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root / qemu-nbd.c @ 9dbcca5a

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1 cd831bd7 ths
2 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  Copyright (C) 2005  Anthony Liguori <>
3 7a5ca864 bellard
4 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  Network Block Device
5 7a5ca864 bellard
6 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  the Free Software Foundation; under version 2 of the License.
9 7a5ca864 bellard
10 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 7a5ca864 bellard
13 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
14 7a5ca864 bellard
15 7a5ca864 bellard
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 8167ee88 Blue Swirl
 *  along with this program; if not, see <>.
17 7a5ca864 bellard
18 7a5ca864 bellard
19 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <qemu-common.h>
20 7a5ca864 bellard
#include "block_int.h"
21 7a5ca864 bellard
#include "nbd.h"
22 7a5ca864 bellard
23 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <stdarg.h>
24 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <stdio.h>
25 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <getopt.h>
26 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <err.h>
27 cd831bd7 ths
#include <sys/types.h>
28 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <sys/socket.h>
29 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <netinet/in.h>
30 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
31 7a5ca864 bellard
#include <arpa/inet.h>
32 cd831bd7 ths
#include <signal.h>
33 2bff4b6f Blue Swirl
#include <libgen.h>
34 cd831bd7 ths
35 cd831bd7 ths
#define SOCKET_PATH    "/var/lock/qemu-nbd-%s"
36 7a5ca864 bellard
37 2f726488 ths
#define NBD_BUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024)
38 2f726488 ths
39 b1d8e52e blueswir1
static int verbose;
40 7a5ca864 bellard
41 7a5ca864 bellard
static void usage(const char *name)
42 7a5ca864 bellard
43 7a5ca864 bellard
44 7a5ca864 bellard
"Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE\n"
45 7a5ca864 bellard
"QEMU Disk Network Block Device Server\n"
46 7a5ca864 bellard
47 c2e2872b Laurent Vivier
"  -p, --port=PORT      port to listen on (default `%d')\n"
48 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -o, --offset=OFFSET  offset into the image\n"
49 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -b, --bind=IFACE     interface to bind to (default `')\n"
50 cd831bd7 ths
"  -k, --socket=PATH    path to the unix socket\n"
51 cd831bd7 ths
"                       (default '"SOCKET_PATH"')\n"
52 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -r, --read-only      export read-only\n"
53 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -P, --partition=NUM  only expose partition NUM\n"
54 2f726488 ths
"  -s, --snapshot       use snapshot file\n"
55 2f726488 ths
"  -n, --nocache        disable host cache\n"
56 cd831bd7 ths
"  -c, --connect=DEV    connect FILE to the local NBD device DEV\n"
57 cd831bd7 ths
"  -d, --disconnect     disconnect the specified device\n"
58 3b05a8e9 ths
"  -e, --shared=NUM     device can be shared by NUM clients (default '1')\n"
59 75818250 ths
"  -t, --persistent     don't exit on the last connection\n"
60 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -v, --verbose        display extra debugging information\n"
61 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -h, --help           display this help and exit\n"
62 7a5ca864 bellard
"  -V, --version        output version information and exit\n"
63 7a5ca864 bellard
64 7a5ca864 bellard
"Report bugs to <>\n"
65 c2e2872b Laurent Vivier
    , name, NBD_DEFAULT_PORT, "DEVICE");
66 7a5ca864 bellard
67 7a5ca864 bellard
68 7a5ca864 bellard
static void version(const char *name)
69 7a5ca864 bellard
70 7a5ca864 bellard
71 315bc7aa ths
"%s version 0.0.1\n"
72 7a5ca864 bellard
"Written by Anthony Liguori.\n"
73 7a5ca864 bellard
74 7a5ca864 bellard
"Copyright (C) 2006 Anthony Liguori <>.\n"
75 7a5ca864 bellard
"This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO\n"
76 7a5ca864 bellard
77 315bc7aa ths
    , name);
