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1 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
2 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Ganeti monitoring agent
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.. contents:: :depth: 4
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This is a design document detailing the implementation of a Ganeti
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monitoring agent report system, that can be queried by a monitoring
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system to calculate health information for a Ganeti cluster.
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Current state and shortcomings
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There is currently no monitoring support in Ganeti. While we don't want
15 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
to build something like Nagios or Pacemaker as part of Ganeti, it would
16 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
be useful if such tools could easily extract information from a Ganeti
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machine in order to take actions (example actions include logging an
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outage for future reporting or alerting a person or system about it).
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Proposed changes
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Each Ganeti node should export a status page that can be queried by a
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monitoring system. Such status page will be exported on a network port
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and will be encoded in JSON (simple text) over HTTP.
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The choice of JSON is obvious as we already depend on it in Ganeti and
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thus we don't need to add extra libraries to use it, as opposed to what
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would happen for XML or some other markup format.
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Location of agent report
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The report will be available from all nodes, and be concerned for all
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node-local resources. This allows more real-time information to be
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available, at the cost of querying all nodes.
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Information reported
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The monitoring agent system will report on the following basic information:
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- Instance status
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- Instance disk status
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- Status of storage for instances
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- Ganeti daemons status, CPU usage, memory footprint
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- Hypervisor resources report (memory, CPU, network interfaces)
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- Node OS resources report (memory, CPU, network interfaces)
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- Information from a plugin system
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Format of the report
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The report of the will be in JSON format, and it will present an array
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of report objects.
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Each report object will be produced by a specific data collector.
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Each report object includes some mandatory fields, to be provided by all
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the data collectors:
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  The name of the data collector that produced this part of the report.
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  It is supposed to be unique inside a report.
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  The version of the data collector that produces this part of the
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  report. Built-in data collectors (as opposed to those implemented as
67 3301805f Michele Tartara
  plugins) should have "B" as the version number.
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70 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The format of what is represented in the "data" field for each data
71 3301805f Michele Tartara
  collector might change over time. Every time this happens, the
72 3301805f Michele Tartara
  format_version should be changed, so that who reads the report knows
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  what format to expect, and how to correctly interpret it.
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  The time when the reported data were gathered. It has to be expressed
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  in nanoseconds since the unix epoch (0:00:00 January 01, 1970). If not
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  enough precision is available (or needed) it can be padded with
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  zeroes. If a report object needs multiple timestamps, it can add more
80 3301805f Michele Tartara
  and/or override this one inside its own "data" section.
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83 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A collector can belong to a given category of collectors (e.g.: storage
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  collectors, daemon collector). This means that it will have to provide a
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  minumum set of prescribed fields, as documented for each category.
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  This field will contain the name of the category the collector belongs to,
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  if any, or just the ``null`` value.
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  Two kinds of collectors are possible:
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  `Performance reporting collectors`_ and `Status reporting collectors`_.
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  The respective paragraphs will describe them and the value of this field.
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  This field contains all the data generated by the specific data collector,
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  in its own independently defined format. The monitoring agent could check
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  this syntactically (according to the JSON specifications) but not
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Here follows a minimal example of a report::
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103 3301805f Michele Tartara
104 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "name" : "TheCollectorIdentifier",
105 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "version" : "1.2",
106 834dc290 Michele Tartara
      "format_version" : 1,
107 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "timestamp" : 1351607182000000000,
108 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "category" : null,
109 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "kind" : 0,
110 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "data" : { "plugin_specific_data" : "go_here" }
111 3301805f Michele Tartara
112 3301805f Michele Tartara
113 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "name" : "AnotherDataCollector",
114 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "version" : "B",
115 834dc290 Michele Tartara
      "format_version" : 7,
116 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "timestamp" : 1351609526123854000,
117 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "category" : "storage",
118 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "kind" : 1,
119 3301805f Michele Tartara
      "data" : { "status" : { "code" : 1,
120 3301805f Michele Tartara
                              "message" : "Error on disk 2"
121 3301805f Michele Tartara
122 3301805f Michele Tartara
                 "plugin_specific" : "data",
123 3301805f Michele Tartara
                 "some_late_data" : { "timestamp" : 1351609526123942720,
124 3301805f Michele Tartara
125 3301805f Michele Tartara
126 3301805f Michele Tartara
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Performance reporting collectors
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These collectors only provide data about some component of the system, without
134 3301805f Michele Tartara
giving any interpretation over their meaning.
