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\fontsize{30pt}{40pt}\selectfont e-IRGSP2
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\fontsize{22pt}{30pt}\selectfont {\sc Final Legal Issues Report}
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\fontsize{16pt}{30pt}\selectfont {PUBLIC EU DELIVERABLE: D4.3a}
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    \begin{tabular}{p{0.20\textwidth} p{0.30\textwidth}
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        & Document identifier: & e-IRGSP2\_D4.3a.tex \\
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        & Date: & 28/01/2011 \\
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        & Work Package: & WP4: Legal Issues \\
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        & Lead Partner: & GRNET \\
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        & Document Status: & Approved by the Consortium \\
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        & Document link: & \\
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The document presents a counterpoint analysis of \ac{it} governance
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and \ei{} governance, tailored specifically to the \ei{} audience.
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\ei{} governance issues gain in prominence as, on the one hand, \ei{}s
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grow in importance and cost, and on the other hand many governments
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are re-evaluating their investment in science and technology
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infrastructures under a menacing economic climate. Governance issues,
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including questions of how to make infrastructure more responsive to
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user needs, how to make it more cost effective, and how to align with
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broader corporate goals, have long been discussed in the \ac{it}
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governance literature. It is hoped that by highlighting the important
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parts of this literature for the \ei{}s communities, pertinent results
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of the existing research will be helpful in policy discussions on the
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evolution of \ei{}s in Europe and beyond.
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\emph{Copyright \copyright 2010 Members of the e-IRGSP2 Project.}
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The e-IRGSP2 (``e-IRG Support Programme 2'') project is funded by the
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European Union. For more information on the project please see the
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website \url{}.
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You are permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
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document containing this copyright notice, but modifying this document
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is not allowed. You are permitted to copy this document in whole or in
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part into other documents if you attach the following reference to the
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copied elements: ``Copyright \copyright 2010 Members of the e-IRGSP2
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The information contained in this document represents the views of the
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e-IRGSP2 as of the date they are published. The e-IRGSP2 does not
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guarantee that any information contained herein is error-free, or up
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    \caption*{Delivery Slip}
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      & Name & Partner /\par Work Package & Date & Signature \\ \hline
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      From & Chrysanthi Papoutsi & GRNET/WP4 & 25/01/2011 & \\ \hline
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      Comments & Panos Louridas & GRNET/WP4 & 1/10/2010--\par25/02/2011 & \\
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      \multirow{2}{*}{Reviewed by} & Matti Heikkurinen & ETL/WP2 &
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        24/01/2011 & \\
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        & Leif Laaksonen & CSC/WP2 & 25/01/2011 & \\ \hline
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      Approved by & The Consortium & & 28/01/2011 & \\ \hline
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