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root / man / ganeti-cleaner.rst @ dfba45b1

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1 9896f38d Iustin Pop
ganeti-cleaner(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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ganeti-cleaner - Ganeti job queue cleaner
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The **ganeti-cleaner** is a periodically run script to clean old job
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files from the job queue archive and to remove expired X509
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certificates and keys.
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**ganeti-cleaner** automatically removes all files older than 21 days
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from ``@LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ganeti/queue/archive`` and all expired
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certificates and keys from ``@LOCALSTATEDIR@/run/ganeti/crypto``.
24 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
25 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
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26 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
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29 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
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