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1 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Astakos Developer Guide
2 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
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5 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
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Astakos serves as the point of authentication for GRNET ( services. It is a platform-wide service, allowing users to register, login, and keep track of permissions.
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9 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
Users in astakos can be authenticated via several identity providers:
10 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
11 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
* Local
12 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
* Twitter
13 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
* Shibboleth
14 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
15 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
It provides also a command line tool for managing user accounts.
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It is build over django and extends its authentication mechanism.
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This document's goals are:
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* present the overall architectural design.
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* provide basic use cases.
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* describe the APIs to the outer world.
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* document the views and provide guidelines for a developer to extend them.
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The present document is meant to be read alongside the Django documentation ( Thus, it is suggested that the reader is familiar with associated technologies.
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Document Revisions
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=========================  ================================
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Revision                   Description
33 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
=========================  ================================
34 d49c2fa0 root
0.1 (Feb 10, 2012)         Initial release.
35 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
=========================  ================================
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Astakos service co-ordinates the access to resources (and the subsequent permission model) and acts as the single point of registry and entry to the GRNET cloud offering, comprising of Cyclades and Pithos subsystems.
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It also propagates the user state to the Aquarium pricing subsystem.
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.. image:: images/~okeanos.jpg
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Registration Use Cases
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The following subsections describe two basic registration use cases. All the registration cases are covered in :ref:`registration-flow-label`
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Invited user
52 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
53 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
54 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
A registered ~okeanos user, invites student Alice to subscribe to ~okeanos services. Alice receives an email and through a link is navigated to Astakos's signup page. The system prompts her to select one of the available authentication mechanisms (Shibboleth, Twitter or local authentication) in order to register to the system. Alice already has a Shibboleth account so chooses that and then she is redirected to her institution's login page. Upon successful login, her account is created.
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Since she is invited his account is automaticaly activated and she is redirected to Astakos's login page. As this is the first time Alice has accessed the system she is redirected to her profile page where she can edit or provide more information.
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Not invited user
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60 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
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Tony while browsing in the internet finds out about ~okeanos services. He visits the signup page and since his has already a twitter account selects the twitter authentication mechanism and he is redirected to twitter login page where he is promted to provide his credentials. Upon successful login, twitter redirects him back to the Astakos and the account is created.
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Since his not an invited user his account has to be activated from an administrator first, in order to be able to login. Upon the account's activation he receives an email and through a link he is redirected to the login page.
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Authentication Use Cases
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Cloud service user
69 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
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Alice requests a specific resource from a cloud service ex. Pithos. In the request supplies the `X-Auth-Token`` to identify whether she is eligible to perform the specific task. The service contacts Astakos through its ``/im/authenticate`` api call (see :ref:`authenticate-api-label`) providing the specific ``X-Auth-Token``. Astakos checkes whether the token belongs to an active user and it has not expired and returns a dictionary containing user related information. Finally the service uses the ``uniq`` field included in the dictionary as the account string to identify the user accessible resources. 
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.. _registration-flow-label:
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Registration Flow
76 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
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.. image:: images/signup.jpg
79 d49c2fa0 root
    :scale: 100%
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Login Flow
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.. image:: images/login.jpg
84 d49c2fa0 root
    :scale: 100%
85 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
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.. _authentication-label:
87 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
88 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Astakos Users and Authentication
89 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
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Astakos incorporates django user authentication system and extends its User model.
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Since username field of django User model has a limitation of 30 characters, AstakosUser is **uniquely** identified by the ``email`` instead. Therefore, ```` is served to authenticate a user using email if the first argument is actually an email, otherwise tries the username.
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A new AstakosUser instance is assigned with a uui as username and also with a ``auth_token`` used by the cloud services to authenticate the user. ```` is also specified in order to authenticate the user using the email and the token fields.
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Logged on users can perform a number of actions:
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* access and edit their profile via: ``/im/profile``.
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* change their password via: ``/im/password``
101 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
* invite somebody else via: ``/im/invite``
102 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
* send feedback for grnet services via: ``/im/send_feedback``
103 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
* logout (and delete cookie) via: ``/im/logout``
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User entries can also be modified/added via the ``snf-manage activateuser`` command.
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A superuser account can be created the first time you run the `` syncdb`` django command and then loading the extra user data from the ``admin_user`` fixture. At a later date, the `` createsuperuser`` command line utility can be used (as long as the extra user data for Astakos is added with a fixture or by hand).
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109 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
Internal Astakos requests are handled using cookie-based django user sessions.
