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1 4ff32a35 Bernardo Dal Seno
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Partitioned Ganeti
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.. contents:: :depth: 4
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Current state and shortcomings
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Currently Ganeti can be used to easily share a node between multiple
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virtual instances. While it's easy to do a completely "best effort"
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sharing it's quite harder to completely reserve resources for the use of
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a particular instance. In particular this has to be done manually for
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CPUs and disk, is implemented for RAM under Xen, but not under KVM, and
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there's no provision for network level QoS.
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Proposed changes
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We want to make it easy to partition a node between machines with
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exclusive use of hardware resources. While some sharing will anyway need
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to happen (e.g. for operations that use the host domain, or use
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resources, like buses, which are unique or very scarce on host systems)
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we'll strive to maintain contention at a minimum, but won't try to avoid
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all possible sources of it.
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Exclusive use of disks
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``exclusive_storage`` is a new node parameter. When it's enabled, Ganeti
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will allocate entire disks to instances. Though it's possible to think
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of ways of doing something similar for other storage back-ends, this
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design targets only ``plain`` and ``drbd``. The name is generic enough
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in case the feature will be extended to other back-ends. The flag value
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should be homogeneous within a node-group; ``cluster-verify`` will report
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any violation of this condition.
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Ganeti will consider each physical volume in the destination volume
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group as a host disk (for proper isolation, an administrator should
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make sure that there aren't multiple PVs on the same physical
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disk). When ``exclusive_storage`` is enabled in a node group, all PVs
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in the node group must have the same size (within a certain margin, say
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1%, defined through a new parameter). Ganeti will check this condition
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when the ``exclusive_storage`` flag is set, whenever a new node is added
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and as part of ``cluster-verify``.
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When creating a new disk for an instance, Ganeti will allocate the
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minimum number of PVs to hold the disk, and those PVs will be excluded
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from the pool of available PVs for further disk creations. The
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underlying LV will be striped, when striping is allowed by the current
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configuration. Ganeti will continue to track only the LVs, and query the
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LVM layer to figure out which PVs are available and how much space is
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free. Yet, creation, disk growing, and free-space reporting will ignore
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any partially allocated PVs, so that PVs won't be shared between
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instance disks.
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For compatibility with the DRBD template and to take into account disk
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variability, Ganeti will always subtract 2% (this will be a parameter)
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from the PV space when calculating how many PVs are needed to allocate
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an instance and when nodes report free space.
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The obvious target for this option is plain disk template, which doesn't
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provide redundancy. An administrator can still provide resilience
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against disk failures by setting up RAID under PVs, but this is
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transparent to Ganeti.
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Spindles as a resource
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When resources are dedicated and there are more spindles than instances
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on a node, it is natural to assign more spindles to instances than what
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is strictly needed. For this reason, we introduce a new resource:
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spindles. A spindle is a PV in LVM. The number of spindles required for
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a disk of an instance is specified together with the size. Specifying
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the number of spindles is possible only when ``exclusive_storage`` is
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enabled. It is an error to specify a number of spindles insufficient to
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contain the requested disk size.
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When ``exclusive_storage`` is not enabled, spindles are not used in free
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space calculation, in allocation algorithms, and policies. When it's
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enabled, ``hspace``, ``hbal``, and allocators will use spindles instead
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of disk size for their computation. For each node, the number of all the
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spindles in every LVM group is recorded, and different LVM groups are
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accounted separately in allocation and balancing.
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There is already a concept of spindles in Ganeti. It's not related to
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any actual spindle or volume count, but it's used in ``spindle_use`` to
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measure the pressure of an instance on the storage system and in
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``spindle_ratio`` to balance the I/O load on the nodes. These two
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parameters will be renamed to ``storage_io_use`` and
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``storage_io_ratio`` to reflect better their meaning. When
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``exclusive_storage`` is enabled, such parameters are ignored, as
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balancing the use of storage I/O is already addressed by the exclusive
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assignment of PVs.
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Dedicated CPUs
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``vpcu_ratio`` can be used to tie the number of VCPUs to the number of
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CPUs provided by the hardware. We need to take into account the CPU
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usage of the hypervisor. For Xen, this means counting the number of
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VCPUs assigned to ``Domain-0``.
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For KVM, it's more difficult to limit the number of CPUs used by the
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node OS. ``cgroups`` could be a solution to restrict the node OS to use
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some of the CPUs, leaving the other ones to instances and KVM processes.
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For KVM, the number of CPUs for the host system should also be a
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hypervisor parameter (set at the node group level).
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Dedicated RAM
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Instances should not compete for RAM. This is easily done on Xen, but it
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is tricky on KVM.
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Memory is already fully segregated under Xen, if sharing mechanisms
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(transcendent memory, auto ballooning, etc) are not in use.
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Under KVM or LXC memory is fully shared between the host system and all
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the guests, and instances can even be swapped out by the host OS.
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It's not clear if the problem can be solved by limiting the size of the
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instances, so that there is plenty of room for the host OS. 
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We could implement segregation using cgroups to limit the memory used by
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the host OS. This requires finishing the implementation of the memory
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hypervisor status (set at the node group level) that changes how free
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memory is computed under KVM systems. Then we have to add a way to
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enforce this limit on the host system itself, rather than leaving it as
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a calculation tool only.
