
From 12/11/2012 to 01/09/2013


12:47 pm Feature #3120 (Closed): Helpdesk/Manager view
Applied in changeset commit:"a3869982d05d622f0890c5f5d6ed3de617d9d476". Leonidas Poulopoulos


12:38 pm Revision a3869982: Implemented alt login for users and institutions overview. Closes #3120
Implemented alternate login for Helpdesk and Management overview on
Users and Institutions. It is based on a permissi...
Leonidas Poulopoulos
12:25 pm Bug #3148 (Closed): InstRealms can be proxied only to InstServer with ertype in (idp, idpsp)
Applied in changeset commit:"41f676374fc0a2ec8ee7add43b0834b22bb49035". Leonidas Poulopoulos
12:22 pm Revision 34051323: Patch that bypasses invalid parsing on institution.xml parses institutions.xml in a way that does not respect the
respective xsd file (institution.xsd). This pa...
Leonidas Poulopoulos
12:19 pm Revision 41f67637: Fixed an issue with Institution Servers proxying.
Institution Realm can be proxied only to Institution Servers with
ertype IdP or Idp/SP. Fixed a bug where this condit...
Leonidas Poulopoulos


12:46 pm Bug #3148 (Closed): InstRealms can be proxied only to InstServer with ertype in (idp, idpsp)
When adding or editing an InstRealm, the proxyto field should allow choice(s) only among servers with ertype in (idp,... Zenon Mousmoulas


02:30 pm Feature #3144 (Closed): Integration with OAUTH
OAUTH mechanism should be integrated in the platform to enable non R&A users access the configuration portal Yannis Mitsos


05:54 pm Revision b2f8faba: Updated translation strings
Leonidas Poulopoulos
05:46 pm Revision 0f8d1e77: Added managerial overview
Added a managerial overview for a group of users. Implemented an
alternate login mechanism based on LDAP. Will serve ...
Leonidas Poulopoulos
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