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1 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
2 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
Ganeti daemons refactoring
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.. contents:: :depth: 2
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This is a design document detailing the plan for refactoring the internal
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structure of Ganeti, and particularly the set of daemons it is divided into.
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Current state and shortcomings
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Ganeti is comprised of a growing number of daemons, each dealing with part of
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the tasks the cluster has to face, and communicating with the other daemons
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using a variety of protocols.
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Specifically, as of Ganeti 2.8, the situation is as follows:
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``Master daemon (MasterD)``
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  It is responsible for managing the entire cluster, and it's written in Python.
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  It is executed on a single node (the master node). It receives the commands
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  given by the cluster administrator (through the remote API daemon or the
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  command line tools) over the LUXI protocol.  The master daemon is responsible
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  for creating and managing the jobs that will execute such commands, and for
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  managing the locks that ensure the cluster will not incur in race conditions.
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  Each job is managed by a separate Python thread, that interacts with the node
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  daemons via RPC calls.
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  The master daemon is also responsible for managing the configuration of the
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  cluster, changing it when required by some job. It is also responsible for
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  copying the configuration to the other master candidates after updating it.
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``RAPI daemon (RapiD)``
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  It is written in Python and runs on the master node only. It waits for
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  requests issued remotely through the remote API protocol. Then, it forwards
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  them, using the LUXI protocol, to the master daemon (if they are commands) or
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  to the query daemon if they are queries about the configuration (including
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  live status) of the cluster.
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``Node daemon (NodeD)``
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  It is written in Python. It runs on all the nodes. It is responsible for
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  receiving the master requests over RPC and execute them, using the appropriate
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  backend (hypervisors, DRBD, LVM, etc.). It also receives requests over RPC for
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  the execution of queries gathering live data on behalf of the query daemon.
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``Configuration daemon (ConfD)``
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  It is written in Haskell. It runs on all the master candidates. Since the
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  configuration is replicated only on the master node, this daemon exists in
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  order to provide information about the configuration to nodes needing them.
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  The requests are done through ConfD's own protocol, HMAC signed,
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  implemented over UDP, and meant to be used by parallely querying all the
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  master candidates (or a subset thereof) and getting the most up to date
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  answer. This is meant as a way to provide a robust service even in case master
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  is temporarily unavailable.
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``Query daemon (QueryD)``
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  It is written in Haskell. It runs on all the master candidates. It replies
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  to Luxi queries about the current status of the system, including live data it
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  obtains by querying the node daemons through RPCs.
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``Monitoring daemon (MonD)``
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  It is written in Haskell. It runs on all nodes, including the ones that are
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  not vm-capable. It is meant to provide information on the status of the
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  system. Such information is related only to the specific node the daemon is
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  running on, and it is provided as JSON encoded data over HTTP, to be easily
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  readable by external tools.
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  The monitoring daemon communicates with ConfD to get information about the
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  configuration of the cluster. The choice of communicating with ConfD instead
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  of MasterD allows it to obtain configuration information even when the cluster
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  is heavily degraded (e.g.: when master and some, but not all, of the master
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  candidates are unreachable).
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The current structure of the Ganeti daemons is inefficient because there are
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many different protocols involved, and each daemon needs to be able to use
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multiple ones, and has to deal with doing different things, thus making
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sometimes unclear which daemon is responsible for performing a specific task.
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Also, with the current configuration, jobs are managed by the master daemon
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using python threads. This makes terminating a job after it has started a
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difficult operation, and it is the main reason why this is not possible yet.
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The master daemon currently has too many different tasks, that could be handled
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better if split among different daemons.
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Proposed changes
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In order to improve on the current situation, a new daemon subdivision is
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proposed, and presented hereafter.