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The value of the ``kind`` field of the report will be ``0``.
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Status reporting collectors
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These collectors will provide information about the status of some
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component of ganeti, or managed by ganeti.
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The value of their ``kind`` field will be ``1``.
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The rationale behind this kind of collectors is that there are some situations
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where exporting data about the underlying subsystems would expose potential
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issues. But if Ganeti itself is able (and going) to fix the problem, conflicts
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might arise between Ganeti and something/somebody else trying to fix the same
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Also, some external monitoring systems might not be aware of the internals of a
152 3301805f Michele Tartara
particular subsystem (e.g.: DRBD) and might only exploit the high level
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response of its data collector, alerting an administrator if anything is wrong.
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Still, completely hiding the underlying data is not a good idea, as they might
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still be of use in some cases. So status reporting plugins will provide two
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output modes: one just exporting a high level information about the status,
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and one also exporting all the data they gathered.
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The default output mode will be the status-only one. Through a command line
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parameter (for stand-alone data collectors) or through the HTTP request to the
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monitoring agent
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(when collectors are executed as part of it) the verbose output mode providing
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all the data can be selected.
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164 3301805f Michele Tartara
When exporting just the status each status reporting collector will provide,
165 3301805f Michele Tartara
in its ``data`` section, at least the following field:
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167 3301805f Michele Tartara
168 3301805f Michele Tartara
  summarizes the status of the component being monitored and consists of two
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    It assumes a numeric value, encoded in such a way to allow using a bitset
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    to easily distinguish which states are currently present in the whole cluster.
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    If the bitwise OR of all the ``status`` fields is 0, the cluster is
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    completely healty.
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    The status codes are as follows:
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178 3301805f Michele Tartara
179 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The collector can determine that everything is working as
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181 3301805f Michele Tartara
182 3301805f Michele Tartara
183 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Something is temporarily wrong but it is being automatically fixed by
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      There is no need of external intervention.
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188 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The collector has failed to understand whether the status is good or
189 3301805f Michele Tartara
      bad. Further analysis is required. Interpret this status as a
190 3301805f Michele Tartara
      potentially dangerous situation.
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192 82437b28 Michele Tartara
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      The collector can determine that something is wrong and Ganeti has no
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      way to fix it autonomously. External intervention is required.
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    A message to better explain the reason of the status.
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    The exact format of the message string is data collector dependent.
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200 debfca88 Michele Tartara
    The field is mandatory, but the content can be an empty string if the
201 debfca88 Michele Tartara
    ``code`` is ``0`` (working as intended) or ``1`` (being fixed
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    If the status code is ``2``, the message should specify what has gone
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    If the status code is ``4``, the message shoud explain why it was not
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    possible to determine a proper status.
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The ``data`` section will also contain all the fields describing the gathered
210 3301805f Michele Tartara
data, according to a collector-specific format.
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Instance status
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At the moment each node knows which instances are running on it, which
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instances it is primary for, but not the cause why an instance might not
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be running. On the other hand we don't want to distribute full instance
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"admin" status information to all nodes, because of the performance
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impact this would have.
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As such we propose that:
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- Any operation that can affect instance status will have an optional
224 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
  "reason" attached to it (at opcode level). This can be used for
225 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
  example to distinguish an admin request, from a scheduled maintenance
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  or an automated tool's work. If this reason is not passed, Ganeti will
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  just use the information it has about the source of the request.
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  This reason information will be structured according to the
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  :doc:`Ganeti reason trail <design-reason-trail>` design document.
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- RPCs that affect the instance status will be changed so that the
231 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
  "reason" and the version of the config object they ran on is passed to
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  them. They will then export the new expected instance status, together
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  with the associated reason and object version to the status report
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  system, which then will export those themselves.
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Monitoring and auditing systems can then use the reason to understand
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the cause of an instance status, and they can use the timestamp to
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understand the freshness of their data even in the absence of an atomic
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cross-node reporting: for example if they see an instance "up" on a node
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after seeing it running on a previous one, they can compare these values
241 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
to understand which data is freshest, and repoll the "older" node. Of
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course if they keep seeing this status this represents an error (either
243 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
an instance continuously "flapping" between nodes, or an instance is
244 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
constantly up on more than one), which should be reported and acted
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246 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
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The instance status will be on each node, for the instances it is
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primary for, and its ``data`` section of the report will contain a list
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of instances, named ``instances``, with at least the following fields for
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each instance:
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252 3301805f Michele Tartara
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  The name of the instance.
