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root / htools / Ganeti / Confd / Server.hs @ 19cff311

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1 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
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{-| Implementation of the Ganeti confd server functionality.
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Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
10 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
11 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
15 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
19 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
20 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
21 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
24 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
25 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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28 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Confd.Server
29 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  ( main
30 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  ) where
31 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
32 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Control.Concurrent
33 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad (forever)
34 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
35 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Data.IORef
36 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Data.List
37 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as M
38 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import qualified Network.Socket as S
39 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import System.Posix.Files
40 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import System.Posix.Types
41 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import System.Time
42 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import qualified Text.JSON as J
43 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import System.INotify
44 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
45 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Daemon
46 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.JSON
47 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
48 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
49 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Objects
50 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Confd
51 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Config
52 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Hash
53 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Logging
54 19cff311 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
55 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
56 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- * Types and constants definitions
58 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | What we store as configuration.
60 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
type CRef = IORef (Result (ConfigData, LinkIpMap))
61 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | File stat identifier.
63 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
type FStat = (EpochTime, FileID, FileOffset)
64 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
65 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Null 'FStat' value.
66 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
nullFStat :: FStat
67 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
nullFStat = (-1, -1, -1)
68 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | A small type alias for readability.
70 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
type StatusAnswer = (ConfdReplyStatus, J.JSValue)
71 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Reload model data type.
73 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
data ReloadModel = ReloadNotify      -- ^ We are using notifications
74 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 | ReloadPoll Int    -- ^ We are using polling
75 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   deriving (Eq, Show)
76 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Server state data type.
78 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
data ServerState = ServerState
79 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  { reloadModel  :: ReloadModel
80 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  , reloadTime   :: Integer
81 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  , reloadFStat  :: FStat
82 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Maximum no-reload poll rounds before reverting to inotify.
85 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
maxIdlePollRounds :: Int
86 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
maxIdlePollRounds = 2
87 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Reload timeout in microseconds.
89 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
configReloadTimeout :: Int
90 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
configReloadTimeout = C.confdConfigReloadTimeout * 1000000
91 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Ratelimit timeout in microseconds.
93 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
configReloadRatelimit :: Int
94 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
configReloadRatelimit = C.confdConfigReloadRatelimit * 1000000
95 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Initial poll round.
97 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
initialPoll :: ReloadModel
98 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
initialPoll = ReloadPoll 0
99 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Initial server state.
101 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
initialState :: ServerState
102 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
initialState = ServerState initialPoll 0 nullFStat
103 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Reload status data type.
105 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
data ConfigReload = ConfigToDate    -- ^ No need to reload
106 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  | ConfigReloaded  -- ^ Configuration reloaded
107 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  | ConfigIOError   -- ^ Error during configuration reload
108 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Unknown entry standard response.
110 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryUnknownEntry :: StatusAnswer
111 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryUnknownEntry = (ReplyStatusError, J.showJSON ConfdErrorUnknownEntry)
112 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
113 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
{- not used yet
114 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Internal error standard response.
115 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryInternalError :: StatusAnswer
116 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryInternalError = (ReplyStatusError, J.showJSON ConfdErrorInternal)
117 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
118 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Argument error standard response.
120 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryArgumentError :: StatusAnswer
121 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
queryArgumentError = (ReplyStatusError, J.showJSON ConfdErrorArgument)
122 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Returns the current time.
124 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getCurrentTime :: IO Integer
125 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getCurrentTime = do
126 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  TOD ctime _ <- getClockTime
127 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return ctime
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-- * Confd base functionality
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-- | Returns the HMAC key.
132 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getClusterHmac :: IO HashKey
133 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getClusterHmac = fmap B.unpack $ B.readFile C.confdHmacKey
134 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Computes the node role.
136 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
nodeRole :: ConfigData -> String -> Result ConfdNodeRole
137 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
nodeRole cfg name =
138 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let cmaster = clusterMasterNode . configCluster $ cfg
139 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      mnode = M.lookup name . configNodes $ cfg
140 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  in case mnode of
141 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       Nothing -> Bad "Node not found"
142 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       Just node | cmaster == name -> Ok NodeRoleMaster
143 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 | nodeDrained node -> Ok NodeRoleDrained
144 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 | nodeOffline node -> Ok NodeRoleOffline
145 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 | nodeMasterCandidate node -> Ok NodeRoleCandidate
146 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       _ -> Ok NodeRoleRegular
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-- | Does an instance ip -> instance -> primary node -> primary ip
149 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- transformation.
