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root / htest / Test / Ganeti / HTools / Cluster.hs @ 39f0eea5

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1 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
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{-| Unittests for ganeti-htools.
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10 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
11 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
12 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
16 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
17 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
20 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
22 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
26 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
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29 e09c1fa0 Iustin Pop
module Test.Ganeti.HTools.Cluster (testHTools_Cluster) where
30 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
31 01e52493 Iustin Pop
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Result)
32 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
33 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
34 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Data.Maybe
35 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
36 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
37 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
38 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestHTools
39 fb243105 Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Instance ( genInstanceSmallerThanNode
40 fb243105 Iustin Pop
                                   , genInstanceSmallerThan )
41 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Node (genOnlineNode, genNode)
42 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
43 01e52493 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
44 879d9290 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.IAlloc as IAlloc
45 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
46 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
47 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
48 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
49 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
50 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
51 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
52 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
53 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
54 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- * Helpers
55 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
56 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Make a small cluster, both nodes and instances.
57 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
makeSmallEmptyCluster :: Node.Node -> Int -> Instance.Instance
58 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                      -> (Node.List, Instance.List, Instance.Instance)
59 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
makeSmallEmptyCluster node count inst =
60 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  (makeSmallCluster node count, Container.empty,
61 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
   setInstanceSmallerThanNode node inst)
62 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
63 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks if a node is "big" enough.
64 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
isNodeBig :: Int -> Node.Node -> Bool
65 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
isNodeBig size node = Node.availDisk node > size * Types.unitDsk
66 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                      && Node.availMem node > size * Types.unitMem
67 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                      && Node.availCpu node > size * Types.unitCpu
68 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
69 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
canBalance :: Cluster.Table -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
70 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
canBalance tbl dm im evac = isJust $ Cluster.tryBalance tbl dm im evac 0 0
71 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
72 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Assigns a new fresh instance to a cluster; this is not
73 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- allocation, so no resource checks are done.
74 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
assignInstance :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> Instance.Instance ->
75 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                  Types.Idx -> Types.Idx ->
76 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                  (Node.List, Instance.List)
77 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
assignInstance nl il inst pdx sdx =
78 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let pnode = Container.find pdx nl
79 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      snode = Container.find sdx nl
80 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      maxiidx = if Container.null il
81 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                  then 0
82 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                  else fst (Container.findMax il) + 1
83 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      inst' = inst { Instance.idx = maxiidx,
84 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                     Instance.pNode = pdx, Instance.sNode = sdx }
85 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      pnode' = Node.setPri pnode inst'
86 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      snode' = Node.setSec snode inst'
87 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nl' = Container.addTwo pdx pnode' sdx snode' nl
88 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      il' = Container.add maxiidx inst' il
89 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in (nl', il')
90 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
91 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks if an instance is mirrored.
92 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
isMirrored :: Instance.Instance -> Bool
93 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
isMirrored = (/= Types.MirrorNone) . Instance.mirrorType
94 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
95 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Returns the possible change node types for a disk template.
96 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
evacModeOptions :: Types.MirrorType -> [Types.EvacMode]
97 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
evacModeOptions Types.MirrorNone     = []
98 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
evacModeOptions Types.MirrorInternal = [minBound..maxBound] -- DRBD can do all
99 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
evacModeOptions Types.MirrorExternal = [Types.ChangePrimary, Types.ChangeAll]
100 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
101 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- * Test cases
102 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
103 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Check that the cluster score is close to zero for a homogeneous
104 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- cluster.
105 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Score_Zero :: Node.Node -> Property
106 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Score_Zero node =
107 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (1, 1024)) $ \count ->
108 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    (not (Node.offline node) && not (Node.failN1 node) && (count > 0) &&
109 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     (Node.tDsk node > 0) && (Node.tMem node > 0)) ==>
110 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let fn = Node.buildPeers node Container.empty
111 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nlst = replicate count fn
112 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      score = Cluster.compCVNodes nlst
113 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  -- we can't say == 0 here as the floating point errors accumulate;
114 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  -- this should be much lower than the default score in CLI.hs
115 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in score <= 1e-12
116 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
117 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Check that cluster stats are sane.
