1206             <param name="parameterProperty">The default property for action parameters.</param>\r
1207             <param name="eventName">The default event to trigger actions.</param>\r
1208         </member>\r
1209         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.AddElementConvention(Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention)">\r
1210             <summary>\r
1211             Adds an element convention.\r
1212             </summary>\r
1213             <param name="convention"></param>\r
1214         </member>\r
1215         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.GetElementConvention(System.Type)">\r
1216             <summary>\r
1217             Gets an element convention for the provided element type.\r
1218             </summary>\r
1219             <param name="elementType">The type of element to locate the convention for.</param>\r
1220             <returns>The convention if found, null otherwise.</returns>\r
1221             <remarks>Searches the class hierarchy for conventions.</remarks>\r
1222         </member>\r
1223         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.HasBinding(System.Windows.FrameworkElement,System.Windows.DependencyProperty)">\r
1224             <summary>\r
1225             Determines whether a particular dependency property already has a binding on the provided element.\r
1226             </summary>\r
1227         </member>\r
1228         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.SetBindingWithoutBindingOverwrite(System.Type,System.String,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,System.Windows.FrameworkElement,Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention,System.Windows.DependencyProperty)">\r
1229             <summary>\r
1230             Creates a binding and sets it on the element, guarding against pre-existing bindings.\r
1231             </summary>\r
1232         </member>\r
1233         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.SetBindingWithoutBindingOrValueOverwrite(System.Type,System.String,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,System.Windows.FrameworkElement,Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention,System.Windows.DependencyProperty)">\r
1234             <summary>\r
1235             Creates a binding and set it on the element, guarding against pre-existing bindings and pre-existing values.\r
1236             </summary>\r
1237             <param name="viewModelType"></param>\r
1238             <param name="path"></param>\r
1239             <param name="property"></param>\r
1240             <param name="element"></param>\r
1241             <param name="convention"></param>\r
1242             <param name="bindableProperty"> </param>\r
1243             <returns></returns>\r
1244         </member>\r
1245         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyItemTemplate(System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">\r
1246             <summary>\r
1247             Attempts to apply the default item template to the items control.\r
1248             </summary>\r
1249             <param name="itemsControl">The items control.</param>\r
1250             <param name="property">The collection property.</param>\r
1251         </member>\r
1252         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ConfigureSelectedItem">\r
1253             <summary>\r
1254             Configures the selected item convention.\r
1255             </summary>\r
1256             <param name="selector">The element that has a SelectedItem property.</param>\r
1257             <param name="selectedItemProperty">The SelectedItem property.</param>\r
1258             <param name="viewModelType">The view model type.</param>\r
1259             <param name="path">The property path.</param>\r
1260         </member>\r
1261         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ConfigureSelectedItemBinding">\r
1262             <summary>\r
1263             Configures the SelectedItem binding for matched selection path.\r
1264             </summary>\r
1265             <param name="selector">The element that has a SelectedItem property.</param>\r
1266             <param name="selectedItemProperty">The SelectedItem property.</param>\r
1267             <param name="viewModelType">The view model type.</param>\r
1268             <param name="selectionPath">The property path.</param>\r
1269             <param name="binding">The binding to configure.</param>\r
1270             <returns>A bool indicating whether to apply binding</returns>\r
1271         </member>\r
1272         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.ApplyHeaderTemplate(System.Windows.FrameworkElement,System.Windows.DependencyProperty,System.Windows.DependencyProperty,System.Type)">\r
1273             <summary>\r
1274             Applies a header template based on <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHaveDisplayName"/>\r
1275             </summary>\r
1276             <param name="element"></param>\r
1277             <param name="headerTemplateProperty"></param>\r
1278             <param name="headerTemplateSelectorProperty"> </param>\r
1279             <param name="viewModelType"></param>\r
1280         </member>\r
1281         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ConventionManager.GetPropertyCaseInsensitive(System.Type,System.String)">\r
1282             <summary>\r
1283             Gets a property by name, ignoring case and searching all interfaces.\r
1284             </summary>\r
1285             <param name="type">The type to inspect.</param>\r
1286             <param name="propertyName">The property to search for.</param>\r
1287             <returns>The property or null if not found.</returns>\r
1288         </member>\r
1289         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Coroutine">\r
1290             <summary>\r
1291             Manages coroutine execution.\r
1292             </summary>\r
1293         </member>\r
1294         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Coroutine.CreateParentEnumerator">\r
1295             <summary>\r
1296             Creates the parent enumerator.\r
1297             </summary>\r
1298         </member>\r
1299         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Coroutine.BeginExecute(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator{Caliburn.Micro.IResult},Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext,System.EventHandler{Caliburn.Micro.ResultCompletionEventArgs})">\r
1300             <summary>\r
1301             Executes a coroutine.\r
1302             </summary>\r
1303             <param name="coroutine">The coroutine to execute.</param>\r
1304             <param name="context">The context to execute the coroutine within.</param>\r
1305             /// <param name="callback">The completion callback for the coroutine.</param>\r
1306         </member>\r
1307         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.Coroutine.Completed">\r
1308             <summary>\r
1309             Called upon completion of a coroutine.\r
1310             </summary>\r
1311         </member>\r
1312         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHandleWithCoroutine`1">\r
1313             <summary>\r
1314              Denotes a class which can handle a particular type of message and uses a Coroutine to do so.\r
1315             </summary>\r
1316         </member>\r
1317         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHandle">\r
1318             <summary>\r
1319               A marker interface for classes that subscribe to messages.\r
1320             </summary>\r
1321         </member>\r
1322         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IHandleWithCoroutine`1.Handle(`0)">\r
1323             <summary>\r
1324              Handle the message with a Coroutine.\r
1325             </summary>\r
1326             <param name="message">The message.</param>\r
1327             <returns>The coroutine to execute.</returns>\r
1328         </member>\r
1329         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ICloseStrategy`1">\r
1330             <summary>\r
1331             Used to gather the results from multiple child elements which may or may not prevent closing.\r
1332             </summary>\r
1333             <typeparam name="T">The type of child element.</typeparam>\r
1334         </member>\r
1335         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ICloseStrategy`1.Execute(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0},System.Action{System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0}})">\r
1336             <summary>\r
1337             Executes the strategy.\r
1338             </summary>\r
1339             <param name="toClose">Items that are requesting close.</param>\r
1340             <param name="callback">The action to call when all enumeration is complete and the close results are aggregated.\r
1341             The bool indicates whether close can occur. The enumerable indicates which children should close if the parent cannot.</param>\r
1342         </member>\r
1343         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.DefaultCloseStrategy`1">\r
1344             <summary>\r
1345             Used to gather the results from multiple child elements which may or may not prevent closing.\r
1346             </summary>\r
1347             <typeparam name="T">The type of child element.</typeparam>\r
1348         </member>\r
1349         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.DefaultCloseStrategy`1.#ctor(System.Boolean)">\r
1350             <summary>\r
1351             Creates an instance of the class.\r
1352             </summary>\r
1353             <param name="closeConductedItemsWhenConductorCannotClose">Indicates that even if all conducted items are not closable, those that are should be closed. The default is FALSE.</param>\r
1354         </member>\r
1355         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.DefaultCloseStrategy`1.Execute(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0},System.Action{System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0}})">\r
1356             <summary>\r
1357             Executes the strategy.\r
1358             </summary>\r
1359             <param name="toClose">Items that are requesting close.</param>\r
1360             <param name="callback">The action to call when all enumeration is complete and the close results are aggregated.\r
1361             The bool indicates whether close can occur. The enumerable indicates which children should close if the parent cannot.</param>\r
1362         </member>\r
1363         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention">\r
1364             <summary>\r
1365             Represents the conventions for a particular element type.\r
1366             </summary>\r
1367         </member>\r
1368         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention.ElementType">\r
1369             <summary>\r
1370             The type of element to which the conventions apply.\r
1371             </summary>\r
1372         </member>\r
1373         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention.GetBindableProperty">\r
1374             <summary>\r
1375             Gets the default property to be used in binding conventions.\r
1376             </summary>\r
1377         </member>\r
1378         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention.CreateTrigger">\r
1379             <summary>\r
1380             The default trigger to be used when wiring actions on this element.\r
1381             </summary>\r
1382         </member>\r
1383         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention.ParameterProperty">\r
1384             <summary>\r
1385             The default property to be used for parameters of this type in actions.\r
1386             </summary>\r
1387         </member>\r
1388         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ElementConvention.ApplyBinding">\r
1389             <summary>\r
1390             Applies custom conventions for elements of this type.\r
1391             </summary>\r
1392             <remarks>Pass the view model type, property path, property instance, framework element and its convention.</remarks>\r
