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root / src / Ganeti / Hypervisor / Xen / XmParser.hs @ c5a957c3

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1 b8585908 Michele Tartara
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 b8585908 Michele Tartara
{-| Parser for the output of the @xm list --long@ command of Xen
3 b8585908 Michele Tartara
4 b8585908 Michele Tartara
5 b8585908 Michele Tartara
6 b8585908 Michele Tartara
7 b8585908 Michele Tartara
Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
8 b8585908 Michele Tartara
9 b8585908 Michele Tartara
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 b8585908 Michele Tartara
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 b8585908 Michele Tartara
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 b8585908 Michele Tartara
(at your option) any later version.
13 b8585908 Michele Tartara
14 b8585908 Michele Tartara
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 b8585908 Michele Tartara
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 b8585908 Michele Tartara
17 b8585908 Michele Tartara
General Public License for more details.
18 b8585908 Michele Tartara
19 b8585908 Michele Tartara
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 b8585908 Michele Tartara
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 b8585908 Michele Tartara
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22 b8585908 Michele Tartara
02110-1301, USA.
23 b8585908 Michele Tartara
24 b8585908 Michele Tartara
25 b8585908 Michele Tartara
module Ganeti.Hypervisor.Xen.XmParser
26 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  ( xmListParser
27 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  , lispConfigParser
28 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  , xmUptimeParser
29 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  , uptimeLineParser
30 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  ) where
31 b8585908 Michele Tartara
32 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Control.Applicative
33 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Control.Monad
34 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Combinator as AC
35 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
36 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
37 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Data.Char
38 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Data.List
39 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Data.Text (unpack)
40 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import qualified Data.Map as Map
41 b8585908 Michele Tartara
42 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
43 b8585908 Michele Tartara
import Ganeti.Hypervisor.Xen.Types
44 b8585908 Michele Tartara
45 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | A parser for parsing generic config files written in the (LISP-like)
46 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- format that is the output of the @xm list --long@ command.
47 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- This parser only takes care of the syntactic parse, but does not care
48 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- about the semantics.
49 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- Note: parsing the double requires checking for the next character in order
50 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- to prevent string like "9a" to be recognized as the number 9.
51 b8585908 Michele Tartara
lispConfigParser :: Parser LispConfig
52 b8585908 Michele Tartara
lispConfigParser =
53 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  A.skipSpace *>
54 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    (   listConfigP
55 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    <|> doubleP
56 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    <|> stringP
57 b8585908 Michele Tartara
58 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  <* A.skipSpace
59 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    where listConfigP = LCList <$> (A.char '(' *> liftA2 (++)
60 b8585908 Michele Tartara
            (many middleP)
61 b8585908 Michele Tartara
            (((:[]) <$> finalP) <|> (rparen *> pure [])))
62 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          doubleP = LCDouble <$> A.double <* A.skipSpace <* A.endOfInput
63 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          innerDoubleP = LCDouble <$> A.double
64 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          stringP = LCString . unpack <$> A.takeWhile1 (not . (\c -> isSpace c
65 b8585908 Michele Tartara
            || c `elem` "()"))
66 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          wspace = AC.many1
67 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          rparen = A.skipSpace *> A.char ')'
68 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          finalP =   listConfigP <* rparen
69 b8585908 Michele Tartara
                 <|> innerDoubleP <* rparen
70 b8585908 Michele Tartara
                 <|> stringP <* rparen
71 b8585908 Michele Tartara
          middleP =   listConfigP <* wspace
72 b8585908 Michele Tartara
                  <|> innerDoubleP <* wspace
73 b8585908 Michele Tartara
                  <|> stringP <* wspace
74 b8585908 Michele Tartara
75 b8585908 Michele Tartara
76 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Find a configuration having the given string as its first element,
77 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- from a list of configurations.
78 b8585908 Michele Tartara
findConf :: String -> [LispConfig] -> Result LispConfig
79 b8585908 Michele Tartara
findConf key configs =
80 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  case find (isNamed key) configs of
81 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    (Just c) -> Ok c
82 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    _ -> Bad "Configuration not found"
83 b8585908 Michele Tartara
84 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Get the value of of a configuration having the given string as its
85 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- first element.
86 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- The value is the content of the configuration, discarding the name itself.