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  The UUID of the instance (stable on name change).
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  The status of the instance (up/down/offline) as requested by the admin.
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261 3301805f Michele Tartara
262 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The actual status of the instance. It can be ``up``, ``down``, or
263 3301805f Michele Tartara
  ``hung`` if the instance is up but it appears to be completely stuck.
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265 3301805f Michele Tartara
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  The uptime of the instance (if it is up, "null" otherwise).
267 3301805f Michele Tartara
268 3301805f Michele Tartara
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  The timestamp of the last known change to the instance state.
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271 3301805f Michele Tartara
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  The last known reason for state change of the instance, described according
273 42b50796 Michele Tartara
  to the JSON representation of a reason trail, as detailed in the :doc:`reason
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  trail design document <design-reason-trail>`.
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  It represents the status of the instance, and its format is the same as that
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  of the ``status`` field of `Status reporting collectors`_.
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Each hypervisor should provide its own instance status data collector, possibly
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with the addition of more, specific, fields.
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The ``category`` field of all of them will be ``instance``.
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The ``kind`` field will be ``1``.
284 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
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Note that as soon as a node knows it's not the primary anymore for an
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instance it will stop reporting status for it: this means the instance
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will either disappear, if it has been deleted, or appear on another
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node, if it's been moved.
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290 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``code`` of the ``status`` field of the report of the Instance status data
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collector will be:
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  if ``status`` is ``0`` for all the instances it is reporting about.
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299 05f88ad6 Michele Tartara
Storage collectors
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301 3301805f Michele Tartara
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The storage collectors will be a series of data collectors
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that will gather data about storage for the current node. The collection
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will be performed at different granularity and abstraction levels, from
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the physical disks, to partitions, logical volumes and to the specific
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storage types used by Ganeti itself (drbd, rbd, plain, file).
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308 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``name`` of each of these collector will reflect what storage type each of
309 3301805f Michele Tartara
them refers to.
310 3301805f Michele Tartara
311 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``category`` field of these collector will be ``storage``.
312 3301805f Michele Tartara
313 05f88ad6 Michele Tartara
The ``kind`` field will depend on the specific collector.
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315 05f88ad6 Michele Tartara
Each ``storage`` collector's ``data`` section will provide collector-specific
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317 3301805f Michele Tartara
318 3301805f Michele Tartara
In case of error, the ``message`` subfield of the ``status`` field of the
319 3301805f Michele Tartara
report of the instance status collector will disclose the nature of the error
320 3301805f Michele Tartara
as a type specific information. Examples of these are "backend pv unavailable"
321 3301805f Michele Tartara
for lvm storage, "unreachable" for network based storage or "filesystem error"
322 3301805f Michele Tartara
for filesystem based implementations.
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324 777a3109 Michele Tartara
Diskstats collector
325 777a3109 Michele Tartara
326 777a3109 Michele Tartara
327 777a3109 Michele Tartara
This storage data collector will gather information about the status of the
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disks installed in the system, as listed in the /proc/diskstats file. This means
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that not only physical hard drives, but also ramdisks and loopback devices will
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be listed.
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332 777a3109 Michele Tartara
Its ``kind`` in the report will be ``0`` (`Performance reporting collectors`_).
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334 777a3109 Michele Tartara
Its ``category`` field in the report will contain the value ``storage``.
335 777a3109 Michele Tartara
336 777a3109 Michele Tartara
When executed in verbose mode, the ``data`` section of the report of this
337 777a3109 Michele Tartara
collector will be a list of items, each representing one disk, each providing
338 777a3109 Michele Tartara
the following fields:
339 777a3109 Michele Tartara
340 777a3109 Michele Tartara
341 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The major number of the device.
342 777a3109 Michele Tartara
343 777a3109 Michele Tartara
344 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The minor number of the device.
345 777a3109 Michele Tartara
346 777a3109 Michele Tartara
347 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The name of the device.
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349 92070017 Michele Tartara
350 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of reads completed successfully.