1393         </member>\r
1394         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHandle`1">\r
1395             <summary>\r
1396               Denotes a class which can handle a particular type of message.\r
1397             </summary>\r
1398             <typeparam name = "TMessage">The type of message to handle.</typeparam>\r
1399         </member>\r
1400         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IHandle`1.Handle(`0)">\r
1401             <summary>\r
1402               Handles the message.\r
1403             </summary>\r
1404             <param name = "message">The message.</param>\r
1405         </member>\r
1406         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator">\r
1407             <summary>\r
1408               Enables loosely-coupled publication of and subscription to events.\r
1409             </summary>\r
1410         </member>\r
1411         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator.Subscribe(System.Object)">\r
1412             <summary>\r
1413               Subscribes an instance to all events declared through implementations of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHandle`1"/>\r
1414             </summary>\r
1415             <param name="instance">The instance to subscribe for event publication.</param>\r
1416         </member>\r
1417         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator.Unsubscribe(System.Object)">\r
1418             <summary>\r
1419               Unsubscribes the instance from all events.\r
1420             </summary>\r
1421             <param name = "instance">The instance to unsubscribe.</param>\r
1422         </member>\r
1423         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator.Publish(System.Object)">\r
1424             <summary>\r
1425               Publishes a message.\r
1426             </summary>\r
1427             <param name = "message">The message instance.</param>\r
1428             <remarks>\r
1429               Uses the default thread marshaller during publication.\r
1430             </remarks>\r
1431         </member>\r
1432         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator.Publish(System.Object,System.Action{System.Action})">\r
1433             <summary>\r
1434               Publishes a message.\r
1435             </summary>\r
1436             <param name = "message">The message instance.</param>\r
1437             <param name = "marshal">Allows the publisher to provide a custom thread marshaller for the message publication.</param>\r
1438         </member>\r
1439         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IEventAggregator.PublicationThreadMarshaller">\r
1440             <summary>\r
1441               Gets or sets the default publication thread marshaller.\r
1442             </summary>\r
1443             <value>\r
1444               The default publication thread marshaller.\r
1445             </value>\r
1446         </member>\r
1447         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator">\r
1448             <summary>\r
1449               Enables loosely-coupled publication of and subscription to events.\r
1450             </summary>\r
1451         </member>\r
1452         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.DefaultPublicationThreadMarshaller">\r
1453             <summary>\r
1454               The default thread marshaller used for publication;\r
1455             </summary>\r
1456         </member>\r
1457         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.HandlerResultProcessing">\r
1458             <summary>\r
1459             Processing of handler results on publication thread.\r
1460             </summary>\r
1461         </member>\r
1462         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.#ctor">\r
1463             <summary>\r
1464               Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator"/> class.\r
1465             </summary>\r
1466         </member>\r
1467         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.Subscribe(System.Object)">\r
1468             <summary>\r
1469               Subscribes an instance to all events declared through implementations of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IHandle`1"/>\r
1470             </summary>\r
1471             <param name="instance">The instance to subscribe for event publication.</param>\r
1472         </member>\r
1473         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.Unsubscribe(System.Object)">\r
1474             <summary>\r
1475               Unsubscribes the instance from all events.\r
1476             </summary>\r
1477             <param name = "instance">The instance to unsubscribe.</param>\r
1478         </member>\r
1479         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.Publish(System.Object)">\r
1480             <summary>\r
1481               Publishes a message.\r
1482             </summary>\r
1483             <param name = "message">The message instance.</param>\r
1484             <remarks>\r
1485               Does not marshall the the publication to any special thread by default.\r
1486             </remarks>\r
1487         </member>\r
1488         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.Publish(System.Object,System.Action{System.Action})">\r
1489             <summary>\r
1490               Publishes a message.\r
1491             </summary>\r
1492             <param name = "message">The message instance.</param>\r
1493             <param name = "marshal">Allows the publisher to provide a custom thread marshaller for the message publication.</param>\r
1494         </member>\r
1495         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator.PublicationThreadMarshaller">\r
1496             <summary>\r
1497               Gets or sets the default publication thread marshaller.\r
1498             </summary>\r
1499             <value>\r
1500               The default publication thread marshaller.\r
1501             </value>\r
1502         </member>\r
1503         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ExtensionMethods">\r
1504             <summary>\r
1505             Generic extension methods used by the framework.\r
1506             </summary>\r
1507         </member>\r
1508         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ExtensionMethods.GetAssemblyName(System.Reflection.Assembly)">\r
1509             <summary>\r
1510             Get's the name of the assembly.\r
1511             </summary>\r
1512             <param name="assembly">The assembly.</param>\r
1513             <returns>The assembly's name.</returns>\r
1514         </member>\r
1515         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ExtensionMethods.GetAttributes``1(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Boolean)">\r
1516             <summary>\r
1517             Gets all the attributes of a particular type.\r
1518             </summary>\r
1519             <typeparam name="T">The type of attributes to get.</typeparam>\r
1520             <param name="member">The member to inspect for attributes.</param>\r
1521             <param name="inherit">Whether or not to search for inherited attributes.</param>\r
1522             <returns>The list of attributes found.</returns>\r
1523         </member>\r
1524         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ExtensionMethods.Apply``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Action{``0})">\r
1525             <summary>\r
1526             Applies the action to each element in the list.\r
1527             </summary>\r
1528             <typeparam name="T">The enumerable item's type.</typeparam>\r
1529             <param name="enumerable">The elements to enumerate.</param>\r
1530             <param name="action">The action to apply to each item in the list.</param>\r
1531         </member>\r
1532         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ExtensionMethods.GetMemberInfo(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">\r
1533             <summary>\r
1534             Converts an expression into a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MemberInfo"/>.\r
1535             </summary>\r
1536             <param name="expression">The expression to convert.</param>\r
1537             <returns>The member info.</returns>\r
1538         </member>\r
1539         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IChild`1">\r
1540             <summary>\r
1541             Denotes a node within a parent/child hierarchy.\r
1542             </summary>\r
1543             <typeparam name="TParent">The type of parent.</typeparam>\r
1544         </member>\r
1545         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.IChild`1.Parent">\r
1546             <summary>\r
1547             Gets or Sets the Parent\r
1548             </summary>\r
1549         </member>\r
1550         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Execute">\r
1551             <summary>\r
1552               Enables easy marshalling of code to the UI thread.\r
1553             </summary>\r
1554         </member>\r
1555         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Execute.InitializeWithDispatcher">\r
1556             <summary>\r
1557               Initializes the framework using the current dispatcher.\r
1558             </summary>\r
1559         </member>\r
1560         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Execute.ResetWithoutDispatcher">\r
1561             <summary>\r
1562               Resets the executor to use a non-dispatcher-based action executor.\r
1563             </summary>\r
1564         </member>\r
1565         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Execute.SetUIThreadMarshaller(System.Action{System.Action})">\r
1566             <summary>\r
1567             Sets a custom UI thread marshaller.\r
1568             </summary>\r
1569             <param name="marshaller">The marshaller.</param>\r
1570         </member>\r
1571         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Execute.OnUIThread(System.Action)">\r
1572             <summary>\r
1573               Executes the action on the UI thread.\r
1574             </summary>\r
1575             <param name = "action">The action to execute.</param>\r
1576         </member>\r
1577         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Execute.InDesignMode">\r
1578             <summary>\r
1579               Indicates whether or not the framework is in design-time mode.\r
1580             </summary>\r
1581         </member>\r
1582         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IObservableCollection`1">\r
1583             <summary>\r
1584               Represents a collection that is observable.\r
1585             </summary>\r
1586             <typeparam name = "T">The type of elements contained in the collection.</typeparam>\r
1587         </member>\r
1588         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IObservableCollection`1.AddRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">\r
1589             <summary>\r
1590               Adds the range.\r
1591             </summary>\r
1592             <param name = "items">The items.</param>\r
1593         </member>\r
1594         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IObservableCollection`1.RemoveRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">\r
1595             <summary>\r
1596               Removes the range.\r
1597             </summary>\r
1598             <param name = "items">The items.</param>\r
1599         </member>\r
1600         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1">\r
1601             <summary>\r
1602             A base collection class that supports automatic UI thread marshalling.\r
1603             </summary>\r
1604             <typeparam name="T">The type of elements contained in the collection.</typeparam>\r
1605         </member>\r
1606         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.#ctor">\r
1607             <summary>\r
1608               Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1"/> class.\r
1609             </summary>\r
1610         </member>\r
1611         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">\r
1612             <summary>\r