118 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CStats_sane :: Property
119 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CStats_sane =
120 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (1, 1024)) $ \count ->
121 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
122 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let fn = Node.buildPeers node Container.empty
123 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nlst = zip [1..] $ replicate count fn::[(Types.Ndx, Node.Node)]
124 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nl = Container.fromList nlst
125 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      cstats = Cluster.totalResources nl
126 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in Cluster.csAdsk cstats >= 0 &&
127 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     Cluster.csAdsk cstats <= Cluster.csFdsk cstats
128 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
129 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Check that one instance is allocated correctly, without
130 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- rebalances needed.
131 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Alloc_sane :: Instance.Instance -> Property
132 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Alloc_sane inst =
133 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (5, 20)) $ \count ->
134 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
135 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let (nl, il, inst') = makeSmallEmptyCluster node count inst
136 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      reqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
137 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>=
138 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     Cluster.tryAlloc nl il inst' of
139 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest msg
140 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok as ->
141 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         case Cluster.asSolution as of
142 650e5aa4 Iustin Pop
           Nothing -> failTest "Failed to allocate, empty solution"
143 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
           Just (xnl, xi, _, cv) ->
144 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             let il' = Container.add (Instance.idx xi) xi il
145 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                 tbl = Cluster.Table xnl il' cv []
146 650e5aa4 Iustin Pop
             in printTestCase "Cluster can be balanced after allocation"
147 650e5aa4 Iustin Pop
                  (not (canBalance tbl True True False)) .&&.
148 650e5aa4 Iustin Pop
                printTestCase "Solution score differs from actual node list:"
149 650e5aa4 Iustin Pop
                  (Cluster.compCV xnl ==? cv)
150 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
151 d83903ee Iustin Pop
-- | Check that multiple instances can allocated correctly, without
152 d83903ee Iustin Pop
-- rebalances needed.
153 d83903ee Iustin Pop
prop_IterateAlloc_sane :: Instance.Instance -> Property
154 d83903ee Iustin Pop
prop_IterateAlloc_sane inst =
155 d83903ee Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (5, 10)) $ \count ->
156 d83903ee Iustin Pop
  forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
157 d83903ee Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (2, 5)) $ \limit ->
158 d83903ee Iustin Pop
  let (nl, il, inst') = makeSmallEmptyCluster node count inst
159 d83903ee Iustin Pop
      reqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
160 d83903ee Iustin Pop
      allocnodes = Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True
161 d83903ee Iustin Pop
  in case allocnodes >>= \allocnodes' ->
162 d83903ee Iustin Pop
     Cluster.iterateAlloc nl il (Just limit) inst' allocnodes' [] [] of
163 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest msg
164 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, xnl, xil, _, _) ->
165 d83903ee Iustin Pop
         let old_score = Cluster.compCV xnl
166 d83903ee Iustin Pop
             tbl = Cluster.Table xnl xil old_score []
167 d83903ee Iustin Pop
         in case Cluster.tryBalance tbl True True False 0 1e-4 of
168 d83903ee Iustin Pop
              Nothing -> passTest
169 d83903ee Iustin Pop
              Just (Cluster.Table ynl _ new_score plcs) ->
170 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- note that with a "min_gain" of zero, sometime
171 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- rounding errors can trigger a rebalance that
172 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- improves the score by e.g. 2e-14; in order to
173 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- prevent such no-real-change moves from happening,
174 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- we check for a min-gain of 1e-9
175 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                -- FIXME: correct rebalancing to not do no-ops
176 d83903ee Iustin Pop
177 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                  ("Cluster can be balanced after allocation\n" ++
178 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   " old cluster (score " ++ show old_score ++
179 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   "):\n" ++ Cluster.printNodes xnl [] ++
180 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   " new cluster (score " ++ show new_score ++
181 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   "):\n" ++ Cluster.printNodes ynl [] ++
182 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   "placements:\n" ++ show plcs ++ "\nscore delta: " ++
183 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                   show (old_score - new_score))
184 d83903ee Iustin Pop
                  (old_score - new_score < 1e-9)
185 d83903ee Iustin Pop
186 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks that on a 2-5 node cluster, we can allocate a random
187 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- instance spec via tiered allocation (whatever the original instance
188 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- spec), on either one or two nodes. Furthermore, we test that
189 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- computed allocation statistics are correct.