78 7a5ca864 bellard
79 7a5ca864 bellard
80 7a5ca864 bellard
struct partition_record
81 7a5ca864 bellard
82 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t bootable;
83 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t start_head;
84 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint32_t start_cylinder;
85 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t start_sector;
86 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t system;
87 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t end_head;
88 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t end_cylinder;
89 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t end_sector;
90 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint32_t start_sector_abs;
91 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint32_t nb_sectors_abs;
92 7a5ca864 bellard
93 7a5ca864 bellard
94 7a5ca864 bellard
static void read_partition(uint8_t *p, struct partition_record *r)
95 7a5ca864 bellard
96 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->bootable = p[0];
97 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->start_head = p[1];
98 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->start_cylinder = p[3] | ((p[2] << 2) & 0x0300);
99 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->start_sector = p[2] & 0x3f;
100 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->system = p[4];
101 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->end_head = p[5];
102 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->end_cylinder = p[7] | ((p[6] << 2) & 0x300);
103 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->end_sector = p[6] & 0x3f;
104 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->start_sector_abs = p[8] | p[9] << 8 | p[10] << 16 | p[11] << 24;
105 7a5ca864 bellard
    r->nb_sectors_abs = p[12] | p[13] << 8 | p[14] << 16 | p[15] << 24;
106 7a5ca864 bellard
107 7a5ca864 bellard
108 7a5ca864 bellard
static int find_partition(BlockDriverState *bs, int partition,
109 7a5ca864 bellard
                          off_t *offset, off_t *size)
110 7a5ca864 bellard
111 7a5ca864 bellard
    struct partition_record mbr[4];
112 7a5ca864 bellard
    uint8_t data[512];
113 7a5ca864 bellard
    int i;
114 7a5ca864 bellard
    int ext_partnum = 4;
115 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
    int ret;
116 7a5ca864 bellard
117 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
    if ((ret = bdrv_read(bs, 0, data, 1)) < 0) {
118 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        errno = -ret;
119 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        err(EXIT_FAILURE, "error while reading");
120 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
121 7a5ca864 bellard
122 7a5ca864 bellard
    if (data[510] != 0x55 || data[511] != 0xaa) {
123 7a5ca864 bellard
        errno = -EINVAL;
124 7a5ca864 bellard
        return -1;
125 7a5ca864 bellard
126 7a5ca864 bellard
127 7a5ca864 bellard
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
128 7a5ca864 bellard
        read_partition(&data[446 + 16 * i], &mbr[i]);
129 7a5ca864 bellard
130 7a5ca864 bellard
        if (!mbr[i].nb_sectors_abs)
131 7a5ca864 bellard
132 7a5ca864 bellard
133 7a5ca864 bellard
        if (mbr[i].system == 0xF || mbr[i].system == 0x5) {
134 7a5ca864 bellard
            struct partition_record ext[4];
135 7a5ca864 bellard
            uint8_t data1[512];
136 7a5ca864 bellard
            int j;
137 7a5ca864 bellard
138 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
            if ((ret = bdrv_read(bs, mbr[i].start_sector_abs, data1, 1)) < 0) {
139 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
                errno = -ret;
140 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "error while reading");
141 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
142 7a5ca864 bellard
143 7a5ca864 bellard
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
144 7a5ca864 bellard
                read_partition(&data1[446 + 16 * j], &ext[j]);
145 7a5ca864 bellard
                if (!ext[j].nb_sectors_abs)
146 7a5ca864 bellard
147 7a5ca864 bellard
