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1 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
gnt-node(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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gnt-node - Node administration
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**gnt-node** {command} [arguments...]
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The **gnt-node** is used for managing the (physical) nodes in the
18 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Ganeti system.
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26 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| **add** [--readd] [{-s|--secondary-ip} *secondary\_ip*]
27 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [{-g|--node-group} *nodegroup*]
28 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
| [--master-capable=``yes|no``] [--vm-capable=``yes|no``]
29 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
| [--node-parameters *ndparams*]
30 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
| {*nodename*}
31 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
32 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Adds the given node to the cluster.
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34 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
This command is used to join a new node to the cluster. You will
35 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
have to provide the password for root of the node to be able to add
36 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the node in the cluster. The command needs to be run on the Ganeti
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Note that the command is potentially destructive, as it will
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forcibly join the specified host the cluster, not paying attention
41 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
to its current status (it could be already in a cluster, etc.)
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43 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The ``-s (--secondary-ip)`` is used in dual-home clusters and
44 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
specifies the new node's IP in the secondary network. See the
45 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
discussion in **gnt-cluster**(8) for more information.
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In case you're readding a node after hardware failure, you can use
48 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the ``--readd`` parameter. In this case, you don't need to pass the
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secondary IP again, it will reused from the cluster. Also, the
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drained and offline flags of the node will be cleared before
51 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
re-adding it.
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53 61413377 Stephen Shirley
The ``--force-join`` option is to proceed with adding a node even if it already
54 61413377 Stephen Shirley
appears to belong to another cluster. This is used during cluster merging, for
55 61413377 Stephen Shirley
56 61413377 Stephen Shirley
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The ``-g (--node-group)`` option is used to add the new node into a
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specific node group, specified by UUID or name. If only one node group
59 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
exists you can skip this option, otherwise it's mandatory.
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61 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
The ``vm_capable``, ``master_capable`` and ``ndparams`` options are
62 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
described in **ganeti**(7), and are used to set the properties of the
63 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
new node.
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    # gnt-node add
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    # gnt-node add -s
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    # gnt-node add -g group2 -s
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**add-tags** [--from *file*] {*nodename*} {*tag*...}
76 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
77 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Add tags to the given node. If any of the tags contains invalid
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characters, the entire operation will abort.
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If the ``--from`` option is given, the list of tags will be
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extended with the contents of that file (each line becomes a tag).
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In this case, there is not need to pass tags on the command line
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(if you do, both sources will be used). A file name of - will be
84 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
interpreted as stdin.
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**evacuate** [-f] [--early-release] [--iallocator *NAME* \|
90 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
--new-secondary *destination\_node*]
91 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
[--primary-only \| --secondary-only] [--early-release] {*node*}
92 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
93 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
This command will move instances away from the given node. If
94 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
``--primary-only`` is given, only primary instances are evacuated, with
95 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
``--secondary-only`` only secondaries. If neither is given, all
96 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
instances are evacuated. It works only for instances having a drbd disk
97 aafee533 Michael Hanselmann
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The new location for the instances can be specified in two ways:
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- as a single node for all instances, via the ``-n (--new-secondary)``
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- or via the ``-I (--iallocator)`` option, giving a script name as
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  parameter, so each instance will be in turn placed on the (per the
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  script) optimal node
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The ``--early-release`` changes the code so that the old storage on
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node being evacuated is removed early (before the resync is
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completed) and the internal Ganeti locks are also released for both
111 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the current secondary and the new secondary, thus allowing more
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parallelism in the cluster operation. This should be used only when
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recovering from a disk failure on the current secondary (thus the
114 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
old storage is already broken) or when the storage on the primary
115 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
node is known to be fine (thus we won't need the old storage for
116 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
potential recovery).
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120 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
    # gnt-node evacuate -I hail
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**failover** [-f] [--ignore-consistency] {*node*}
127 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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This command will fail over all instances having the given node as
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primary to their secondary nodes. This works only for instances having
130 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
a drbd disk template.
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Normally the failover will check the consistency of the disks before
133 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
failing over the instance. If you are trying to migrate instances off
134 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
a dead node, this will fail. Use the ``--ignore-consistency`` option
135 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
for this purpose.
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    # gnt-node failover
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**info** [*node*...]
146 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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Show detailed information about the nodes in the cluster. If you
148 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
don't give any arguments, all nodes will be shows, otherwise the
149 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
output will be restricted to the given names.
