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1 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
2 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
Moving instances between clusters
3 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
4 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
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Starting with Ganeti 2.2, instances can be moved between separate Ganeti
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clusters using a new tool, ``move-instance``. The tool has a number of
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- Moving a single or multiple instances
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- Moving instances in parallel (``--parallel`` option)
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- Renaming instance (only when moving a single instance)
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- SSL certificate verification for RAPI connections
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The design of the inter-cluster instances moves is described in detail
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in the :doc:`Ganeti 2.2 design document <design-2.2>`. The instance move
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tool talks to the Ganeti clusters via RAPI and can run on any machine
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which can connect to the cluster's RAPI. Despite their similar name, the
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instance move tool should not be confused with the ``gnt-instance move``
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command, which is used to move without changes (instead of export/import
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plus rename) an instance within the cluster.
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Configuring clusters for instance moves
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To prevent third parties from accessing the instance data, all data
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exchanged between the clusters is signed using a secret key, the
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"cluster domain secret". It is recommended to assign the same domain
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secret to all clusters of the same security domain, so that instances
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can be easily moved between them. By checking the signatures, the
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destination cluster can be sure the third party (e.g. this tool) didn't
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modify the received crypto keys and connection information.
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.. highlight:: shell-example
35 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
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To create a new, random cluster domain secret, run the following command
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on the master node::
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39 1bf1ce3f Iustin Pop
  $ gnt-cluster renew-crypto --new-cluster-domain-secret
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To read and set the cluster domain secret from the contents of a file,
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run the following command on the master node::
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  $ gnt-cluster renew-crypto --cluster-domain-secret=%/.../ganeti.cds%
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More information about the ``renew-crypto`` command can be found in
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Moving instances
52 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
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As soon as the clusters share a cluster domain secret, instances can be
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moved. The tool usage is as follows::
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57 1bf1ce3f Iustin Pop
  $ move-instance %[options]% %source-cluster% %destination-cluster% %instance-name...%
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Multiple instances can be moved with one invocation of the instance move
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tool, though a few options are only available when moving a single
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The most important options are listed below. Unless specified otherwise,
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destination-related options default to the source value (e.g. setting
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``--src-rapi-port=1234`` will make ``--dest-rapi-port``'s default 1234).
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  RAPI server TCP port, defaults to 5080.
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  Path to file containing source cluster Certificate Authority (CA) in
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  PEM format. For self-signed certificates, this is the certificate
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  itself (see more details below in
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  :ref:`instance-move-certificates`). For certificates signed by a third
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  party CA, the complete chain must be in the file (see documentation
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  for :manpage:`SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3)`).
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  RAPI username, must have write access to cluster.
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  Path to file containing RAPI password (make sure to restrict access to
80 6bf273d5 Michael Hanselmann
  this file).
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  When moving a single instance: Change name of instance on destination
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  When moving a single instance: Primary node on destination cluster.
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  When moving a single instance: Secondary node on destination cluster.
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  Iallocator for creating instance on destination cluster.
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  When moving a single instance: Override instances' parameters.
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  Number of instance moves to run in parallel.
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  Increase output verbosity.
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The exit value of the tool is zero if and only if all instance moves
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were successful.
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.. _instance-move-certificates:
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If using certificates signed by a CA, then you need to pass the same CA
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certificate via both ``--src-ca-file`` and ``dest-ca-file``.
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However, if you're using self-signed certificates, this has a few
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(security) implications:
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- the certificates of both the source and destinations clusters
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  (``rapi.pem`` from the Ganeti configuration directory, usually
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  ``/var/lib/ganeti/rapi.pem``) must be available to the tool
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- by default, the certificates include the private key as well, so
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  simply copying them to a third machine means that machine can now
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  impersonate both the source and destination clusters RAPI endpoint
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It is therefore recommended to copy only the certificate from the
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``rapi.pem`` files, and pass these to ``--src-ca-file`` and
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``--dest-ca-file`` appropriately.
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