150 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getNodePipByInstanceIp :: ConfigData
151 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       -> LinkIpMap
152 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       -> String
153 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       -> String
154 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       -> StatusAnswer
155 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getNodePipByInstanceIp cfg linkipmap link instip =
156 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  case M.lookup instip (M.findWithDefault M.empty link linkipmap) of
157 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Nothing -> queryUnknownEntry
158 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Just instname ->
159 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      case getInstPrimaryNode cfg instname of
160 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        Bad _ -> queryUnknownEntry -- either instance or node not found
161 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        Ok node -> (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON (nodePrimaryIp node))
162 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Builds the response to a given query.
164 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
buildResponse :: (ConfigData, LinkIpMap) -> ConfdRequest -> Result StatusAnswer
165 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
buildResponse (cfg, _) (ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqPing }) =
166 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON (configVersion cfg))
167 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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buildResponse cdata req@(ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqClusterMaster }) =
169 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  case confdRqQuery req of
170 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    EmptyQuery -> return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON master_name)
171 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    PlainQuery _ -> return queryArgumentError
172 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    DictQuery reqq -> do
173 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      mnode <- getNode cfg master_name
174 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      let fvals =map (\field -> case field of
175 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                  ReqFieldName -> master_name
176 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                  ReqFieldIp -> clusterMasterIp cluster
177 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                  ReqFieldMNodePip -> nodePrimaryIp mnode
178 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                     ) (confdReqQFields reqq)
179 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON fvals)
180 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    where master_name = clusterMasterNode cluster
181 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          cluster = configCluster cfg
182 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          cfg = fst cdata
183 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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buildResponse cdata req@(ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqNodeRoleByName }) = do
185 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  node_name <- case confdRqQuery req of
186 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 PlainQuery str -> return str
187 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 _ -> fail $ "Invalid query type " ++ show (confdRqQuery req)
188 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  role <- nodeRole (fst cdata) node_name
189 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON role)
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buildResponse cdata (ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqNodePipList }) =
192 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- note: we use foldlWithKey because that's present accross more
193 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- versions of the library
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  return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON $
195 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          M.foldlWithKey (\accu _ n -> nodePrimaryIp n:accu) []
196 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          (configNodes (fst cdata)))
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buildResponse cdata (ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqMcPipList }) =
199 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- note: we use foldlWithKey because that's present accross more
200 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- versions of the library
201 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON $
202 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          M.foldlWithKey (\accu _ n -> if nodeMasterCandidate n
203 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                         then nodePrimaryIp n:accu
204 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                         else accu) []
205 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          (configNodes (fst cdata)))
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buildResponse (cfg, linkipmap)
208 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              req@(ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqInstIpsList }) = do
209 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  link <- case confdRqQuery req of
210 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            PlainQuery str -> return str
211 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            EmptyQuery -> return (getDefaultNicLink cfg)
212 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            _ -> fail "Invalid query type"
213 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (ReplyStatusOk, J.showJSON $ getInstancesIpByLink linkipmap link)
214 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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buildResponse cdata (ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqNodePipByInstPip
216 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                                  , confdRqQuery = DictQuery query}) =
217 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let (cfg, linkipmap) = cdata
218 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      link = maybe (getDefaultNicLink cfg) id (confdReqQLink query)
219 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  in case confdReqQIp query of
220 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       Just ip -> return $ getNodePipByInstanceIp cfg linkipmap link ip
221 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       Nothing -> return (ReplyStatusOk,
222 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                          J.showJSON $
223 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                           map (getNodePipByInstanceIp cfg linkipmap link)
224 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                           (confdReqQIpList query))
225 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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buildResponse _ (ConfdRequest { confdRqType = ReqNodePipByInstPip }) =
227 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return queryArgumentError
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-- | Parses a signed request.
230 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
parseRequest :: HashKey -> String -> Result (String, String, ConfdRequest)
231 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
parseRequest key str = do
232 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  (SignedMessage hmac msg salt) <- fromJResult "parsing request" $ J.decode str
233 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  req <- if verifyMac key (Just salt) msg hmac
234 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
           then fromJResult "parsing message" $ J.decode msg
235 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
           else Bad "HMAC verification failed"
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  return (salt, msg, req)
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-- | Creates a ConfdReply from a given answer.
