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1 5a19bd35 Iustin Pop
HBAL(1) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@
2 5a19bd35 Iustin Pop
3 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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7 49148d15 Iustin Pop
hbal \- Cluster balancer for Ganeti
8 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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**hbal** {backend options...} [algorithm options...] [reporting options...]
13 49148d15 Iustin Pop
14 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**hbal** \--version
15 49148d15 Iustin Pop
16 49148d15 Iustin Pop
17 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Backend options:
18 49148d15 Iustin Pop
19 0547d608 René Nussbaumer
{ **-m** *cluster* | **-L[** *path* **] [-X]** | **-t** *data-file* |
20 0547d608 René Nussbaumer
**-I** *path* }
21 49148d15 Iustin Pop
22 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Algorithm options:
23 49148d15 Iustin Pop
24 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--max-cpu *cpu-ratio* ]**
25 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--min-disk *disk-ratio* ]**
26 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -l *limit* ]**
27 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -e *score* ]**
28 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ -g *delta* ]** **[ \--min-gain-limit *threshold* ]**
29 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -O *name...* ]**
30 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--no-disk-moves ]**
31 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--no-instance-moves ]**
32 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -U *util-file* ]**
33 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--evac-mode ]**
34 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--select-instances *inst...* ]**
35 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--exclude-instances *inst...* ]**
36 49148d15 Iustin Pop
37 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Reporting options:
38 49148d15 Iustin Pop
39 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -C[ *file* ] ]**
40 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -p[ *fields* ] ]**
41 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
**[ \--print-instances ]**
42 5a736782 Guido Trotter
**[ -S *file* ]**
43 49148d15 Iustin Pop
**[ -v... | -q ]**
44 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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49 49148d15 Iustin Pop
hbal is a cluster balancer that looks at the current state of the
50 49148d15 Iustin Pop
cluster (nodes with their total and free disk, memory, etc.) and
51 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instance placement and computes a series of steps designed to bring
52 49148d15 Iustin Pop
the cluster into a better state.
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The algorithm used is designed to be stable (i.e. it will give you the
55 49148d15 Iustin Pop
same results when restarting it from the middle of the solution) and
56 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
reasonably fast. It is not, however, designed to be a perfect algorithm:
57 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
it is possible to make it go into a corner from which it can find no
58 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
improvement, because it looks only one "step" ahead.
59 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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By default, the program will show the solution incrementally as it is
61 49148d15 Iustin Pop
computed, in a somewhat cryptic format; for getting the actual Ganeti
62 49148d15 Iustin Pop
command list, use the **-C** option.
63 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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The program works in independent steps; at each step, we compute the
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best instance move that lowers the cluster score.
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The possible move type for an instance are combinations of
71 49148d15 Iustin Pop
failover/migrate and replace-disks such that we change one of the
72 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instance nodes, and the other one remains (but possibly with changed
73 49148d15 Iustin Pop
role, e.g. from primary it becomes secondary). The list is:
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- failover (f)
76 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- replace secondary (r)
77 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- replace primary, a composite move (f, r, f)
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- failover and replace secondary, also composite (f, r)
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- replace secondary and failover, also composite (r, f)
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We don't do the only remaining possibility of replacing both nodes
82 49148d15 Iustin Pop
(r,f,r,f or the equivalent f,r,f,r) since these move needs an
83 49148d15 Iustin Pop
exhaustive search over both candidate primary and secondary nodes, and
84 49148d15 Iustin Pop
is O(n*n) in the number of nodes. Furthermore, it doesn't seems to
85 49148d15 Iustin Pop
give better scores but will result in more disk replacements.
