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<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
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      <holder>Google Inc.</holder>
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    <refmiscinfo>ganeti 2.0</refmiscinfo>
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    <refpurpose>cluster-based virtualization management</refpurpose>
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# gnt-cluster init
44 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# gnt-node add
45 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
# gnt-instance add -n \
46 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
&gt; -o debootstrap --disk 0:size=30g \
47 a8083063 Iustin Pop
&gt; -t plain
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      The ganeti software manages physical nodes and virtual instances
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      of a cluster based on a virtualization software. The current
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      version (2.0) supports Xen 3.0 (also tested with 3.1) and KVM
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    <title>Quick start</title>
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      First you must install the software on all the cluster nodes,
66 a8083063 Iustin Pop
      either from sources or (if available) from a package. The next
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      step is to create the initial cluster configuration, using
68 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      <userinput>gnt-cluster init</userinput>.
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      Then you can add other nodes, or start creating instances.
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    <title>Cluster architecture</title>
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      In Ganeti 2.0, the architecture of the cluster is a little more
82 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      complicated than in 1.2. The cluster is coordinated by a master
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      daemon (<citerefentry>
84 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
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      <manvolnum>8</manvolnum> </citerefentry>), running on the master
86 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      node. Each node runs (as before) a node daemon, and the master
87 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      has the <acronym>RAPI</acronym> daemon running too.
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      <title>Node roles</title>
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      <para>Each node can be in one of the following states:
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              <para>The node receives the full cluster configuration
99 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              (configuration file and jobs) and can become a master
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              via the <command>gnt-cluster masterfailover</command>
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              command. Nodes that are not in this state cannot
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              transition into the master role due to missing
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              <para>This the normal state of a node.</para>
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              <para>Nodes in this state are functioning normally but
116 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              cannot receive new instance, because the intention is to
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              set them to <emphasis>offline</emphasis> or remove them
118 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              from the cluster.</para>
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              <para>These nodes are still recorder in the ganeti
125 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              configuration, but except for the master daemon startup
126 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              voting procedure, they are not actually contacted by the
127 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              master. This state was added in order to allow broken
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              machines (that are being repaired) to remain in the
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              cluster but without creating problems.</para>
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      <title>Cluster configuration</title>
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      <para>The master node keeps and is responsible for the cluster
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      configuration. On the filesystem, this is stored under the
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      directory, and if the master daemon is stopped it can be backed
144 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      up normally.</para>
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      <para>The master daemon will replicate the configuration
147 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      database called <filename></filename> and the job
148 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      files to all the nodes in the master candidate role. It will
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      also distribute a copy of some configuration values via the
150 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      <emphasis>ssconf</emphasis> files, which are stored in the same
151 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
      directory and start with <filename>ssconf_</filename> prefix, to
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      all nodes.</para>
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        All cluster modification are done via jobs. A job consists of
161 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
        one or more opcodes, and the list of opcodes is processed
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        serially. If an opcode fails, the entire job is failed and
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        later opcodes are no longer processed. A job can be in one of
164 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
        the following states:
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              <simpara>The job has been submitted but not yet
170 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              processed by the master daemon.</simpara>
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              <simpara>The job is waiting for for locks before the
177 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              first of its opcodes.</simpara>
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              <para>The jos is waiting for locks, but is has been
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              marked for cancelation. It will not transition to
185 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              <emphasis>running</emphasis>, but to
186 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
187 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
188 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
189 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
190 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
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              <simpara>The job is currently being executed.</simpara>
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              <para>The job has been canceled before starting
200 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
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              <para>The job has finished successfully.</para>
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              <para>The job has failed during runtime, or the master
213 d3b4cf9f Iustin Pop
              daemon has been stopped during the job execution.</para>
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<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
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Local variables:
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mode: sgml
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