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1 d17e74b4 Iustin Pop
.. Ganeti documentation master file,
2 d17e74b4 Iustin Pop
   created by sphinx-quickstart
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4 d17e74b4 Iustin Pop
Welcome to Ganeti's documentation!
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This page is the starting point for browsing the ganeti documentation. It
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contains link to all the sections of the documentation, grouped by topic.
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The list of changes between Ganeti versions is provided in the :doc:`news` file.
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In order to help understanding the Ganeti terminology, a :doc:`glossary` is
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Also see the :ref:`search`.
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Installing Ganeti
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In order to install Ganeti, follow the instructions contained in the
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If you are an experienced user, the content of the :doc:`install-quick` should
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be enough.
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Instructions for upgrading an existing installation to the latest version of
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Ganeti are contained in the :doc:`upgrade`.
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Using Ganeti
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Information about how to manage a Ganeti cluster after it has been installed
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(including management of nodes, instances, info about the tools and the
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monitoring agent) can be found in :doc:`admin`.
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A more example-oriended guide is available in :doc:`walkthrough`.
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The various tool that are part of Ganeti are described one by one in the
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40 96357135 Michele Tartara
41 864b57d7 Weiwei Jia
A description of the security model underlying a Ganeti cluster can be found in
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the :doc:`security` document.
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44 864b57d7 Weiwei Jia
Ganeti functionalities can be extended by hooking scripts automatically
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activated when certain events happen. Information on this mechanism is provided
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in the :doc:`hooks` document.
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While using Ganeti, the allocation of instances can happen manually or
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automatically, through some external tools making decisions about this. The API
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for such tools is described in :doc:`iallocator`.
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Most of the functionalities of Ganeti can be programmatically accessed through
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an API, the :doc:`rapi`.
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Compatibility with the standard OVF virtual machine interchange format is
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provided by the :doc:`ovfconverter`.
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Mainly for testing reasons, Ganeti also has :doc:`virtual-cluster`.
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A few functionalities are explicitly targeted for big installations, where
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multiple clusters are present. A tool for merging two existing clusters
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is provided, and is described in :doc:`cluster-merge`. There is also a document
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describing the procedure for :doc:`move-instance`.
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Developing Ganeti
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A few documents useful for who wants to modify Ganeti are available and listed
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in this section.
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A description of the locking strategy and, in particular, lock order
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dependencies is presented in :doc:`locking`.
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Build dependencies and other useful development-related information are provided
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in the :doc:`devnotes`.
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All the features implemented in Ganeti are described in a design document before
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being actually implemented. Designs can be implemented in a released version, or
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be still draft (and therefore either incomplete or not implemented).
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Implemented designs
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.. toctree::
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   :maxdepth: 1
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87 e2078d28 Iustin Pop
88 e56bb0e8 Guido Trotter
89 1eb85930 Guido Trotter
90 92902e91 Iustin Pop
91 78b40c5e Michael Hanselmann
92 d774ce92 Michael Hanselmann
93 40309ed7 Michael Hanselmann
94 97aac894 Michael Hanselmann
95 fab0cf66 Michele Tartara
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Draft designs
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.. toctree::
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   :maxdepth: 2
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102 c95c0f71 Michael Hanselmann
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.. toctree::
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109 fab0cf66 Michele Tartara
110 97aac894 Michael Hanselmann
111 d774ce92 Michael Hanselmann
112 40309ed7 Michael Hanselmann
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121 40309ed7 Michael Hanselmann
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144 558fd122 Michael Hanselmann
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