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root / Ganeti / HTools / Rapi.hs @ 942403e6

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1 a7654563 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the RAPI client interface.
2 a7654563 Iustin Pop
3 a7654563 Iustin Pop
4 a7654563 Iustin Pop
5 669d7e3d Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Rapi
6 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
7 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
8 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
    , getInstances
9 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
    ) where
10 a7654563 Iustin Pop
11 a7654563 Iustin Pop
import Network.Curl
12 b8b9a53c Iustin Pop
import Network.Curl.Types ()
13 a7654563 Iustin Pop
import Network.Curl.Code
14 b8b9a53c Iustin Pop
import Data.Either ()
15 aab26f2d Iustin Pop
import Data.Maybe
16 a7654563 Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad
17 942403e6 Iustin Pop
import Text.JSON (JSObject, JSValue)
18 a7654563 Iustin Pop
import Text.Printf (printf)
19 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
20 a7654563 Iustin Pop
21 a7654563 Iustin Pop
22 190ce47c Iustin Pop
-- Some constants
23 190ce47c Iustin Pop
24 190ce47c Iustin Pop
-- | The fixed drbd overhead per disk (only used with 1.2's sdx_size)
25 190ce47c Iustin Pop
drbdOverhead = 128
26 190ce47c Iustin Pop
27 942403e6 Iustin Pop
getUrl :: String -> IO (Result String)
28 a7654563 Iustin Pop
getUrl url = do
29 a7654563 Iustin Pop
  (code, body) <- curlGetString url [CurlSSLVerifyPeer False,
30 a7654563 Iustin Pop
                                     CurlSSLVerifyHost 0]
31 a7654563 Iustin Pop
  return (case code of
32 942403e6 Iustin Pop
            CurlOK -> Ok body
33 942403e6 Iustin Pop
            _ -> Bad $ printf "Curl error for '%s', error %s"
34 aab26f2d Iustin Pop
                 url (show code))
35 aab26f2d Iustin Pop
36 942403e6 Iustin Pop
getInstances :: String -> IO (Result String)
37 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
getInstances master = do
38 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
  let url2 = printf "https://%s:5080/2/instances?bulk=1" master
39 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
  body <- getUrl url2
40 942403e6 Iustin Pop
  return $ (body >>= \x -> do
41 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              arr <- loadJSArray x
42 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              ilist <- mapM parseInstance arr
43 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              return $ unlines ilist)
44 a7654563 Iustin Pop
45 942403e6 Iustin Pop
getNodes :: String -> IO (Result String)
46 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
getNodes master = do
47 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
  let url2 = printf "https://%s:5080/2/nodes?bulk=1" master
48 aff363a4 Iustin Pop
  body <- getUrl url2
49 942403e6 Iustin Pop
  return $ (body >>= \x -> do
50 942403e6 Iustin Pop
             arr <- loadJSArray x
51 942403e6 Iustin Pop
             nlist <- mapM parseNode arr
52 942403e6 Iustin Pop
             return $ unlines nlist)
53 a7654563 Iustin Pop
54 942403e6 Iustin Pop
parseInstance :: JSObject JSValue -> Result String
55 a7654563 Iustin Pop
parseInstance a =
56 a7654563 Iustin Pop
    let name = getStringElement "name" a
57 a7654563 Iustin Pop
        disk = case getIntElement "disk_usage" a of
58 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                 Bad _ -> let log_sz = liftM2 (+)
59 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                                       (getIntElement "sda_size" a)
60 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                                       (getIntElement "sdb_size" a)
61 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                          in liftM2 (+) log_sz (Ok $ drbdOverhead * 2)
62 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                 x@(Ok _) -> x
63 aab26f2d Iustin Pop
        bep = fromObj "beparams" a
64 b8b9a53c Iustin Pop
        pnode = getStringElement "pnode" a
65 942403e6 Iustin Pop
        snode = (liftM head $ getListElement "snodes" a)
66 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                >>= readEitherString
67 aab26f2d Iustin Pop
        mem = case bep of
68 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                Bad _ -> getIntElement "admin_ram" a
69 942403e6 Iustin Pop
                Ok o -> getIntElement "memory" o
70 f82f1f39 Iustin Pop
        running = getStringElement "status" a
71 a7654563 Iustin Pop
72 942403e6 Iustin Pop
      name |+ (show `liftM` mem) |+
73 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              (show `liftM` disk) |+
74 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              running |+ pnode |+ snode
75 a7654563 Iustin Pop
76 942403e6 Iustin Pop
boolToYN :: Bool -> Result String
77 942403e6 Iustin Pop
boolToYN True = Ok "Y"
78 942403e6 Iustin Pop
boolToYN _ = Ok "N"
79 00b15752 Iustin Pop
80 942403e6 Iustin Pop
parseNode :: JSObject JSValue -> Result String
81 a7654563 Iustin Pop
parseNode a =
82 a7654563 Iustin Pop
    let name = getStringElement "name" a
83 00b15752 Iustin Pop
        offline = getBoolElement "offline" a
84 00b15752 Iustin Pop
        drained = getBoolElement "drained" a
85 a7654563 Iustin Pop
        mtotal = getIntElement "mtotal" a
86 04be800a Iustin Pop
        mnode = getIntElement "mnode" a
87 a7654563 Iustin Pop
        mfree = getIntElement "mfree" a
88 a7654563 Iustin Pop
        dtotal = getIntElement "dtotal" a
89 a7654563 Iustin Pop
        dfree = getIntElement "dfree" a
90 942403e6 Iustin Pop
    in name |+
91 00b15752 Iustin Pop
       (case offline of
92 942403e6 Iustin Pop
          Ok True -> Ok "0|0|0|0|0|Y"
93 00b15752 Iustin Pop
          _ ->
94 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              (show `liftM` mtotal) |+ (show `liftM` mnode) |+
95 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              (show `liftM` mfree) |+ (show `liftM` dtotal) |+
96 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              (show `liftM` dfree) |+
97 942403e6 Iustin Pop
              ((liftM2 (||) offline drained) >>= boolToYN)
98 00b15752 Iustin Pop