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111 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
External systems in the same domain can delgate ``/login`` URI. The server, depending on its configuration will redirect to the appropriate login page. When done with logging in, the service's login URI should redirect to the URI provided with next, adding user and token parameters, which contain the email and token fields respectively.
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113 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
The login URI accepts the following parameters:
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======================  =========================
116 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Request Parameter Name  Value
117 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
======================  =========================
118 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
next                    The URI to redirect to when the process is finished
119 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
renew                   Force token renewal (no value parameter)
120 ebd369d0 Sofia Papagiannaki
force                   Force logout current user (no value parameter)
121 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
======================  =========================
122 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
123 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
External systems outside the domain scope can acquire the user information by a cookie set identified by ASTAKOS_COOKIE_NAME setting.
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Finally, backend systems having acquired a token can use the :ref:`authenticate-api-label` api call from a private network or through HTTPS.
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127 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
The Astakos API
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.. _authenticate-api-label:
131 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
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133 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
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Authenticate API requests require a token. An application that wishes to connect to Astakos, but does not have a token, should redirect the user to ``/login``. (see :ref:`authentication-label`)
136 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
137 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
138 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Uri                  Method     Description
139 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
140 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
``/im/authenticate`` GET        Authenticate user using token
141 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
142 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
143 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
144 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
145 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
====================  ===========================
146 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Request Header Name   Value
147 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
====================  ===========================
148 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
X-Auth-Token          Authentication token
149 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
====================  ===========================
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151 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Extended information on the user serialized in the json format will be returned:
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153 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
===========================  ============================
154 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Name                         Description
155 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
===========================  ============================
156 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
username                     User uniq identifier
157 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
uniq                         User email (uniq identifier used by Astakos)
158 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
auth_token                   Authentication token
159 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
auth_token_expires           Token expiration date
160 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
auth_token_created           Token creation date
161 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
has_credits                  Whether user has credits
162 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
has_signed_terms             Whether user has aggred on terms
163 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
===========================  ============================
164 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
165 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
Example reply:
166 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
167 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
168 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
169 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
  {"username": "4ad9f34d6e7a4992b34502d40f40cb",
170 462c63e8 Sofia Papagiannaki
  "uniq": ""
171 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
  "auth_token": "0000",
172 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
  "auth_token_expires": "Tue, 11-Sep-2012 09:17:14 ",
173 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
  "auth_token_created": "Sun, 11-Sep-2011 09:17:14 ",
174 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
  "has_credits": false,
175 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
  "has_signed_terms": true}
176 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
177 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
178 890b0eaf Sofia Papagiannaki
179 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
=========================== =====================
180 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
Return Code                 Description
181 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
=========================== =====================
182 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
204 (No Content)            The request succeeded
183 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
400 (Bad Request)           The request is invalid
184 270dd48d Sofia Papagiannaki
401 (Unauthorized)          Missing token or inactive user or penging approval terms
185 863193cb Sofia Papagiannaki
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an internal error
186 d49c2fa0 root
=========================== =====================
187 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
188 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Get Services
189 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
190 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
191 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Returns a json formatted list containing information about the supported cloud services.
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193 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
194 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Uri                  Method     Description
195 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
196 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
``/im/get_services`` GET        Get cloud services
197 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
198 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
199 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Example reply:
200 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
201 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
202 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
203 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
[{"url": "/", "icon": "home-icon.png", "name": "grnet cloud", "id": "cloud"},
204 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/okeanos.html", "name": "~okeanos", "id": "okeanos"},
205 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/ui/", "name": "pithos+", "id": "pithos"}]
206 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
207 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Get Menu
208 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
209 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
210 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Returns a json formatted list containing the cloud bar links. 
211 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
212 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
213 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Uri                  Method     Description
214 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
215 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
``/im/get_menu``     GET        Get cloud bar menu
216 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
==================== =========  ==================
217 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
218 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
219 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
220 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
======================  =========================
221 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
Request Parameter Name  Value
222 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
======================  =========================
223 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
location                Location to pass in the next parameter
224 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
======================  =========================
225 ded3a1b7 Sofia Papagiannaki
226 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Example reply if request user is not authenticated:
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228 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
229 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
230 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
[{"url": "/im/login?next=", "name": "login..."}]
231 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
232 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
Example reply if request user is authenticated:
233 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
234 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
[{"url": "/im/profile", "name": ""},
235 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/im/profile", "name": "view your profile..."},
236 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/im/password", "name": "change your password..."},
237 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/im/feedback", "name": "feedback..."},
238 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
 {"url": "/im/logout", "name": "logout..."}]
239 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
240 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki
241 1ae97c83 Sofia Papagiannaki