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1 2f31098c Iustin Pop
2 a8083063 Iustin Pop
3 a8083063 Iustin Pop
4 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Google Inc.
5 a8083063 Iustin Pop
6 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# (at your option) any later version.
10 a8083063 Iustin Pop
11 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 a8083063 Iustin Pop
14 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# General Public License for more details.
15 a8083063 Iustin Pop
16 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
19 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# 02110-1301, USA.
20 a8083063 Iustin Pop
21 a8083063 Iustin Pop
22 a8083063 Iustin Pop
"""OpCodes module
23 a8083063 Iustin Pop

24 a8083063 Iustin Pop
This module implements the data structures which define the cluster
25 a8083063 Iustin Pop
operations - the so-called opcodes.
26 a8083063 Iustin Pop

27 0e46916d Iustin Pop
Every operation which modifies the cluster state is expressed via
28 0e46916d Iustin Pop
29 a8083063 Iustin Pop

30 a8083063 Iustin Pop
31 a8083063 Iustin Pop
32 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# this are practically structures, so disable the message about too
33 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# few public methods:
34 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# pylint: disable-msg=R0903
35 a8083063 Iustin Pop
36 df458e0b Iustin Pop
37 0e46916d Iustin Pop
class BaseOpCode(object):
38 df458e0b Iustin Pop
  """A simple serializable object.
39 df458e0b Iustin Pop

40 0e46916d Iustin Pop
  This object serves as a parent class for OpCode without any custom
41 0e46916d Iustin Pop
  field handling.
42 0e46916d Iustin Pop

43 df458e0b Iustin Pop
44 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = []
45 a8083063 Iustin Pop
46 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
47 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    """Constructor for BaseOpCode.
48 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

49 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    The constructor takes only keyword arguments and will set
50 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    attributes on this object based on the passed arguments. As such,
51 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    it means that you should not pass arguments which are not in the
52 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    __slots__ attribute for this class.
53 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

54 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
55 a8083063 Iustin Pop
    for key in kwargs:
56 a8083063 Iustin Pop
      if key not in self.__slots__:
57 df458e0b Iustin Pop
        raise TypeError("Object %s doesn't support the parameter '%s'" %
58 3ecf6786 Iustin Pop
                        (self.__class__.__name__, key))
59 a8083063 Iustin Pop
      setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
60 a8083063 Iustin Pop
61 df458e0b Iustin Pop
  def __getstate__(self):
62 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    """Generic serializer.
63 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

64 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    This method just returns the contents of the instance as a
65 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
66 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

67 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @rtype:  C{dict}
68 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @return: the instance attributes and their values
69 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

70 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
71 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    state = {}
72 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    for name in self.__slots__:
73 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      if hasattr(self, name):
74 df458e0b Iustin Pop
        state[name] = getattr(self, name)
75 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    return state
76 df458e0b Iustin Pop
77 df458e0b Iustin Pop
  def __setstate__(self, state):
78 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    """Generic unserializer.
79 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

80 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    This method just restores from the serialized state the attributes
81 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    of the current instance.
82 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

83 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @param state: the serialized opcode data
84 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @type state:  C{dict}
85 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

86 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
87 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    if not isinstance(state, dict):
88 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      raise ValueError("Invalid data to __setstate__: expected dict, got %s" %
89 df458e0b Iustin Pop
90 df458e0b Iustin Pop
91 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    for name in self.__slots__:
92 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      if name not in state:
93 df458e0b Iustin Pop
        delattr(self, name)
94 df458e0b Iustin Pop
95 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    for name in state:
96 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      setattr(self, name, state[name])
97 df458e0b Iustin Pop
98 df458e0b Iustin Pop
99 0e46916d Iustin Pop
class OpCode(BaseOpCode):
100 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Abstract OpCode.
101 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

102 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  This is the root of the actual OpCode hierarchy. All clases derived
103 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  from this class should override OP_ID.
104 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

105 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @cvar OP_ID: The ID of this opcode. This should be unique amongst all
106 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
               childre of this class.
107 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

108 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
109 df458e0b Iustin Pop
110 df458e0b Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = []
111 df458e0b Iustin Pop
112 df458e0b Iustin Pop
  def __getstate__(self):
113 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    """Specialized getstate for opcodes.
114 df458e0b Iustin Pop

115 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    This method adds to the state dictionary the OP_ID of the class,
116 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    so that on unload we can identify the correct class for
117 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    instantiating the opcode.
118 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

119 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @rtype:   C{dict}
120 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @return:  the state as a dictionary
121 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