190 fb243105 Iustin Pop
prop_CanTieredAlloc :: Property
191 fb243105 Iustin Pop
prop_CanTieredAlloc =
192 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (2, 5)) $ \count ->
193 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
194 fb243105 Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThan
195 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            (Node.availMem  node + Types.unitMem * 2)
196 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            (Node.availDisk node + Types.unitDsk * 3)
197 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            (Node.availCpu  node + Types.unitCpu * 4)) $ \inst ->
198 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
199 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      il = Container.empty
200 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      rqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
201 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      allocnodes = Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl rqnodes True
202 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case allocnodes >>= \allocnodes' ->
203 fb243105 Iustin Pop
    Cluster.tieredAlloc nl il (Just 5) inst allocnodes' [] [] of
204 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to tiered alloc: " ++ msg
205 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, nl', il', ixes, cstats) ->
206 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         let (ai_alloc, ai_pool, ai_unav) =
207 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
208 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                (Cluster.totalResources nl)
209 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                (Cluster.totalResources nl')
210 fb243105 Iustin Pop
             all_nodes fn = sum $ map fn (Container.elems nl)
211 fb243105 Iustin Pop
             all_res fn = sum $ map fn [ai_alloc, ai_pool, ai_unav]
212 fb243105 Iustin Pop
         in conjoin
213 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            [ printTestCase "No instances allocated" $ not (null ixes)
214 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , IntMap.size il' ==? length ixes
215 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , length ixes     ==? length cstats
216 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , all_res Types.allocInfoVCpus ==? all_nodes Node.hiCpu
217 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , all_res Types.allocInfoNCpus ==? all_nodes Node.tCpu
218 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , all_res Types.allocInfoMem   ==? truncate (all_nodes Node.tMem)
219 fb243105 Iustin Pop
            , all_res Types.allocInfoDisk  ==? truncate (all_nodes Node.tDsk)
220 fb243105 Iustin Pop
221 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
222 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Helper function to create a cluster with the given range of nodes
223 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- and allocate an instance on it.
224 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
genClusterAlloc :: Int -> Node.Node -> Instance.Instance
225 01e52493 Iustin Pop
                -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, Instance.Instance)
226 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
genClusterAlloc count node inst =
227 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
228 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      reqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
229 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>=
230 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     Cluster.tryAlloc nl Container.empty inst of
231 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> Bad $ "Can't allocate: " ++ msg
232 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok as ->
233 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         case Cluster.asSolution as of
234 01e52493 Iustin Pop
           Nothing -> Bad "Empty solution?"
235 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
           Just (xnl, xi, _, _) ->
236 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             let xil = Container.add (Instance.idx xi) xi Container.empty
237 01e52493 Iustin Pop
             in Ok (xnl, xil, xi)
238 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
239 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster, once we allocate an instance,
240 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- we can also relocate it.
241 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocRelocate :: Property
242 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocRelocate =
243 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
244 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
245 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
246 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
247 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest msg
248 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok (nl, il, inst') ->
249 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      case IAlloc.processRelocate defGroupList nl il
250 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             (Instance.idx inst) 1
251 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             [(if Instance.diskTemplate inst' == Types.DTDrbd8
252 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                 then Instance.sNode
253 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                 else Instance.pNode) inst'] of
254 01e52493 Iustin Pop
        Ok _ -> passTest
255 01e52493 Iustin Pop
        Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to relocate: " ++ msg
256 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
257 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Helper property checker for the result of a nodeEvac or
258 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- changeGroup operation.