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.. digraph:: "new-daemons-structure"
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  {rank=same; RConfD LuxiD;}
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  {rank=same; Jobs rconfigdata;}
98 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  node [shape=box]
99 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  RapiD [label="RapiD [M]"]
100 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  LuxiD [label="LuxiD [M]"]
101 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  WConfD [label="WConfD [M]"]
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  Jobs [label="Jobs [M]"]
103 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  RConfD [label="RConfD [MC]"]
104 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  MonD [label="MonD [All]"]
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  NodeD [label="NodeD [All]"]
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  Clients [label="gnt-*\nclients [M]"]
107 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  p1 [shape=none, label=""]
108 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  p2 [shape=none, label=""]
109 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  p3 [shape=none, label=""]
110 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  p4 [shape=none, label=""]
111 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  configdata [shape=none, label=""]
112 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  rconfigdata [shape=none, label="\n[MC copy]"]
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  locksdata [shape=none, label=""]
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  RapiD -> LuxiD [label="LUXI"]
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  LuxiD -> WConfD [label="WConfD\nproto"]
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  LuxiD -> Jobs [label="fork/exec"]
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  Jobs -> WConfD [label="WConfD\nproto"]
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  Jobs -> NodeD [label="RPC"]
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  LuxiD -> NodeD [label="RPC"]
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  rconfigdata -> RConfD
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  configdata -> rconfigdata [label="sync via\nNodeD RPC"]
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  WConfD -> NodeD [label="RPC"]
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  WConfD -> configdata
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  WConfD -> locksdata
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  MonD -> RConfD [label="RConfD\nproto"]
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  Clients -> LuxiD [label="LUXI"]
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  p1 -> MonD [label="MonD proto"]
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  p2 -> RapiD [label="RAPI"]
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  p3 -> RConfD [label="RConfD\nproto"]
131 ffedf64d Michele Tartara
  p4 -> Clients [label="CLI"]
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``LUXI daemon (LuxiD)``
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  It will be written in Haskell. It will run on the master node and it will be
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  the only LUXI server, replying to all the LUXI queries. These includes both
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  the queries about the live configuration of the cluster, previously served by
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  QueryD, and the commands actually changing the status of the cluster by
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  submitting jobs. Therefore, this daemon will also be the one responsible with
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  managing the job queue. When a job needs to be executed, the LuxiD will spawn
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  a separate process tasked with the execution of that specific job, thus making
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  it easier to terminate the job itself, if needeed.  When a job requires locks,
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  LuxiD will request them from WConfD.
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  In order to keep availability of the cluster in case of failure of the master
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  node, LuxiD will replicate the job queue to the other master candidates, by
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  RPCs to the NodeD running there (the choice of RPCs for this task might be
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  reviewed at a second time, after implementing this design).
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``Configuration management daemon (WConfD)``
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  It will run on the master node and it will be responsible for the management
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  of the authoritative copy of the cluster configuration (that is, it will be
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  the daemon actually modifying the ```` file). All the requests of
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  configuration changes will have to pass through this daemon, and will be
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  performed using a LUXI-like protocol ("WConfD proto" in the graph. The exact
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  protocol will be defined in the separate design document that will detail the
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  WConfD separation).  Having a single point of configuration management will
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  also allow Ganeti to get rid of possible race conditions due to concurrent
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  modifications of the configuration.  When the configuration is updated, it
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  will have to push the received changes to the other master candidates, via
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  RPCs, so that RConfD daemons and (in case of a failure on the master node)
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  the WConfD daemon on the new master can access an up-to-date version of it
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  (the choice of RPCs for this task might be reviewed at a second time). This
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  daemon will also be the one responsible for managing the locks, granting them
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  to the jobs requesting them, and taking care of freeing them up if the jobs
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  holding them crash or are terminated before releasing them.  In order to do
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  this, each job, after being spawned by LuxiD, will open a local unix socket
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  that will be used to communicate with it, and will be destroyed when the job
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  terminates.  LuxiD will be able to check, after a timeout, whether the job is
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  still running by connecting here, and to ask WConfD to forcefully remove the
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  locks if the socket is closed.
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  Also, WConfD should hold a serialized list of the locks and their owners in a
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  file (````), so that it can keep track of their status in case it
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  crashes and needs to be restarted (by asking LuxiD which of them are still
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  Interaction with this daemon will be performed using Unix sockets.
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``Configuration query daemon (RConfD)``
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  It is written in Haskell, and it corresponds to the old ConfD. It will run on
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  all the master candidates and it will serve information about the the static
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  configuration of the cluster (the one contained in ````). The
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  provided information will be highly available (as in: a response will be
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  available as long as a stable-enough connection between the client and at
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  least one working master candidate is available) and its freshness will be
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  best effort (the most recent reply from any of the master candidates will be
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  returned, but it might still be older than the one available through WConfD).