122 df458e0b Iustin Pop
123 0e46916d Iustin Pop
    data = BaseOpCode.__getstate__(self)
124 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    data["OP_ID"] = self.OP_ID
125 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    return data
126 df458e0b Iustin Pop
127 df458e0b Iustin Pop
128 00abdc96 Iustin Pop
  def LoadOpCode(cls, data):
129 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    """Generic load opcode method.
130 df458e0b Iustin Pop

131 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    The method identifies the correct opcode class from the dict-form
132 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    by looking for a OP_ID key, if this is not found, or its value is
133 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    not available in this module as a child of this class, we fail.
134 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

135 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @type data:  C{dict}
136 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    @param data: the serialized opcode
137 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

138 df458e0b Iustin Pop
139 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    if not isinstance(data, dict):
140 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      raise ValueError("Invalid data to LoadOpCode (%s)" % type(data))
141 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    if "OP_ID" not in data:
142 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      raise ValueError("Invalid data to LoadOpcode, missing OP_ID")
143 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    op_id = data["OP_ID"]
144 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    op_class = None
145 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    for item in globals().values():
146 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      if (isinstance(item, type) and
147 df458e0b Iustin Pop
          issubclass(item, cls) and
148 df458e0b Iustin Pop
          hasattr(item, "OP_ID") and
149 df458e0b Iustin Pop
          getattr(item, "OP_ID") == op_id):
150 df458e0b Iustin Pop
        op_class = item
151 df458e0b Iustin Pop
152 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    if op_class is None:
153 df458e0b Iustin Pop
      raise ValueError("Invalid data to LoadOpCode: OP_ID %s unsupported" %
154 df458e0b Iustin Pop
155 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    op = op_class()
156 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    new_data = data.copy()
157 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    del new_data["OP_ID"]
158 df458e0b Iustin Pop
159 df458e0b Iustin Pop
    return op
160 df458e0b Iustin Pop
161 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  def Summary(self):
162 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    """Generates a summary description of this opcode.
163 60dd1473 Iustin Pop

164 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
165 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    # all OP_ID start with OP_, we remove that
166 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    txt = self.OP_ID[3:]
167 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    field_name = getattr(self, "OP_DSC_FIELD", None)
168 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    if field_name:
169 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
      field_value = getattr(self, field_name, None)
170 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
      txt = "%s(%s)" % (txt, field_value)
171 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
    return txt
172 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
173 a8083063 Iustin Pop
174 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpDestroyCluster(OpCode):
175 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Destroy the cluster.
176 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

177 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  This opcode has no other parameters. All the state is irreversibly
178 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  lost after the execution of this opcode.
179 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

180 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
181 a8083063 Iustin Pop
182 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = []
183 a8083063 Iustin Pop
184 a8083063 Iustin Pop
185 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpQueryClusterInfo(OpCode):
186 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Query cluster information."""
187 a8083063 Iustin Pop
188 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = []
189 a8083063 Iustin Pop
190 a8083063 Iustin Pop
191 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpVerifyCluster(OpCode):
192 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Verify the cluster state.
193 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

194 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type skip_checks: C{list}
195 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar skip_checks: steps to be skipped from the verify process; this
196 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                     needs to be a subset of
197 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                     L{constants.VERIFY_OPTIONAL_CHECKS}; currently
198 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                     only L{constants.VERIFY_NPLUSONE_MEM} can be passed
199 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

200 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
201 a8083063 Iustin Pop
202 e54c4c5e Guido Trotter
  __slots__ = ["skip_checks"]
203 a8083063 Iustin Pop
204 a8083063 Iustin Pop
205 150e978f Iustin Pop
class OpVerifyDisks(OpCode):
206 150e978f Iustin Pop
  """Verify the cluster disks.
207 150e978f Iustin Pop

208 150e978f Iustin Pop
  Parameters: none
209 150e978f Iustin Pop

210 5188ab37 Iustin Pop
  Result: a tuple of four elements:
211 150e978f Iustin Pop
    - list of node names with bad data returned (unreachable, etc.)
212 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
    - dict of node names with broken volume groups (values: error msg)
213 150e978f Iustin Pop
    - list of instances with degraded disks (that should be activated)
214 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
    - dict of instances with missing logical volumes (values: (node, vol)
215 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
      pairs with details about the missing volumes)
216 150e978f Iustin Pop

217 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
  In normal operation, all lists should be empty. A non-empty instance
218 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
  list (3rd element of the result) is still ok (errors were fixed) but
219 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
  non-empty node list means some node is down, and probably there are
220 b63ed789 Iustin Pop
  unfixable drbd errors.
221 150e978f Iustin Pop

