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root / htools / Ganeti / Confd / Utils.hs @ 62377cf5

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1 62377cf5 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti confd utilities.
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This holds a few utility functions that could be useful in both
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clients and servers.
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Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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(at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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02110-1301, USA.
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module Ganeti.Confd.Utils
30 62377cf5 Iustin Pop
  ( getClusterHmac
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  , parseRequest
32 62377cf5 Iustin Pop
  , parseMessage
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  , signMessage
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  ) where
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import qualified Data.ByteString as B
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import qualified Text.JSON as J
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import Ganeti.BasicTypes
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import Ganeti.Confd
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import Ganeti.Hash
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import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
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import Ganeti.HTools.JSON
44 62377cf5 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
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-- | Returns the HMAC key.
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getClusterHmac :: IO HashKey
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getClusterHmac = fmap B.unpack $ B.readFile C.confdHmacKey
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-- | Parses a signed request.
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parseRequest :: HashKey -> String -> Result (String, String, ConfdRequest)
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parseRequest key str = do
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  (SignedMessage hmac msg salt) <- fromJResult "parsing request" $ J.decode str
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  req <- if verifyMac key (Just salt) msg hmac
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           then fromJResult "parsing message" $ J.decode msg
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           else Bad "HMAC verification failed"
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  return (salt, msg, req)
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-- | Mesage parsing. This can either result in a good, valid message,
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-- or fail in the Result monad.
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parseMessage :: HashKey -> String -> Integer
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             -> Result (String, ConfdRequest)
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parseMessage hmac msg curtime = do
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  (salt, origmsg, request) <- parseRequest hmac msg
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  ts <- tryRead "Parsing timestamp" salt::Result Integer
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  if (abs (ts - curtime) > (fromIntegral C.confdMaxClockSkew))
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    then fail "Too old/too new timestamp or clock skew"
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    else return (origmsg, request)
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-- | Signs a message with a given key and salt.
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signMessage :: HashKey -> String -> String -> SignedMessage
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signMessage key salt msg =
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  SignedMessage { signedMsgMsg  = msg
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                , signedMsgSalt = salt
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                , signedMsgHmac = hmac
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    where hmac = computeMac key (Just salt) msg