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154 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
| **list**
155 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [--no-headers] [--separator=*SEPARATOR*]
156 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [--units=*UNITS*] [-v] [{-o|--output} *[+]FIELD,...*]
157 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
| [--filter]
158 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [node...]
159 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
160 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Lists the nodes in the cluster.
161 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
162 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The
163 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be
164 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used between the output fields. Both these options are to help
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The units used to display the numeric values in the output varies,
168 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
depending on the options given. By default, the values will be
169 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
formatted in the most appropriate unit. If the ``--separator``
170 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
option is given, then the values are shown in mebibytes to allow
171 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
parsing by scripts. In both cases, the ``--units`` option can be
172 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used to enforce a given output unit.
173 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
174 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
Queries of nodes will be done in parallel with any running jobs. This might
175 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
give inconsistent results for the free disk/memory.
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177 f0b1bafe Iustin Pop
The ``-v`` option activates verbose mode, which changes the display of
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special field states (see **ganeti(7)**).
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180 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The ``-o (--output)`` option takes a comma-separated list of output
181 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
fields. The available fields and their meaning are:
182 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
183 fcdb582d Michael Hanselmann
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185 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
If the value of the option starts with the character ``+``, the new
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fields will be added to the default list. This allows one to quickly
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see the default list plus a few other fields, instead of retyping
188 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the entire list of fields.
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190 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
Note that some of these fields are known from the configuration of the
191 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
cluster (e.g. ``name``, ``pinst``, ``sinst``, ``pip``, ``sip``) and thus
192 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
the master does not need to contact the node for this data (making the
193 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
listing fast if only fields from this set are selected), whereas the
194 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
other fields are "live" fields and require a query to the cluster nodes.
195 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
196 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
Depending on the virtualization type and implementation details, the
197 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
``mtotal``, ``mnode`` and ``mfree`` fields may have slighly varying
198 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
meanings. For example, some solutions share the node memory with the
199 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
pool of memory used for instances (KVM), whereas others have separate
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memory for the node and for the instances (Xen).
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202 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
If exactly one argument is given and it appears to be a query filter
203 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
(see **ganeti(7)**), the query result is filtered accordingly. For
204 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
ambiguous cases (e.g. a single field name as a filter) the ``--filter``
205 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
(``-F``) option forces the argument to be treated as a filter (e.g.
206 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
``gnt-node list -F master_candidate``).
207 2afd577f Michael Hanselmann
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If no node names are given, then all nodes are queried. Otherwise,
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only the given nodes will be listed.
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211 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
212 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
213 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
214 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
215 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
**list-fields** [field...]
216 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
217 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
Lists available fields for nodes.
218 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
219 7f5443a0 Michael Hanselmann
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221 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
222 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
223 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
**list-tags** {*nodename*}
224 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
225 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
List the tags of the given node.
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**migrate** [-f] [--non-live] [--migration-mode=live\|non-live]
231 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
232 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
233 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
This command will migrate all instances having the given node as
234 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
primary to their secondary nodes. This works only for instances
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having a drbd disk template.
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As for the **gnt-instance migrate** command, the options
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``--no-live`` and ``--migration-mode`` can be given to influence
239 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the migration type.
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    # gnt-node migrate
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247 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
248 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
249 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| **modify** [-f] [--submit]
250 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [{-C|--master-candidate} ``yes|no``]
251 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [{-D|--drained} ``yes|no``] [{-O|--offline} ``yes|no``]
252 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [--master-capable=``yes|no``] [--vm-capable=``yes|no``] [--auto-promote]
253 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [{-s|--secondary-ip} *secondary_ip*]
254 4e37f591 René Nussbaumer
| [--node-parameters *ndparams*]
255 dd94e9f6 René Nussbaumer
| [--node-powered=``yes|no``]
256 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| {*node*}
257 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
258 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
This command changes the role of the node. Each options takes
259 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
either a literal yes or no, and only one option should be given as
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yes. The meaning of the roles and flags are described in the
261 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
manpage **ganeti**(7).
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263 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The option ``--node-powered`` can be used to modify state-of-record if
264 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
it doesn't reflect the reality anymore.
265 dd94e9f6 René Nussbaumer
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In case a node is demoted from the master candidate role, the
267 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
operation will be refused unless you pass the ``--auto-promote``
268 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
option. This option will cause the operation to lock all cluster nodes
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(thus it will not be able to run in parallel with most other jobs),
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but it allows automated maintenance of the cluster candidate pool. If
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locking all cluster node is too expensive, another option is to
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promote manually another node to master candidate before demoting the
273 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
current one.