351 777a3109 Michele Tartara
352 777a3109 Michele Tartara
353 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  Reads which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. Thus
354 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is ultimately handed to the
355 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  disk, and so it will be counted (and queued) as only one I/O. This field
356 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  specifies how often this was done.
357 777a3109 Michele Tartara
358 777a3109 Michele Tartara
359 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of sectors read successfully.
360 777a3109 Michele Tartara
361 777a3109 Michele Tartara
362 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all reads.
363 777a3109 Michele Tartara
364 777a3109 Michele Tartara
365 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of writes completed successfully.
366 777a3109 Michele Tartara
367 777a3109 Michele Tartara
368 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  Writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for efficiency. Thus
369 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  two 4K writes may become one 8K read before it is ultimately handed to the
370 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  disk, and so it will be counted (and queued) as only one I/O. This field
371 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  specifies how often this was done.
372 777a3109 Michele Tartara
373 777a3109 Michele Tartara
374 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of sectors written successfully.
375 777a3109 Michele Tartara
376 777a3109 Michele Tartara
377 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes
378 777a3109 Michele Tartara
379 777a3109 Michele Tartara
380 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The number of I/Os currently in progress.
381 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The only field that should go to zero, it is incremented as requests are
382 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish.
383 777a3109 Michele Tartara
384 777a3109 Michele Tartara
385 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The number of milliseconds spent doing I/Os. This field increases so long
386 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  as field ``IOs`` is nonzero.
387 777a3109 Michele Tartara
388 777a3109 Michele Tartara
389 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  The weighted number of milliseconds spent doing I/Os.
390 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  This field is incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O merge,
391 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress (field ``IOs``)
392 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of
393 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  this field. This can provide an easy measure of both I/O completion time
394 777a3109 Michele Tartara
  and the backlog that may be accumulating.
395 777a3109 Michele Tartara
396 3301805f Michele Tartara
DRBD status
397 3301805f Michele Tartara
398 3301805f Michele Tartara
399 3301805f Michele Tartara
This data collector will run only on nodes where DRBD is actually
400 3301805f Michele Tartara
present and it will gather information about DRBD devices.
401 3301805f Michele Tartara
402 3301805f Michele Tartara
Its ``kind`` in the report will be ``1`` (`Status reporting collectors`_).
403 3301805f Michele Tartara
404 3301805f Michele Tartara
Its ``category`` field in the report will contain the value ``storage``.
405 3301805f Michele Tartara
406 3301805f Michele Tartara
When executed in verbose mode, the ``data`` section of the report of this
407 3301805f Michele Tartara
collector will provide the following fields:
408 3301805f Michele Tartara
409 3301805f Michele Tartara
410 3301805f Michele Tartara
  Information about the DRBD version number, given by a combination of
411 3301805f Michele Tartara
  any (but at least one) of the following fields:
412 3301805f Michele Tartara
413 3301805f Michele Tartara
414 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The DRBD driver version.
415 3301805f Michele Tartara
416 3301805f Michele Tartara
417 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The API version number.
418 3301805f Michele Tartara
419 3301805f Michele Tartara
420 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The protocol version.
421 3301805f Michele Tartara
422 3301805f Michele Tartara
423 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The version of the source files.
424 3301805f Michele Tartara
425 3301805f Michele Tartara
426 3301805f Michele Tartara
    Git hash of the source files.
427 3301805f Michele Tartara
428 3301805f Michele Tartara
429 3301805f Michele Tartara
    Who built the binary, and, optionally, when.
430 3301805f Michele Tartara
431 3301805f Michele Tartara
432 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A list of structures, each describing a DRBD device (a minor) and containing
433 3301805f Michele Tartara
  the following fields:
434 3301805f Michele Tartara
435 3301805f Michele Tartara
436 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The device minor number.
437 3301805f Michele Tartara
438 3301805f Michele Tartara
439 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The state of the connection. If it is "Unconfigured", all the following
440 3301805f Michele Tartara
    fields are not present.
441 3301805f Michele Tartara
442 3301805f Michele Tartara
443 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The role of the local resource.
444 3301805f Michele Tartara
445 3301805f Michele Tartara
446 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The role of the remote resource.
447 3301805f Michele Tartara
448 3301805f Michele Tartara
449 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The status of the local disk.
450 3301805f Michele Tartara
451 3301805f Michele Tartara
452 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The status of the remote disk.