1613               Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1"/> class.\r
1614             </summary>\r
1615             <param name="collection">The collection from which the elements are copied.</param>\r
1616             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">\r
1617               The <paramref name="collection"/> parameter cannot be null.\r
1618             </exception>\r
1619         </member>\r
1620         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.NotifyOfPropertyChange(System.String)">\r
1621             <summary>\r
1622               Notifies subscribers of the property change.\r
1623             </summary>\r
1624             <param name = "propertyName">Name of the property.</param>\r
1625         </member>\r
1626         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.Refresh">\r
1627             <summary>\r
1628               Raises a change notification indicating that all bindings should be refreshed.\r
1629             </summary>\r
1630         </member>\r
1631         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.InsertItem(System.Int32,`0)">\r
1632             <summary>\r
1633               Inserts the item to the specified position.\r
1634             </summary>\r
1635             <param name = "index">The index to insert at.</param>\r
1636             <param name = "item">The item to be inserted.</param>\r
1637         </member>\r
1638         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.InsertItemBase(System.Int32,`0)">\r
1639             <summary>\r
1640               Exposes the base implementation of the <see cref="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.InsertItem(System.Int32,`0)"/> function.\r
1641             </summary>\r
1642             <param name="index">The index.</param>\r
1643             <param name="item">The item.</param>\r
1644             <remarks>\r
1645               Used to avoid compiler warning regarding unverifiable code.\r
1646             </remarks>\r
1647         </member>\r
1648         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.MoveItem(System.Int32,System.Int32)">\r
1649             <summary>\r
1650             Moves the item within the collection.\r
1651             </summary>\r
1652             <param name="oldIndex">The old position of the item.</param>\r
1653             <param name="newIndex">The new position of the item.</param>\r
1654         </member>\r
1655         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.MoveItemBase(System.Int32,System.Int32)">\r
1656             <summary>\r
1657             Exposes the base implementation fo the <see cref="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.MoveItem(System.Int32,System.Int32)"/> function.\r
1658             </summary>\r
1659             <param name="oldIndex">The old index.</param>\r
1660             <param name="newIndex">The new index.</param>\r
1661             <remarks>Used to avoid compiler warning regarding unverificable code.</remarks>\r
1662         </member>\r
1663         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.SetItem(System.Int32,`0)">\r
1664             <summary>\r
1665               Sets the item at the specified position.\r
1666             </summary>\r
1667             <param name = "index">The index to set the item at.</param>\r
1668             <param name = "item">The item to set.</param>\r
1669         </member>\r
1670         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.SetItemBase(System.Int32,`0)">\r
1671             <summary>\r
1672               Exposes the base implementation of the <see cref="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.SetItem(System.Int32,`0)"/> function.\r
1673             </summary>\r
1674             <param name="index">The index.</param>\r
1675             <param name="item">The item.</param>\r
1676             <remarks>\r
1677               Used to avoid compiler warning regarding unverifiable code.\r
1678             </remarks>\r
1679         </member>\r
1680         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.RemoveItem(System.Int32)">\r
1681             <summary>\r
1682               Removes the item at the specified position.\r
1683             </summary>\r
1684             <param name = "index">The position used to identify the item to remove.</param>\r
1685         </member>\r
1686         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.RemoveItemBase(System.Int32)">\r
1687             <summary>\r
1688               Exposes the base implementation of the <see cref="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.RemoveItem(System.Int32)"/> function.\r
1689             </summary>\r
1690             <param name="index">The index.</param>\r
1691             <remarks>\r
1692               Used to avoid compiler warning regarding unverifiable code.\r
1693             </remarks>\r
1694         </member>\r
1695         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.ClearItems">\r
1696             <summary>\r
1697               Clears the items contained by the collection.\r
1698             </summary>\r
1699         </member>\r
1700         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.ClearItemsBase">\r
1701             <summary>\r
1702               Exposes the base implementation of the <see cref="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.ClearItems"/> function.\r
1703             </summary>\r
1704             <remarks>\r
1705               Used to avoid compiler warning regarding unverifiable code.\r
1706             </remarks>\r
1707         </member>\r
1708         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)">\r
1709             <summary>\r
1710               Raises the <see cref = "E:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1.CollectionChanged" /> event with the provided arguments.\r
1711             </summary>\r
1712             <param name = "e">Arguments of the event being raised.</param>\r
1713         </member>\r
1714         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.OnPropertyChanged(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)">\r
1715             <summary>\r
1716               Raises the PropertyChanged event with the provided arguments.\r
1717             </summary>\r
1718             <param name = "e">The event data to report in the event.</param>\r
1719         </member>\r
1720         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.AddRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">\r
1721             <summary>\r
1722               Adds the range.\r
1723             </summary>\r
1724             <param name = "items">The items.</param>\r
1725         </member>\r
1726         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.RemoveRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">\r
1727             <summary>\r
1728               Removes the range.\r
1729             </summary>\r
1730             <param name = "items">The items.</param>\r
1731         </member>\r
1732         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.OnDeserialized(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">\r
1733             <summary>\r
1734             Called when the object is deserialized.\r
1735             </summary>\r
1736             <param name="c">The streaming context.</param>\r
1737         </member>\r
1738         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.ShouldSerializeIsNotifying">\r
1739             <summary>\r
1740             Used to indicate whether or not the IsNotifying property is serialized to Xml.\r
1741             </summary>\r
1742             <returns>Whether or not to serialize the IsNotifying property. The default is false.</returns>\r
1743         </member>\r
1744         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.BindableCollection`1.IsNotifying">\r
1745             <summary>\r
1746               Enables/Disables property change notification.\r
1747             </summary>\r
1748         </member>\r
1749         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IoC">\r
1750             <summary>\r
1751             Used by the framework to pull instances from an IoC container and to inject dependencies into certain existing classes.\r
1752             </summary>\r
1753         </member>\r
1754         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.IoC.GetInstance">\r
1755             <summary>\r
1756             Gets an instance by type and key.\r
1757             </summary>\r
1758         </member>\r
1759         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.IoC.GetAllInstances">\r
1760             <summary>\r
1761             Gets all instances of a particular type.\r
1762             </summary>\r
1763         </member>\r
1764         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.IoC.BuildUp">\r
1765             <summary>\r
1766             Passes an existing instance to the IoC container to enable dependencies to be injected.\r
1767             </summary>\r
1768         </member>\r
1769         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IoC.Get``1">\r
1770             <summary>\r
1771             Gets an instance by type.\r
1772             </summary>\r
1773             <typeparam name="T">The type to resolve from the container.</typeparam>\r
1774             <returns>The resolved instance.</returns>\r
1775         </member>\r
1776         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IoC.Get``1(System.String)">\r
1777             <summary>\r
1778             Gets an instance from the container using type and key.\r
1779             </summary>\r
1780             <typeparam name="T">The type to resolve.</typeparam>\r
1781             <param name="key">The key to look up.</param>\r
1782             <returns>The resolved instance.</returns>\r
1783         </member>\r
1784         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IResult">\r
1785             <summary>\r
1786             Allows custom code to execute after the return of a action.\r
1787             </summary>\r
1788         </member>\r
1789         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IResult.Execute(Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext)">\r
1790             <summary>\r
1791             Executes the result using the specified context.\r
1792             </summary>\r
1793             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
1794         </member>\r
1795         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.IResult.Completed">\r
1796             <summary>\r
1797             Occurs when execution has completed.\r
1798             </summary>\r
1799         </member>\r
1800         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActivationEventArgs">\r
1801             <summary>\r
1802             EventArgs sent during activation.\r
1803             </summary>\r
1804         </member>\r
1805         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActivationEventArgs.WasInitialized">\r
1806             <summary>\r
1807             Indicates whether the sender was initialized in addition to being activated.\r
1808             </summary>\r
1809         </member>\r
1810         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActivationProcessedEventArgs">\r
1811             <summary>\r
1812             Contains details about the success or failure of an item's activation through an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IConductor"/>.\r
1813             </summary>\r
1814         </member>\r
1815         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActivationProcessedEventArgs.Item">\r
1816             <summary>\r
1817             The item whose activation was processed.\r
1818             </summary>\r
1819         </member>\r
1820         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ActivationProcessedEventArgs.Success">\r
1821             <summary>\r
1822             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the activation was a success.\r
1823             </summary>\r
1824             <value><c>true</c> if success; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>\r
1825         </member>\r
1826         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.DeactivationEventArgs">\r
