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root / src / Ganeti / BasicTypes.hs @ 15a53b1e

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1 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
5 93be1ced Iustin Pop
6 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
7 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
8 1091021c Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
9 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
10 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
14 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
15 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
18 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
19 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
20 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
23 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
24 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
25 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
26 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
27 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.BasicTypes
28 93be1ced Iustin Pop
  ( GenericResult(..)
29 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
  , genericResult
30 93be1ced Iustin Pop
  , Result
31 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
  , ResultT(..)
32 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , mkResultT
33 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , withError
34 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , withErrorT
35 f59cefcb Petr Pudlak
  , toError
36 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
  , toErrorBase
37 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , toErrorStr
38 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
  , Error(..) -- re-export from Control.Monad.Error
39 31daf7db Petr Pudlak
  , MonadIO(..) -- re-export from Control.Monad.IO.Class
40 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  , isOk
41 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  , isBad
42 9491766c Hrvoje Ribicic
  , justOk
43 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
  , justBad
44 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  , eitherToResult
45 f3f76ccc Iustin Pop
  , annotateResult
46 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , annotateError
47 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , failError
48 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , catchErrorT
49 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  , handleErrorT
50 b1c772fd Klaus Aehlig
  , iterateOk
51 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , select
52 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
  , runListHead
53 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , LookupResult(..)
54 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , MatchPriority(..)
55 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , lookupName
56 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , goodLookupResult
57 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , goodMatchPriority
58 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , prefixMatch
59 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , compareNameComponent
60 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
  , ListSet(..)
61 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
  , emptyListSet
62 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  ) where
63 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
64 25779212 Iustin Pop
import Control.Applicative
65 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
import Control.Exception (try)
66 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
import Control.Monad
67 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Base
68 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
69 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
import Control.Monad.Trans
70 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
71 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
import Data.Function
72 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
import Data.List
73 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
import Data.Maybe
74 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
import Data.Monoid
75 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
import Data.Set (Set)
76 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
import qualified Data.Set as Set (empty)
77 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
import Text.JSON (JSON)
78 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
import qualified Text.JSON as JSON (readJSON, showJSON)
79 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
80 93be1ced Iustin Pop
-- | Generic monad for our error handling mechanisms.
81 93be1ced Iustin Pop
data GenericResult a b
82 93be1ced Iustin Pop
  = Bad a
83 93be1ced Iustin Pop
  | Ok b
84 139c0683 Iustin Pop
    deriving (Show, Eq)
85 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
86 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
-- | Sum type structure of GenericResult.
87 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
genericResult :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> GenericResult a b -> c
88 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
genericResult f _ (Bad a) = f a
89 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
genericResult _ g (Ok b) = g b
90 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE genericResult #-}
91 b74ebe44 Klaus Aehlig
92 93be1ced Iustin Pop
-- | Type alias for a string Result.
93 93be1ced Iustin Pop
type Result = GenericResult String
94 93be1ced Iustin Pop
95 93be1ced Iustin Pop
-- | 'Monad' instance for 'GenericResult'.
96 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a) => Monad (GenericResult a) where
97 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  (>>=) (Bad x) _ = Bad x
98 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  (>>=) (Ok x) fn = fn x
99 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  return = Ok
100 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
  fail   = Bad . strMsg
101 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
102 93be1ced Iustin Pop
instance Functor (GenericResult a) where
103 a9ccc950 Iustin Pop
  fmap _ (Bad msg) = Bad msg
104 a9ccc950 Iustin Pop
  fmap fn (Ok val) = Ok (fn val)
105 a9ccc950 Iustin Pop
106 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a, Monoid a) => MonadPlus (GenericResult a) where
107 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
  mzero = Bad $ strMsg "zero Result when used as MonadPlus"
108 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  -- for mplus, when we 'add' two Bad values, we concatenate their
109 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  -- error descriptions
110 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
  (Bad x) `mplus` (Bad y) = Bad (x `mappend` strMsg "; " `mappend` y)
111 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  (Bad _) `mplus` x = x
112 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
  x@(Ok _) `mplus` _ = x
113 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
114 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a) => MonadError a (GenericResult a) where
115 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  throwError = Bad
116 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE throwError #-}
117 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  catchError x h = genericResult h (const x) x
118 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE catchError #-}
119 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
120 93be1ced Iustin Pop
instance Applicative (GenericResult a) where
121 25779212 Iustin Pop
  pure = Ok
122 25779212 Iustin Pop
  (Bad f) <*> _       = Bad f
123 25779212 Iustin Pop
  _       <*> (Bad x) = Bad x
124 25779212 Iustin Pop
  (Ok f)  <*> (Ok x)  = Ok $ f x
125 25779212 Iustin Pop
126 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a, Monoid a) => Alternative (GenericResult a) where
127 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
  empty = mzero
128 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
  (<|>) = mplus
129 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
130 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
-- | This is a monad transformation for Result. It's implementation is
131 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
-- based on the implementations of MaybeT and ErrorT.
