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ganeti-os-interface(7) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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ganeti-os-interface - Specifications for guest OS types
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The method of supporting guest operating systems in Ganeti is to have,
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for each guest OS type, a directory containing a number of required
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files. This directory must be present across all nodes (Ganeti doesn't
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replicate it) in order for the OS to be usable by Ganeti.
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There are six required files: *create*, *import*, *export*, *rename*,
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*verify* (executables), *ganeti_api_version*, *variants.list* and
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*parameters.list* (text files).
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Common environment
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All commands will get their input via environment variables. A
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common set of variables will be exported for all commands, and some
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of them might have extra ones. Note that all counts are
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    The OS API version that the rest of the environment conforms to.
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    The instance name the script should operate on.
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    Both names point to the name of the instance's OS as Ganeti knows
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    it. This can simplify the OS scripts by providing the same scripts
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    under multiple names, and then the scripts can use this name to
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    alter their behaviour.
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    With OS API 15 changing the script behavior based on this variable
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    is deprecated: OS_VARIANT should be used instead (see below).
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    The variant of the OS which should be installed. Each OS must
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    support all variants listed under its variants.list file, and may
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    support more. Any more supported variants should be properly
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    documented in the per-OS documentation.
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    The hypervisor of this instance.
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    The number of disks the instance has. The actual disk defitions are
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    in a set of additional variables. The instance's disk will be
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    numbered from 0 to this value minus one.
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    The path to the storage for disk N of the instance. This might be
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    either a block device or a regular file, in which case the OS
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    scripts should use ``losetup`` (if they need to mount it). E.g. the
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    first disk of the instance might be exported as
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    This is how the hypervisor will export the instance disks: either
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    read-write (``rw``) or read-only (``ro``).
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    (Optional) If applicable to the current hypervisor type: the type
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    of the device exported by the hypervisor. For example, the Xen HVM
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    hypervisor can export disks as either ``paravirtual`` or
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    How files are visible on the node side. This can be either
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    ``block`` (when using block devices) or ``file:type``, where
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    ``type`` is either ``loop`` or ``blktap`` depending on how the
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    hypervisor will be configured.  Note that not all backend types
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    apply to all hypervisors.
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    Similar to the ``DISK_COUNT``, this represents the number of NICs
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    of the instance.
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    The MAC address associated with this interface.
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    The IP address, if any, associated with the N-th NIC of the
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    The NIC mode, either routed or bridged
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    The bridge to which this NIC will be attached. This variable is
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    defined only when the NIC is in bridged mode.
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    If the NIC is in bridged mode, this is the same as
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    ``NIC_%N_BRIDGE``.  If it is in routed mode, the routing table
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    which will be used by the hypervisor to insert the appropriate
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    (Optional) If applicable, the type of the exported NIC to the
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    instance, this can be one of: ``rtl8139``, ``ne2k_pci``,
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    ``ne2k_isa``, ``paravirtual``.
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    Each OS parameter (see below) will be exported in its own
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    variable, prefixed with ``OSP``, and upper-cased. For example, a
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    ``dhcp`` parameter will be exported as ``OSP_DHCP``.
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    If non-zero, this should cause the OS script to generate verbose
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    logs of its execution, for troubleshooting purposes. Currently
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    only ``0`` and ``1`` are valid values.
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The **create** command is used for creating a new instance from
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scratch. It has no additional environment variables bside the
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common ones.
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The ``INSTANCE_NAME`` variable denotes the name of the instance,
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which is guaranteed to resolve to an IP address. The create script
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should configure the instance according to this name. It can
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configure the IP statically or not, depending on the deployment
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The ``INSTANCE_REINSTALL`` variable is set to ``1`` when this create
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request is reinstalling and existing instance, rather than creating
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one anew. This can be used, for example, to preserve some data in the
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old instance in an OS-specific way.
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This command is used in order to make a backup of a given disk of
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the instance. The command should write to stdout a dump of the
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given block device. The output of this program will be passed
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during restore to the **import** command.
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The specific disk to backup is denoted by two additional environment
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variables: ``EXPORT_INDEX`` which denotes the index in the instance
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disks structure (and could be used for example to skip the second disk
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if not needed for backup) and ``EXPORT_PATH`` which has the same value
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as ``DISK_N_PATH`` but is duplicate here for easier usage by shell
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scripts (rather than parse the ``DISK_...`` variables).