1827             <summary>\r
1828             EventArgs sent during deactivation.\r
1829             </summary>\r
1830         </member>\r
1831         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.DeactivationEventArgs.WasClosed">\r
1832             <summary>\r
1833             Indicates whether the sender was closed in addition to being deactivated.\r
1834             </summary>\r
1835         </member>\r
1836         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAttachedEventArgs">\r
1837             <summary>\r
1838             The event args for the <see cref="E:Caliburn.Micro.IViewAware.ViewAttached"/> event.\r
1839             </summary>\r
1840         </member>\r
1841         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAttachedEventArgs.View">\r
1842             <summary>\r
1843             The view.\r
1844             </summary>\r
1845         </member>\r
1846         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewAttachedEventArgs.Context">\r
1847             <summary>\r
1848             The context.\r
1849             </summary>\r
1850         </member>\r
1851         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ILog">\r
1852             <summary>\r
1853             A logger.\r
1854             </summary>\r
1855         </member>\r
1856         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ILog.Info(System.String,System.Object[])">\r
1857             <summary>\r
1858             Logs the message as info.\r
1859             </summary>\r
1860             <param name="format">A formatted message.</param>\r
1861             <param name="args">Parameters to be injected into the formatted message.</param>\r
1862         </member>\r
1863         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ILog.Warn(System.String,System.Object[])">\r
1864             <summary>\r
1865             Logs the message as a warning.\r
1866             </summary>\r
1867             <param name="format">A formatted message.</param>\r
1868             <param name="args">Parameters to be injected into the formatted message.</param>\r
1869         </member>\r
1870         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ILog.Error(System.Exception)">\r
1871             <summary>\r
1872             Logs the exception.\r
1873             </summary>\r
1874             <param name="exception">The exception.</param>\r
1875         </member>\r
1876         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.LogManager">\r
1877             <summary>\r
1878             Used to manage logging.\r
1879             </summary>\r
1880         </member>\r
1881         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.LogManager.GetLog">\r
1882             <summary>\r
1883             Creates an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ILog"/> for the provided type.\r
1884             </summary>\r
1885         </member>\r
1886         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Message">\r
1887             <summary>\r
1888               Host's attached properties related to routed UI messaging.\r
1889             </summary>\r
1890         </member>\r
1891         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Message.SetHandler(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
1892             <summary>\r
1893               Places a message handler on this element.\r
1894             </summary>\r
1895             <param name="d"> The element. </param>\r
1896             <param name="value"> The message handler. </param>\r
1897         </member>\r
1898         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Message.GetHandler(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
1899             <summary>\r
1900               Gets the message handler for this element.\r
1901             </summary>\r
1902             <param name="d"> The element. </param>\r
1903             <returns> The message handler. </returns>\r
1904         </member>\r
1905         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Message.AttachProperty">\r
1906             <summary>\r
1907               A property definition representing attached triggers and messages.\r
1908             </summary>\r
1909         </member>\r
1910         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Message.SetAttach(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.String)">\r
1911             <summary>\r
1912               Sets the attached triggers and messages.\r
1913             </summary>\r
1914             <param name="d"> The element to attach to. </param>\r
1915             <param name="attachText"> The parsable attachment text. </param>\r
1916         </member>\r
1917         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Message.GetAttach(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
1918             <summary>\r
1919               Gets the attached triggers and messages.\r
1920             </summary>\r
1921             <param name="d"> The element that was attached to. </param>\r
1922             <returns> The parsable attachment text. </returns>\r
1923         </member>\r
1924         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder">\r
1925             <summary>\r
1926             A service that is capable of properly binding values to a method's parameters and creating instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IResult"/>.\r
1927             </summary>\r
1928         </member>\r
1929         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.SpecialValues">\r
1930             <summary>\r
1931             The special parameter values recognized by the message binder along with their resolvers.\r
1932             </summary>\r
1933         </member>\r
1934         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.CustomConverters">\r
1935             <summary>\r
1936             Custom converters used by the framework registered by destination type for which they will be selected.\r
1937             The converter is passed the existing value to convert and a "context" object.\r
1938             </summary>\r
1939         </member>\r
1940         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.DetermineParameters(Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[])">\r
1941             <summary>\r
1942             Determines the parameters that a method should be invoked with.\r
1943             </summary>\r
1944             <param name="context">The action execution context.</param>\r
1945             <param name="requiredParameters">The parameters required to complete the invocation.</param>\r
1946             <returns>The actual parameter values.</returns>\r
1947         </member>\r
1948         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.EvaluateParameter">\r
1949             <summary>\r
1950             Transforms the textual parameter into the actual parameter.\r
1951             </summary>\r
1952         </member>\r
1953         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.CoerceValue(System.Type,System.Object,System.Object)">\r
1954             <summary>\r
1955             Coerces the provided value to the destination type.\r
1956             </summary>\r
1957             <param name="destinationType">The destination type.</param>\r
1958             <param name="providedValue">The provided value.</param>\r
1959             <param name="context">An optional context value which can be used during conversion.</param>\r
1960             <returns>The coerced value.</returns>\r
1961         </member>\r
1962         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.MessageBinder.GetDefaultValue(System.Type)">\r
1963             <summary>\r
1964             Gets the default value for a type.\r
1965             </summary>\r
1966             <param name="type">The type.</param>\r
1967             <returns>The default value.</returns>\r
1968         </member>\r
1969         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer">\r
1970             <summary>\r
1971              Class for managing the list of rules for doing name transformation.\r
1972             </summary>\r
1973         </member>\r
1974         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.AddRule(System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
1975             <summary>\r
1976              Adds a transform using a single replacement value and a global filter pattern.\r
1977             </summary>\r
1978             <param name = "replacePattern">Regular expression pattern for replacing text</param>\r
1979             <param name = "replaceValue">The replacement value.</param>\r
1980             <param name = "globalFilterPattern">Regular expression pattern for global filtering</param>\r
1981         </member>\r
1982         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.AddRule(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String)">\r
1983             <summary>\r
1984              Adds a transform using a list of replacement values and a global filter pattern.\r
1985             </summary>\r
1986             <param name = "replacePattern">Regular expression pattern for replacing text</param>\r
1987             <param name = "replaceValueList">The list of replacement values</param>\r
1988             <param name = "globalFilterPattern">Regular expression pattern for global filtering</param>\r
1989         </member>\r
1990         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Transform(System.String)">\r
1991             <summary>\r
1992             Gets the list of transformations for a given name.\r
1993             </summary>\r
1994             <param name = "source">The name to transform into the resolved name list</param>\r
1995             <returns>The transformed names.</returns>\r
1996         </member>\r
1997         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Transform(System.String,System.Func{System.String,System.String})">\r
1998             <summary>\r
1999             Gets the list of transformations for a given name.\r
2000             </summary>\r
2001             <param name = "source">The name to transform into the resolved name list</param>\r
2002             <param name = "getReplaceString">A function to do a transform on each item in the ReplaceValueList prior to applying the regular expression transform</param>\r
2003             <returns>The transformed names.</returns>\r
2004         </member>\r
2005         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.UseEagerRuleSelection">\r
2006             <summary>\r
2007             Flag to indicate if transformations from all matched rules are returned. Otherwise, transformations from only the first matched rule are returned.\r
2008             </summary>\r
2009         </member>\r
2010         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Rule">\r
2011             <summary>\r
2012              A rule that describes a name transform.\r
2013             </summary>\r
2014         </member>\r
2015         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Rule.GlobalFilterPattern">\r
2016             <summary>\r
2017             Regular expression pattern for global filtering\r
2018             </summary>\r
2019         </member>\r
2020         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Rule.ReplacePattern">\r
2021             <summary>\r
2022             Regular expression pattern for replacing text\r
2023             </summary>\r
2024         </member>\r
2025         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.NameTransformer.Rule.ReplacementValues">\r
2026             <summary>\r
2027             The list of replacement values\r
2028             </summary>\r
2029         </member>\r
2030         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Parser">\r
2031             <summary>\r
2032             Parses text into a fully functional set of <see cref="T:System.Windows.Interactivity.TriggerBase"/> instances with <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/>.\r
2033             </summary>\r
2034         </member>\r
2035         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.Parse(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.String)">\r
2036             <summary>\r
2037             Parses the specified message text.\r