148 7a5ca864 bellard
                if ((ext_partnum + j + 1) == partition) {
149 7a5ca864 bellard
                    *offset = (uint64_t)ext[j].start_sector_abs << 9;
150 7a5ca864 bellard
                    *size = (uint64_t)ext[j].nb_sectors_abs << 9;
151 7a5ca864 bellard
                    return 0;
152 7a5ca864 bellard
153 7a5ca864 bellard
154 7a5ca864 bellard
            ext_partnum += 4;
155 7a5ca864 bellard
        } else if ((i + 1) == partition) {
156 7a5ca864 bellard
            *offset = (uint64_t)mbr[i].start_sector_abs << 9;
157 7a5ca864 bellard
            *size = (uint64_t)mbr[i].nb_sectors_abs << 9;
158 7a5ca864 bellard
            return 0;
159 7a5ca864 bellard
160 7a5ca864 bellard
161 7a5ca864 bellard
162 7a5ca864 bellard
    errno = -ENOENT;
163 7a5ca864 bellard
    return -1;
164 7a5ca864 bellard
165 7a5ca864 bellard
166 cd831bd7 ths
static void show_parts(const char *device)
167 cd831bd7 ths
168 cd831bd7 ths
    if (fork() == 0) {
169 cd831bd7 ths
        int nbd;
170 cd831bd7 ths
171 cd831bd7 ths
        /* linux just needs an open() to trigger
172 cd831bd7 ths
         * the partition table update
173 cd831bd7 ths
         * but remember to load the module with max_part != 0 :
174 cd831bd7 ths
         *     modprobe nbd max_part=63
175 cd831bd7 ths
176 cd831bd7 ths
        nbd = open(device, O_RDWR);
177 cd831bd7 ths
        if (nbd != -1)
178 cd831bd7 ths
179 cd831bd7 ths
180 cd831bd7 ths
181 cd831bd7 ths
182 cd831bd7 ths
183 7a5ca864 bellard
int main(int argc, char **argv)
184 7a5ca864 bellard
185 7a5ca864 bellard
    BlockDriverState *bs;
186 7a5ca864 bellard
    off_t dev_offset = 0;
187 7a5ca864 bellard
    off_t offset = 0;
188 7a5ca864 bellard
    bool readonly = false;
189 cd831bd7 ths
    bool disconnect = false;
190 7a5ca864 bellard
    const char *bindto = "";
191 c2e2872b Laurent Vivier
    int port = NBD_DEFAULT_PORT;
192 7a5ca864 bellard
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
193 7a5ca864 bellard
    socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
194 7a5ca864 bellard
    off_t fd_size;
195 cd831bd7 ths
    char *device = NULL;
196 cd831bd7 ths
    char *socket = NULL;
197 cd831bd7 ths
    char sockpath[128];
198 d6aa671f aliguori
    const char *sopt = "hVb:o:p:rsnP:c:dvk:e:t";
199 7a5ca864 bellard
    struct option lopt[] = {
200 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
201 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' },
202 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "bind", 1, NULL, 'b' },
203 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "port", 1, NULL, 'p' },
204 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "socket", 1, NULL, 'k' },
205 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "offset", 1, NULL, 'o' },
206 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "read-only", 0, NULL, 'r' },
207 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "partition", 1, NULL, 'P' },
208 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "connect", 1, NULL, 'c' },
209 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "disconnect", 0, NULL, 'd' },
210 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "snapshot", 0, NULL, 's' },
211 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "nocache", 0, NULL, 'n' },
212 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "shared", 1, NULL, 'e' },
213 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "persistent", 0, NULL, 't' },
214 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' },
215 660f11be Blue Swirl
        { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
216 7a5ca864 bellard
217 7a5ca864 bellard
    int ch;
218 7a5ca864 bellard
    int opt_ind = 0;
219 7a5ca864 bellard
    int li;
220 7a5ca864 bellard
    char *end;
221 f5edb014 Naphtali Sprei
    int flags = BDRV_O_RDWR;
222 7a5ca864 bellard
    int partition = -1;
223 cd831bd7 ths
    int ret;
224 3b05a8e9 ths
    int shared = 1;
225 2f726488 ths
    uint8_t *data;
226 3b05a8e9 ths
    fd_set fds;
227 3b05a8e9 ths
    int *sharing_fds;
228 3b05a8e9 ths
    int fd;
229 3b05a8e9 ths
    int i;
