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root / src / Ganeti / DataCollectors / Types.hs @ c4e0d065

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1 13d3acab Michele Tartara
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 13d3acab Michele Tartara
3 13d3acab Michele Tartara
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti data collector types.
4 13d3acab Michele Tartara
5 13d3acab Michele Tartara
6 13d3acab Michele Tartara
7 13d3acab Michele Tartara
8 13d3acab Michele Tartara
9 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Google Inc.
10 13d3acab Michele Tartara
11 13d3acab Michele Tartara
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 13d3acab Michele Tartara
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 13d3acab Michele Tartara
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 13d3acab Michele Tartara
(at your option) any later version.
15 13d3acab Michele Tartara
16 13d3acab Michele Tartara
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17 13d3acab Michele Tartara
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 13d3acab Michele Tartara
19 13d3acab Michele Tartara
General Public License for more details.
20 13d3acab Michele Tartara
21 13d3acab Michele Tartara
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 13d3acab Michele Tartara
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 13d3acab Michele Tartara
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
24 13d3acab Michele Tartara
02110-1301, USA.
25 13d3acab Michele Tartara
26 13d3acab Michele Tartara
27 13d3acab Michele Tartara
28 13d3acab Michele Tartara
module Ganeti.DataCollectors.Types
29 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  ( addStatus
30 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
  , DCCategory(..)
31 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  , DCKind(..)
32 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  , DCReport(..)
33 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  , DCStatus(..)
34 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  , DCStatusCode(..)
35 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
  , DCVersion(..)
36 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  , buildReport
37 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  ) where
38 13d3acab Michele Tartara
39 a5ec6d88 Michele Tartara
import Data.Char
40 13d3acab Michele Tartara
import Text.JSON
41 13d3acab Michele Tartara
42 13d3acab Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.Constants as C
43 13d3acab Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.THH
44 13d3acab Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.Utils (getCurrentTime)
45 13d3acab Michele Tartara
46 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
-- | The possible classes a data collector can belong to.
47 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
data DCCategory = DCInstance | DCStorage | DCDaemon | DCHypervisor
48 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
  deriving (Show, Eq)
49 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
50 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
-- | The JSON instance for DCCategory.
51 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
instance JSON DCCategory where
52 a5ec6d88 Michele Tartara
  showJSON = showJSON . map toLower . drop 2 . show
53 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
  readJSON =
54 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
    error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DCCategory"
55 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
56 82437b28 Michele Tartara
-- | The possible status codes of a data collector.
57 82437b28 Michele Tartara
data DCStatusCode = DCSCOk      -- ^ Everything is OK
58 82437b28 Michele Tartara
                  | DCSCTempBad -- ^ Bad, but being automatically fixed
59 82437b28 Michele Tartara
                  | DCSCUnknown -- ^ Unable to determine the status
60 82437b28 Michele Tartara
                  | DCSCBad     -- ^ Bad. External intervention required
61 82437b28 Michele Tartara
                  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
62 82437b28 Michele Tartara
63 82437b28 Michele Tartara
-- | The JSON instance for CollectorStatus.
64 82437b28 Michele Tartara
instance JSON DCStatusCode where
65 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCSCOk      = showJSON (0 :: Int)
66 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCSCTempBad = showJSON (1 :: Int)
67 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCSCUnknown = showJSON (2 :: Int)
68 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCSCBad     = showJSON (4 :: Int)
69 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DCStatusCode"
70 82437b28 Michele Tartara
71 82437b28 Michele Tartara
-- | The status of a \"status reporting data collector\".
72 82437b28 Michele Tartara
$(buildObject "DCStatus" "dcStatus"
73 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  [ simpleField "code"    [t| DCStatusCode |]
74 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "message" [t| String |]
75 82437b28 Michele Tartara
76 82437b28 Michele Tartara
77 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
-- | The type representing the kind of the collector.
78 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
data DCKind = DCKPerf   -- ^ Performance reporting collector
79 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
            | DCKStatus -- ^ Status reporting collector
80 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
            deriving (Show, Eq)
81 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
82 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
-- | The JSON instance for CollectorKind.
83 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
instance JSON DCKind where
84 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCKPerf   = showJSON (0 :: Int)
85 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCKStatus = showJSON (1 :: Int)
86 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DCKind"
87 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
88 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
-- | Type representing the version number of a data collector.
89 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
data DCVersion = DCVerBuiltin | DCVersion String deriving (Show, Eq)
90 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
91 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
-- | The JSON instance for DCVersion.
92 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
instance JSON DCVersion where
93 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
  showJSON DCVerBuiltin = showJSON C.builtinDataCollectorVersion
94 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
  showJSON (DCVersion v) = showJSON v
95 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DCVersion"
96 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
97 13d3acab Michele Tartara
-- | This is the format of the report produced by each data collector.
98 13d3acab Michele Tartara
$(buildObject "DCReport" "dcReport"
99 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  [ simpleField "name"           [t| String |]
100 a895fa19 Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "version"        [t| DCVersion |]
101 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "format_version" [t| Int |]
102 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "timestamp"      [t| Integer |]
103 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
  , optionalNullSerField $
104 f0e4b2a4 Michele Tartara
      simpleField "category"     [t| DCCategory |]
105 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "kind"           [t| DCKind |]
106 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  , simpleField "data"           [t| JSValue |]
107 13d3acab Michele Tartara
108 13d3acab Michele Tartara
109 82437b28 Michele Tartara
-- | Add the data collector status information to the JSON representation of
110 82437b28 Michele Tartara
-- the collector data.
111 82437b28 Michele Tartara
addStatus :: DCStatus -> JSValue -> JSValue
112 82437b28 Michele Tartara
addStatus dcStatus (JSObject obj) =
113 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  makeObj $ ("status", showJSON dcStatus) : fromJSObject obj
114 82437b28 Michele Tartara
addStatus dcStatus value = makeObj
115 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  [ ("status", showJSON dcStatus)
116 82437b28 Michele Tartara
  , ("data", value)
117 82437b28 Michele Tartara
118 82437b28 Michele Tartara
119 13d3acab Michele Tartara
-- | Utility function for building a report automatically adding the current
120 13d3acab Michele Tartara
-- timestamp (rounded up to seconds).
121 13d3acab Michele Tartara
-- If the version is not specified, it will be set to the value indicating
122 13d3acab Michele Tartara
-- a builtin collector.
123 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
buildReport :: String -> DCVersion -> Int -> Maybe DCCategory -> DCKind
124 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
            -> JSValue -> IO DCReport
125 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
buildReport name version format_version category kind jsonData = do
126 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  now <- getCurrentTime
127 13d3acab Michele Tartara
  let timestamp = now * 1000000000 :: Integer
128 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
  return $
129 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara
    DCReport name version format_version timestamp category kind
130 54c7dff7 Michele Tartara