2038             </summary>\r
2039             <param name="target">The target.</param>\r
2040             <param name="text">The message text.</param>\r
2041             <returns>The triggers parsed from the text.</returns>\r
2042         </member>\r
2043         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.CreateTrigger">\r
2044             <summary>\r
2045             The function used to generate a trigger.\r
2046             </summary>\r
2047             <remarks>The parameters passed to the method are the the target of the trigger and string representing the trigger.</remarks>\r
2048         </member>\r
2049         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.CreateMessage(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.String)">\r
2050             <summary>\r
2051             Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> by parsing out the textual dsl.\r
2052             </summary>\r
2053             <param name="target">The target of the message.</param>\r
2054             <param name="messageText">The textual message dsl.</param>\r
2055             <returns>The created message.</returns>\r
2056         </member>\r
2057         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.InterpretMessageText">\r
2058             <summary>\r
2059             Function used to parse a string identified as a message.\r
2060             </summary>\r
2061         </member>\r
2062         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.CreateParameter">\r
2063             <summary>\r
2064             Function used to parse a string identified as a message parameter.\r
2065             </summary>\r
2066         </member>\r
2067         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Parser.BindParameter(System.Windows.FrameworkElement,Caliburn.Micro.Parameter,System.String,System.String,System.Windows.Data.BindingMode)">\r
2068             <summary>\r
2069             Creates a binding on a <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter"/>.\r
2070             </summary>\r
2071             <param name="target">The target to which the message is applied.</param>\r
2072             <param name="parameter">The parameter object.</param>\r
2073             <param name="elementName">The name of the element to bind to.</param>\r
2074             <param name="path">The path of the element to bind to.</param>\r
2075             <param name="bindingMode">The binding mode to use.</param>\r
2076         </member>\r
2077         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper">\r
2078             <summary>\r
2079              Helper class for encoding strings to regular expression patterns\r
2080             </summary>\r
2081         </member>\r
2082         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.NameRegEx">\r
2083             <summary>\r
2084             Regular expression pattern for valid name\r
2085             </summary>\r
2086         </member>\r
2087         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.SubNamespaceRegEx">\r
2088             <summary>\r
2089             Regular expression pattern for subnamespace (including dot)\r
2090             </summary>\r
2091         </member>\r
2092         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.NamespaceRegEx">\r
2093             <summary>\r
2094             Regular expression pattern for namespace or namespace fragment\r
2095             </summary>\r
2096         </member>\r
2097         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup(System.String,System.String)">\r
2098             <summary>\r
2099             Creates a named capture group with the specified regular expression \r
2100             </summary>\r
2101             <param name="groupName">Name of capture group to create</param>\r
2102             <param name="regEx">Regular expression pattern to capture</param>\r
2103             <returns>Regular expression capture group with the specified group name</returns>\r
2104         </member>\r
2105         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(System.String)">\r
2106             <summary>\r
2107             Converts a namespace (including wildcards) to a regular expression string\r
2108             </summary>\r
2109             <param name="srcNamespace">Source namespace to convert to regular expression</param>\r
2110             <returns>Namespace converted to a regular expression</returns>\r
2111         </member>\r
2112         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.GetNameCaptureGroup(System.String)">\r
2113             <summary>\r
2114             Creates a capture group for a valid name regular expression pattern\r
2115             </summary>\r
2116             <param name="groupName">Name of capture group to create</param>\r
2117             <returns>Regular expression capture group with the specified group name</returns>\r
2118         </member>\r
2119         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup(System.String)">\r
2120             <summary>\r
2121             Creates a capture group for a namespace regular expression pattern\r
2122             </summary>\r
2123             <param name="groupName">Name of capture group to create</param>\r
2124             <returns>Regular expression capture group with the specified group name</returns>\r
2125         </member>\r
2126         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ResultCompletionEventArgs">\r
2127             <summary>\r
2128             The event args for the Completed event of an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IResult"/>.\r
2129             </summary>\r
2130         </member>\r
2131         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ResultCompletionEventArgs.Error">\r
2132             <summary>\r
2133             Gets or sets the error if one occurred.\r
2134             </summary>\r
2135             <value>The error.</value>\r
2136         </member>\r
2137         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ResultCompletionEventArgs.WasCancelled">\r
2138             <summary>\r
2139             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the result was cancelled.\r
2140             </summary>\r
2141             <value><c>true</c> if cancelled; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>\r
2142         </member>\r
2143         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions">\r
2144             <summary>\r
2145             Hosts extension methods for <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IScreen"/> classes.\r
2146             </summary>\r
2147         </member>\r
2148         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.TryActivate(System.Object)">\r
2149             <summary>\r
2150             Activates the item if it implements <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IActivate"/>, otherwise does nothing.\r
2151             </summary>\r
2152             <param name="potentialActivatable">The potential activatable.</param>\r
2153         </member>\r
2154         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.TryDeactivate(System.Object,System.Boolean)">\r
2155             <summary>\r
2156             Deactivates the item if it implements <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate"/>, otherwise does nothing.\r
2157             </summary>\r
2158             <param name="potentialDeactivatable">The potential deactivatable.</param>\r
2159             <param name="close">Indicates whether or not to close the item after deactivating it.</param>\r
2160         </member>\r
2161         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.CloseItem(Caliburn.Micro.IConductor,System.Object)">\r
2162             <summary>\r
2163             Closes the specified item.\r
2164             </summary>\r
2165             <param name="conductor">The conductor.</param>\r
2166             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
2167         </member>\r
2168         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.CloseItem``1(Caliburn.Micro.ConductorBase{``0},``0)">\r
2169             <summary>\r
2170             Closes the specified item.\r
2171             </summary>\r
2172             <param name="conductor">The conductor.</param>\r
2173             <param name="item">The item to close.</param>\r
2174         </member>\r
2175         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.ActivateWith(Caliburn.Micro.IActivate,Caliburn.Micro.IActivate)">\r
2176             <summary>\r
2177              Activates a child whenever the specified parent is activated.\r
2178             </summary>\r
2179             <param name="child">The child to activate.</param>\r
2180             <param name="parent">The parent whose activation triggers the child's activation.</param>\r
2181         </member>\r
2182         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.DeactivateWith(Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate,Caliburn.Micro.IDeactivate)">\r
2183             <summary>\r
2184              Deactivates a child whenever the specified parent is deactivated.\r
2185             </summary>\r
2186             <param name="child">The child to deactivate.</param>\r
2187             <param name="parent">The parent whose deactivation triggers the child's deactivation.</param>\r
2188         </member>\r
2189         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ScreenExtensions.ConductWith``2(``0,``1)">\r
2190             <summary>\r
2191              Activates and Deactivates a child whenever the specified parent is Activated or Deactivated.\r
2192             </summary>\r
2193             <param name="child">The child to activate/deactivate.</param>\r
2194             <param name="parent">The parent whose activation/deactivation triggers the child's activation/deactivation.</param>\r
2195         </member>\r
2196         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.SequentialResult">\r
2197             <summary>\r
2198               An implementation of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.IResult"/> that enables sequential execution of multiple results.\r
2199             </summary>\r
2200         </member>\r
2201         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.SequentialResult.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator{Caliburn.Micro.IResult})">\r
2202             <summary>\r
2203               Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.SequentialResult"/> class.\r
2204             </summary>\r
2205             <param name="enumerator">The enumerator.</param>\r
2206         </member>\r
2207         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.SequentialResult.Execute(Caliburn.Micro.ActionExecutionContext)">\r
2208             <summary>\r
2209               Executes the result using the specified context.\r
2210             </summary>\r
2211             <param name = "context">The context.</param>\r
2212         </member>\r
2213         <member name="E:Caliburn.Micro.SequentialResult.Completed">\r
2214             <summary>\r
2215               Occurs when execution has completed.\r
2216             </summary>\r
2217         </member>\r
2218         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration">\r
2219             <summary>\r
2220             Class to specify settings for configuring type mappings by the ViewLocator or ViewModelLocator\r
2221             </summary>\r
2222         </member>\r
2223         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.DefaultSubNamespaceForViews">\r
2224             <summary>\r
2225             The default subnamespace for Views. Used for creating default subnamespace mappings. Defaults to "Views".\r
2226             </summary>\r
2227         </member>\r
2228         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.DefaultSubNamespaceForViewModels">\r
2229             <summary>\r
2230             The default subnamespace for ViewModels. Used for creating default subnamespace mappings. Defaults to "ViewModels".\r
2231             </summary>\r
2232         </member>\r
2233         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.UseNameSuffixesInMappings">\r
2234             <summary>\r
