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1 040408a3 Guido Trotter
Ganeti 2.0 Granular Locking
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We want to make sure that multiple operations can run in parallel on a Ganeti
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Cluster. In order for this to happen we need to make sure concurrently run
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operations don't step on each other toes and break the cluster.
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This design addresses how we are going to deal with locking so that:
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- high urgency operations are not stopped by long length ones
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- long length operations can run in parallel
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- we preserve safety (data coherency) and liveness (no deadlock, no work
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  postponed indefinitely) on the cluster
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Reaching the maximum possible parallelism is a Non-Goal. We have identified a
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set of operations that are currently bottlenecks and need to be parallelised
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and have worked on those. In the future it will be possible to address other
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needs, thus making the cluster more and more parallel one step at a time.
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This document only talks about parallelising Ganeti level operations, aka
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Logical Units, and the locking needed for that. Any other synchronisation lock
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needed internally by the code is outside its scope.
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Ganeti 1.2 has a single global lock, which is used for all cluster operations.
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This has been painful at various times, for example:
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- It is impossible for two people to efficiently interact with a cluster
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  (for example for debugging) at the same time.
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- When batch jobs are running it's impossible to do other work (for example
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  failovers/fixes) on a cluster.
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This also poses scalability problems: as clusters grow in node and instance
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size it's a lot more likely that operations which one could conceive should run
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in parallel (for example because they happen on different nodes) are actually
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stalling each other while waiting for the global lock, without a real reason
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for that to happen.
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This design doc is best read in the context of the accompanying design
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docs for Ganeti 2.0: Master daemon design and Job queue design.
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We intend to implement a Ganeti locking library, which can be used by the
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various ganeti code components in order to easily, efficiently and correctly
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grab the locks they need to perform their function.
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The proposed library has these features:
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- Internally managing all the locks, making the implementation transparent
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  from their usage
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- Automatically grabbing multiple locks in the right order (avoid deadlock)
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- Ability to transparently handle conversion to more granularity
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- Support asynchronous operation (future goal)
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Locking will be valid only on the master node and will not be a distributed
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operation. In case of master failure, though, if some locks were held it means
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some opcodes were in progress, so when recovery of the job queue is done it
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will be possible to determine by the interrupted opcodes which operations could
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have been left half way through and thus which locks could have been held. It
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is then the responsibility either of the master failover code, of the cluster
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verification code, or of the admin to do what's necessary to make sure that any
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leftover state is dealt with. This is not an issue from a locking point of view
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because the fact that the previous master has failed means that it cannot do
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any job.
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A corollary of this is that a master-failover operation with both masters alive
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needs to happen while no other locks are held.
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Detailed Design
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The Locks
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At the first stage we have decided to provide the following locks:
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- One "config file" lock
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- One lock per node in the cluster
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- One lock per instance in the cluster
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All the instance locks will need to be taken before the node locks, and the
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node locks before the config lock. Locks will need to be acquired at the same
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time for multiple instances and nodes, and internal ordering will be dealt
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within the locking library, which, for simplicity, will just use alphabetical
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Handling conversion to more granularity
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In order to convert to a more granular approach transparently each time we
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split a lock into more we'll create a "metalock", which will depend on those
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sublocks and live for the time necessary for all the code to convert (or
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forever, in some conditions). When a metalock exists all converted code must
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acquire it in shared mode, so it can run concurrently, but still be exclusive
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with old code, which acquires it exclusively.
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In the beginning the only such lock will be what replaces the current "command"
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lock, and will acquire all the locks in the system, before proceeding. This
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lock will be called the "Big Ganeti Lock" because holding that one will avoid
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any other concurrent ganeti operations.
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We might also want to devise more metalocks (eg. all nodes, all nodes+config)
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in order to make it easier for some parts of the code to acquire what it needs
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without specifying it explicitly.
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In the future things like the node locks could become metalocks, should we
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decide to split them into an even more fine grained approach, but this will
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probably be only after the first 2.0 version has been released.
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Library API
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All the locking will be its own class, and the locks will be created at
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initialisation time, from the config file.
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The API will have a way to grab one or more than one locks at the same time.
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Any attempt to grab a lock while already holding one in the wrong order will be
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checked for, and fail.
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Adding/Removing locks
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When a new instance or a new node is created an associated lock must be added
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to the list. The relevant code will need to inform the locking library of such
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a change.
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This needs to be compatible with every other lock in the system, especially
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metalocks that guarantee to grab sets of resources without specifying them
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explicitly. The implementation of this will be handled in the locking library
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Of course when instances or nodes disappear from the cluster the relevant locks
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must be removed. This is easier than adding new elements, as the code which
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removes them must own them exclusively or can queue for their ownership, and
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thus deals with metalocks exactly as normal code acquiring those locks. Any
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operation queueing on a removed lock will fail after its removal.
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Asynchronous operations
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For the first version the locking library will only export synchronous
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operations, which will block till the needed lock are held, and only fail if
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the request is impossible or somehow erroneous.
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In the future we may want to implement different types of asynchronous
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operations such as:
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- Try to acquire this lock set and fail if not possible
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- Try to acquire one of these lock sets and return the first one you were
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  able to get (or after a timeout) (select/poll like)
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These operations can be used to prioritize operations based on available locks,
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rather than making them just blindly queue for acquiring them. The inherent
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risk, though, is that any code using the first operation, or setting a timeout
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for the second one, is susceptible to starvation and thus may never be able to
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get the required locks and complete certain tasks. Considering this
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providing/using these operations should not be among our first priorities.
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Locking granularity
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For the first version of this code we'll convert each Logical Unit to
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acquire/release the locks it needs, so locking will be at the Logical Unit
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level.  In the future we may want to split logical units in independent
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"tasklets" with their own locking requirements. A different design doc (or mini
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design doc) will cover the move from Logical Units to tasklets.
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This library will provide an easy upgrade path to bring all the code to
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granular locking without breaking everything, and it will also guarantee
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against a lot of common errors. Code switching from the old "lock everything"
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lock to the new system, though, needs to be carefully scrutinised to be sure it
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is really acquiring all the necessary locks, and none has been overlooked or
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The code can contain other locks outside of this library, to synchronise other
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threaded code (eg for the job queue) but in general these should be leaf locks
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or carefully structured non-leaf ones, to avoid deadlock race conditions.