230 3b05a8e9 ths
    int nb_fds = 0;
231 3b05a8e9 ths
    int max_fd;
232 75818250 ths
    int persistent = 0;
233 1d45f8b5 Laurent Vivier
    uint32_t nbdflags;
234 7a5ca864 bellard
235 7a5ca864 bellard
    while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, &opt_ind)) != -1) {
236 7a5ca864 bellard
        switch (ch) {
237 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 's':
238 2f726488 ths
            flags |= BDRV_O_SNAPSHOT;
239 2f726488 ths
240 2f726488 ths
        case 'n':
241 9f7965c7 aliguori
            flags |= BDRV_O_NOCACHE;
242 7a5ca864 bellard
243 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'b':
244 7a5ca864 bellard
            bindto = optarg;
245 7a5ca864 bellard
246 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'p':
247 7a5ca864 bellard
            li = strtol(optarg, &end, 0);
248 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (*end) {
249 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid port `%s'", optarg);
250 7a5ca864 bellard
251 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (li < 1 || li > 65535) {
252 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Port out of range `%s'", optarg);
253 7a5ca864 bellard
254 7a5ca864 bellard
            port = (uint16_t)li;
255 7a5ca864 bellard
256 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'o':
257 7a5ca864 bellard
                dev_offset = strtoll (optarg, &end, 0);
258 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (*end) {
259 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid offset `%s'", optarg);
260 7a5ca864 bellard
261 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (dev_offset < 0) {
262 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Offset must be positive `%s'", optarg);
263 7a5ca864 bellard
264 7a5ca864 bellard
265 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'r':
266 7a5ca864 bellard
            readonly = true;
267 07108b29 Naphtali Sprei
            flags &= ~BDRV_O_RDWR;
268 7a5ca864 bellard
269 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'P':
270 7a5ca864 bellard
            partition = strtol(optarg, &end, 0);
271 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (*end)
272 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid partition `%s'", optarg);
273 7a5ca864 bellard
            if (partition < 1 || partition > 8)
274 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid partition %d", partition);
275 7a5ca864 bellard
276 cd831bd7 ths
        case 'k':
277 cd831bd7 ths
            socket = optarg;
278 cd831bd7 ths
            if (socket[0] != '/')
279 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "socket path must be absolute\n");
280 cd831bd7 ths
281 cd831bd7 ths
        case 'd':
282 cd831bd7 ths
            disconnect = true;
283 cd831bd7 ths
284 cd831bd7 ths
        case 'c':
285 cd831bd7 ths
            device = optarg;
286 cd831bd7 ths
287 3b05a8e9 ths
        case 'e':
288 3b05a8e9 ths
            shared = strtol(optarg, &end, 0);
289 3b05a8e9 ths
            if (*end) {
290 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid shared device number '%s'", optarg);
291 3b05a8e9 ths
292 3b05a8e9 ths
            if (shared < 1) {
293 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
                errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Shared device number must be greater than 0\n");
294 3b05a8e9 ths
295 3b05a8e9 ths
296 75818250 ths
        case 't':
297 75818250 ths
            persistent = 1;
298 75818250 ths
299 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'v':
300 7a5ca864 bellard
            verbose = 1;
301 7a5ca864 bellard
302 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'V':
303 7a5ca864 bellard
304 7a5ca864 bellard
305 7a5ca864 bellard
306 7a5ca864 bellard
        case 'h':
307 7a5ca864 bellard
308 7a5ca864 bellard
309 7a5ca864 bellard
310 7a5ca864 bellard
        case '?':
311 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
            errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Try `%s --help' for more information.",
312 7a5ca864 bellard
313 7a5ca864 bellard
314 7a5ca864 bellard
