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gnt-debug(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
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gnt-debug - Debug commands
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**gnt-debug** {command} [arguments...]
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The **gnt-debug** is used for debugging the Ganeti system.
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**allocator** [--debug] [--dir *DIRECTION*] {--algorithm
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*ALLOCATOR* } [--mode *MODE*] [--mem *MEMORY*] [--disks *DISKS*]
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[--disk-template *TEMPLATE*] [--nics *NICS*] [--os-type *OS*]
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[--vcpus *VCPUS*] [--tags *TAGS*] {*instance*}
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Executes a test run of the *iallocator* framework.
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The command will build input for a given iallocator script (named
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with the ``--algorithm`` option), and either show this input data
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(if *DIRECTION* is ``in``) or run the iallocator script and show its
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output (if *DIRECTION* is ``out``).
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If the *MODE* is ``allocate``, then an instance definition is built
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from the other arguments and sent to the script, otherwise (*MODE* is
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``relocate``) an existing instance name must be passed as the first
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This build of Ganeti will look for iallocator scripts in the following
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directories: @CUSTOM_IALLOCATOR_SEARCH_PATH@; for more details about
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this framework, see the HTML or PDF documentation.
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**delay** [--debug] [--no-master] [-n *NODE*...] {*duration*}
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Run a test opcode (a sleep) on the master and on selected nodes
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(via an RPC call). This serves no other purpose but to execute a
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test operation.
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The ``-n`` option can be given multiple times to select the nodes
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for the RPC call. By default, the delay will also be executed on
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the master, unless the ``--no-master`` option is passed.
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The *delay* argument will be interpreted as a floating point
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**submit-job** [--verbose] [--timing-stats] [--job-repeat ``N``]
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[--op-repeat ``N``] {opcodes_file...}
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This command builds a list of opcodes from files in JSON format and
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submits a job per file to the master daemon. It can be used to test
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options that are not available via command line.
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The ``verbose`` option will additionally display the corresponding
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job IDs and the progress in waiting for the jobs; the
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``timing-stats`` option will show some overall statistics inluding
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the number of total opcodes, jobs submitted and time spent in each
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stage (submit, exec, total).
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The ``job-repeat`` and ``op-repeat`` options allow to submit
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multiple copies of the passed arguments; job-repeat will cause N
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copies of each job (input file) to be submitted (equivalent to
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passing the arguments N times) while op-repeat will cause N copies
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of each of the opcodes in the file to be executed (equivalent to
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each file containing N copies of the opcodes).
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Executes a few tests on the job queue. This command might generate
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failed jobs deliberately.
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| **locks** [--no-headers] [--separator=*SEPARATOR*]
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| [-o *[+]FIELD,...*] [--interval=*SECONDS*]
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Shows a list of locks in the master daemon.
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The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The
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``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be
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used between the output fields. Both these options are to help
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The ``-o`` option takes a comma-separated list of output fields.
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The available fields and their meaning are:
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    Lock name
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    Mode in which the lock is currently acquired (exclusive or shared)
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    Current lock owner(s)
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    Threads waiting for the lock
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If the value of the option starts with the character ``+``, the new
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fields will be added to the default list. This allows to quickly
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see the default list plus a few other fields, instead of retyping
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the entire list of fields.
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Use ``--interval`` to repeat the listing. A delay specified by the
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option value in seconds is inserted.