2235             Flag to indicate whether or not the name of the Type should be transformed when adding a type mapping. Defaults to true.\r
2236             </summary>\r
2237         </member>\r
2238         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.NameFormat">\r
2239             <summary>\r
2240             The format string used to compose the name of a type from base name and name suffix\r
2241             </summary>\r
2242         </member>\r
2243         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.IncludeViewSuffixInViewModelNames">\r
2244             <summary>\r
2245             Flag to indicate if ViewModel names should include View suffixes (i.e. CustomerPageViewModel vs. CustomerViewModel)\r
2246             </summary>\r
2247         </member>\r
2248         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.ViewSuffixList">\r
2249             <summary>\r
2250             List of View suffixes for which default type mappings should be created. Applies only when UseNameSuffixesInMappings = true.\r
2251             Default values are "View", "Page"\r
2252             </summary>\r
2253         </member>\r
2254         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration.ViewModelSuffix">\r
2255             <summary>\r
2256             The name suffix for ViewModels. Applies only when UseNameSuffixesInMappings = true. The default is "ViewModel".\r
2257             </summary>\r
2258         </member>\r
2259         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.View">\r
2260             <summary>\r
2261             Hosts attached properties related to view models.\r
2262             </summary>\r
2263         </member>\r
2264         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.DefaultContext">\r
2265             <summary>\r
2266             The default view context.\r
2267             </summary>\r
2268         </member>\r
2269         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.IsLoadedProperty">\r
2270             <summary>\r
2271             A dependency property which allows the framework to track whether a certain element has already been loaded in certain scenarios.\r
2272             </summary>\r
2273         </member>\r
2274         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.IsScopeRootProperty">\r
2275             <summary>\r
2276             A dependency property which marks an element as a name scope root.\r
2277             </summary>\r
2278         </member>\r
2279         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.ApplyConventionsProperty">\r
2280             <summary>\r
2281             A dependency property which allows the override of convention application behavior.\r
2282             </summary>\r
2283         </member>\r
2284         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.ContextProperty">\r
2285             <summary>\r
2286             A dependency property for assigning a context to a particular portion of the UI.\r
2287             </summary>\r
2288         </member>\r
2289         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.ModelProperty">\r
2290             <summary>\r
2291             A dependency property for attaching a model to the UI.\r
2292             </summary>\r
2293         </member>\r
2294         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.IsGeneratedProperty">\r
2295             <summary>\r
2296             Used by the framework to indicate that this element was generated.\r
2297             </summary>\r
2298         </member>\r
2299         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.ExecuteOnLoad(System.Windows.FrameworkElement,System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler)">\r
2300             <summary>\r
2301             Executes the handler immediately if the element is loaded, otherwise wires it to the Loaded event.\r
2302             </summary>\r
2303             <param name="element">The element.</param>\r
2304             <param name="handler">The handler.</param>\r
2305             <returns>true if the handler was executed immediately; false otherwise</returns>\r
2306         </member>\r
2307         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.View.GetFirstNonGeneratedView">\r
2308             <summary>\r
2309             Used to retrieve the root, non-framework-created view.\r
2310             </summary>\r
2311             <param name="view">The view to search.</param>\r
2312             <returns>The root element that was not created by the framework.</returns>\r
2313             <remarks>In certain instances the services create UI elements.\r
2314             For example, if you ask the window manager to show a UserControl as a dialog, it creates a window to host the UserControl in.\r
2315             The WindowManager marks that element as a framework-created element so that it can determine what it created vs. what was intended by the developer.\r
2316             Calling GetFirstNonGeneratedView allows the framework to discover what the original element was. \r
2317             </remarks>\r
2318         </member>\r
2319         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.GetApplyConventions(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
2320             <summary>\r
2321             Gets the convention application behavior.\r
2322             </summary>\r
2323             <param name="d">The element the property is attached to.</param>\r
2324             <returns>Whether or not to apply conventions.</returns>\r
2325         </member>\r
2326         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.SetApplyConventions(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">\r
2327             <summary>\r
2328             Sets the convention application behavior.\r
2329             </summary>\r
2330             <param name="d">The element to attach the property to.</param>\r
2331             <param name="value">Whether or not to apply conventions.</param>\r
2332         </member>\r
2333         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.SetModel(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
2334             <summary>\r
2335             Sets the model.\r
2336             </summary>\r
2337             <param name="d">The element to attach the model to.</param>\r
2338             <param name="value">The model.</param>\r
2339         </member>\r
2340         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.GetModel(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
2341             <summary>\r
2342             Gets the model.\r
2343             </summary>\r
2344             <param name="d">The element the model is attached to.</param>\r
2345             <returns>The model.</returns>\r
2346         </member>\r
2347         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.GetContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
2348             <summary>\r
2349             Gets the context.\r
2350             </summary>\r
2351             <param name="d">The element the context is attached to.</param>\r
2352             <returns>The context.</returns>\r
2353         </member>\r
2354         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.View.SetContext(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Object)">\r
2355             <summary>\r
2356             Sets the context.\r
2357             </summary>\r
2358             <param name="d">The element to attach the context to.</param>\r
2359             <param name="value">The context.</param>\r
2360         </member>\r
2361         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator">\r
2362             <summary>\r
2363               A strategy for determining which view to use for a given model.\r
2364             </summary>\r
2365         </member>\r
2366         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.NameTransformer">\r
2367             <summary>\r
2368              Used to transform names.\r
2369             </summary>\r
2370         </member>\r
2371         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.ContextSeparator">\r
2372             <summary>\r
2373               Separator used when resolving View names for context instances.\r
2374             </summary>\r
2375         </member>\r
2376         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.ConfigureTypeMappings(Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration)">\r
2377             <summary>\r
2378             Specifies how type mappings are created, including default type mappings. Calling this method will\r
2379             clear all existing name transformation rules and create new default type mappings according to the\r
2380             configuration.\r
2381             </summary>\r
2382             <param name="config">An instance of TypeMappingConfiguration that provides the settings for configuration</param>\r
2383         </member>\r
2384         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddDefaultTypeMapping(System.String)">\r
2385             <summary>\r
2386             Adds a default type mapping using the standard namespace mapping convention\r
2387             </summary>\r
2388             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2389         </member>\r
2390         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.RegisterViewSuffix(System.String)">\r
2391             <summary>\r
2392             This method registers a View suffix or synonym so that View Context resolution works properly.\r
2393             It is automatically called internally when calling AddNamespaceMapping(), AddDefaultTypeMapping(),\r
2394             or AddTypeMapping(). It should not need to be called explicitly unless a rule that handles synonyms\r
2395             is added directly through the NameTransformer.\r
2396             </summary>\r
2397             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View".</param>\r
2398         </member>\r
2399         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddTypeMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2400             <summary>\r
2401             Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns\r
2402             </summary>\r
2403             <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2404             <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2405             <param name="nsTargetsRegEx">Array of RegEx replace values for target namespaces</param>\r
2406             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2407         </member>\r
2408         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddTypeMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2409             <summary>\r
2410             Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns\r
2411             </summary>\r
2412             <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2413             <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2414             <param name="nsTargetRegEx">RegEx replace value for target namespace</param>\r
2415             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2416         </member>\r
2417         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2418             <summary>\r
2419             Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping\r
2420             </summary>\r
2421             <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>\r
2422             <param name="nsTargets">Namespaces of target type as an array</param>\r
2423             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2424         </member>\r
2425         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2426             <summary>\r
2427             Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping\r
2428             </summary>\r
2429             <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>\r
2430             <param name="nsTarget">Namespace of target type</param>\r
2431             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2432         </member>\r
2433         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddSubNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2434             <summary>\r
2435             Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another\r