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  The information will be served through the ConfD protocol.
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``Rapi daemon (RapiD)``
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  It remains basically unchanged, with the only difference that all of its LUXI
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  query are directed towards LuxiD instead of being split between MasterD and
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``Monitoring daemon (MonD)``
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  It remains unaffected by the changes in this design document. It will just get
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  some of the data it needs from RConfD instead of the old ConfD, but the
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  interfaces of the two are identical.
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``Node daemon (NodeD)``
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  It remains unaffected by the changes proposed in the design document. The only
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  difference being that it will receive its RPCs from LuxiD (for job queue
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  replication), from WConfD (for configuration replication) and for the
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  processes executing single jobs (for all the operations to be performed by
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  nodes) instead of receiving them just from MasterD.
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This restructuring will allow us to reorganize and improve the codebase,
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introducing cleaner interfaces and giving well defined and more restricted tasks
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to each daemon.
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Furthermore, having more well-defined interfaces will allow us to have easier
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upgrade procedures, and to work towards the possibility of upgrading single
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components of a cluster one at a time, without the need for immediately
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upgrading the entire cluster in a single step.
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While performing this refactoring, we aim to increase the amount of
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Haskell code, thus benefiting from the additional type safety provided by its
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wide compile-time checks. In particular, all the job queue management and the
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configuration management daemon will be written in Haskell, taking over the role
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currently fulfilled by Python code executed as part of MasterD.
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The changes describe by this design document are quite extensive, therefore they
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will not be implemented all at the same time, but through a sequence of steps,
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leaving the codebase in a consistent and usable state.
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#. Rename QueryD to LuxiD.
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   A part of LuxiD, the one replying to configuration
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   queries including live information about the system, already exists in the
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   form of QueryD. This is being renamed to LuxiD, and will form the first part
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   of the new daemon. NB: this is happening starting from Ganeti 2.8. At the
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   beginning, only the already existing queries will be replied to by LuxiD.
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   More queries will be implemented in the next versions.
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#. Let LuxiD be the interface for the queries and MasterD be their executor.
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   Currently, MasterD is the only responsible for receiving and executing LUXI
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   queries, and for managing the jobs they create.
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   Receiving the queries and managing the job queue will be extracted from
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   MasterD into LuxiD.
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   Actually executing jobs will still be done by MasterD, that contains all the
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   logic for doing that and for properly managing locks and the configuration.
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   A separate design document will detail how the system will decide which jobs
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   to send over for execution, and how to rate-limit them.
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#. Extract WConfD from MasterD.
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   The logic for managing the configuration file is factored out to the
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   dedicated WConfD daemon. All configuration changes, currently executed
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   directly by MasterD, will be changed to be IPC requests sent to the new
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#. Extract locking management from MasterD.
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   The logic for managing and granting locks is extracted to WConfD as well.
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   Locks will not be taken directly anymore, but asked via IPC to WConfD.
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   This step can be executed on its own or at the same time as the previous one.
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#. Jobs are executed as processes.
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   The logic for running jobs is rewritten so that each job can be managed by an
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   independent process. LuxiD will spawn a new (Python) process for every single
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   job. The RPCs will remain unchanged, and the LU code will stay as is as much
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   as possible.
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   MasterD will cease to exist as a deamon on its own at this point, but not
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Further considerations
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There is a possibility that a job will finish performing its task while LuxiD
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and/or WConfD will not be available.
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In order to deal with this situation, each job will write the results of its
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execution on a file. The name of this file will be known to LuxiD before
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starting the job, and will be stored together with the job ID, and the
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name of the job-unique socket.
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The job, upon ending its execution, will signal LuxiD (through the socket), so
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that it can read the result of the execution and release the locks as needed.
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In case LuxiD is not available at that time, the job will just terminate without
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signalling it, and writing the results on file as usual. When a new LuxiD
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becomes available, it will have the most up-to-date list of running jobs
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(received via replication from the former LuxiD), and go through it, cleaning up
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all the terminated jobs.
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