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root / htest / Test / Ganeti / OpCodes.hs @ 22381768

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1 aed2325f Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
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{-| Unittests for ganeti-htools.
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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 aed2325f Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 aed2325f Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 aed2325f Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
16 aed2325f Iustin Pop
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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20 aed2325f Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 aed2325f Iustin Pop
22 aed2325f Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 aed2325f Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 aed2325f Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 aed2325f Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
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module Test.Ganeti.OpCodes
30 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  ( testOpCodes
31 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  , OpCodes.OpCode(..)
32 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  ) where
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34 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
35 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import Test.QuickCheck
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import Control.Applicative
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import Data.List
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import qualified Text.JSON as J
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41 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
42 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
43 aed2325f Iustin Pop
44 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
45 aed2325f Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.OpCodes as OpCodes
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{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
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-- * Arbitrary instances
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51 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
instance Arbitrary OpCodes.TagObject where
52 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
  arbitrary = oneof [ OpCodes.TagInstance <$> getFQDN
53 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
                    , OpCodes.TagNode     <$> getFQDN
54 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
                    , OpCodes.TagGroup    <$> getFQDN
55 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
                    , pure OpCodes.TagCluster
56 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
57 367c4241 Dato Simó
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$(genArbitrary ''OpCodes.ReplaceDisksMode)
59 aed2325f Iustin Pop
60 aed2325f Iustin Pop
instance Arbitrary OpCodes.DiskIndex where
61 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  arbitrary = choose (0, C.maxDisks - 1) >>= OpCodes.mkDiskIndex
62 aed2325f Iustin Pop
63 aed2325f Iustin Pop
instance Arbitrary OpCodes.OpCode where
64 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  arbitrary = do
65 aed2325f Iustin Pop
    op_id <- elements OpCodes.allOpIDs
66 aed2325f Iustin Pop
    case op_id of
67 aed2325f Iustin Pop
      "OP_TEST_DELAY" ->
68 aed2325f Iustin Pop
        OpCodes.OpTestDelay <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
69 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                 <*> resize maxNodes (listOf getFQDN)
70 aed2325f Iustin Pop
71 aed2325f Iustin Pop
        OpCodes.OpInstanceReplaceDisks <$> getFQDN <*> getMaybe getFQDN <*>
72 aed2325f Iustin Pop
          arbitrary <*> resize C.maxDisks arbitrary <*> getMaybe getName
73 aed2325f Iustin Pop
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        OpCodes.OpInstanceFailover <$> getFQDN <*> arbitrary <*>
75 aed2325f Iustin Pop
          getMaybe getFQDN
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77 aed2325f Iustin Pop
        OpCodes.OpInstanceMigrate <$> getFQDN <*> arbitrary <*>
78 aed2325f Iustin Pop
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> getMaybe getFQDN
79 3bebda52 Dato Simó
      "OP_TAGS_SET" ->
80 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
        OpCodes.OpTagsSet <$> arbitrary <*> genTags
81 3bebda52 Dato Simó
      "OP_TAGS_DEL" ->
82 d8e7c45e Iustin Pop
        OpCodes.OpTagsSet <$> arbitrary <*> genTags
83 aed2325f Iustin Pop
      _ -> fail "Wrong opcode"
84 aed2325f Iustin Pop
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-- * Test cases
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-- | Check that opcode serialization is idempotent.
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prop_serialization :: OpCodes.OpCode -> Property
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prop_serialization = testSerialisation
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-- | Check that Python and Haskell defined the same opcode list.
92 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
case_AllDefined :: HUnit.Assertion
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case_AllDefined = do
94 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  py_stdout <- runPython "from ganeti import opcodes\n\
95 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                         \print '\\n'.join(opcodes.OP_MAPPING.keys())" "" >>=
96 aed2325f Iustin Pop
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  let py_ops = sort $ lines py_stdout
98 aed2325f Iustin Pop
      hs_ops = OpCodes.allOpIDs
99 aed2325f Iustin Pop
      -- extra_py = py_ops \\ hs_ops
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      extra_hs = hs_ops \\ py_ops
101 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  -- FIXME: uncomment when we have parity
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  -- HUnit.assertBool ("OpCodes missing from Haskell code:\n" ++
103 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  --                  unlines extra_py) (null extra_py)
104 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  HUnit.assertBool ("Extra OpCodes in the Haskell code code:\n" ++
105 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                    unlines extra_hs) (null extra_hs)
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-- | Custom HUnit test case that forks a Python process and checks
108 aed2325f Iustin Pop
-- correspondence between Haskell-generated OpCodes and their Python
109 aed2325f Iustin Pop
-- decoded, validated and re-encoded version.
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111 aed2325f Iustin Pop
-- Note that we have a strange beast here: since launching Python is
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-- expensive, we don't do this via a usual QuickProperty, since that's
113 aed2325f Iustin Pop
-- slow (I've tested it, and it's indeed quite slow). Rather, we use a
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-- single HUnit assertion, and in it we manually use QuickCheck to
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-- generate 500 opcodes times the number of defined opcodes, which
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-- then we pass in bulk to Python. The drawbacks to this method are
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-- two fold: we cannot control the number of generated opcodes, since
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-- HUnit assertions don't get access to the test options, and for the
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-- same reason we can't run a repeatable seed. We should probably find
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-- a better way to do this, for example by having a
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-- separately-launched Python process (if not running the tests would
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-- be skipped).
123 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
case_py_compat :: HUnit.Assertion
124 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
case_py_compat = do
125 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  let num_opcodes = length OpCodes.allOpIDs * 500
126 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  sample_opcodes <- sample' (vectorOf num_opcodes
127 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                             (arbitrary::Gen OpCodes.OpCode))
128 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  let opcodes = head sample_opcodes
129 aed2325f Iustin Pop
      serialized = J.encode opcodes
130 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  py_stdout <-
131 aed2325f Iustin Pop
     runPython "from ganeti import opcodes\n\
132 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \import sys\n\
133 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \from ganeti import serializer\n\
134 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \op_data = serializer.Load(\n\
135 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \decoded = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(o) for o in op_data]\n\
136 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \for op in decoded:\n\
137 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \  op.Validate(True)\n\
138 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \encoded = [op.__getstate__() for op in decoded]\n\
139 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               \print serializer.Dump(encoded)" serialized
140 aed2325f Iustin Pop
     >>= checkPythonResult
141 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  let deserialised = J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [OpCodes.OpCode]
142 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  decoded <- case deserialised of
143 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               J.Ok ops -> return ops
144 aed2325f Iustin Pop
               J.Error msg ->
145 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                 HUnit.assertFailure ("Unable to decode opcodes: " ++ msg)
146 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                 -- this already raised an expection, but we need it
147 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                 -- for proper types
148 aed2325f Iustin Pop
                 >> fail "Unable to decode opcodes"
149 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned opcodes"
150 aed2325f Iustin Pop
    (length opcodes) (length decoded)
151 aed2325f Iustin Pop
  mapM_ (uncurry (HUnit.assertEqual "Different result after encoding/decoding")
152 aed2325f Iustin Pop
        ) $ zip opcodes decoded
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154 aed2325f Iustin Pop
testSuite "OpCodes"
155 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            [ 'prop_serialization
156 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'case_AllDefined
157 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'case_py_compat
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