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root / htools / Ganeti / Config.hs @ ecebe9f6

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1 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the Ganeti configuration database.
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Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
8 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
13 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
17 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
18 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
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module Ganeti.Config
27 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    ( LinkIpMap
28 da45c352 Iustin Pop
    , NdParamObject(..)
29 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , loadConfig
30 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getNodeInstances
31 da45c352 Iustin Pop
    , getNodeRole
32 da45c352 Iustin Pop
    , getNodeNdParams
33 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getDefaultNicLink
34 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getInstancesIpByLink
35 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getNode
36 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getInstance
37 4cd428db Iustin Pop
    , getGroup
38 da45c352 Iustin Pop
    , getGroupNdParams
39 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
    , getGroupIpolicy
40 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
    , getGroupNodes
41 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
    , getGroupInstances
42 da45c352 Iustin Pop
    , getGroupOfNode
43 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , getInstPrimaryNode
44 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
    , getInstMinorsForNode
45 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    , buildLinkIpInstnameMap
46 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
    , instNodes
47 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    ) where
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49 2cdaf225 Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad (liftM)
50 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import Data.List (foldl')
51 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as M
52 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Set as S
53 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import qualified Text.JSON as J
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55 f3baf5ef Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.JSON
56 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
57 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
58 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
59 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.Objects
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-- | Type alias for the link and ip map.
62 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
type LinkIpMap = M.Map String (M.Map String String)
63 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
64 da45c352 Iustin Pop
-- | Type class denoting objects which have node parameters.
65 da45c352 Iustin Pop
class NdParamObject a where
66 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  getNdParamsOf :: ConfigData -> a -> Maybe FilledNDParams
67 da45c352 Iustin Pop
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-- | Reads the config file.
69 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO String
70 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
readConfig = readFile
71 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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-- | Parses the configuration file.
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parseConfig :: String -> Result ConfigData
74 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
parseConfig = fromJResult "parsing configuration" . J.decodeStrict
75 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
76 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
-- | Wrapper over 'readConfig' and 'parseConfig'.
77 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
loadConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Result ConfigData)
78 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
loadConfig = fmap parseConfig . readConfig
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-- * Query functions
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82 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
-- | Computes the nodes covered by a disk.
83 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
computeDiskNodes :: Disk -> S.Set String
84 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
computeDiskNodes dsk =
85 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
  case diskLogicalId dsk of
86 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
    LIDDrbd8 nodeA nodeB _ _ _ _ -> S.fromList [nodeA, nodeB]
87 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
    _ -> S.empty
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-- | Computes all disk-related nodes of an instance. For non-DRBD,
90 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
-- this will be empty, for DRBD it will contain both the primary and
91 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
-- the secondaries.
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instDiskNodes :: Instance -> S.Set String
93 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
instDiskNodes = S.unions . map computeDiskNodes . instDisks
94 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
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-- | Computes all nodes of an instance.
96 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
instNodes :: Instance -> S.Set String
97 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
instNodes inst = instPrimaryNode inst `S.insert` instDiskNodes inst
98 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
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-- | Computes the secondary nodes of an instance. Since this is valid
100 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
-- only for DRBD, we call directly 'instDiskNodes', skipping over the
101 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
-- extra primary insert.
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instSecondaryNodes :: Instance -> S.Set String
103 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
instSecondaryNodes inst =
104 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
  instPrimaryNode inst `S.delete` instDiskNodes inst
105 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
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-- | Get instances of a given node.
107 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getNodeInstances :: ConfigData -> String -> ([Instance], [Instance])
108 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getNodeInstances cfg nname =
109 84835174 Iustin Pop
    let all_inst = M.elems . fromContainer . configInstances $ cfg
110 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
        pri_inst = filter ((== nname) . instPrimaryNode) all_inst
111 7b2ead5a Iustin Pop
        sec_inst = filter ((nname `S.member`) . instSecondaryNodes) all_inst
112 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
    in (pri_inst, sec_inst)
113 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
114 da45c352 Iustin Pop
-- | Computes the role of a node.
115 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getNodeRole :: ConfigData -> Node -> NodeRole
116 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getNodeRole cfg node
117 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
  | nodeName node == clusterMasterNode (configCluster cfg) = NRMaster
118 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  | nodeMasterCandidate node = NRCandidate
119 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  | nodeDrained node = NRDrained
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  | nodeOffline node = NROffline
121 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  | otherwise = NRRegular
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-- | Returns the default cluster link.