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At each step, we prevent an instance move if it would cause:
91 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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- a node to go into N+1 failure state
93 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- an instance to move onto an offline node (offline nodes are either
94 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  read from the cluster or declared with *-O*)
95 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- an exclusion-tag based conflict (exclusion tags are read from the
96 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
  cluster and/or defined via the *\--exclusion-tags* option)
97 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
- a max vcpu/pcpu ratio to be exceeded (configured via *\--max-cpu*)
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- min disk free percentage to go below the configured limit
99 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
  (configured via *\--min-disk*)
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As said before, the algorithm tries to minimise the cluster score at
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each step. Currently this score is computed as a sum of the following
106 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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- standard deviation of the percent of free memory
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- standard deviation of the percent of reserved memory
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- standard deviation of the percent of free disk
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- count of nodes failing N+1 check
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- count of instances living (either as primary or secondary) on
113 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  offline nodes
114 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- count of instances living (as primary) on offline nodes; this
115 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  differs from the above metric by helping failover of such instances
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  in 2-node clusters
117 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- standard deviation of the ratio of virtual-to-physical cpus (for
118 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  primary instances of the node)
119 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- standard deviation of the dynamic load on the nodes, for cpus,
120 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  memory, disk and network
121 49148d15 Iustin Pop
122 49148d15 Iustin Pop
The free memory and free disk values help ensure that all nodes are
123 49148d15 Iustin Pop
somewhat balanced in their resource usage. The reserved memory helps
124 49148d15 Iustin Pop
to ensure that nodes are somewhat balanced in holding secondary
125 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instances, and that no node keeps too much memory reserved for
126 49148d15 Iustin Pop
N+1. And finally, the N+1 percentage helps guide the algorithm towards
127 49148d15 Iustin Pop
eliminating N+1 failures, if possible.
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Except for the N+1 failures and offline instances counts, we use the
130 49148d15 Iustin Pop
standard deviation since when used with values within a fixed range
131 49148d15 Iustin Pop
(we use percents expressed as values between zero and one) it gives
132 49148d15 Iustin Pop
consistent results across all metrics (there are some small issues
133 49148d15 Iustin Pop
related to different means, but it works generally well). The 'count'
134 49148d15 Iustin Pop
type values will have higher score and thus will matter more for
135 49148d15 Iustin Pop
balancing; thus these are better for hard constraints (like evacuating
136 49148d15 Iustin Pop
nodes and fixing N+1 failures). For example, the offline instances
137 49148d15 Iustin Pop
count (i.e. the number of instances living on offline nodes) will
138 49148d15 Iustin Pop
cause the algorithm to actively move instances away from offline
139 49148d15 Iustin Pop
nodes. This, coupled with the restriction on placement given by
140 49148d15 Iustin Pop
offline nodes, will cause evacuation of such nodes.
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The dynamic load values need to be read from an external file (Ganeti
143 49148d15 Iustin Pop
doesn't supply them), and are computed for each node as: sum of
144 49148d15 Iustin Pop
primary instance cpu load, sum of primary instance memory load, sum of
145 49148d15 Iustin Pop
primary and secondary instance disk load (as DRBD generates write load
146 49148d15 Iustin Pop
on secondary nodes too in normal case and in degraded scenarios also
147 49148d15 Iustin Pop
read load), and sum of primary instance network load. An example of
148 49148d15 Iustin Pop
how to generate these values for input to hbal would be to track ``xm
149 49148d15 Iustin Pop
list`` for instances over a day and by computing the delta of the cpu
150 49148d15 Iustin Pop
values, and feed that via the *-U* option for all instances (and keep
151 49148d15 Iustin Pop
the other metrics as one). For the algorithm to work, all that is
152 49148d15 Iustin Pop
needed is that the values are consistent for a metric across all
153 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instances (e.g. all instances use cpu% to report cpu usage, and not
154 49148d15 Iustin Pop
something related to number of CPU seconds used if the CPUs are
155 49148d15 Iustin Pop
different), and that they are normalised to between zero and one. Note
156 49148d15 Iustin Pop
that it's recommended to not have zero as the load value for any
157 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instance metric since then secondary instances are not well balanced.