2436             </summary>\r
2437             <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>\r
2438             <param name="nsTargets">Subnamespaces of target type as an array</param>\r
2439             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2440         </member>\r
2441         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.AddSubNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2442             <summary>\r
2443             Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another\r
2444             </summary>\r
2445             <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>\r
2446             <param name="nsTarget">Subnamespace of target type</param>\r
2447             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2448         </member>\r
2449         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.GetOrCreateViewType">\r
2450             <summary>\r
2451               Retrieves the view from the IoC container or tries to create it if not found.\r
2452             </summary>\r
2453             <remarks>\r
2454               Pass the type of view as a parameter and recieve an instance of the view.\r
2455             </remarks>\r
2456         </member>\r
2457         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.ModifyModelTypeAtDesignTime">\r
2458             <summary>\r
2459             Modifies the name of the type to be used at design time.\r
2460             </summary>\r
2461         </member>\r
2462         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.TransformName">\r
2463             <summary>\r
2464             Transforms a ViewModel type name into all of its possible View type names. Optionally accepts an instance\r
2465             of context object\r
2466             </summary>\r
2467             <returns>Enumeration of transformed names</returns>\r
2468             <remarks>Arguments:\r
2469             typeName = The name of the ViewModel type being resolved to its companion View.\r
2470             context = An instance of the context or null.\r
2471             </remarks>\r
2472         </member>\r
2473         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.LocateTypeForModelType">\r
2474             <summary>\r
2475               Locates the view type based on the specified model type.\r
2476             </summary>\r
2477             <returns>The view.</returns>\r
2478             <remarks>\r
2479               Pass the model type, display location (or null) and the context instance (or null) as parameters and receive a view type.\r
2480             </remarks>\r
2481         </member>\r
2482         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.LocateForModelType">\r
2483             <summary>\r
2484               Locates the view for the specified model type.\r
2485             </summary>\r
2486             <returns>The view.</returns>\r
2487             <remarks>\r
2488               Pass the model type, display location (or null) and the context instance (or null) as parameters and receive a view instance.\r
2489             </remarks>\r
2490         </member>\r
2491         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.LocateForModel">\r
2492             <summary>\r
2493               Locates the view for the specified model instance.\r
2494             </summary>\r
2495             <returns>The view.</returns>\r
2496             <remarks>\r
2497               Pass the model instance, display location (or null) and the context (or null) as parameters and receive a view instance.\r
2498             </remarks>\r
2499         </member>\r
2500         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.DeterminePackUriFromType">\r
2501             <summary>\r
2502             Transforms a view type into a pack uri.\r
2503             </summary>\r
2504         </member>\r
2505         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewLocator.InitializeComponent(System.Object)">\r
2506             <summary>\r
2507               When a view does not contain a code-behind file, we need to automatically call InitializeCompoent.\r
2508             </summary>\r
2509             <param name = "element">The element to initialize</param>\r
2510         </member>\r
2511         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder">\r
2512             <summary>\r
2513             Binds a view to a view model.\r
2514             </summary>\r
2515         </member>\r
2516         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.ApplyConventionsByDefault">\r
2517             <summary>\r
2518             Gets or sets a value indicating whether to apply conventions by default.\r
2519             </summary>\r
2520             <value>\r
2521                 <c>true</c> if conventions should be applied by default; otherwise, <c>false</c>.\r
2522             </value>\r
2523         </member>\r
2524         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.ConventionsAppliedProperty">\r
2525             <summary>\r
2526             Indicates whether or not the conventions have already been applied to the view.\r
2527             </summary>\r
2528         </member>\r
2529         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.ShouldApplyConventions(System.Windows.FrameworkElement)">\r
2530             <summary>\r
2531             Determines whether a view should have conventions applied to it.\r
2532             </summary>\r
2533             <param name="view">The view to check.</param>\r
2534             <returns>Whether or not conventions should be applied to the view.</returns>\r
2535         </member>\r
2536         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.BindProperties">\r
2537             <summary>\r
2538             Creates data bindings on the view's controls based on the provided properties.\r
2539             </summary>\r
2540             <remarks>Parameters include named Elements to search through and the type of view model to determine conventions for. Returns unmatched elements.</remarks>\r
2541         </member>\r
2542         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.BindActions">\r
2543             <summary>\r
2544             Attaches instances of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> to the view's controls based on the provided methods.\r
2545             </summary>\r
2546             <remarks>Parameters include the named elements to search through and the type of view model to determine conventions for. Returns unmatched elements.</remarks>\r
2547         </member>\r
2548         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.HandleUnmatchedElements">\r
2549             <summary>\r
2550             Allows the developer to add custom handling of named elements which were not matched by any default conventions.\r
2551             </summary>\r
2552         </member>\r
2553         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelBinder.Bind">\r
2554              <summary>\r
2555              Binds the specified viewModel to the view.\r
2556              </summary>\r
2557             <remarks>Passes the the view model, view and creation context (or null for default) to use in applying binding.</remarks>\r
2558         </member>\r
2559         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator">\r
2560             <summary>\r
2561               A strategy for determining which view model to use for a given view.\r
2562             </summary>\r
2563         </member>\r
2564         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.NameTransformer">\r
2565             <summary>\r
2566              Used to transform names.\r
2567             </summary>\r
2568         </member>\r
2569         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.InterfaceCaptureGroupName">\r
2570             <summary>\r
2571             The name of the capture group used as a marker for rules that return interface types\r
2572             </summary>\r
2573         </member>\r
2574         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.ConfigureTypeMappings(Caliburn.Micro.TypeMappingConfiguration)">\r
2575             <summary>\r
2576             Specifies how type mappings are created, including default type mappings. Calling this method will\r
2577             clear all existing name transformation rules and create new default type mappings according to the\r
2578             configuration.\r
2579             </summary>\r
2580             <param name="config">An instance of TypeMappingConfiguration that provides the settings for configuration</param>\r
2581         </member>\r
2582         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddDefaultTypeMapping(System.String)">\r
2583             <summary>\r
2584             Adds a default type mapping using the standard namespace mapping convention\r
2585             </summary>\r
2586             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2587         </member>\r
2588         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddTypeMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2589             <summary>\r
2590             Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns\r
2591             </summary>\r
2592             <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2593             <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2594             <param name="nsTargetsRegEx">Array of RegEx replace values for target namespaces</param>\r
2595             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2596         </member>\r
2597         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddTypeMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2598             <summary>\r
2599             Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns\r
2600             </summary>\r
2601             <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2602             <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>\r
2603             <param name="nsTargetRegEx">RegEx replace value for target namespace</param>\r
2604             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2605         </member>\r
2606         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2607             <summary>\r
2608             Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping\r
2609             </summary>\r
2610             <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>\r
2611             <param name="nsTargets">Namespaces of target type as an array</param>\r
2612             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2613         </member>\r
2614         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2615             <summary>\r
2616             Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping\r
2617             </summary>\r
2618             <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>\r
2619             <param name="nsTarget">Namespace of target type</param>\r
2620             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2621         </member>\r
2622         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddSubNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String[],System.String)">\r
2623             <summary>\r
2624             Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another\r
2625             </summary>\r
2626             <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>\r
2627             <param name="nsTargets">Subnamespaces of target type as an array</param>\r
2628             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2629         </member>\r
2630         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.AddSubNamespaceMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String)">\r
2631             <summary>\r
2632             Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another\r
2633             </summary>\r
2634             <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>\r
2635             <param name="nsTarget">Subnamespace of target type</param>\r
2636             <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>\r
2637         </member>\r
2638         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.MakeInterface(System.String)">\r
2639             <summary>\r