453 3301805f Michele Tartara
454 3301805f Michele Tartara
455 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The replication protocol being used.
456 3301805f Michele Tartara
457 3301805f Michele Tartara
458 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The input/output flags.
459 3301805f Michele Tartara
460 3301805f Michele Tartara
461 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The performance indicators. This field will contain the following
462 3301805f Michele Tartara
463 3301805f Michele Tartara
464 3301805f Michele Tartara
465 3301805f Michele Tartara
      KiB of data sent on the network.
466 3301805f Michele Tartara
467 3301805f Michele Tartara
468 3301805f Michele Tartara
      KiB of data received from the network.
469 3301805f Michele Tartara
470 3301805f Michele Tartara
471 3301805f Michele Tartara
      KiB of data written on local disk.
472 3301805f Michele Tartara
473 3301805f Michele Tartara
474 3301805f Michele Tartara
      KiB of date read from the local disk.
475 3301805f Michele Tartara
476 3301805f Michele Tartara
477 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Number of updates of the activity log.
478 3301805f Michele Tartara
479 3301805f Michele Tartara
480 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Number of updates to the bitmap area of the metadata.
481 3301805f Michele Tartara
482 3301805f Michele Tartara
483 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Number of open requests to the local I/O subsystem.
484 3301805f Michele Tartara
485 3301805f Michele Tartara
486 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Number of requests sent to the partner but not yet answered.
487 3301805f Michele Tartara
488 3301805f Michele Tartara
489 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Number of requests received by the partner but still to be answered.
490 3301805f Michele Tartara
491 3301805f Michele Tartara
492 3301805f Michele Tartara
      Num of block input/output requests forwarded to DRBD but that have not yet
493 3301805f Michele Tartara
      been answered.
494 3301805f Michele Tartara
495 3301805f Michele Tartara
496 3301805f Michele Tartara
      (Optional) Number of epoch objects. Not provided by all DRBD versions.
497 3301805f Michele Tartara
498 3301805f Michele Tartara
499 3301805f Michele Tartara
      (Optional) Currently used write ordering method. Not provided by all DRBD
500 3301805f Michele Tartara
501 3301805f Michele Tartara
502 3301805f Michele Tartara
503 3301805f Michele Tartara
      (Optional) KiB of storage currently out of sync. Not provided by all DRBD
504 3301805f Michele Tartara
505 3301805f Michele Tartara
506 3301805f Michele Tartara
507 3301805f Michele Tartara
    (Optional) The status of the synchronization of the disk. This is present
508 3301805f Michele Tartara
    only if the disk is being synchronized, and includes the following fields:
509 3301805f Michele Tartara
510 3301805f Michele Tartara
511 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The percentage of synchronized data.
512 3301805f Michele Tartara
513 3301805f Michele Tartara
514 3301805f Michele Tartara
      How far the synchronization is. Written as "x/y", where x and y are
515 3301805f Michele Tartara
      integer numbers expressed in the measurement unit stated in
516 3301805f Michele Tartara
517 3301805f Michele Tartara
518 3301805f Michele Tartara
519 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The measurement unit for the progress indicator.
520 3301805f Michele Tartara
521 3301805f Michele Tartara
522 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The expected time before finishing the synchronization.
523 3301805f Michele Tartara
524 3301805f Michele Tartara
525 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The speed of the synchronization.
526 3301805f Michele Tartara
527 3301805f Michele Tartara
528 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The desiderd speed of the synchronization.
529 3301805f Michele Tartara
530 3301805f Michele Tartara
531 3301805f Michele Tartara
      The measurement unit of the ``speed`` and ``want`` values. Expressed
532 3301805f Michele Tartara
      as "size/time".
533 3301805f Michele Tartara
534 3301805f Michele Tartara
535 3301805f Michele Tartara
    The name of the Ganeti instance this disk is associated to.
536 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
537 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
538 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Ganeti daemons status
539 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
540 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
541 3301805f Michele Tartara
Ganeti will report what information it has about its own daemons.
542 3301805f Michele Tartara
This should allow identifying possible problems with the Ganeti system itself:
543 3301805f Michele Tartara
for example memory leaks, crashes and high resource utilization should be
544 3301805f Michele Tartara
evident by analyzing this information.
545 3301805f Michele Tartara
546 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``kind`` field will be ``1`` (`Status reporting collectors`_).