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On a perfectly balanced cluster (all nodes the same size, all
160 49148d15 Iustin Pop
instances the same size and spread across the nodes equally), the
161 49148d15 Iustin Pop
values for all metrics would be zero. This doesn't happen too often in
162 49148d15 Iustin Pop
practice :)
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164 49148d15 Iustin Pop
165 49148d15 Iustin Pop
166 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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Since current Ganeti versions do not report the memory used by offline
168 49148d15 Iustin Pop
(down) instances, ignoring the run status of instances will cause
169 49148d15 Iustin Pop
wrong calculations. For this reason, the algorithm subtracts the
170 49148d15 Iustin Pop
memory size of down instances from the free node memory of their
171 49148d15 Iustin Pop
primary node, in effect simulating the startup of such instances.
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The exclusion tags mechanism is designed to prevent instances which
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run the same workload (e.g. two DNS servers) to land on the same node,
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which would make the respective node a SPOF for the given service.
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It works by tagging instances with certain tags and then building
181 49148d15 Iustin Pop
exclusion maps based on these. Which tags are actually used is
182 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
configured either via the command line (option *\--exclusion-tags*)
183 49148d15 Iustin Pop
or via adding them to the cluster tags:
184 49148d15 Iustin Pop
185 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
186 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This will make all instance tags of the form *a:\**, *b:\** be
187 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  considered for the exclusion map
188 49148d15 Iustin Pop
189 49148d15 Iustin Pop
cluster tags *htools:iextags:a*, *htools:iextags:b*
190 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This will make instance tags *a:\**, *b:\** be considered for the
191 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  exclusion map. More precisely, the suffix of cluster tags starting
192 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  with *htools:iextags:* will become the prefix of the exclusion tags.
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Both the above forms mean that two instances both having (e.g.) the
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tag *a:foo* or *b:bar* won't end on the same node.
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The options that can be passed to the program are as follows:
201 49148d15 Iustin Pop
202 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-C, \--print-commands
203 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Print the command list at the end of the run. Without this, the
204 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  program will only show a shorter, but cryptic output.
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  Note that the moves list will be split into independent steps,
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  called "jobsets", but only for visual inspection, not for actually
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  parallelisation. It is not possible to parallelise these directly
209 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  when executed via "gnt-instance" commands, since a compound command
210 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  (e.g. failover and replace-disks) must be executed
211 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  serially. Parallel execution is only possible when using the Luxi
212 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  backend and the *-L* option.
213 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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  The algorithm for splitting the moves into jobsets is by
215 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  accumulating moves until the next move is touching nodes already
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  touched by the current moves; this means we can't execute in
217 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  parallel (due to resource allocation in Ganeti) and thus we start a
218 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  new jobset.
219 49148d15 Iustin Pop
220 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-p, \--print-nodes
221 d7731f51 Iustin Pop
  Prints the before and after node status, in a format designed to allow
222 d7731f51 Iustin Pop
  the user to understand the node's most important parameters. See the
223 d7731f51 Iustin Pop
  man page **htools**(1) for more details about this option.
224 49148d15 Iustin Pop
225 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
226 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Prints the before and after instance map. This is less useful as the
227 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  node status, but it can help in understanding instance moves.
228 49148d15 Iustin Pop
229 49148d15 Iustin Pop
-O *name*
230 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This option (which can be given multiple times) will mark nodes as
231 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  being *offline*. This means a couple of things:
232 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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  - instances won't be placed on these nodes, not even temporarily;
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    e.g. the *replace primary* move is not available if the secondary
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    node is offline, since this move requires a failover.
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  - these nodes will not be included in the score calculation (except
237 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    for the percentage of instances on offline nodes)
238 49148d15 Iustin Pop
239 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Note that algorithm will also mark as offline any nodes which are
240 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  reported by RAPI as such, or that have "?" in file-based input in
241 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  any numeric fields.