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serializeResponse :: Result StatusAnswer -> ConfdReply
240 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
serializeResponse r =
241 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    let (status, result) = case r of
242 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                    Bad err -> (ReplyStatusError, J.showJSON err)
243 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                    Ok (code, val) -> (code, val)
244 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    in ConfdReply { confdReplyProtocol = 1
245 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  , confdReplyStatus   = status
246 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  , confdReplyAnswer   = result
247 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  , confdReplySerial   = 0 }
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-- | Signs a message with a given key and salt.
250 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
signMessage :: HashKey -> String -> String -> SignedMessage
251 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
signMessage key salt msg =
252 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  SignedMessage { signedMsgMsg  = msg
253 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                , signedMsgSalt = salt
254 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                , signedMsgHmac = hmac
255 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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    where hmac = computeMac key (Just salt) msg
257 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- * Configuration handling
259 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- ** Helper functions
261 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Helper function for logging transition into polling mode.
263 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
moveToPolling :: String -> INotify -> FilePath -> CRef -> MVar ServerState
264 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              -> IO ReloadModel
265 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
moveToPolling msg inotify path cref mstate = do
266 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  logInfo $ "Moving to polling mode: " ++ msg
267 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let inotiaction = addNotifier inotify path cref mstate
268 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  _ <- forkIO $ onReloadTimer inotiaction path cref mstate
269 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return initialPoll
270 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Helper function for logging transition into inotify mode.
272 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
moveToNotify :: IO ReloadModel
273 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
moveToNotify = do
274 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  logInfo "Moving to inotify mode"
275 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return ReloadNotify
276 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- ** Configuration loading
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-- | (Re)loads the configuration.
280 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
updateConfig :: FilePath -> CRef -> IO ()
281 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
updateConfig path r = do
282 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  newcfg <- loadConfig path
283 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let !newdata = case newcfg of
284 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   Ok !cfg -> Ok (cfg, buildLinkIpInstnameMap cfg)
285 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   Bad _ -> Bad "Cannot load configuration"
286 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  writeIORef r newdata
287 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  case newcfg of
288 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Ok cfg -> logInfo ("Loaded new config, serial " ++
289 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       show (configSerial cfg))
290 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> logError $ "Failed to load config: " ++ msg
291 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return ()
292 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
293 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Wrapper over 'updateConfig' that handles IO errors.
294 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
safeUpdateConfig :: FilePath -> FStat -> CRef -> IO (FStat, ConfigReload)
295 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
safeUpdateConfig path oldfstat cref = do
296 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  catch (do
297 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          nt <- needsReload oldfstat path
298 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
          case nt of
299 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            Nothing -> return (oldfstat, ConfigToDate)
300 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            Just nt' -> do
301 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                    updateConfig path cref
302 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                    return (nt', ConfigReloaded)
303 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        ) (\e -> do
304 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             let msg = "Failure during configuration update: " ++ show e
305 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             writeIORef cref (Bad msg)
306 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             return (nullFStat, ConfigIOError)
307 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
308 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
309 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Computes the file cache data from a FileStatus structure.
310 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
buildFileStatus :: FileStatus -> FStat
311 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
buildFileStatus ofs =
312 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    let modt = modificationTime ofs
313 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        inum = fileID ofs
314 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        fsize = fileSize ofs
315 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    in (modt, inum, fsize)
316 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
317 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Wrapper over 'buildFileStatus'. This reads the data from the
318 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- filesystem and then builds our cache structure.
319 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getFStat :: FilePath -> IO FStat
320 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
getFStat p = getFileStatus p >>= (return . buildFileStatus)
321 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
322 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Check if the file needs reloading
323 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
needsReload :: FStat -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FStat)
324 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
needsReload oldstat path = do
325 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  newstat <- getFStat path
326 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return $ if newstat /= oldstat
327 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             then Just newstat
328 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             else Nothing
329 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- ** Watcher threads
331 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
332 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- $watcher
333 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- We have three threads/functions that can mutate the server state:
334 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
335 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- 1. the long-interval watcher ('onTimeoutTimer')
336 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- 2. the polling watcher ('onReloadTimer')
338 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- 3. the inotify event handler ('onInotify')
340 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
341 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- All of these will mutate the server state under 'modifyMVar' or
342 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- 'modifyMVar_', so that server transitions are more or less
343 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- atomic. The inotify handler remains active during polling mode, but
344 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- checks for polling mode and doesn't do anything in this case (this
345 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- check is needed even if we would unregister the event handler due
346 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- to how events are serialised).