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getDefaultNicLink :: ConfigData -> String
125 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getDefaultNicLink =
126 84835174 Iustin Pop
  nicpLink . (M.! C.ppDefault) . fromContainer .
127 84835174 Iustin Pop
  clusterNicparams . configCluster
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-- | Returns instances of a given link.
130 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getInstancesIpByLink :: LinkIpMap -> String -> [String]
131 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getInstancesIpByLink linkipmap link =
132 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
  M.keys $ M.findWithDefault M.empty link linkipmap
133 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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-- | Generic lookup function that converts from a possible abbreviated
135 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
-- name to a full name.
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getItem :: String -> String -> M.Map String a -> Result a
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getItem kind name allitems = do
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  let lresult = lookupName (M.keys allitems) name
139 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
      err msg = Bad $ kind ++ " name " ++ name ++ " " ++ msg
140 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
  fullname <- case lrMatchPriority lresult of
141 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
                PartialMatch -> Ok $ lrContent lresult
142 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
                ExactMatch -> Ok $ lrContent lresult
143 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
                MultipleMatch -> err "has multiple matches"
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                FailMatch -> err "not found"
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  maybe (err "not found after successfull match?!") Ok $
146 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
        M.lookup fullname allitems
147 0fc8e521 Iustin Pop
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-- | Looks up a node.
149 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getNode :: ConfigData -> String -> Result Node
150 84835174 Iustin Pop
getNode cfg name = getItem "Node" name (fromContainer $ configNodes cfg)
151 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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-- | Looks up an instance.
153 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getInstance :: ConfigData -> String -> Result Instance
154 84835174 Iustin Pop
getInstance cfg name =
155 84835174 Iustin Pop
  getItem "Instance" name (fromContainer $ configInstances cfg)
156 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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-- | Looks up a node group. This is more tricky than for
158 4cd428db Iustin Pop
-- node/instances since the groups map is indexed by uuid, not name.
159 4cd428db Iustin Pop
getGroup :: ConfigData -> String -> Result NodeGroup
160 4cd428db Iustin Pop
getGroup cfg name =
161 4cd428db Iustin Pop
  let groups = fromContainer (configNodegroups cfg)
162 4cd428db Iustin Pop
  in case getItem "NodeGroup" name groups of
163 4cd428db Iustin Pop
       -- if not found by uuid, we need to look it up by name, slow
164 4cd428db Iustin Pop
       Ok grp -> Ok grp
165 4cd428db Iustin Pop
       Bad _ -> let by_name = M.mapKeys
166 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
                              (groupName . (M.!) groups) groups
167 4cd428db Iustin Pop
                in getItem "NodeGroup" name by_name
168 4cd428db Iustin Pop
169 da45c352 Iustin Pop
-- | Computes a node group's node params.
170 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getGroupNdParams :: ConfigData -> NodeGroup -> FilledNDParams
171 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getGroupNdParams cfg ng =
172 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  fillNDParams (clusterNdparams $ configCluster cfg) (groupNdparams ng)
173 da45c352 Iustin Pop
174 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
-- | Computes a node group's ipolicy.
175 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupIpolicy :: ConfigData -> NodeGroup -> FilledIPolicy
176 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupIpolicy cfg ng =
177 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
  fillIPolicy (clusterIpolicy $ configCluster cfg) (groupIpolicy ng)
178 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
179 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
-- | Get nodes of a given node group.
180 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupNodes :: ConfigData -> String -> [Node]
181 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupNodes cfg gname =
182 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
  let all_nodes = M.elems . fromContainer . configNodes $ cfg in
183 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
  filter ((==gname) . nodeGroup) all_nodes
184 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
185 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
-- | Get (primary, secondary) instances of a given node group.
186 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupInstances :: ConfigData -> String -> ([Instance], [Instance])
187 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
getGroupInstances cfg gname =
188 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
  let gnodes = map nodeName (getGroupNodes cfg gname)
189 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
      ginsts = map (getNodeInstances cfg) gnodes in
190 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
  (concatMap fst ginsts, concatMap snd ginsts)
191 e5cb098c Agata Murawska
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-- | Looks up an instance's primary node.
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getInstPrimaryNode :: ConfigData -> String -> Result Node
194 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
getInstPrimaryNode cfg name =
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  liftM instPrimaryNode (getInstance cfg name) >>= getNode cfg
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-- | Filters DRBD minors for a given node.