242 49148d15 Iustin Pop
243 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-e *score*, \--min-score=*score*
244 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This parameter denotes the minimum score we are happy with and alters
245 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  the computation in two ways:
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  - if the cluster has the initial score lower than this value, then we
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    don't enter the algorithm at all, and exit with success
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  - during the iterative process, if we reach a score lower than this
250 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    value, we exit the algorithm
251 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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  The default value of the parameter is currently ``1e-9`` (chosen
253 49148d15 Iustin Pop
254 49148d15 Iustin Pop
255 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-g *delta*, \--min-gain=*delta*
256 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Since the balancing algorithm can sometimes result in just very tiny
257 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  improvements, that bring less gain that they cost in relocation
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  time, this parameter (defaulting to 0.01) represents the minimum
259 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  gain we require during a step, to continue balancing.
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261 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
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  The above min-gain option will only take effect if the cluster score
263 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  is already below *threshold* (defaults to 0.1). The rationale behind
264 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  this setting is that at high cluster scores (badly balanced
265 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  clusters), we don't want to abort the rebalance too quickly, as
266 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  later gains might still be significant. However, under the
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  threshold, the total gain is only the threshold value, so we can
268 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  exit early.
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270 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
271 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This parameter prevents hbal from using disk move
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  (i.e. "gnt-instance replace-disks") operations. This will result in
273 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  a much quicker balancing, but of course the improvements are
274 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  limited. It is up to the user to decide when to use one or another.
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276 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
277 0aa71dbd Guido Trotter
  This parameter prevents hbal from using instance moves
278 0aa71dbd Guido Trotter
  (i.e. "gnt-instance migrate/failover") operations. This will only use
279 0aa71dbd Guido Trotter
  the slow disk-replacement operations, and will also provide a worse
280 0aa71dbd Guido Trotter
  balance, but can be useful if moving instances around is deemed unsafe
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  or not preferred.
282 0aa71dbd Guido Trotter
283 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
284 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This parameter restricts the list of instances considered for moving
285 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  to the ones living on offline/drained nodes. It can be used as a
286 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  (bulk) replacement for Ganeti's own *gnt-node evacuate*, with the
287 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  note that it doesn't guarantee full evacuation.
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289 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
290 bcd87e22 Guido Trotter
  This parameter marks the given instances (as a comma-separated list)
291 bcd87e22 Guido Trotter
  as the only ones being moved during the rebalance.
292 bcd87e22 Guido Trotter
293 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
294 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  This parameter marks the given instances (as a comma-separated list)
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  from being moved during the rebalance.
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-U *util-file*
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  This parameter specifies a file holding instance dynamic utilisation
299 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  information that will be used to tweak the balancing algorithm to
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  equalise load on the nodes (as opposed to static resource
301 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  usage). The file is in the format "instance_name cpu_util mem_util
302 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  disk_util net_util" where the "_util" parameters are interpreted as
303 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  numbers and the instance name must match exactly the instance as
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  read from Ganeti. In case of unknown instance names, the program
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  will abort.
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  If not given, the default values are one for all metrics and thus
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  dynamic utilisation has only one effect on the algorithm: the
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  equalisation of the secondary instances across nodes (this is the
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  only metric that is not tracked by another, dedicated value, and
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  thus the disk load of instances will cause secondary instance
312 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  equalisation). Note that value of one will also influence slightly
313 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  the primary instance count, but that is already tracked via other
314 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  metrics and thus the influence of the dynamic utilisation will be
315 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  practically insignificant.
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317 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-S *filename*, \--save-cluster=*filename*
318 4188449c Iustin Pop
  If given, the state of the cluster before the balancing is saved to
319 4188449c Iustin Pop
  the given file plus the extension "original"
320 4188449c Iustin Pop
  (i.e. *filename*.original), and the state at the end of the
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  balancing is saved to the given file plus the extension "balanced"
322 4188449c Iustin Pop
  (i.e. *filename*.balanced). This allows re-feeding the cluster state
323 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  to either hbal itself or for example hspace via the ``-t`` option.