347 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- | Long-interval reload watcher.
349 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
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-- This is on top of the inotify-based triggered reload.
351 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onTimeoutTimer :: IO Bool -> FilePath -> CRef -> MVar ServerState -> IO ()
352 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onTimeoutTimer inotiaction path cref state = do
353 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  threadDelay configReloadTimeout
354 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  modifyMVar_ state (onTimeoutInner path cref)
355 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  _ <- inotiaction
356 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  onTimeoutTimer inotiaction path cref state
357 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
358 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Inner onTimeout handler.
359 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
360 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- This mutates the server state under a modifyMVar_ call. It never
361 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- changes the reload model, just does a safety reload and tried to
362 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- re-establish the inotify watcher.
363 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onTimeoutInner :: FilePath -> CRef -> ServerState -> IO ServerState
364 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onTimeoutInner path cref state  = do
365 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  (newfstat, _) <- safeUpdateConfig path (reloadFStat state) cref
366 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return state { reloadFStat = newfstat }
367 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
368 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Short-interval (polling) reload watcher.
369 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
370 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- This is only active when we're in polling mode; it will
371 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- automatically exit when it detects that the state has changed to
372 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- notification.
373 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onReloadTimer :: IO Bool -> FilePath -> CRef -> MVar ServerState -> IO ()
374 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onReloadTimer inotiaction path cref state = do
375 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  continue <- modifyMVar state (onReloadInner inotiaction path cref)
376 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  if continue
377 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    then do
378 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      threadDelay configReloadRatelimit
379 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      onReloadTimer inotiaction path cref state
380 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    else -- the inotify watch has been re-established, we can exit
381 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      return ()
382 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
383 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Inner onReload handler.
384 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
385 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- This again mutates the state under a modifyMVar call, and also
386 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- returns whether the thread should continue or not.
387 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onReloadInner :: IO Bool -> FilePath -> CRef -> ServerState
388 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              -> IO (ServerState, Bool)
389 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onReloadInner _ _ _ state@(ServerState { reloadModel = ReloadNotify } ) =
390 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (state, False)
391 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onReloadInner inotiaction path cref
392 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              state@(ServerState { reloadModel = ReloadPoll pround } ) = do
393 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  (newfstat, reload) <- safeUpdateConfig path (reloadFStat state) cref
394 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let state' = state { reloadFStat = newfstat }
395 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- compute new poll model based on reload data; however, failure to
396 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- re-establish the inotifier means we stay on polling
397 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  newmode <- case reload of
398 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
               ConfigToDate ->
399 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                 if pround >= maxIdlePollRounds
400 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   then do -- try to switch to notify
401 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                     result <- inotiaction
402 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                     if result
403 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       then moveToNotify
404 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                       else return initialPoll
405 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   else return (ReloadPoll (pround + 1))
406 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
               _ -> return initialPoll
407 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let continue = case newmode of
408 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   ReloadNotify -> False
409 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                   _            -> True
410 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return (state' { reloadModel = newmode }, continue)
411 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
412 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Setup inotify watcher.
413 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
414 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- This tries to setup the watch descriptor; in case of any IO errors,
415 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- it will return False.
416 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
addNotifier :: INotify -> FilePath -> CRef -> MVar ServerState -> IO Bool
417 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
addNotifier inotify path cref mstate = do
418 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  catch (addWatch inotify [CloseWrite] path
419 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                    (onInotify inotify path cref mstate) >> return True)
420 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        (const $ return False)
421 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
422 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Inotify event handler.
423 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onInotify :: INotify -> String -> CRef -> MVar ServerState -> Event -> IO ()
424 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onInotify inotify path cref mstate Ignored = do
425 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  logInfo "File lost, trying to re-establish notifier"
426 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state -> do
427 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    result <- addNotifier inotify path cref mstate
428 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    (newfstat, _) <- safeUpdateConfig path (reloadFStat state) cref
429 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    let state' = state { reloadFStat = newfstat }
430 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    if result
431 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      then return state' -- keep notify
432 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      else do
433 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        mode <- moveToPolling "cannot re-establish inotify watch" inotify
434 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
                  path cref mstate
435 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
        return state' { reloadModel = mode }
436 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
437 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
onInotify inotify path cref mstate _ = do
438 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state ->
439 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    if (reloadModel state == ReloadNotify)
440 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
       then do
441 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         ctime <- getCurrentTime
442 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         (newfstat, _) <- safeUpdateConfig path (reloadFStat state) cref
443 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         let state' = state { reloadFStat = newfstat, reloadTime = ctime }
444 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         if abs (reloadTime state - ctime) <
445 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
            fromIntegral C.confdConfigReloadRatelimit
446 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
           then do
447 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             mode <- moveToPolling "too many reloads" inotify path cref mstate
448 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             return state' { reloadModel = mode }
449 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
           else return state'
450 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      else return state
451 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
452 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- ** Client input/output handlers
453 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
454 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Main loop for a given client.