259 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
check_EvacMode :: Group.Group -> Instance.Instance
260 01e52493 Iustin Pop
               -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, Cluster.EvacSolution)
261 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               -> Property
262 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
check_EvacMode grp inst result =
263 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case result of
264 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest $ "Couldn't evacuate/change group:" ++ msg
265 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok (_, _, es) ->
266 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      let moved = Cluster.esMoved es
267 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          failed = Cluster.esFailed es
268 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          opcodes = not . null $ Cluster.esOpCodes es
269 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
      in conjoin
270 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
           [ failmsg ("'failed' not empty: " ++ show failed) (null failed)
271 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
           , failmsg "'opcodes' is null" opcodes
272 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
           , case moved of
273 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
               [(idx', gdx, _)] ->
274 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                 failmsg "invalid instance moved" (idx == idx') .&&.
275 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                 failmsg "wrong target group" (gdx == Group.idx grp)
276 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
               v -> failmsg  ("invalid solution: " ++ show v) False
277 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
278 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  where failmsg :: String -> Bool -> Property
279 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
        failmsg msg = printTestCase ("Failed to evacuate: " ++ msg)
280 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
        idx = Instance.idx inst
281 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
282 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster, once we allocate an instance,
283 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- we can also node-evacuate it.
284 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocEvacuate :: Property
285 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocEvacuate =
286 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
287 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
288 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
289 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
290 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest msg
291 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok (nl, il, inst') ->
292 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      conjoin . map (\mode -> check_EvacMode defGroup inst' $
293 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                              Cluster.tryNodeEvac defGroupList nl il mode
294 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                                [Instance.idx inst']) .
295 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                              evacModeOptions .
296 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                              Instance.mirrorType $ inst'
297 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
298 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster with two node groups, once we
299 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- allocate an instance on the first node group, we can also change
300 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- its group.
301 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocChangeGroup :: Property
302 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocChangeGroup =
303 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
304 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
305 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
306 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
307 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest msg
308 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok (nl, il, inst') ->
309 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      -- we need to add a second node group and nodes to the cluster
310 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      let nl2 = Container.elems $ makeSmallCluster node count
311 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          grp2 = Group.setIdx defGroup (Group.idx defGroup + 1)
312 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          maxndx = maximum . map Node.idx $ nl2
313 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          nl3 = map (\n -> n { = Group.idx grp2
314 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                             , Node.idx = Node.idx n + maxndx }) nl2
315 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          nl4 = Container.fromList . map (\n -> (Node.idx n, n)) $ nl3
316 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          gl' = Container.add (Group.idx grp2) grp2 defGroupList
317 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          nl' = IntMap.union nl nl4
318 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      in check_EvacMode grp2 inst' $
319 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         Cluster.tryChangeGroup gl' nl' il [] [Instance.idx inst']
320 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
321 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Check that allocating multiple instances on a cluster, then
322 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- adding an empty node, results in a valid rebalance.
323 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocBalance :: Property
324 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocBalance =
325 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genNode (Just 5) (Just 128)) $ \node ->
326 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (3, 5)) $ \count ->
327 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  not (Node.offline node) && not (Node.failN1 node) ==>
328 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
329 b9612abb Iustin Pop
      hnode = snd $ IntMap.findMax nl
330 b9612abb Iustin Pop
      nl' = IntMap.deleteMax nl
331 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      il = Container.empty
332 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      allocnodes = Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl' 2 True
333 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      i_templ = createInstance Types.unitMem Types.unitDsk Types.unitCpu
334 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case allocnodes >>= \allocnodes' ->
335 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    Cluster.iterateAlloc nl' il (Just 5) i_templ allocnodes' [] [] of
336 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to allocate: " ++ msg
337 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, _, _, [], _) -> failTest "Failed to allocate: no instances"
338 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, xnl, il', _, _) ->
339 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         let ynl = Container.add (Node.idx hnode) hnode xnl
340 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             cv = Cluster.compCV ynl
341 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             tbl = Cluster.Table ynl il' cv []
342 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         in printTestCase "Failed to rebalance" $
343 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
            canBalance tbl True True False
344 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
345 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks consistency.