324 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
325 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-t *datafile*, \--text-data=*datafile*
326 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  Backend specification: the name of the file holding node and instance
327 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  information (if not collecting via RAPI or LUXI). This or one of the
328 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  other backends must be selected. The option is described in the man
329 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  page **htools**(1).
330 49148d15 Iustin Pop
331 49148d15 Iustin Pop
-m *cluster*
332 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  Backend specification: collect data directly from the *cluster* given
333 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  as an argument via RAPI. The option is described in the man page
334 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
335 49148d15 Iustin Pop
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-L [*path*]
337 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  Backend specification: collect data directly from the master daemon,
338 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  which is to be contacted via LUXI (an internal Ganeti protocol). The
339 acd9fa11 Iustin Pop
  option is described in the man page **htools**(1).
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341 49148d15 Iustin Pop
342 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  When using the Luxi backend, hbal can also execute the given
343 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  commands. The execution method is to execute the individual jobsets
344 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  (see the *-C* option for details) in separate stages, aborting if at
345 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  any time a jobset doesn't have all jobs successful. Each step in the
346 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  balancing solution will be translated into exactly one Ganeti job
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  (having between one and three OpCodes), and all the steps in a
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  jobset will be executed in parallel. The jobsets themselves are
349 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  executed serially.
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351 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  The execution of the job series can be interrupted, see below for
352 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  signal handling.
353 2b634302 Iustin Pop
354 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-l *N*, \--max-length=*N*
355 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Restrict the solution to this length. This can be used for example
356 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  to automate the execution of the balancing.
357 49148d15 Iustin Pop
358 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
359 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  The maximum virtual to physical cpu ratio, as a floating point number
360 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  greater than or equal to one. For example, specifying *cpu-ratio* as
361 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  **2.5** means that, for a 4-cpu machine, a maximum of 10 virtual cpus
362 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  should be allowed to be in use for primary instances. A value of
363 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  exactly one means there will be no over-subscription of CPU (except
364 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  for the CPU time used by the node itself), and values below one do not
365 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  make sense, as that means other resources (e.g. disk) won't be fully
366 f815aa89 Iustin Pop
  utilised due to CPU restrictions.
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368 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
369 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  The minimum amount of free disk space remaining, as a floating point
370 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  number. For example, specifying *disk-ratio* as **0.25** means that
371 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  at least one quarter of disk space should be left free on nodes.
372 49148d15 Iustin Pop
373 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-G *uuid*, \--group=*uuid*
374 646aa028 Iustin Pop
  On an multi-group cluster, select this group for
375 646aa028 Iustin Pop
  processing. Otherwise hbal will abort, since it cannot balance
376 646aa028 Iustin Pop
  multiple groups at the same time.
377 646aa028 Iustin Pop
378 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-v, \--verbose
379 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Increase the output verbosity. Each usage of this option will
380 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  increase the verbosity (currently more than 2 doesn't make sense)
381 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  from the default of one.
382 49148d15 Iustin Pop
383 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-q, \--quiet
384 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Decrease the output verbosity. Each usage of this option will
385 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  decrease the verbosity (less than zero doesn't make sense) from the
386 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  default of one.
387 49148d15 Iustin Pop
388 f624fa95 Iustin Pop
-V, \--version
389 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  Just show the program version and exit.