547 3301805f Michele Tartara
548 3301805f Michele Tartara
Each daemon will have its own data collector, and each of them will have
549 3301805f Michele Tartara
a ``category`` field valued ``daemon``.
550 3301805f Michele Tartara
551 3301805f Michele Tartara
When executed in verbose mode, their data section will include at least:
552 3301805f Michele Tartara
553 3301805f Michele Tartara
554 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The amount of used memory.
555 3301805f Michele Tartara
556 3301805f Michele Tartara
557 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The measurement unit used for the memory.
558 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
559 3301805f Michele Tartara
560 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The uptime of the daemon.
561 3301805f Michele Tartara
562 3301805f Michele Tartara
``CPU usage``
563 3301805f Michele Tartara
  How much cpu the daemon is using (percentage).
564 3301805f Michele Tartara
565 3301805f Michele Tartara
Any other daemon-specific information can be included as well in the ``data``
566 3301805f Michele Tartara
567 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
568 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Hypervisor resources report
569 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
570 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
571 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Each hypervisor has a view of system resources that sometimes is
572 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
different than the one the OS sees (for example in Xen the Node OS,
573 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
running as Dom0, has access to only part of those resources). In this
574 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
section we'll report all information we can in a "non hypervisor
575 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
specific" way. Each hypervisor can then add extra specific information
576 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
that is not generic enough be abstracted.
577 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
578 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``kind`` field will be ``0`` (`Performance reporting collectors`_).
579 3301805f Michele Tartara
580 3301805f Michele Tartara
Each of the hypervisor data collectory will be of ``category``: ``hypervisor``.
581 3301805f Michele Tartara
582 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Node OS resources report
583 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
584 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
585 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Since Ganeti assumes it's running on Linux, it's useful to export some
586 3301805f Michele Tartara
basic information as seen by the host system.
587 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
588 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``category`` field of the report will be ``null``.
589 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
590 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``kind`` field will be ``0`` (`Performance reporting collectors`_).
591 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
592 3301805f Michele Tartara
The ``data`` section will include:
593 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
594 3301805f Michele Tartara
595 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The number of available cpus.
596 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
597 3301805f Michele Tartara
598 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A list with one element per cpu, showing its average load.
599 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
600 3301805f Michele Tartara
601 3301805f Michele Tartara
  The current view of memory (free, used, cached, etc.)
602 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
603 3301805f Michele Tartara
604 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A list with one element per filesystem, showing a summary of the
605 3301805f Michele Tartara
  total/available space.
606 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
607 3301805f Michele Tartara
608 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A list with one element per network interface, showing the amount of
609 3301805f Michele Tartara
  sent/received data, error rate, IP address of the interface, etc.
610 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
611 3301805f Michele Tartara
612 3301805f Michele Tartara
  A map using the name of a component Ganeti interacts (Linux, drbd,
613 3301805f Michele Tartara
  hypervisor, etc) as the key and its version number as the value.
614 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
615 3301805f Michele Tartara
Note that we won't go into any hardware specific details (e.g. querying a
616 3301805f Michele Tartara
node RAID is outside the scope of this, and can be implemented as a
617 3301805f Michele Tartara
plugin) but we can easily just report the information above, since it's
618 3301805f Michele Tartara
standard enough across all systems.
619 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
620 b166dcfc Michele Tartara
Format of the query
621 b166dcfc Michele Tartara
622 b166dcfc Michele Tartara
623 431ff2c1 Michele Tartara
.. include:: monitoring-query-format.rst
624 b166dcfc Michele Tartara
625 3301805f Michele Tartara
Instance disk status propagation
626 3301805f Michele Tartara
627 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
628 3301805f Michele Tartara
As for the instance status Ganeti has now only partial information about
629 3301805f Michele Tartara
its instance disks: in particular each node is unaware of the disk to
630 3301805f Michele Tartara
instance mapping, that exists only on the master.
631 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
632 3301805f Michele Tartara
For this design doc we plan to fix this by changing all RPCs that create
633 3301805f Michele Tartara
a backend storage or that put an already existing one in use and passing
634 3301805f Michele Tartara
the relevant instance to the node. The node can then export these to the
635 3301805f Michele Tartara
status reporting tool.
636 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
637 3301805f Michele Tartara
While we haven't implemented these RPC changes yet, we'll use Confd to
638 3301805f Michele Tartara
fetch this information in the data collectors.