222 150e978f Iustin Pop
  Note that only instances that are drbd-based are taken into
223 150e978f Iustin Pop
  consideration. This might need to be revisited in the future.
224 150e978f Iustin Pop

225 150e978f Iustin Pop
226 150e978f Iustin Pop
227 150e978f Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = []
228 150e978f Iustin Pop
229 150e978f Iustin Pop
230 ae5849b5 Michael Hanselmann
class OpQueryConfigValues(OpCode):
231 ae5849b5 Michael Hanselmann
  """Query cluster configuration values."""
232 ae5849b5 Michael Hanselmann
233 ae5849b5 Michael Hanselmann
  __slots__ = ["output_fields"]
234 a8083063 Iustin Pop
235 a8083063 Iustin Pop
236 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
class OpRenameCluster(OpCode):
237 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Rename the cluster.
238 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

239 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type name: C{str}
240 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar name: The new name of the cluster. The name and/or the master IP
241 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
              address will be changed to match the new name and its IP
242 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
243 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

244 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
245 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
246 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "name"
247 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["name"]
248 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
249 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
250 12515db7 Manuel Franceschini
class OpSetClusterParams(OpCode):
251 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Change the parameters of the cluster.
252 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

253 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type vg_name: C{str} or C{None}
254 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar vg_name: The new volume group name or None to disable LVM usage.
255 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

256 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
257 12515db7 Manuel Franceschini
258 779c15bb Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["vg_name", "enabled_hypervisors", "hvparams", "beparams"]
259 12515db7 Manuel Franceschini
260 12515db7 Manuel Franceschini
261 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
# node opcodes
262 07bd8a51 Iustin Pop
263 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpRemoveNode(OpCode):
264 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Remove a node.
265 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

266 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type node_name: C{str}
267 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar node_name: The name of the node to remove. If the node still has
268 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                   instances on it, the operation will fail.
269 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

270 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
271 a8083063 Iustin Pop
272 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "node_name"
273 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["node_name"]
274 a8083063 Iustin Pop
275 a8083063 Iustin Pop
276 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpAddNode(OpCode):
277 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  """Add a node to the cluster.
278 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

279 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type node_name: C{str}
280 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar node_name: The name of the node to add. This can be a short name,
281 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                   but it will be expanded to the FQDN.
282 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type primary_ip: IP address
283 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar primary_ip: The primary IP of the node. This will be ignored when the
284 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                    opcode is submitted, but will be filled during the node
285 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                    add (so it will be visible in the job query).
286 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type secondary_ip: IP address
287 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar secondary_ip: The secondary IP of the node. This needs to be passed
288 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                      if the cluster has been initialized in 'dual-network'
289 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
                      mode, otherwise it must not be given.
290 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @type readd: C{bool}
291 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
  @ivar readd: Whether to re-add an existing node to the cluster. If
292 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
               this is not passed, then the operation will abort if the node
293 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
               name is already in the cluster; use this parameter to 'repair'
294 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
               a node that had its configuration broken, or was reinstalled
295 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
               without removal from the cluster.
296 a7399f66 Iustin Pop