390 49148d15 Iustin Pop
391 2b634302 Iustin Pop
392 2b634302 Iustin Pop
393 2b634302 Iustin Pop
394 2b634302 Iustin Pop
When executing jobs via LUXI (using the ``-X`` option), normally hbal
395 2b634302 Iustin Pop
will execute all jobs until either one errors out or all the jobs finish
396 2b634302 Iustin Pop
397 2b634302 Iustin Pop
398 2b634302 Iustin Pop
Since balancing can take a long time, it is possible to stop hbal early
399 2b634302 Iustin Pop
in two ways:
400 2b634302 Iustin Pop
401 2b634302 Iustin Pop
- by sending a ``SIGINT`` (``^C``), hbal will register the termination
402 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  request, and will wait until the currently submitted jobs finish, at
403 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  which point it will exit (with exit code 1)
404 2b634302 Iustin Pop
- by sending a ``SIGTERM``, hbal will immediately exit (with exit code
405 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  2); it is the responsibility of the user to follow up with Ganeti the
406 2b634302 Iustin Pop
  result of the currently-executing jobs
407 2b634302 Iustin Pop
408 2b634302 Iustin Pop
Note that in any situation, it's perfectly safe to kill hbal, either via
409 2b634302 Iustin Pop
the above signals or via any other signal (e.g. ``SIGQUIT``,
410 2b634302 Iustin Pop
``SIGKILL``), since the jobs themselves are processed by Ganeti whereas
411 2b634302 Iustin Pop
hbal (after submission) only watches their progression. In this case,
412 2b634302 Iustin Pop
the use will again have to query Ganeti for job results.
413 2b634302 Iustin Pop
414 49148d15 Iustin Pop
415 49148d15 Iustin Pop
416 49148d15 Iustin Pop
417 2b634302 Iustin Pop
The exit status of the command will be zero, unless for some reason the
418 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
algorithm failed (e.g. wrong node or instance data), invalid command
419 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
line options, or (in case of job execution) one of the jobs has failed.
420 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
421 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
Once job execution via Luxi has started (``-X``), if the balancing was
422 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
interrupted early (via *SIGINT*, or via ``--max-length``) but all jobs
423 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
executed successfully, then the exit status is zero; a non-zero exit
424 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
code means that the cluster state should be investigated, since a job
425 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
failed or we couldn't compute its status and this can also point to a
426 2a2e2610 Iustin Pop
problem on the Ganeti side.
427 49148d15 Iustin Pop
428 49148d15 Iustin Pop
429 49148d15 Iustin Pop
430 49148d15 Iustin Pop
431 2b634302 Iustin Pop
The program does not check all its input data for consistency, and
432 2b634302 Iustin Pop
sometime aborts with cryptic errors messages with invalid data.
433 49148d15 Iustin Pop
434 49148d15 Iustin Pop
The algorithm is not perfect.
435 49148d15 Iustin Pop
436 49148d15 Iustin Pop
437 49148d15 Iustin Pop
438 49148d15 Iustin Pop
439 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Note that these examples are not for the latest version (they don't
440 49148d15 Iustin Pop
have full node data).
441 49148d15 Iustin Pop
442 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Default output
443 49148d15 Iustin Pop
444 49148d15 Iustin Pop
445 49148d15 Iustin Pop
With the default options, the program shows each individual step and
446 49148d15 Iustin Pop
the improvements it brings in cluster score::
447 49148d15 Iustin Pop
448 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    $ hbal
449 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Loaded 20 nodes, 80 instances
450 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Cluster is not N+1 happy, continuing but no guarantee that the cluster will end N+1 happy.
451 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Initial score: 0.52329131
452 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Trying to minimize the CV...