87 b8585908 Michele Tartara
getValue :: (FromLispConfig a) => String -> [LispConfig] -> Result a
88 b8585908 Michele Tartara
getValue key configs = findConf key configs >>= fromLispConfig
89 b8585908 Michele Tartara
90 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Extract the values of a configuration containing a list of them.
91 b8585908 Michele Tartara
extractValues :: LispConfig -> Result [LispConfig]
92 b8585908 Michele Tartara
extractValues c = tail `fmap` fromLispConfig c
93 b8585908 Michele Tartara
94 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Verify whether the given configuration has a certain name or not.fmap
95 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- The name of a configuration is its first parameter, if it is a string.
96 b8585908 Michele Tartara
isNamed :: String -> LispConfig -> Bool
97 b8585908 Michele Tartara
isNamed key (LCList (LCString x:_)) = x == key
98 b8585908 Michele Tartara
isNamed _ _ = False
99 b8585908 Michele Tartara
100 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Parser for recognising the current state of a Xen domain.
101 b8585908 Michele Tartara
parseState :: String -> ActualState
102 b8585908 Michele Tartara
parseState s =
103 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  case s of
104 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "r-----" -> ActualRunning
105 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "-b----" -> ActualBlocked
106 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "--p---" -> ActualPaused
107 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "---s--" -> ActualShutdown
108 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "----c-" -> ActualCrashed
109 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    "-----d" -> ActualDying
110 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    _ -> ActualUnknown
111 b8585908 Michele Tartara
112 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | Extract the configuration data of a Xen domain from a generic LispConfig
113 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- data structure. Fail if the LispConfig does not represent a domain.
114 b8585908 Michele Tartara
getDomainConfig :: LispConfig -> Result Domain
115 b8585908 Michele Tartara
getDomainConfig configData = do
116 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  domainConf <-
117 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    if isNamed "domain" configData
118 b8585908 Michele Tartara
      then extractValues configData
119 b8585908 Michele Tartara
      else Bad $ "Not a domain configuration: " ++ show configData
120 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  domid <- getValue "domid" domainConf
121 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  name <- getValue "name" domainConf
122 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  cpuTime <- getValue "cpu_time" domainConf
123 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  state <- getValue "state" domainConf
124 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  let actualState = parseState state
125 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  return $ Domain domid name cpuTime actualState Nothing
126 b8585908 Michele Tartara
127 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- | A parser for parsing the output of the @xm list --long@ command.
128 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- It adds the semantic layer on top of lispConfigParser.
129 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- It returns a map of domains, with their name as the key.
130 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- FIXME: This is efficient under the assumption that only a few fields of the
131 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- domain configuration are actually needed. If many of them are required, a
132 b8585908 Michele Tartara
-- parser able to directly extract the domain config would actually be better.
133 b8585908 Michele Tartara
xmListParser :: Parser (Map.Map String Domain)
134 b8585908 Michele Tartara
xmListParser = do
135 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  configs <- lispConfigParser `AC.manyTill` A.endOfInput
136 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  let domains = map getDomainConfig configs
137 b8585908 Michele Tartara
      foldResult m (Ok val) = Ok $ Map.insert (domName val) val m
138 b8585908 Michele Tartara
      foldResult _ (Bad msg) = Bad msg
139 b8585908 Michele Tartara
  case foldM foldResult Map.empty domains of
140 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    Ok d -> return d
141 b8585908 Michele Tartara
    Bad msg -> fail msg
142 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
143 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
-- | A parser for parsing the output of the @xm uptime@ command.
144 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
xmUptimeParser :: Parser (Map.Map Int UptimeInfo)
145 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
xmUptimeParser = do
146 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  _ <- headerParser
147 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  uptimes <- uptimeLineParser `AC.manyTill` A.endOfInput
148 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  return $ Map.fromList [(uInfoID u, u) | u <- uptimes]
149 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
    where headerParser = A.string "Name" <* A.skipSpace <* A.string "ID"
150 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
            <* A.skipSpace <* A.string "Uptime" <* A.skipSpace
151 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
152 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
-- | A helper for parsing a single line of the @xm uptime@ output.
153 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
uptimeLineParser :: Parser UptimeInfo
154 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
uptimeLineParser = do
155 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  name <- A.takeTill isSpace <* A.skipSpace
156 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  idNum <- A.decimal <* A.skipSpace
157 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  uptime <- A.takeTill (`elem` "\n\r") <* A.skipSpace
158 c5a957c3 Michele Tartara
  return . UptimeInfo (unpack name) idNum $ unpack uptime