132 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
133 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- 'ResultT' is very similar to @ErrorT@, but with one subtle difference:
134 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- If 'mplus' combines two failing operations, errors of both of them
135 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- are combined.
136 93be1ced Iustin Pop
newtype ResultT a m b = ResultT {runResultT :: m (GenericResult a b)}
137 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
138 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
-- | Eliminates a 'ResultT' value given appropriate continuations
139 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
elimResultT :: (Monad m)
140 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
            => (a -> ResultT a' m b')
141 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
            -> (b -> ResultT a' m b')
142 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
            -> ResultT a m b
143 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
            -> ResultT a' m b'
144 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
elimResultT l r = ResultT . (runResultT . result <=< runResultT)
145 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
146 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
    result (Ok x)   = r x
147 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
    result (Bad e)  = l e
148 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE elimResultT #-}
149 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
150 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad f) => Functor (ResultT a f) where
151 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  fmap f = ResultT . liftM (fmap f) . runResultT
152 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
153 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad m, Error a) => Applicative (ResultT a m) where
154 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  pure = return
155 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  (<*>) = ap
156 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
157 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad m, Error a) => Monad (ResultT a m) where
158 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
  fail err = ResultT (return . Bad $ strMsg err)
159 274366e5 Agata Murawska
  return   = lift . return
160 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  (>>=)    = flip (elimResultT throwError)
161 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
162 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad m, Error a) => MonadError a (ResultT a m) where
163 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
  throwError = ResultT . return . Bad
164 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  catchError = catchErrorT
165 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
166 93be1ced Iustin Pop
instance MonadTrans (ResultT a) where
167 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  lift = ResultT . liftM Ok
168 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
169 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- | The instance catches any 'IOError' using 'try' and converts it into an
170 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- error message using 'strMsg'.
171 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
172 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- This way, monadic code within 'ResultT' that uses solely 'liftIO' to
173 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- include 'IO' actions ensures that all IO exceptions are handled.
174 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
175 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- Other exceptions (see instances of 'Exception') are not currently handled.
176 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
-- This might be revised in the future.
177 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadIO m, Error a) => MonadIO (ResultT a m) where
178 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
  liftIO = ResultT . liftIO
179 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
                   . liftM (either (failError . show) return)
180 fb54b24a Petr Pudlak
                   . (try :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a))
181 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
182 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
instance (MonadBase IO m, Error a) => MonadBase IO (ResultT a m) where
183 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  liftBase = ResultT . liftBase
184 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
                   . liftM (either (failError . show) return)
185 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
                   . (try :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a))
186 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
187 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a) => MonadTransControl (ResultT a) where
188 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  newtype StT (ResultT a) b = StResultT { runStResultT :: GenericResult a b }
189 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  liftWith f = ResultT . liftM return $ f (liftM StResultT . runResultT)
190 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  restoreT = ResultT . liftM runStResultT
191 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE liftWith #-}
192 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE restoreT #-}
193 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
194 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
instance (Error a, MonadBaseControl IO m)
195 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
         => MonadBaseControl IO (ResultT a m) where
196 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  newtype StM (ResultT a m) b
197 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
    = StMResultT { runStMResultT :: ComposeSt (ResultT a) m b }
198 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith StMResultT
199 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  restoreM = defaultRestoreM runStMResultT
200 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
201 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
  {-# INLINE restoreM #-}
202 d5868411 Petr Pudlak
203 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad m, Error a, Monoid a) => MonadPlus (ResultT a m) where
204 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  mzero = ResultT $ return mzero
205 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  -- Ensure that 'y' isn't run if 'x' contains a value. This makes it a bit
206 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  -- more complicated than 'mplus' of 'GenericResult'.