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Example (setting a node offline, which will demote it from master
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candidate role if is in that role)::
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    # gnt-node modify --offline=yes
279 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
280 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The ``-s (--secondary-ip)`` option can be used to change the node's
281 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
secondary ip. No drbd instances can be running on the node, while this
282 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
operation is taking place.
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284 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Example (setting the node back to online and master candidate)::
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    # gnt-node modify --offline=no --master-candidate=yes
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**remove** {*nodename*}
293 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
294 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Removes a node from the cluster. Instances must be removed or
295 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
migrated to another cluster before.
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299 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    # gnt-node remove
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302 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
303 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
304 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
305 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
**remove-tags** [--from *file*] {*nodename*} {*tag*...}
306 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
307 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Remove tags from the given node. If any of the tags are not
308 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
existing on the node, the entire operation will abort.
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310 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
If the ``--from`` option is given, the list of tags to be removed will
311 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
be extended with the contents of that file (each line becomes a tag).
312 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
In this case, there is not need to pass tags on the command line (if
313 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
you do, tags from both sources will be removed). A file name of - will
314 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
be interpreted as stdin.
315 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
316 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
317 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
318 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
319 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| **volumes** [--no-headers] [--human-readable]
320 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [--separator=*SEPARATOR*] [{-o|--output} *FIELDS*]
321 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [*node*...]
322 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
323 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Lists all logical volumes and their physical disks from the node(s)
324 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
325 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
326 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The
327 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be
328 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used between the output fields. Both these options are to help
329 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
330 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
331 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The units used to display the numeric values in the output varies,
332 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
depending on the options given. By default, the values will be
333 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
formatted in the most appropriate unit. If the ``--separator``
334 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
option is given, then the values are shown in mebibytes to allow
335 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
parsing by scripts. In both cases, the ``--units`` option can be
336 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used to enforce a given output unit.
337 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
338 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The ``-o (--output)`` option takes a comma-separated list of output
339 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
fields. The available fields and their meaning are:
340 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
341 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
342 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the node name on which the volume exists
343 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
344 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
345 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the physical drive (on which the LVM physical volume lives)
346 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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348 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the volume group name
349 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
350 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
351 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the logical volume name
352 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
353 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
354 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the logical volume size
355 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
356 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
357 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    The name of the instance to which this volume belongs, or (in case
358 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    it's an orphan volume) the character "-"
359 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
360 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
361 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
362 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
363 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    # gnt-node volumes
364 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    Node              PhysDev   VG    Name                                 Size Instance
365 7db441e6 Iustin Pop /dev/hdc1 xenvg 128
366 7db441e6 Iustin Pop /dev/hdc1 xenvg 256
367 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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| **list-storage** [--no-headers] [--human-readable]
373 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [--separator=*SEPARATOR*] [--storage-type=*STORAGE\_TYPE*]
374 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
| [{-o|--output} *FIELDS*]
375 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
| [*node*...]
376 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
377 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Lists the available storage units and their details for the given
378 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
379 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
380 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The
381 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be
382 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used between the output fields. Both these options are to help
383 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
384 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
385 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The units used to display the numeric values in the output varies,
386 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
depending on the options given. By default, the values will be
387 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
formatted in the most appropriate unit. If the ``--separator``
388 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
option is given, then the values are shown in mebibytes to allow
389 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
parsing by scripts. In both cases, the ``--units`` option can be
390 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
used to enforce a given output unit.
391 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
392 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
The ``--storage-type`` option can be used to choose a storage unit
393 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
type. Possible choices are lvm-pv, lvm-vg or file.
394 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
395 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
The ``-o (--output)`` option takes a comma-separated list of output
396 0a68e0ff Iustin Pop
fields. The available fields and their meaning are:
397 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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399 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the node name on which the volume exists
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    the type of the storage unit (currently just what is passed in via
403 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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406 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    the path/identifier of the storage unit
407 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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    total size of the unit; for the file type see a note below
410 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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    used space in the unit; for the file type see a note below
413 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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    available disk space
416 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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    whether we the unit is available for allocation (only lvm-pv can
419 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    change this setting, the other types always report true)
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421 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
422 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Note that for the "file" type, the total disk space might not equal
423 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
to the sum of used and free, due to the method Ganeti uses to
424 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
compute each of them. The total and free values are computed as the
425 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
total and free space values for the filesystem to which the
426 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
directory belongs, but the used space is computed from the used
427 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
space under that directory *only*, which might not be necessarily
428 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
the root of the filesystem, and as such there could be files
429 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
outside the file storage directory using disk space and causing a
430 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
mismatch in the values.