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To provide the user with an estimate on how long the export will take,
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a predicted size can be written to the file descriptor passed in the
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variable ``EXP_SIZE_FD``. The value is in bytes and must be terminated
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by a newline character (``\n``). Older versions of Ganeti don't
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support this feature, hence the variable should be checked before
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use. Example::
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    if test -n "$EXP_SIZE_FD"; then
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      blockdev --getsize64 $blockdev >&$EXP_SIZE_FD
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The **import** command is used for restoring an instance from a
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backup as done by **export**. The arguments are the similar to
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those passed to **export**, whose output will be provided on
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The difference in variables is that the current disk is called by
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``IMPORT_DEVICE`` and ``IMPORT_INDEX`` (instead of ``EXPORT_...``).
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This command is used in order to perform a rename at the instance
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OS level, after the instance has been renamed in Ganeti. The
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command should do whatever steps are required to ensure that the
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instance is updated to use the new name, if the operating system
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supports it.
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Note that it is acceptable for the rename script to do nothing at
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all, however be warned that in this case, there will be a
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desynchronization between what gnt-instance list shows you and the
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actual hostname of the instance.
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The script will be passed one additional environment variable
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called ``OLD_INSTANCE_NAME`` which holds the old instance name. The
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``INSTANCE_NAME`` variable holds the new instance name.
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A very simple rename script should at least change the hostname and
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IP address of the instance, leaving the administrator to update the
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other services.
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The *verify* script is used to verify consistency of the OS parameters
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(see below). The command should take one or more arguments denoting
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what checks should be performed, and return a proper exit code
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depending on whether the validation failed or succeeded.
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Currently (API version 20), only one parameter is supported:
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``parameters``. This should validate the ``OSP_`` variables from the
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environment, and output diagnostic message in case the validation
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.. highlight:: sh
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For the ``dhcp`` parameter given as example above, a verification
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script could be::
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    case $OSP_DHCP in
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            echo "Invalid value '$OSP_DHCP' for the dhcp parameter" 1>&2
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            exit 1;
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    exit 0
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The ganeti_api_version file is a plain text file containing the
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version(s) of the guest OS API that this OS definition complies
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with, one per line. The version documented by this man page is 15,
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so this file must contain the number 15 followed by a newline if
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only this version is supported. A script compatible with more than
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one Ganeti version should contain the most recent version first
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(i.e. 15), followed by the old version(s) (in this case 10 and/or
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variants.list is a plain text file containing all the declared
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supported variants for this OS, one per line. At least one variant
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must be supported.
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This file declares the parameters supported by the OS, one parameter
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per line, with name and description (space and/or tab separated). For
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    dhcp Whether to enable (yes) or disable (no) dhcp
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    root_size The size of the root partition, in GiB
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The parameters can then be used in instance add or modification, as
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    # gnt-instance add -O dhcp=no,root_size=8 ...
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Backwards compatibility
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Ganeti 2.3 and up is compatible with API version 10, 15 and 20. The OS
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parameters and related scripts (verify) are only supported in
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version 20. The variants functionality (variants.list, and OS_VARIANT
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env. var) are supported/present only in version 15 and up.
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Common behaviour
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All the scripts should display an usage message when called with a
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wrong number of arguments or when the first argument is ``-h`` or
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Upgrading from old versions
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Version 15 to 20
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The ``parameters.list`` file and ``verify`` script have been
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added. For no parameters, an empty parameters file and an empty verify
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script which returns success can be used.
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Version 10 to 15
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The ``variants.list`` file has been added, so OSes should support at
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least one variant, declaring it in that file and must be prepared to
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parse the OS_VARIANT environment variable. OSes are free to support
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more variants than just the declared ones.
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Version 5 to 10
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The method for passing data has changed from command line options
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to environment variables, so scripts should be modified to use
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these. For an example of how this can be done in a way compatible
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with both versions, feel free to look at the debootstrap instance's
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Also, instances can have now a variable number of disks, not only
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two, and a variable number of NICs (instead of fixed one), so the
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scripts should deal with this. The biggest change is in the
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import/export, which are called once per disk, instead of once per
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Version 4 to 5
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The rename script has been added. If you don't want to do any
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changes on the instances after a rename, you can migrate the OS
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definition to version 5 by creating the rename script simply as::
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    exit 0
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Note that the script must be executable.