207 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
  mplus x y = elimResultT combine return x
208 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
    where combine x' = ResultT $ liftM (mplus (Bad x')) (runResultT y)
209 95e683c6 Petr Pudlak
210 a87a017b Petr Pudlak
instance (Monad m, Error a, Monoid a) => Alternative (ResultT a m) where
211 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
  empty = mzero
212 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
  (<|>) = mplus
213 78209a84 Petr Pudlak
214 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Changes the error message of a result value, if present.
215 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- Note that since 'GenericResult' is also a 'MonadError', this function
216 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- is a generalization of
217 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- @(Error e') => (e' -> e) -> GenericResult e' a -> GenericResult e a@
218 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
withError :: (MonadError e m) => (e' -> e) -> GenericResult e' a -> m a
219 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
withError f = genericResult (throwError . f) return
220 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
221 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Changes the error message of a @ResultT@ value, if present.
222 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
withErrorT :: (Monad m, Error e)
223 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
           => (e' -> e) -> ResultT e' m a -> ResultT e m a
224 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
withErrorT f = ResultT . liftM (withError f) . runResultT
225 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
226 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- | Lift a 'Result' value to any 'MonadError'. Since 'ResultT' is itself its
227 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- instance, it's a generalization of
228 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- @Monad m => GenericResult a b -> ResultT a m b@.
229 f59cefcb Petr Pudlak
toError :: (MonadError e m) => GenericResult e a -> m a
230 f59cefcb Petr Pudlak
toError = genericResult throwError return
231 f59cefcb Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE toError #-}
232 d71fbcc5 Agata Murawska
233 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
-- | Lift a 'ResultT' value into any 'MonadError' with the same base monad.
234 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
toErrorBase :: (MonadBase b m, MonadError e m) => ResultT e b a -> m a
235 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
toErrorBase = (toError =<<) . liftBase . runResultT
236 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE toErrorBase #-}
237 0efada2a Petr Pudlak
238 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | An alias for @withError strMsg@, which is often used to lift a pure error
239 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- to a monad stack. See also 'annotateResult'.
240 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
toErrorStr :: (MonadError e m, Error e) => Result a -> m a
241 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
toErrorStr = withError strMsg
242 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
243 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Converts a monadic result with a 'String' message into
244 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- a 'ResultT' with an arbitrary 'Error'.
245 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
246 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- Expects that the given action has already taken care of any possible
247 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- errors. In particular, if applied on @IO (Result a)@, any exceptions
248 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- should be handled by the given action.
249 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
250 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- See also 'toErrorStr'.
251 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
mkResultT :: (Monad m, Error e) => m (Result a) -> ResultT e m a
252 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
mkResultT = ResultT . liftM toErrorStr
253 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
254 93be1ced Iustin Pop
-- | Simple checker for whether a 'GenericResult' is OK.
255 93be1ced Iustin Pop
isOk :: GenericResult a b -> Bool
256 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
isOk (Ok _) = True
257 93be1ced Iustin Pop
isOk _      = False
258 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
259 93be1ced Iustin Pop
-- | Simple checker for whether a 'GenericResult' is a failure.