2640               Makes a type name into an interface name.\r
2641             </summary>\r
2642             <param name = "typeName">The part.</param>\r
2643             <returns></returns>\r
2644         </member>\r
2645         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.TransformName">\r
2646             <summary>\r
2647             Transforms a View type name into all of its possible ViewModel type names. Accepts a flag\r
2648             to include or exclude interface types.\r
2649             </summary>\r
2650             <returns>Enumeration of transformed names</returns>\r
2651             <remarks>Arguments:\r
2652             typeName = The name of the View type being resolved to its companion ViewModel.\r
2653             includeInterfaces = Flag to indicate if interface types are included\r
2654             </remarks>\r
2655         </member>\r
2656         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.LocateTypeForViewType">\r
2657             <summary>\r
2658               Determines the view model type based on the specified view type.\r
2659             </summary>\r
2660             <returns>The view model type.</returns>\r
2661             <remarks>\r
2662               Pass the view type and receive a view model type. Pass true for the second parameter to search for interfaces.\r
2663             </remarks>\r
2664         </member>\r
2665         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.LocateForViewType">\r
2666             <summary>\r
2667               Locates the view model for the specified view type.\r
2668             </summary>\r
2669             <returns>The view model.</returns>\r
2670             <remarks>\r
2671               Pass the view type as a parameter and receive a view model instance.\r
2672             </remarks>\r
2673         </member>\r
2674         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.ViewModelLocator.LocateForView">\r
2675             <summary>\r
2676               Locates the view model for the specified view instance.\r
2677             </summary>\r
2678             <returns>The view model.</returns>\r
2679             <remarks>\r
2680               Pass the view instance as a parameters and receive a view model instance.\r
2681             </remarks>\r
2682         </member>\r
2683         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1">\r
2684             <summary>\r
2685             A collection that can exist as part of a behavior.\r
2686             </summary>\r
2687             <typeparam name="T">The type of item in the attached collection.</typeparam>\r
2688         </member>\r
2689         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1.#ctor">\r
2690             <summary>\r
2691             Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1"/>\r
2692             </summary>\r
2693         </member>\r
2694         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1.Attach(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">\r
2695             <summary>\r
2696             Attached the collection.\r
2697             </summary>\r
2698             <param name="dependencyObject">The dependency object to attach the collection to.</param>\r
2699         </member>\r
2700         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1.Detach">\r
2701             <summary>\r
2702             Detaches the collection.\r
2703             </summary>\r
2704         </member>\r
2705         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1.OnItemAdded(`0)">\r
2706             <summary>\r
2707             Called when an item is added from the collection.\r
2708             </summary>\r
2709             <param name="item">The item that was added.</param>\r
2710         </member>\r
2711         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.AttachedCollection`1.OnItemRemoved(`0)">\r
2712             <summary>\r
2713             Called when an item is removed from the collection.\r
2714             </summary>\r
2715             <param name="item">The item that was removed.</param>\r
2716         </member>\r
2717         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter">\r
2718             <summary>\r
2719             Represents a parameter of an <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/>.\r
2720             </summary>\r
2721         </member>\r
2722         <member name="F:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter.ValueProperty">\r
2723             <summary>\r
2724             A dependency property representing the parameter's value.\r
2725             </summary>\r
2726         </member>\r
2727         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter.CreateInstanceCore">\r
2728             <summary>\r
2729             When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Freezable"/> derived class.\r
2730             </summary>\r
2731             <returns>The new instance.</returns>\r
2732         </member>\r
2733         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter.MakeAwareOf(Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage)">\r
2734             <summary>\r
2735             Makes the parameter aware of the <see cref="T:Caliburn.Micro.ActionMessage"/> that it's attached to.\r
2736             </summary>\r
2737             <param name="owner">The action message.</param>\r
2738         </member>\r
2739         <member name="P:Caliburn.Micro.Parameter.Value">\r
2740             <summary>\r
2741             Gets or sets the value of the parameter.\r
2742             </summary>\r
2743             <value>The value.</value>\r
2744         </member>\r
2745         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.IWindowManager">\r
2746             <summary>\r
2747             A service that manages windows.\r
2748             </summary>\r
2749         </member>\r
2750         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IWindowManager.ShowDialog(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2751             <summary>\r
2752             Shows a modal dialog for the specified model.\r
2753             </summary>\r
2754             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2755             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
2756             <param name="settings">The optional dialog settings.</param>\r
2757             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>\r
2758         </member>\r
2759         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IWindowManager.ShowWindow(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2760             <summary>\r
2761             Shows a non-modal window for the specified model.\r
2762             </summary>\r
2763             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2764             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
2765             <param name="settings">The optional window settings.</param>\r
2766         </member>\r
2767         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.IWindowManager.ShowPopup(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2768             <summary>\r
2769             Shows a popup at the current mouse position.\r
2770             </summary>\r
2771             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2772             <param name="context">The view context.</param>\r
2773             <param name="settings">The optional popup settings.</param>\r
2774         </member>\r
2775         <member name="T:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager">\r
2776             <summary>\r
2777             A service that manages windows.\r
2778             </summary>\r
2779         </member>\r
2780         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.ShowDialog(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2781             <summary>\r
2782             Shows a modal dialog for the specified model.\r
2783             </summary>\r
2784             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2785             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
2786             <param name="settings">The dialog popup settings.</param>\r
2787             <returns>The dialog result.</returns>\r
2788         </member>\r
2789         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.ShowWindow(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2790             <summary>\r
2791             Shows a window for the specified model.\r
2792             </summary>\r
2793             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2794             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
2795             <param name="settings">The optional window settings.</param>\r
2796         </member>\r
2797         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.ShowPopup(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2798             <summary>\r
2799             Shows a popup at the current mouse position.\r
2800             </summary>\r
2801             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2802             <param name="context">The view context.</param>\r
2803             <param name="settings">The optional popup settings.</param>\r
2804         </member>\r
2805         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.CreatePopup(System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2806             <summary>\r
2807             Creates a popup for hosting a popup window.\r
2808             </summary>\r
2809             <param name="rootModel">The model.</param>\r
2810             <param name="settings">The optional popup settings.</param>\r
2811             <returns>The popup.</returns>\r
2812         </member>\r
2813         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.CreateWindow(System.Object,System.Boolean,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2814             <summary>\r
2815             Creates a window.\r
2816             </summary>\r
2817             <param name="rootModel">The view model.</param>\r
2818             <param name="isDialog">Whethor or not the window is being shown as a dialog.</param>\r
2819             <param name="context">The view context.</param>\r
2820             <param name="settings">The optional popup settings.</param>\r
2821             <returns>The window.</returns>\r
2822         </member>\r
2823         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.EnsureWindow(System.Object,System.Object,System.Boolean)">\r
2824             <summary>\r
2825             Makes sure the view is a window is is wrapped by one.\r
2826             </summary>\r
2827             <param name="model">The view model.</param>\r
2828             <param name="view">The view.</param>\r
2829             <param name="isDialog">Whethor or not the window is being shown as a dialog.</param>\r
2830             <returns>The window.</returns>\r
2831         </member>\r
2832         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.InferOwnerOf(System.Windows.Window)">\r
2833             <summary>\r
2834             Infers the owner of the window.\r
2835             </summary>\r
2836             <param name="window">The window to whose owner needs to be determined.</param>\r
2837             <returns>The owner.</returns>\r
2838         </member>\r
2839         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.CreatePage(System.Object,System.Object,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">\r
2840             <summary>\r
2841             Creates the page.\r
2842             </summary>\r
2843             <param name="rootModel">The root model.</param>\r
2844             <param name="context">The context.</param>\r
2845             <param name="settings">The optional popup settings.</param>\r
2846             <returns>The page.</returns>\r
2847         </member>\r
2848         <member name="M:Caliburn.Micro.WindowManager.EnsurePage(System.Object,System.Object)">\r
2849             <summary>\r
2850             Ensures the view is a page or provides one.\r
2851             </summary>\r
2852             <param name="model">The model.</param>\r
2853             <param name="view">The view.</param>\r
2854             <returns>The page.</returns>\r
2855         </member>\r
2856     </members>\r
2857 </doc>\r