453 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        1. instance14  node1:node10  => node16:node10 0.42109120 a=f r:node16 f
454 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        2. instance54  node4:node15  => node16:node15 0.31904594 a=f r:node16 f
455 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        3. instance4   node5:node2   => node2:node16  0.26611015 a=f r:node16
456 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        4. instance48  node18:node20 => node2:node18  0.21361717 a=r:node2 f
457 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        5. instance93  node19:node18 => node16:node19 0.16166425 a=r:node16 f
458 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        6. instance89  node3:node20  => node2:node3   0.11005629 a=r:node2 f
459 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        7. instance5   node6:node2   => node16:node6  0.05841589 a=r:node16 f
460 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        8. instance94  node7:node20  => node20:node16 0.00658759 a=f r:node16
461 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        9. instance44  node20:node2  => node2:node15  0.00438740 a=f r:node15
462 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       10. instance62  node14:node18 => node14:node16 0.00390087 a=r:node16
463 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       11. instance13  node11:node14 => node11:node16 0.00361787 a=r:node16
464 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       12. instance19  node10:node11 => node10:node7  0.00336636 a=r:node7
465 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       13. instance43  node12:node13 => node12:node1  0.00305681 a=r:node1
466 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       14. instance1   node1:node2   => node1:node4   0.00263124 a=r:node4
467 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       15. instance58  node19:node20 => node19:node17 0.00252594 a=r:node17
468 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Cluster score improved from 0.52329131 to 0.00252594
469 49148d15 Iustin Pop
470 49148d15 Iustin Pop
In the above output, we can see:
471 49148d15 Iustin Pop
472 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- the input data (here from files) shows a cluster with 20 nodes and
473 49148d15 Iustin Pop
  80 instances
474 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- the cluster is not initially N+1 compliant
475 49148d15 Iustin Pop
- the initial score is 0.52329131
476 49148d15 Iustin Pop
477 49148d15 Iustin Pop
The step list follows, showing the instance, its initial
478 49148d15 Iustin Pop
primary/secondary nodes, the new primary secondary, the cluster list,
479 49148d15 Iustin Pop
and the actions taken in this step (with 'f' denoting failover/migrate
480 49148d15 Iustin Pop
and 'r' denoting replace secondary).
481 49148d15 Iustin Pop
482 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Finally, the program shows the improvement in cluster score.
483 49148d15 Iustin Pop
484 49148d15 Iustin Pop
A more detailed output is obtained via the *-C* and *-p* options::
485 49148d15 Iustin Pop
486 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    $ hbal
487 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Loaded 20 nodes, 80 instances
488 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Cluster is not N+1 happy, continuing but no guarantee that the cluster will end N+1 happy.
489 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Initial cluster status:
490 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    N1 Name   t_mem f_mem r_mem t_dsk f_dsk pri sec  p_fmem  p_fdsk
491 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node1  32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
492 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node2  32762 31280 12000  1861  1026   0   8 0.95476 0.55179
493 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node3  32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
494 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node4  32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
495 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node5  32762  1280  6000  1861   978   5   5 0.03907 0.52573
496 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node6  32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
497 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node7  32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
498 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node8  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
499 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node9  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
500 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node10 32762  7280 12000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
501 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node11 32762  7280  6000  1861   922   4   5 0.22221 0.49577
502 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node12 32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
503 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node13 32762  7280  6000  1861   922   4   5 0.22221 0.49577
504 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node14 32762  7280  6000  1861   922   4   5 0.22221 0.49577
505 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node15 32762  7280 12000  1861  1131   4   3 0.22221 0.60782
506 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node16 32762 31280     0  1861  1860   0   0 0.95476 1.00000
507 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node17 32762  7280  6000  1861  1106   5   3 0.22221 0.59479
508 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node18 32762  1280  6000  1396   561   5   3 0.03907 0.40239
509 49148d15 Iustin Pop
     * node19 32762  1280  6000  1861  1026   5   3 0.03907 0.55179
510 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node20 32762 13280 12000  1861   689   3   9 0.40535 0.37068
511 49148d15 Iustin Pop
512 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Initial score: 0.52329131
513 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Trying to minimize the CV...