297 a7399f66 Iustin Pop
298 a8083063 Iustin Pop
299 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "node_name"
300 e7c6e02b Michael Hanselmann
  __slots__ = ["node_name", "primary_ip", "secondary_ip", "readd"]
301 a8083063 Iustin Pop
302 a8083063 Iustin Pop
303 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpQueryNodes(OpCode):
304 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Compute the list of nodes."""
305 a8083063 Iustin Pop
306 246e180a Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["output_fields", "names"]
307 a8083063 Iustin Pop
308 a8083063 Iustin Pop
309 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
class OpQueryNodeVolumes(OpCode):
310 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
  """Get list of volumes on node."""
311 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
312 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
  __slots__ = ["nodes", "output_fields"]
313 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
314 dcb93971 Michael Hanselmann
315 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# instance opcodes
316 a8083063 Iustin Pop
317 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpCreateInstance(OpCode):
318 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Create an instance."""
319 a8083063 Iustin Pop
320 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
321 3b6d8c9b Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = [
322 338e51e8 Iustin Pop
    "instance_name", "disk_size", "os_type", "pnode",
323 3b6d8c9b Iustin Pop
    "disk_template", "snode", "swap_size", "mode",
324 338e51e8 Iustin Pop
    "ip", "bridge", "src_node", "src_path", "start",
325 3b6d8c9b Iustin Pop
    "wait_for_sync", "ip_check", "mac",
326 dc936b49 Manuel Franceschini
    "file_storage_dir", "file_driver",
327 6785674e Iustin Pop
328 6785674e Iustin Pop
    "hypervisor", "hvparams", "beparams",
329 3b6d8c9b Iustin Pop
330 a8083063 Iustin Pop
331 a8083063 Iustin Pop
332 fe7b0351 Michael Hanselmann
class OpReinstallInstance(OpCode):
333 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Reinstall an instance's OS."""
334 fe7b0351 Michael Hanselmann
335 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
336 d0834de3 Michael Hanselmann
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "os_type"]
337 fe7b0351 Michael Hanselmann
338 fe7b0351 Michael Hanselmann
339 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpRemoveInstance(OpCode):
340 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Remove an instance."""
341 a8083063 Iustin Pop
342 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
343 1d67656e Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "ignore_failures"]
344 a8083063 Iustin Pop
345 a8083063 Iustin Pop
346 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
class OpRenameInstance(OpCode):
347 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
  """Rename an instance."""
348 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
349 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "ignore_ip", "new_name"]
350 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
351 decd5f45 Iustin Pop
352 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpStartupInstance(OpCode):
353 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Startup an instance."""
354 a8083063 Iustin Pop
355 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
356 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "force", "extra_args"]
357 a8083063 Iustin Pop
358 a8083063 Iustin Pop
359 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpShutdownInstance(OpCode):
360 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Shutdown an instance."""
361 a8083063 Iustin Pop
362 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
363 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name"]
364 a8083063 Iustin Pop
365 a8083063 Iustin Pop
366 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
class OpRebootInstance(OpCode):
367 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
  """Reboot an instance."""
368 eeb3a5f9 Iustin Pop
369 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
370 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "reboot_type", "extra_args",
371 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
               "ignore_secondaries" ]
372 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
373 bf6929a2 Alexander Schreiber
374 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpReplaceDisks(OpCode):
375 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Replace the disks of an instance."""
376 a8083063 Iustin Pop
377 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
378 b6e82a65 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "remote_node", "mode", "disks", "iallocator"]
379 a8083063 Iustin Pop
380 a8083063 Iustin Pop
381 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpFailoverInstance(OpCode):
382 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Failover an instance."""
383 a8083063 Iustin Pop
384 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
385 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "ignore_consistency"]
386 a8083063 Iustin Pop
387 a8083063 Iustin Pop
388 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpConnectConsole(OpCode):
389 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Connect to an instance's console."""
390 a8083063 Iustin Pop
391 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
392 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name"]
393 a8083063 Iustin Pop
394 a8083063 Iustin Pop
395 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpActivateInstanceDisks(OpCode):
396 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Activate an instance's disks."""
397 a8083063 Iustin Pop
398 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
399 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name"]
400 a8083063 Iustin Pop
401 a8083063 Iustin Pop
402 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpDeactivateInstanceDisks(OpCode):
403 fdc267f4 Iustin Pop
  """Deactivate an instance's disks."""
404 a8083063 Iustin Pop
405 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
406 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name"]
407 a8083063 Iustin Pop
408 a8083063 Iustin Pop
409 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpQueryInstances(OpCode):
410 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Compute the list of instances."""
411 a8083063 Iustin Pop
412 069dcc86 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["output_fields", "names"]
413 a8083063 Iustin Pop
414 a8083063 Iustin Pop
415 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpQueryInstanceData(OpCode):
416 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Compute the run-time status of instances."""
417 a8083063 Iustin Pop
418 57821cac Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instances", "static"]
419 a8083063 Iustin Pop
420 a8083063 Iustin Pop
421 7767bbf5 Manuel Franceschini
class OpSetInstanceParams(OpCode):
422 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Change the parameters of an instance."""
423 7767bbf5 Manuel Franceschini
424 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
425 973d7867 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = [
426 338e51e8 Iustin Pop
    "instance_name", "ip", "bridge", "mac",
427 338e51e8 Iustin Pop
    "hvparams", "beparams", "force",
428 973d7867 Iustin Pop
429 a8083063 Iustin Pop
430 a8083063 Iustin Pop
431 8729e0d7 Iustin Pop
class OpGrowDisk(OpCode):
432 8729e0d7 Iustin Pop
  """Grow a disk of an instance."""
433 8729e0d7 Iustin Pop
434 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
435 6605411d Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "disk", "amount", "wait_for_sync"]
436 8729e0d7 Iustin Pop
437 8729e0d7 Iustin Pop
438 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# OS opcodes
439 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpDiagnoseOS(OpCode):
440 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Compute the list of guest operating systems."""
441 a8083063 Iustin Pop
442 1f9430d6 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["output_fields", "names"]
443 a8083063 Iustin Pop
444 7c0d6283 Michael Hanselmann
445 a8083063 Iustin Pop
# Exports opcodes
446 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpQueryExports(OpCode):
447 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Compute the list of exported images."""
448 a8083063 Iustin Pop
449 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["nodes"]
450 a8083063 Iustin Pop
451 7c0d6283 Michael Hanselmann
452 a8083063 Iustin Pop
class OpExportInstance(OpCode):
453 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  """Export an instance."""
454 a8083063 Iustin Pop
455 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
456 a8083063 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["instance_name", "target_node", "shutdown"]
457 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
458 0a7bed64 Michael Hanselmann
459 9ac99fda Guido Trotter
class OpRemoveExport(OpCode):
460 9ac99fda Guido Trotter
  """Remove an instance's export."""
461 9ac99fda Guido Trotter
462 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "instance_name"
463 9ac99fda Guido Trotter
  __slots__ = ["instance_name"]
464 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
465 0a7bed64 Michael Hanselmann
466 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
# Tags opcodes
467 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
class OpGetTags(OpCode):
468 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
  """Returns the tags of the given object."""
469 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
470 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "name"
471 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["kind", "name"]
472 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
473 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
474 73415719 Iustin Pop
class OpSearchTags(OpCode):
475 73415719 Iustin Pop
  """Searches the tags in the cluster for a given pattern."""
476 73415719 Iustin Pop
477 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "pattern"
478 73415719 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["pattern"]
479 73415719 Iustin Pop
480 73415719 Iustin Pop
481 f27302fa Iustin Pop
class OpAddTags(OpCode):
482 f27302fa Iustin Pop
  """Add a list of tags on a given object."""
483 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
484 f27302fa Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["kind", "name", "tags"]
485 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
486 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
487 f27302fa Iustin Pop
class OpDelTags(OpCode):
488 f27302fa Iustin Pop
  """Remove a list of tags from a given object."""
489 5c947f38 Iustin Pop
490 f27302fa Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["kind", "name", "tags"]
491 06009e27 Iustin Pop
492 06009e27 Iustin Pop
493 06009e27 Iustin Pop
# Test opcodes
494 06009e27 Iustin Pop
class OpTestDelay(OpCode):
495 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  """Sleeps for a configured amount of time.
496 06009e27 Iustin Pop