455 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
responder :: CRef -> S.Socket -> HashKey -> String -> S.SockAddr -> IO ()
456 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
responder cfgref socket hmac msg peer = do
457 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  ctime <- getCurrentTime
458 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  case parseMessage hmac msg ctime of
459 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Ok (origmsg, rq) -> do
460 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              logDebug $ "Processing request: " ++ origmsg
461 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              mcfg <- readIORef cfgref
462 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              let response = respondInner mcfg hmac rq
463 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              _ <- S.sendTo socket response peer
464 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
              return ()
465 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    Bad err -> logInfo $ "Failed to parse incoming message: " ++ err
466 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return ()
467 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
468 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Mesage parsing. This can either result in a good, valid message,
469 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- or fail in the Result monad.
470 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
parseMessage :: HashKey -> String -> Integer
471 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             -> Result (String, ConfdRequest)
472 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
parseMessage hmac msg curtime = do
473 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  (salt, origmsg, request) <- parseRequest hmac msg
474 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  ts <- tryRead "Parsing timestamp" salt::Result Integer
475 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  if (abs (ts - curtime) > (fromIntegral C.confdMaxClockSkew))
476 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    then fail "Too old/too new timestamp or clock skew"
477 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    else return (origmsg, request)
478 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
479 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Inner helper function for a given client. This generates the
480 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- final encoded message (as a string), ready to be sent out to the
481 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- client.
482 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
respondInner :: Result (ConfigData, LinkIpMap) -> HashKey
483 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
             -> ConfdRequest -> String
484 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
respondInner cfg hmac rq =
485 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let rsalt = confdRqRsalt rq
486 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      innermsg = serializeResponse (cfg >>= flip buildResponse rq)
487 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      innerserialised = J.encodeStrict innermsg
488 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      outermsg = signMessage hmac rsalt innerserialised
489 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
      outerserialised = confdMagicFourcc ++ J.encodeStrict outermsg
490 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  in outerserialised
491 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
492 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Main listener loop.
493 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
listener :: S.Socket -> HashKey
494 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         -> (S.Socket -> HashKey -> String -> S.SockAddr -> IO ())
495 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
         -> IO ()
496 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
listener s hmac resp = do
497 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  (msg, _, peer) <- S.recvFrom s 4096
498 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  if confdMagicFourcc `isPrefixOf` msg
499 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    then (forkIO $ resp s hmac (drop 4 msg) peer) >> return ()
500 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
    else logDebug "Invalid magic code!" >> return ()
501 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  return ()
502 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
503 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
-- | Main function.
504 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
main :: DaemonOptions -> IO ()
505 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
main opts = do
506 19cff311 Iustin Pop
  parseresult <- parseAddress opts C.defaultConfdPort
507 19cff311 Iustin Pop
  (af_family, bindaddr) <- exitIfBad parseresult
508 19cff311 Iustin Pop
  s <- S.socket af_family S.Datagram S.defaultProtocol
509 19cff311 Iustin Pop
  S.bindSocket s bindaddr
510 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  cref <- newIORef (Bad "Configuration not yet loaded")
511 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  statemvar <- newMVar initialState
512 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  hmac <- getClusterHmac
513 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- Inotify setup
514 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  inotify <- initINotify
515 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  let inotiaction = addNotifier inotify C.clusterConfFile cref statemvar
516 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- fork the timeout timer
517 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  _ <- forkIO $ onTimeoutTimer inotiaction C.clusterConfFile cref statemvar
518 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- fork the polling timer
519 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  _ <- forkIO $ onReloadTimer inotiaction C.clusterConfFile cref statemvar
520 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  -- and finally enter the responder loop
521 358a0a8f Iustin Pop
  forever $ listener s hmac (responder cref)