260 93be1ced Iustin Pop
isBad :: GenericResult a b -> Bool
261 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
isBad = not . isOk
262 0c37d1e4 Iustin Pop
263 9491766c Hrvoje Ribicic
-- | Simple filter returning only OK values of GenericResult
264 9491766c Hrvoje Ribicic
justOk :: [GenericResult a b] -> [b]
265 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
justOk = mapMaybe (genericResult (const Nothing) Just)
266 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
267 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
-- | Simple filter returning only Bad values of GenericResult
268 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
justBad :: [GenericResult a b] -> [a]
269 ea128e20 Klaus Aehlig
justBad = mapMaybe (genericResult Just (const Nothing))
270 9491766c Hrvoje Ribicic
271 98508e7f Dato Simó
-- | Converter from Either to 'GenericResult'.
272 93be1ced Iustin Pop
eitherToResult :: Either a b -> GenericResult a b
273 93be1ced Iustin Pop
eitherToResult (Left  s) = Bad s
274 93be1ced Iustin Pop
eitherToResult (Right v) = Ok  v
275 f3f76ccc Iustin Pop
276 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- | Annotate an error with an ownership information, lifting it to a
277 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- 'MonadError'. Since 'Result' is an instance of 'MonadError' itself,
278 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- it's a generalization of type @String -> Result a -> Result a@.
279 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
-- See also 'toErrorStr'.
280 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
annotateResult :: (MonadError e m, Error e) => String -> Result a -> m a
281 87f15934 Petr Pudlak
annotateResult owner = toErrorStr . annotateError owner
282 1091021c Iustin Pop
283 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Annotate an error with an ownership information inside a 'MonadError'.
284 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- See also 'annotateResult'.
285 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
annotateError :: (MonadError e m, Error e, Monoid e) => String -> m a -> m a
286 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
annotateError owner =
287 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
  flip catchError (throwError . mappend (strMsg $ owner ++ ": "))
288 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE annotateError #-}
289 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
290 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Throws a 'String' message as an error in a 'MonadError'.
291 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- This is a generalization of 'Bad'.
292 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- It's similar to 'fail', but works within a 'MonadError', avoiding the
293 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- unsafe nature of 'fail'.
294 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
failError :: (MonadError e m, Error e) => String -> m a
295 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
failError = throwError . strMsg
296 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
297 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | A synonym for @flip@ 'catchErrorT'.
298 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
handleErrorT :: (Monad m, Error e)
299 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
             => (e' -> ResultT e m a) -> ResultT e' m a -> ResultT e m a
300 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
handleErrorT handler = elimResultT handler return
301 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE handleErrorT #-}
302 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
303 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- | Catches an error in a @ResultT@ value. This is similar to 'catchError',
304 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
-- but in addition allows to change the error type.
305 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
catchErrorT :: (Monad m, Error e)
306 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
            => ResultT e' m a -> (e' -> ResultT e m a) -> ResultT e m a
307 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
catchErrorT = flip handleErrorT
308 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
{-# INLINE catchErrorT #-}
309 565821d1 Petr Pudlak
310 b1c772fd Klaus Aehlig
-- | Iterate while Ok.
311 b1c772fd Klaus Aehlig
iterateOk :: (a -> GenericResult b a) -> a -> [a]
312 b1c772fd Klaus Aehlig
iterateOk f a = genericResult (const []) ((:) a . iterateOk f) (f a)
313 b1c772fd Klaus Aehlig
314 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- * Misc functionality
315 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
316 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Return the first result with a True condition, or the default otherwise.
317 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
select :: a            -- ^ default result
318 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
       -> [(Bool, a)]  -- ^ list of \"condition, result\"
319 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
       -> a            -- ^ first result which has a True condition, or default
320 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
select def = maybe def snd . find fst
321 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
322 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
-- | Apply a function to the first element of a list, return the default
323 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
-- value, if the list is empty. This is just a convenient combination of
324 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
-- maybe and listToMaybe.
325 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
runListHead :: a -> (b -> a) -> [b] -> a
326 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
runListHead a f = maybe a f . listToMaybe
327 a1da8a50 Klaus Aehlig
328 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- * Lookup of partial names functionality
329 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
330 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | The priority of a match in a lookup result.
331 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
data MatchPriority = ExactMatch
332 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   | MultipleMatch
333 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   | PartialMatch
334 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   | FailMatch
335 139c0683 Iustin Pop
                   deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord)
336 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
337 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | The result of a name lookup in a list.