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getDrbdMinorsForNode :: String -> Disk -> [(Int, String)]
199 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
getDrbdMinorsForNode node disk =
200 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  let child_minors = concatMap (getDrbdMinorsForNode node) (diskChildren disk)
201 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
      this_minors =
202 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
        case diskLogicalId disk of
203 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
          LIDDrbd8 nodeA nodeB _ minorA minorB _
204 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
            | nodeA == node -> [(minorA, nodeB)]
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            | nodeB == node -> [(minorB, nodeA)]
206 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
          _ -> []
207 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  in this_minors ++ child_minors
208 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
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-- | String for primary role.
210 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
rolePrimary :: String
211 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
rolePrimary = "primary"
212 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
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-- | String for secondary role.
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roleSecondary :: String
215 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
roleSecondary = "secondary"
216 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
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-- | Gets the list of DRBD minors for an instance that are related to
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-- a given node.
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getInstMinorsForNode :: String -> Instance
220 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
                     -> [(String, Int, String, String, String, String)]
221 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
getInstMinorsForNode node inst =
222 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  let role = if node == instPrimaryNode inst
223 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
               then rolePrimary
224 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
               else roleSecondary
225 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
      iname = instName inst
226 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  -- FIXME: the disk/ build there is hack-ish; unify this in a
227 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  -- separate place, or reuse the iv_name (but that is deprecated on
228 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
  -- the Python side)
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  in concatMap (\(idx, dsk) ->
230 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
            [(node, minor, iname, "disk/" ++ show idx, role, peer)
231 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
               | (minor, peer) <- getDrbdMinorsForNode node dsk]) .
232 d81ec8b7 Iustin Pop
     zip [(0::Int)..] . instDisks $ inst
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-- | Builds link -> ip -> instname map.
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-- TODO: improve this by splitting it into multiple independent functions:
237 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
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-- * abstract the \"fetch instance with filled params\" functionality
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-- * abstsract the [instance] -> [(nic, instance_name)] part
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-- * etc.
243 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
buildLinkIpInstnameMap :: ConfigData -> LinkIpMap
244 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
buildLinkIpInstnameMap cfg =
245 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
  let cluster = configCluster cfg
246 84835174 Iustin Pop
      instances = M.elems . fromContainer . configInstances $ cfg
247 84835174 Iustin Pop
      defparams = (M.!) (fromContainer $ clusterNicparams cluster) C.ppDefault
248 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
      nics = concatMap (\i -> [(instName i, nic) | nic <- instNics i])
249 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
250 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
  in foldl' (\accum (iname, nic) ->
251 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
               let pparams = nicNicparams nic
252 b09cce64 Iustin Pop
                   fparams = fillNicParams defparams pparams
253 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
                   link = nicpLink fparams
254 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
               in case nicIp nic of
255 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
                    Nothing -> accum
256 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
                    Just ip -> let oldipmap = M.findWithDefault M.empty
257 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
                                              link accum
258 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
                                   newipmap = M.insert ip iname oldipmap
259 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
                               in M.insert link newipmap accum
260 eaa64cd8 Iustin Pop
            ) M.empty nics
261 da45c352 Iustin Pop
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-- | Returns a node's group, with optional failure if we can't find it
264 da45c352 Iustin Pop
-- (configuration corrupt).
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getGroupOfNode :: ConfigData -> Node -> Maybe NodeGroup
266 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getGroupOfNode cfg node =
267 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  M.lookup (nodeGroup node) (fromContainer . configNodegroups $ cfg)
268 da45c352 Iustin Pop
269 da45c352 Iustin Pop
-- | Returns a node's ndparams, filled.
270 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getNodeNdParams :: ConfigData -> Node -> Maybe FilledNDParams
271 da45c352 Iustin Pop
getNodeNdParams cfg node = do
272 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  group <- getGroupOfNode cfg node
273 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  let gparams = getGroupNdParams cfg group
274 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  return $ fillNDParams gparams (nodeNdparams node)
275 da45c352 Iustin Pop
276 da45c352 Iustin Pop
instance NdParamObject Node where
277 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  getNdParamsOf = getNodeNdParams
278 da45c352 Iustin Pop
279 da45c352 Iustin Pop
instance NdParamObject NodeGroup where
280 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  getNdParamsOf cfg = Just . getGroupNdParams cfg
281 da45c352 Iustin Pop
282 da45c352 Iustin Pop
instance NdParamObject Cluster where
283 da45c352 Iustin Pop
  getNdParamsOf _ = Just . clusterNdparams