315 7a5ca864 bellard
316 7a5ca864 bellard
    if ((argc - optind) != 1) {
317 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
        errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid number of argument.\n"
318 7a5ca864 bellard
             "Try `%s --help' for more information.",
319 7a5ca864 bellard
320 7a5ca864 bellard
321 7a5ca864 bellard
322 cd831bd7 ths
    if (disconnect) {
323 cd831bd7 ths
        fd = open(argv[optind], O_RDWR);
324 cd831bd7 ths
        if (fd == -1)
325 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
            err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot open %s", argv[optind]);
326 cd831bd7 ths
327 cd831bd7 ths
328 cd831bd7 ths
329 cd831bd7 ths
330 cd831bd7 ths
331 cd831bd7 ths
        printf("%s disconnected\n", argv[optind]);
332 cd831bd7 ths
333 cd831bd7 ths
        return 0;
334 cd831bd7 ths
335 cd831bd7 ths
336 7a5ca864 bellard
337 7a5ca864 bellard
338 7a5ca864 bellard
    bs = bdrv_new("hda");
339 7a5ca864 bellard
    if (bs == NULL)
340 7a5ca864 bellard
        return 1;
341 7a5ca864 bellard
342 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
    if ((ret = bdrv_open(bs, argv[optind], flags, NULL)) < 0) {
343 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        errno = -ret;
344 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to bdrv_open '%s'", argv[optind]);
345 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
346 7a5ca864 bellard
347 7a5ca864 bellard
    fd_size = bs->total_sectors * 512;
348 7a5ca864 bellard
349 7a5ca864 bellard
    if (partition != -1 &&
350 7a5ca864 bellard
        find_partition(bs, partition, &dev_offset, &fd_size))
351 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not find partition %d", partition);
352 7a5ca864 bellard
353 cd831bd7 ths
    if (device) {
354 3b05a8e9 ths
        pid_t pid;
355 3b05a8e9 ths
        int sock;
356 3b05a8e9 ths
357 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        /* want to fail before daemonizing */
358 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
        if (access(device, R_OK|W_OK) == -1) {
359 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
            err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not access '%s'", device);
360 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
361 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
362 f5de141b Anthony Liguori
        if (!verbose) {
363 f5de141b Anthony Liguori
            /* detach client and server */
364 f5de141b Anthony Liguori
            if (daemon(0, 0) == -1) {
365 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to daemonize");
366 f5de141b Anthony Liguori
367 f5de141b Anthony Liguori
368 cd831bd7 ths
369 cd831bd7 ths
        if (socket == NULL) {
370 22ff51ee Blue Swirl
            snprintf(sockpath, sizeof(sockpath), SOCKET_PATH,
371 22ff51ee Blue Swirl
372 cd831bd7 ths
            socket = sockpath;
373 cd831bd7 ths
374 cd831bd7 ths
375 cd831bd7 ths
        pid = fork();
376 cd831bd7 ths
        if (pid < 0)
377 cd831bd7 ths
            return 1;
378 cd831bd7 ths
        if (pid != 0) {
379 cd831bd7 ths
            off_t size;
380 cd831bd7 ths
            size_t blocksize;
381 cd831bd7 ths
382 cd831bd7 ths
            ret = 0;
383 cd831bd7 ths
384 cd831bd7 ths
385 cd831bd7 ths
            do {
386 cd831bd7 ths
                sock = unix_socket_outgoing(socket);
387 cd831bd7 ths
                if (sock == -1) {
388 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
                    if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ECONNREFUSED) {
389 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
                        ret = 1;
390 cd831bd7 ths
                        goto out;
391 cb7cf0e3 Ryota Ozaki
392 cd831bd7 ths
                    sleep(1);        /* wait children */
393 cd831bd7 ths
394 cd831bd7 ths
            } while (sock == -1);
395 cd831bd7 ths
396 cd831bd7 ths
            fd = open(device, O_RDWR);
397 cd831bd7 ths
            if (fd == -1) {
398 cd831bd7 ths
                ret = 1;
399 cd831bd7 ths
                goto out;
400 cd831bd7 ths
