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Revision ce003543


Added by Iustin Pop over 11 years ago

Fix build breakage after exclusive storage commits

This fixes:

Couldn't match expected type `Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo'
against inferred type `Data.Map.Map String Bool
-> Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo'
In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely `Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo'
In the first argument of `(<*>)', namely
`Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo <$> arbitrary'

by adding the new parameter (empty map for now), and also:

ganeti/constants.py:432:5: E123 closing bracket does not match
indentation of opening bracket's line

By switching to 2-char indentation and (for consistency) also replaces
frozenset(…) with our unique checker (UniqueFrozenset).

Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>


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