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433 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
434 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    node1# gnt-node list-storage node2
435 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    Node  Type   Name        Size Used   Free Allocatable
436 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    node2 lvm-pv /dev/sda7 673.8G 1.5G 672.3G Y
437 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    node2 lvm-pv /dev/sdb1 698.6G   0M 698.6G Y
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443 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
**modify-storage** [``--allocatable=yes|no``]
444 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
{*node*} {*storage-type*} {*volume-name*}
445 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
446 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Modifies storage volumes on a node. Only LVM physical volumes can
447 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
be modified at the moment. They have a storage type of "lvm-pv".
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449 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
450 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
451 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    # gnt-node modify-storage --allocatable no lvm-pv /dev/sdb1
452 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
453 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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457 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
**repair-storage** [--ignore-consistency] {*node*} {*storage-type*}
458 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
459 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
460 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
Repairs a storage volume on a node. Only LVM volume groups can be
461 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
repaired at this time. They have the storage type "lvm-vg".
462 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
463 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
On LVM volume groups, **repair-storage** runs "vgreduce
464 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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**Caution:** Running this command can lead to data loss. Use it with
469 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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The ``--ignore-consistency`` option will ignore any inconsistent
472 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
disks (on the nodes paired with this one). Use of this option is
473 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
most likely to lead to data-loss.
474 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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476 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
477 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
    # gnt-node repair-storage lvm-vg xenvg
478 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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**powercycle** [``--yes``] [``--force``] {*node*}
484 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
485 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
This commands (tries to) forcefully reboot a node. It is a command
486 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
that can be used if the node environemnt is broken, such that the
487 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
admin can no longer login over ssh, but the Ganeti node daemon is
488 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
still working.
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Note that this command is not guaranteed to work; it depends on the
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hypervisor how effective is the reboot attempt. For Linux, this
492 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
command require that the kernel option CONFIG\_MAGIC\_SYSRQ is
493 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
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The ``--yes`` option can be used to skip confirmation, while the
496 7db441e6 Iustin Pop
``--force`` option is needed if the target node is the master
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498 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
499 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
500 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
501 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
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**power** [``--force``] [``--ignore-status``] [``--all``]
503 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
[``--power-delay``] on|off|cycle|status [*nodes*]
504 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
505 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
This commands calls out to out-of-band management to change the power
506 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
state of given node. With ``status`` you get the power status as reported
507 abefdcff René Nussbaumer
by the out-of-band managment script.
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509 bee8c465 Iustin Pop
Note that this command will only work if the out-of-band functionality
510 bee8c465 Iustin Pop
is configured and enabled on the cluster. If this is not the case,
511 bee8c465 Iustin Pop
please use the **powercycle** command above.
512 b497a636 René Nussbaumer
513 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
Using ``--force`` you skip the confirmation to do the operation.
514 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
Currently this only has effect on ``off`` and ``cycle``. On those two
515 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
you can *not* operate on the master. However, the command will provide
516 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
you with the command to invoke to operate on the master nerver-mind.
517 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
This is considered harmful and Ganeti does not support the use of it.
518 b497a636 René Nussbaumer
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Providing ``--ignore-status`` will ignore the offline=N state of a node
520 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
and continue with power off.
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``--power-delay`` specifies the time in seconds (factions allowed)
523 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
waited between powering on the next node. This is by default 2 seconds
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but can increased if needed with this option.
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526 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
*nodes* are optional. If not provided it will call out for every node in
527 0a1fc31c René Nussbaumer
the cluster. Except for the ``off`` and ``cycle`` command where you've
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to explicit use ``--all`` to select all.
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**health** [*nodes*]
535 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
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This commands calls out to out-pf-band management to ask for the health status
537 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
of all or given nodes. The health contains the node name and then the items
538 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
element with their status in a ``item=status`` manner. Where ``item`` is script
539 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
specific and ``status`` can be one of ``OK``, ``WARNING``, ``CRITICAL`` or
540 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
``UNKNOWN``. Items with status ``WARNING`` or ``CRITICAL`` are logged and
541 a0724772 René Nussbaumer
annotated in the command line output.
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