401 cd831bd7 ths
402 1d45f8b5 Laurent Vivier
            ret = nbd_receive_negotiate(sock, NULL, &nbdflags,
403 1d45f8b5 Laurent Vivier
                                        &size, &blocksize);
404 cd831bd7 ths
            if (ret == -1) {
405 cd831bd7 ths
                ret = 1;
406 cd831bd7 ths
                goto out;
407 cd831bd7 ths
408 cd831bd7 ths
409 cd831bd7 ths
            ret = nbd_init(fd, sock, size, blocksize);
410 cd831bd7 ths
            if (ret == -1) {
411 cd831bd7 ths
                ret = 1;
412 cd831bd7 ths
                goto out;
413 cd831bd7 ths
414 cd831bd7 ths
415 cd831bd7 ths
            printf("NBD device %s is now connected to file %s\n",
416 cd831bd7 ths
                    device, argv[optind]);
417 cd831bd7 ths
418 cd831bd7 ths
            /* update partition table */
419 cd831bd7 ths
420 cd831bd7 ths
421 cd831bd7 ths
422 e301b13d Jes Sorensen
            ret = nbd_client(fd);
423 e301b13d Jes Sorensen
            if (ret) {
424 e301b13d Jes Sorensen
                ret = 1;
425 e301b13d Jes Sorensen
426 cd831bd7 ths
427 cd831bd7 ths
428 cd831bd7 ths
            kill(pid, SIGTERM);
429 cd831bd7 ths
430 cd831bd7 ths
431 cd831bd7 ths
            return ret;
432 cd831bd7 ths
433 cd831bd7 ths
        /* children */
434 cd831bd7 ths
435 cd831bd7 ths
436 3b05a8e9 ths
    sharing_fds = qemu_malloc((shared + 1) * sizeof(int));
437 3b05a8e9 ths
438 cd831bd7 ths
    if (socket) {
439 3b05a8e9 ths
        sharing_fds[0] = unix_socket_incoming(socket);
440 cd831bd7 ths
    } else {
441 3b05a8e9 ths
        sharing_fds[0] = tcp_socket_incoming(bindto, port);
442 cd831bd7 ths
443 cd831bd7 ths
444 3b05a8e9 ths
    if (sharing_fds[0] == -1)
445 7a5ca864 bellard
        return 1;
446 3b05a8e9 ths
    max_fd = sharing_fds[0];
447 3b05a8e9 ths
448 7a5ca864 bellard
449 72aef731 Christoph Hellwig
    data = qemu_blockalign(bs, NBD_BUFFER_SIZE);
450 3b05a8e9 ths
    if (data == NULL)
451 b6353bea Ryota Ozaki
        errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot allocate data buffer");
452 7a5ca864 bellard
453 3b05a8e9 ths
    do {
454 7a5ca864 bellard
455 3b05a8e9 ths
456 3b05a8e9 ths
        for (i = 0; i < nb_fds; i++)
457 3b05a8e9 ths
            FD_SET(sharing_fds[i], &fds);
458 3b05a8e9 ths
459 3b05a8e9 ths
        ret = select(max_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
460 3b05a8e9 ths
        if (ret == -1)
461 3b05a8e9 ths
462 3b05a8e9 ths
463 3b05a8e9 ths
        if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[0], &fds))
464 3b05a8e9 ths
465 3b05a8e9 ths
        for (i = 1; i < nb_fds && ret; i++) {
466 3b05a8e9 ths
            if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[i], &fds)) {
467 3b05a8e9 ths
                if (nbd_trip(bs, sharing_fds[i], fd_size, dev_offset,
468 3b05a8e9 ths
                    &offset, readonly, data, NBD_BUFFER_SIZE) != 0) {
469 3b05a8e9 ths
470 3b05a8e9 ths
471 3b05a8e9 ths
                    sharing_fds[i] = sharing_fds[nb_fds];
472 3b05a8e9 ths
473 3b05a8e9 ths
474 3b05a8e9 ths
475 3b05a8e9 ths
476 3b05a8e9 ths
477 3b05a8e9 ths
        /* new connection ? */
478 3b05a8e9 ths
        if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[0], &fds)) {
479 3b05a8e9 ths
            if (nb_fds < shared + 1) {
480 3b05a8e9 ths
                sharing_fds[nb_fds] = accept(sharing_fds[0],
481 3b05a8e9 ths
                                             (struct sockaddr *)&addr,
482 3b05a8e9 ths
483 3b05a8e9 ths
                if (sharing_fds[nb_fds] != -1 &&
484 27982661 aliguori
                    nbd_negotiate(sharing_fds[nb_fds], fd_size) != -1) {
485 3b05a8e9 ths
                        if (sharing_fds[nb_fds] > max_fd)
486 3b05a8e9 ths
                            max_fd = sharing_fds[nb_fds];
487 3b05a8e9 ths
488 3b05a8e9 ths
489 3b05a8e9 ths
490 3b05a8e9 ths
491 75818250 ths
    } while (persistent || nb_fds > 1);
492 f8a83245 Herve Poussineau
493 7a5ca864 bellard
494 3b05a8e9 ths
495 7a5ca864 bellard
496 3b05a8e9 ths
497 cd831bd7 ths
    if (socket)
498 cd831bd7 ths
499 7a5ca864 bellard
500 7a5ca864 bellard
    return 0;
501 7a5ca864 bellard