497 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  This is used just for debugging and testing.
498 06009e27 Iustin Pop

499 06009e27 Iustin Pop
500 06009e27 Iustin Pop
    - duration: the time to sleep
501 06009e27 Iustin Pop
    - on_master: if true, sleep on the master
502 06009e27 Iustin Pop
    - on_nodes: list of nodes in which to sleep
503 06009e27 Iustin Pop

504 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  If the on_master parameter is true, it will execute a sleep on the
505 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  master (before any node sleep).
506 06009e27 Iustin Pop

507 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  If the on_nodes list is not empty, it will sleep on those nodes
508 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  (after the sleep on the master, if that is enabled).
509 06009e27 Iustin Pop

510 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  As an additional feature, the case of duration < 0 will be reported
511 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  as an execution error, so this opcode can be used as a failure
512 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  generator. The case of duration == 0 will not be treated specially.
513 06009e27 Iustin Pop

514 06009e27 Iustin Pop
515 06009e27 Iustin Pop
516 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "duration"
517 06009e27 Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = ["duration", "on_master", "on_nodes"]
518 d61df03e Iustin Pop
519 d61df03e Iustin Pop
520 d61df03e Iustin Pop
class OpTestAllocator(OpCode):
521 d61df03e Iustin Pop
  """Allocator framework testing.
522 d61df03e Iustin Pop

523 d61df03e Iustin Pop
  This opcode has two modes:
524 d61df03e Iustin Pop
    - gather and return allocator input for a given mode (allocate new
525 d61df03e Iustin Pop
      or replace secondary) and a given instance definition (direction
526 d61df03e Iustin Pop
527 d61df03e Iustin Pop
    - run a selected allocator for a given operation (as above) and
528 d61df03e Iustin Pop
      return the allocator output (direction 'out')
529 d61df03e Iustin Pop

530 d61df03e Iustin Pop
531 d61df03e Iustin Pop
532 60dd1473 Iustin Pop
  OP_DSC_FIELD = "allocator"
533 d61df03e Iustin Pop
  __slots__ = [
534 d61df03e Iustin Pop
    "direction", "mode", "allocator", "name",
535 d61df03e Iustin Pop
    "mem_size", "disks", "disk_template",
536 d61df03e Iustin Pop
    "os", "tags", "nics", "vcpus",
537 d61df03e Iustin Pop