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root / src / Ganeti / Curl / Internal.hsc @ 6e1e47d4

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1 cc40185c Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
2 cc40185c Iustin Pop
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecated-flags #-}
3 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- the above is needed due to the fact that hsc2hs generates code also
4 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- compatible with older compilers; see
5 cc40185c Iustin Pop
6 cc40185c Iustin Pop
7 cc40185c Iustin Pop
{-| Hsc2hs definitions for 'Storable' interfaces.
8 cc40185c Iustin Pop
9 cc40185c Iustin Pop
10 cc40185c Iustin Pop
11 cc40185c Iustin Pop
12 cc40185c Iustin Pop
13 cc40185c Iustin Pop
Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
14 cc40185c Iustin Pop
15 cc40185c Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 cc40185c Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 cc40185c Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18 cc40185c Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
19 cc40185c Iustin Pop
20 cc40185c Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21 cc40185c Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 cc40185c Iustin Pop
23 cc40185c Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
24 cc40185c Iustin Pop
25 cc40185c Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 cc40185c Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 cc40185c Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
28 cc40185c Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
29 cc40185c Iustin Pop
30 cc40185c Iustin Pop
31 cc40185c Iustin Pop
32 cc40185c Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.Curl.Internal
33 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  ( CurlMsgCode(..)
34 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , toMsgCode
35 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , fromMsgCode
36 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , CurlMsg(..)
37 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , errorBufferSize
38 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , CurlMCode(..)
39 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , toMCode
40 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  ) where
41 cc40185c Iustin Pop
42 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign
43 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Foreign.C.Types
44 cc40185c Iustin Pop
45 cc40185c Iustin Pop
import Network.Curl
46 cc40185c Iustin Pop
47 cc40185c Iustin Pop
#include <curl/curl.h>
48 cc40185c Iustin Pop
49 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Data representing a @CURLMSG@ enum.
50 cc40185c Iustin Pop
data CurlMsgCode = CurlMsgNone
51 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                 | CurlMsgDone
52 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                 | CurlMsgUnknown CInt -- ^ Haskell specific code for
53 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                       -- unknown codes
54 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                   deriving (Show, Eq)
55 cc40185c Iustin Pop
56 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Data representing a @struct CURLMsg@.
57 cc40185c Iustin Pop
data CurlMsg = CurlMsg
58 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  { cmMessage :: CurlMsgCode -- ^ The message type
59 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , cmHandle  :: CurlH       -- ^ The internal curl handle to which it applies
60 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  , cmResult  :: CurlCode    -- ^ The message-specific result
61 cc40185c Iustin Pop
62 cc40185c Iustin Pop
63 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Partial 'Storable' instance for 'CurlMsg'; we do not extract all
64 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- fields, only the one we are interested in.
65 cc40185c Iustin Pop
instance Storable CurlMsg where
66 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  sizeOf    _ = (#size CURLMsg)
67 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
68 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  peek ptr = do
69 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    msg <- (#peek CURLMsg, msg) ptr
70 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    handle <- (#peek CURLMsg, easy_handle) ptr
71 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    result <- (#peek CURLMsg, data.result) ptr
72 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    return $ CurlMsg (toMsgCode msg) handle (toCode result)
73 cc40185c Iustin Pop
  poke ptr (CurlMsg msg handle result) = do
74 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    (#poke CURLMsg, msg) ptr (fromMsgCode msg)
75 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    (#poke CURLMsg, easy_handle) ptr handle
76 cc40185c Iustin Pop
    (#poke CURLMsg, data.result) ptr ((fromIntegral $ fromEnum result)::CInt)
77 cc40185c Iustin Pop
78 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Minimum buffer size for 'CurlErrorBuffer'.
79 cc40185c Iustin Pop
errorBufferSize :: Int
80 cc40185c Iustin Pop
errorBufferSize = (#const CURL_ERROR_SIZE)
81 cc40185c Iustin Pop
82 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Multi interface error codes.
83 cc40185c Iustin Pop
data CurlMCode = CurlmCallMultiPerform
84 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmOK
85 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmBadHandle
86 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmBadEasyHandle
87 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmOutOfMemory
88 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmInternalError
89 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmBadSocket
90 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmUnknownOption
91 cc40185c Iustin Pop
               | CurlmUnknown CInt -- ^ Haskell specific code denoting
92 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                   -- undefined codes (e.g. when
93 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                   -- libcurl has defined new codes
94 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                                   -- that are not implemented yet)
95 cc40185c Iustin Pop
                 deriving (Show, Eq)
96 cc40185c Iustin Pop
97 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Convert a CInt CURLMSG code (as returned by the C library) to a
98 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- 'CurlMsgCode'. When an unknown code is received, the special
99 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- 'CurlMsgUnknown' constructor will be used.
100 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMsgCode :: CInt -> CurlMsgCode
101 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMsgCode (#const CURLMSG_NONE) = CurlMsgNone
102 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMsgCode (#const CURLMSG_DONE) = CurlMsgDone
103 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMsgCode v = CurlMsgUnknown v
104 cc40185c Iustin Pop
105 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Convert a CurlMsgCode to a CInt.
106 cc40185c Iustin Pop
fromMsgCode :: CurlMsgCode -> CInt
107 cc40185c Iustin Pop
fromMsgCode CurlMsgNone = (#const CURLMSG_NONE)
108 cc40185c Iustin Pop
fromMsgCode CurlMsgDone = (#const CURLMSG_DONE)
109 cc40185c Iustin Pop
fromMsgCode (CurlMsgUnknown v) = v
110 cc40185c Iustin Pop
111 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- | Convert a CInt CURLMcode (as returned by the C library) to a
112 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- 'CurlMCode'. When an unknown code is received, the special
113 cc40185c Iustin Pop
-- 'CurlmUnknown' constructor will be used.
114 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode :: CInt -> CurlMCode
115 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) = CurlmCallMultiPerform
116 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_OK)                 = CurlmOK
117 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_BAD_HANDLE)         = CurlmBadHandle
118 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE)    = CurlmBadEasyHandle
119 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY)      = CurlmOutOfMemory
120 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR)     = CurlmInternalError
121 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_BAD_SOCKET)         = CurlmBadSocket
122 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode (#const CURLM_UNKNOWN_OPTION)     = CurlmUnknownOption
123 cc40185c Iustin Pop
toMCode v = CurlmUnknown v