338 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
data LookupResult = LookupResult
339 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  { lrMatchPriority :: MatchPriority -- ^ The result type
340 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  -- | Matching value (for ExactMatch, PartialMatch), Lookup string otherwise
341 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , lrContent :: String
342 139c0683 Iustin Pop
  } deriving (Show)
343 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
344 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Lookup results have an absolute preference ordering.
345 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
instance Eq LookupResult where
346 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  (==) = (==) `on` lrMatchPriority
347 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
348 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
instance Ord LookupResult where
349 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  compare = compare `on` lrMatchPriority
350 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
351 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Check for prefix matches in names.
352 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- Implemented in Ganeti core utils.text.MatchNameComponent
353 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- as the regexp r"^%s(\..*)?$" % re.escape(key)
354 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
prefixMatch :: String  -- ^ Lookup
355 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
            -> String  -- ^ Full name
356 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
            -> Bool    -- ^ Whether there is a prefix match
357 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
prefixMatch = isPrefixOf . (++ ".")
358 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
359 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Is the lookup priority a "good" one?
360 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodMatchPriority :: MatchPriority -> Bool
361 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodMatchPriority ExactMatch = True
362 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodMatchPriority PartialMatch = True
363 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodMatchPriority _ = False
364 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
365 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Is the lookup result an actual match?
366 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodLookupResult :: LookupResult -> Bool
367 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
goodLookupResult = goodMatchPriority . lrMatchPriority
368 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
369 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Compares a canonical name and a lookup string.
370 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
compareNameComponent :: String        -- ^ Canonical (target) name
371 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                     -> String        -- ^ Partial (lookup) name
372 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                     -> LookupResult  -- ^ Result of the lookup
373 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
compareNameComponent cnl lkp =
374 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  select (LookupResult FailMatch lkp)
375 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  [ (cnl == lkp          , LookupResult ExactMatch cnl)
376 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , (prefixMatch lkp cnl , LookupResult PartialMatch cnl)
377 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
378 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
379 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Lookup a string and choose the best result.
380 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
chooseLookupResult :: String       -- ^ Lookup key
381 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   -> String       -- ^ String to compare to the lookup key
382 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   -> LookupResult -- ^ Previous result
383 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                   -> LookupResult -- ^ New result
384 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
chooseLookupResult lkp cstr old =
385 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  -- default: use class order to pick the minimum result
386 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  select (min new old)
387 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  -- special cases:
388 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  -- short circuit if the new result is an exact match
389 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  [ (lrMatchPriority new == ExactMatch, new)
390 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  -- if both are partial matches generate a multiple match
391 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  , (partial2, LookupResult MultipleMatch lkp)
392 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
  ] where new = compareNameComponent cstr lkp
393 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
          partial2 = all ((PartialMatch==) . lrMatchPriority) [old, new]
394 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
395 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
-- | Find the canonical name for a lookup string in a list of names.
396 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
lookupName :: [String]      -- ^ List of keys
397 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
           -> String        -- ^ Lookup string
398 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
           -> LookupResult  -- ^ Result of the lookup
399 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
lookupName l s = foldr (chooseLookupResult s)
400 2fc5653f Iustin Pop
                       (LookupResult FailMatch s) l
401 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
402 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
-- | Wrapper for a Haskell 'Set'
403 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
404 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
-- This type wraps a 'Set' and it is used in the Haskell to Python
405 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
-- opcode generation to transform a Haskell 'Set' into a Python 'list'
406 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
-- without duplicate elements.
407 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
newtype ListSet a = ListSet { unListSet :: Set a }
408 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
  deriving (Eq, Show)
409 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
410 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
instance (Ord a, JSON a) => JSON (ListSet a) where
411 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
  showJSON = JSON.showJSON . unListSet
412 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
  readJSON = liftM ListSet . JSON.readJSON
413 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
414 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
emptyListSet :: ListSet a
415 4651c69f Jose A. Lopes
emptyListSet = ListSet Set.empty