514 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        1. instance14  node1:node10  => node16:node10 0.42109120 a=f r:node16 f
515 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        2. instance54  node4:node15  => node16:node15 0.31904594 a=f r:node16 f
516 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        3. instance4   node5:node2   => node2:node16  0.26611015 a=f r:node16
517 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        4. instance48  node18:node20 => node2:node18  0.21361717 a=r:node2 f
518 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        5. instance93  node19:node18 => node16:node19 0.16166425 a=r:node16 f
519 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        6. instance89  node3:node20  => node2:node3   0.11005629 a=r:node2 f
520 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        7. instance5   node6:node2   => node16:node6  0.05841589 a=r:node16 f
521 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        8. instance94  node7:node20  => node20:node16 0.00658759 a=f r:node16
522 49148d15 Iustin Pop
        9. instance44  node20:node2  => node2:node15  0.00438740 a=f r:node15
523 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       10. instance62  node14:node18 => node14:node16 0.00390087 a=r:node16
524 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       11. instance13  node11:node14 => node11:node16 0.00361787 a=r:node16
525 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       12. instance19  node10:node11 => node10:node7  0.00336636 a=r:node7
526 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       13. instance43  node12:node13 => node12:node1  0.00305681 a=r:node1
527 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       14. instance1   node1:node2   => node1:node4   0.00263124 a=r:node4
528 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       15. instance58  node19:node20 => node19:node17 0.00252594 a=r:node17
529 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Cluster score improved from 0.52329131 to 0.00252594
530 49148d15 Iustin Pop
531 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Commands to run to reach the above solution:
532 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 1
533 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance14
534 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance14
535 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance14
536 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 2
537 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance54
538 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance54
539 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance54
540 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 3
541 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance4
542 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance4
543 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 4
544 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node2 instance48
545 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance48
546 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 5
547 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance93
548 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance93
549 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 6
550 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node2 instance89
551 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance89
552 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 7
553 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance5
554 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance5
555 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 8
556 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance94
557 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance94
558 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 9
559 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance migrate instance44
560 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node15 instance44
561 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 10
562 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance62
563 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 11
564 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node16 instance13
565 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 12
566 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node7 instance19
567 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 13
568 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node1 instance43
569 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 14
570 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node4 instance1
571 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo step 15
572 49148d15 Iustin Pop
      echo gnt-instance replace-disks -n node17 instance58
573 49148d15 Iustin Pop
574 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    Final cluster status:
575 49148d15 Iustin Pop
    N1 Name   t_mem f_mem r_mem t_dsk f_dsk pri sec  p_fmem  p_fdsk
576 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node1  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
577 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node2  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
578 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node3  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
579 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node4  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
580 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node5  32762  7280  6000  1861  1078   4   5 0.22221 0.57947
581 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node6  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
582 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node7  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
583 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node8  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
584 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node9  32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
585 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node10 32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
586 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node11 32762  7280  6000  1861  1022   4   4 0.22221 0.54951
587 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node12 32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
588 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node13 32762  7280  6000  1861  1022   4   4 0.22221 0.54951
589 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node14 32762  7280  6000  1861  1022   4   4 0.22221 0.54951
590 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node15 32762  7280  6000  1861  1031   4   4 0.22221 0.55408
591 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node16 32762  7280  6000  1861  1060   4   4 0.22221 0.57007
592 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node17 32762  7280  6000  1861  1006   5   4 0.22221 0.54105
593 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node18 32762  7280  6000  1396   761   4   2 0.22221 0.54570
594 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node19 32762  7280  6000  1861  1026   4   4 0.22221 0.55179
595 49148d15 Iustin Pop
       node20 32762 13280  6000  1861  1089   3   5 0.40535 0.58565
596 49148d15 Iustin Pop
597 49148d15 Iustin Pop
Here we see, beside the step list, the initial and final cluster
598 49148d15 Iustin Pop
status, with the final one showing all nodes being N+1 compliant, and
599 49148d15 Iustin Pop
the command list to reach the final solution. In the initial listing,
600 49148d15 Iustin Pop
we see which nodes are not N+1 compliant.
601 49148d15 Iustin Pop
602 49148d15 Iustin Pop
The algorithm is stable as long as each step above is fully completed,
603 49148d15 Iustin Pop
e.g. in step 8, both the migrate and the replace-disks are
604 49148d15 Iustin Pop
done. Otherwise, if only the migrate is done, the input data is
605 49148d15 Iustin Pop
changed in a way that the program will output a different solution
606 49148d15 Iustin Pop
list (but hopefully will end in the same state).
607 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
608 9ff4f2c0 Michael Hanselmann
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