346 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CheckConsistency :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Bool
347 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CheckConsistency node inst =
348 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node 3
349 39f0eea5 Iustin Pop
      (node1, node2, node3) =
350 39f0eea5 Iustin Pop
        case Container.elems nl of
351 39f0eea5 Iustin Pop
          [a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)
352 39f0eea5 Iustin Pop
          l -> error $ "Invalid node list out of makeSmallCluster/3: " ++
353 39f0eea5 Iustin Pop
               show l
354 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      node3' = node3 { = 1 }
355 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nl' = Container.add (Node.idx node3') node3' nl
356 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      inst1 = Instance.setBoth inst (Node.idx node1) (Node.idx node2)
357 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      inst2 = Instance.setBoth inst (Node.idx node1) Node.noSecondary
358 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      inst3 = Instance.setBoth inst (Node.idx node1) (Node.idx node3)
359 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      ccheck = Cluster.findSplitInstances nl' . Container.fromList
360 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in null (ccheck [(0, inst1)]) &&
361 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     null (ccheck [(0, inst2)]) &&
362 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     (not . null $ ccheck [(0, inst3)])
363 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
364 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | For now, we only test that we don't lose instances during the split.
365 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_SplitCluster :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
366 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_SplitCluster node inst =
367 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (0, 100)) $ \icnt ->
368 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node 2
369 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      (nl', il') = foldl (\(ns, is) _ -> assignInstance ns is inst 0 1)
370 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                   (nl, Container.empty) [1..icnt]
371 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      gni = Cluster.splitCluster nl' il'
372 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in sum (map (Container.size . snd . snd) gni) == icnt &&
373 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     all (\(guuid, (nl'', _)) -> all ((== guuid) .
374 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                                 (Container.elems nl'')) gni
375 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
376 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Helper function to check if we can allocate an instance on a
377 9e679143 Iustin Pop
-- given node list. Successful allocation is denoted by 'Nothing',
378 9e679143 Iustin Pop
-- otherwise the 'Just' value will contain the error message.
379 9e679143 Iustin Pop
canAllocOn :: Node.List -> Int -> Instance.Instance -> Maybe String
380 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
canAllocOn nl reqnodes inst =
381 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>=
382 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
       Cluster.tryAlloc nl Container.empty inst of
383 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> Just $ "Can't allocate: " ++ msg
384 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok as ->
385 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         case Cluster.asSolution as of
386 9e679143 Iustin Pop
           Nothing -> Just $ "No allocation solution; failures: " ++
387 9e679143 Iustin Pop
                      show (Cluster.collapseFailures $ Cluster.asFailures as)
388 9e679143 Iustin Pop
           Just _ -> Nothing
389 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
390 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- | Checks that allocation obeys minimum and maximum instance
391 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- policies. The unittest generates a random node, duplicates it /count/
392 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- times, and generates a random instance that can be allocated on
393 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- this mini-cluster; it then checks that after applying a policy that
394 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- the instance doesn't fits, the allocation fails.
395 9e679143 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocPolicy :: Property
396 9e679143 Iustin Pop
prop_AllocPolicy =
397 9e679143 Iustin Pop
  forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
398 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (5, 20)) $ \count ->
399 9e679143 Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
400 a8038349 Iustin Pop
  forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (isBad .
401 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                                Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst)) $ \ipol ->
402 9e679143 Iustin Pop
  let rqn = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
403 9e679143 Iustin Pop
      node' = Node.setPolicy ipol node
404 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nl = makeSmallCluster node' count
405 9e679143 Iustin Pop
  in printTestCase "Allocation check:"
406 9e679143 Iustin Pop
       (isNothing (canAllocOn (makeSmallCluster node count) rqn inst)) .&&.
407 9e679143 Iustin Pop
     printTestCase "Policy failure check:" (isJust $ canAllocOn nl rqn inst)
408 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
409 e09c1fa0 Iustin Pop
testSuite "HTools/Cluster"
410 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            [ 'prop_Score_Zero
411 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_CStats_sane
412 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_Alloc_sane
413 d83903ee Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_IterateAlloc_sane
414 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_CanTieredAlloc
415 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_AllocRelocate
416 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_AllocEvacuate
417 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_AllocChangeGroup
418 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_AllocBalance
419 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_CheckConsistency
420 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_SplitCluster
421 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_AllocPolicy
422 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop