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1 cc424a1d Iustin Pop
ganeti(7) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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ganeti - cluster-based virtualization management
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    # gnt-cluster init
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    # gnt-node add
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    # gnt-instance add -n \
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    > -o debootstrap --disk 0:size=30g \
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    > -t plain
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The Ganeti software manages physical nodes and virtual instances of a
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cluster based on a virtualization software. The current version (2.3)
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supports Xen 3.x and KVM (72 or above) as hypervisors, and LXC as an
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experimental hypervisor.
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Quick start
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First you must install the software on all the cluster nodes, either
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from sources or (if available) from a package. The next step is to
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create the initial cluster configuration, using **gnt-cluster init**.
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Then you can add other nodes, or start creating instances.
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Cluster architecture
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In Ganeti 2.0, the architecture of the cluster is a little more
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complicated than in 1.2. The cluster is coordinated by a master daemon
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(**ganeti-masterd**(8)), running on the master node. Each node runs
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(as before) a node daemon, and the master has the RAPI daemon running
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Node roles
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Each node can be in one of the following states:
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    Only one node per cluster can be in this role, and this node is the
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    one holding the authoritative copy of the cluster configuration and
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    the one that can actually execute commands on the cluster and
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    modify the cluster state. See more details under
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    *Cluster configuration*.
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    The node receives the full cluster configuration (configuration
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    file and jobs) and can become a master via the
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    **gnt-cluster master-failover** command. Nodes that are not in this
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    state cannot transition into the master role due to missing state.
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    This the normal state of a node.
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    Nodes in this state are functioning normally but cannot receive
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    new instances, because the intention is to set them to *offline*
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    or remove them from the cluster.
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    These nodes are still recorded in the Ganeti configuration, but
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    except for the master daemon startup voting procedure, they are not
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    actually contacted by the master. This state was added in order to
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    allow broken machines (that are being repaired) to remain in the
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    cluster but without creating problems.
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Node flags
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Nodes have two flags which govern which roles they can take:
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    The node can become a master candidate, and furthermore the master
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    node. When this flag is disabled, the node cannot become a
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    candidate; this can be useful for special networking cases, or less
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    reliable hardware.
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    The node can host instances. When enabled (the default state), the
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    node will participate in instance allocation, capacity calculation,
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    etc. When disabled, the node will be skipped in many cluster checks
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    and operations.
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Node Parameters
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These parameters are node specific and can be preseeded on node-group
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and cluster level.
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Currently we support the following node parameters:
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    Path to an executable used as the out-of-band helper as described in
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    the `Ganeti Node OOB Management Framework <design-oob.rst>`_ design
110 b74bf80c René Nussbaumer
111 b74bf80c René Nussbaumer
112 b74bf80c René Nussbaumer
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Cluster configuration
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The master node keeps and is responsible for the cluster
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configuration. On the filesystem, this is stored under the
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``@LOCALSTATEDIR@/ganeti/lib`` directory, and if the master daemon is
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stopped it can be backed up normally.
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The master daemon will replicate the configuration database called
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```` and the job files to all the nodes in the master
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candidate role. It will also distribute a copy of some configuration
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values via the *ssconf* files, which are stored in the same directory
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and start with a ``ssconf_`` prefix, to all nodes.
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All cluster modification are done via jobs. A job consists of one
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or more opcodes, and the list of opcodes is processed serially. If
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an opcode fails, the entire job is failed and later opcodes are no
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longer processed. A job can be in one of the following states:
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    The job has been submitted but not yet processed by the master
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    The job is waiting for for locks before the first of its opcodes.
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    The job is waiting for locks, but is has been marked for
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    cancellation. It will not transition to *running*, but to
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    The job is currently being executed.
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    The job has been canceled before starting execution.
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    The job has finished successfully.
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    The job has failed during runtime, or the master daemon has been
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    stopped during the job execution.
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Common options
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Many Ganeti commands provide the following options. The
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availability for a certain command can be checked by calling the
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command using the ``--help`` option.
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**gnt-...** *command* [--dry-run] [--priority {low | normal | high}]
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The ``--dry-run`` option can be used to check whether an operation
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would succeed.
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The option ``--priority`` sets the priority for opcodes submitted
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by the command.
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Common daemon functionality
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All Ganeti daemons re-open the log file(s) when sent a SIGHUP signal.
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**logrotate**(8) can be used to rotate Ganeti's log files.