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Another problem for KVM is that we need to decide about the size of the
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cgroup versus the size of the VM: some overhead will in particular
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exist, due to the fact that an instance and its encapsulating KVM
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process share the same space. For KVM systems the physical memory
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allocatable to instances should be computed by subtracting an overhead
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for the KVM processes, whose value can be either statically configured
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or set in a hypervisor status parameter.
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If instances are pinned to CPUs, and the amount of memory used for every
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instance is proportionate to the number of VCPUs, NUMA shouldn't be a
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problem, as the hypervisors allocate memory in the appropriate NUMA
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node. Work is in progress in Xen and the Linux kernel to always allocate
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memory correctly even without pinning. Therefore, we don't need to
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address this problem specifically; it will be solved by future versions
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of the hypervisors or by implementing CPU pinning.
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Constrained instance sizes
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In order to simplify allocation and resource provisioning we want to
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limit the possible sizes of instances to a finite set of specifications,
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defined at node-group level.
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Currently it's possible to define an instance policy that limits the
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minimum and maximum value for CPU, memory, and disk usage (and spindles
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and any other resource, when implemented), independently from each other. We
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extend the policy by allowing it to contain more occurrences of the
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specifications for both the limits for the instance resources. Each
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specification pair (minimum and maximum) has a unique priority
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associated to it (or in other words, specifications are ordered), which
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is used by ``hspace`` (see below). The standard specification doesn't
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change: there is one for the whole cluster.
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For example, a policy could be set up to allow instances with this
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- between 1 and 2 CPUs, 2 GB of RAM, and between 10 GB and 400 GB of
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disk space;
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- 4 CPUs, 4 GB of RAM, and between 10 GB and 800 GB of disk space.
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Then, an instance using 1 CPU, 2 GB of RAM and 50 GB of disk would be
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legal, as an instance using 4 CPUs, 4 GB of RAM, and 20 GB of disk,
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while an instance using 2 CPUs, 4 GB of RAM and 40 GB of disk would be
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Ganeti will refuse to create (or modify) instances that violate instance
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policy constraints, unless the flag ``--ignore-ipolicy`` is passed.
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While the changes needed to check constraint violations are
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straightforward, ``hspace`` behavior needs some adjustments for tiered
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allocation. ``hspace`` will start to allocate instances using the
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maximum specification with the highest priority, then it will try to
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lower the most constrained resources (without breaking the policy)
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before moving to the second highest priority, and so on.
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For consistent results in capacity calculation, the specifications
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inside a policy should be ordered so that the biggest specifications
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have the highest priorities. Also, specifications should not overlap.
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Ganeti won't check nor enforce such constraints, though.
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Implementation order
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We will implement this design in the following order:
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- Exclusive use of disks (without spindles as a resource)
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- Constrained instance sizes
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- Spindles as a resource
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- Dedicated CPU and memory
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In this way have always new features that are immediately useful.
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Spindles as a resource are not needed for correct capacity calculation,
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as long as allowed disk sizes are multiples of spindle size, so it's
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been moved after constrained instance sizes. If it turns out that it's
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easier to implement dedicated disks with spindles as a resource, then we
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will do that.
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Possible future enhancements
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This section briefly describes some enhancements to the current design.
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They may require their own design document, and must be re-evaluated
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when considered for implementation, as Ganeti and the hypervisors may
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change substantially in the meantime.
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Network bandwidth
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A new resource is introduced: network bandwidth. An administrator must
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be able to assign some network bandwidth to the virtual interfaces of an
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instance, and set limits in instance policies. Also, a list of the
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physical network interfaces available for Ganeti use and their maximum
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bandwidth must be kept at node-group or node level. This information
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will be taken into account for allocation, balancing, and free-space
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An additional enhancement is Ganeti enforcing the values set in the
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bandwidth resource. This can be done by configuring limits for example
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via openvswitch or normal QoS for bridging or routing. The bandwidth
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resource represents the average bandwidth usage, so a few new back-end
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parameters are needed to configure how to deal with bursts (they depend
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on the actual way used to enforce the limit).
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CPU pinning
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In order to avoid unwarranted migrations between CPUs and to deal with
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NUMA effectively we may need CPU pinning. CPU scheduling is a complex
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topic and still under active development in Xen and the Linux kernel, so
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we wont' try to outsmart their developers. If we need pinning it's more
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to have predictable performance than to get the maximum performance
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(which is best done by the hypervisor), so we'll implement a very simple
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algorithm that allocates CPUs when an instance is assigned to a node
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(either when it's created or when it's moved) and takes into account
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NUMA and maybe CPU multithreading. A more refined version might run also
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when an instance is deleted, but that would involve reassigning CPUs,
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which could be bad with NUMA.
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Overcommit for RAM and disks
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Right now it is possible to assign more VCPUs to the instances running
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on a node than there are CPU available. This works as normally CPU usage
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on average is way below 100%. There are ways to share memory pages
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(e.g. KSM, transcendent memory) and disk blocks, so we could add new
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parameters to overcommit memory and disks, similar to ``vcpu_ratio``.
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