639 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
640 3301805f Michele Tartara
Plugin system
641 3301805f Michele Tartara
642 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
643 3301805f Michele Tartara
The monitoring system will be equipped with a plugin system that can
644 3301805f Michele Tartara
export specific local information through it.
645 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
646 3301805f Michele Tartara
The plugin system is expected to be used by local installations to
647 3301805f Michele Tartara
export any installation specific information that they want to be
648 3301805f Michele Tartara
monitored, about either hardware or software on their systems.
649 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
650 3301805f Michele Tartara
The plugin system will be in the form of either scripts or binaries whose output
651 3301805f Michele Tartara
will be inserted in the report.
652 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
653 3301805f Michele Tartara
Eventually support for other kinds of plugins might be added as well, such as
654 3301805f Michele Tartara
plain text files which will be inserted into the report, or local unix or
655 3301805f Michele Tartara
network sockets from which the information has to be read.  This should allow
656 3301805f Michele Tartara
most flexibility for implementing an efficient system, while being able to keep
657 3301805f Michele Tartara
it as simple as possible.
658 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
659 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Data collectors
660 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
661 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
662 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
In order to ease testing as well as to make it simple to reuse this
663 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
subsystem it will be possible to run just the "data collectors" on each
664 3301805f Michele Tartara
node without passing through the agent daemon.
665 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
666 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
If a data collector is run independently, it should print on stdout its
667 9ef3e121 Michele Tartara
report, according to the format corresponding to a single data collector
668 3301805f Michele Tartara
report object, as described in the previous paragraphs.
669 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
670 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Mode of operation
671 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
672 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
673 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
In order to be able to report information fast the monitoring agent
674 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
daemon will keep an in-memory or on-disk cache of the status, which will
675 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
be returned when queries are made. The status system will then
676 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
periodically check resources to make sure the status is up to date.
677 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
678 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Different parts of the report will be queried at different speeds. These
679 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
will depend on:
680 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
- how often they vary (or we expect them to vary)
681 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
- how fast they are to query
682 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
- how important their freshness is
683 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
684 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Of course the last parameter is installation specific, and while we'll
685 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
try to have defaults, it will be configurable. The first two instead we
686 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
can use adaptively to query a certain resource faster or slower
687 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
depending on those two parameters.
688 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
689 3301805f Michele Tartara
When run as stand-alone binaries, the data collector will not using any
690 3301805f Michele Tartara
caching system, and just fetch and return the data immediately.
691 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
692 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Implementation place
693 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
694 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
695 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
The status daemon will be implemented as a standalone Haskell daemon. In
696 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
the future it should be easy to merge multiple daemons into one with
697 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
multiple entry points, should we find out it saves resources and doesn't
698 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
impact functionality.
699 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
700 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
The libekg library should be looked at for easily providing metrics in
701 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
json format.
702 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
703 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Implementation order
704 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
705 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
706 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
We will implement the agent system in this order:
707 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
708 3301805f Michele Tartara
- initial example data collectors (eg. for drbd and instance status).
709 3301805f Michele Tartara
- initial daemon for exporting data, integrating the existing collectors
710 3301805f Michele Tartara
- plugin system
711 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
- RPC updates for instance status reasons and disk to instance mapping
712 3301805f Michele Tartara
- cache layer for the daemon
713 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
- more data collectors
714 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
715 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
716 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Future work
717 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
718 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
719 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
As a future step it can be useful to "centralize" all this reporting
720 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
data on a single place. This for example can be just the master node, or
721 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
all the master candidates. We will evaluate doing this after the first
722 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
node-local version has been developed and tested.
723 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
724 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Another possible change is replacing the "read-only" RPCs with queries
725 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
to the agent system, thus having only one way of collecting information
726 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
from the nodes from a monitoring system and for Ganeti itself.
727 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
728 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
One extra feature we may need is a way to query for only sub-parts of
729 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
the report (eg. instances status only). This can be done by passing
730 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
arguments to the HTTP GET, which will be defined when we get to this
731 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
732 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
733 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
Finally the :doc:`autorepair system design <design-autorepair>`. system
734 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
(see its design) can be expanded to use the monitoring agent system as a
735 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
source of information to decide which repairs it can perform.
736 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
737 109e07c2 Guido Trotter
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